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How the Banking System Really Works - Joe Rogan

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Title :  How the Banking System Really Works - Joe Rogan
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Comments How the Banking System Really Works - Joe Rogan

His bank Natalie
Comment from : @VeraBulatovic01

“My money is in the bank”brbr1 It’s not yours br2 It’s not in the bankbr3 It’s not money
Comment from : @dawoudhussein9332

I'd like to close my account I know junkies and crackheads who are better with money
Comment from : @raminrouchi202

This is sick lmao how isnt it worldwide drama
Comment from : @rupiik

The balance on your account is just a number, it represents how much the bank owes you
Comment from : @MicahBanks-m4t

All of the money is digital nowadays None of this is a secret either this is how banks operate
Comment from : @sheendean4802

Granted you’d have to go to a really sketchy bank to be denied $2,000, this is how very very basic banking works FYI they will give you large amounts of cash if you call ahead A local branch may only hold 50k in their vault
Comment from : @sheendean4802

So they’re taking your tangible assets they’re taking advantage of your citizenship of currency
Comment from : @RydenLovesJuiceWrld

So when you put £100 into the how come you can spend it If they loaned £90 out Am I just being thick here 😂
Comment from : @Bereal711

So it's a ponzy scheme
Comment from : @Jason-rx4lq

What a doofus A bank is an institution that borrows short and lends long It "borrows" your deposits, but you can withdraw them to pay your bills and even pay off your mortgage A bank lent you the money for that mortgage- that is a long tern loan that you pay back a portion every month It is also a collateralized loan- the bank owns your house until you finish 15, 20, or 30 years of payments that have the interest loaded at the beginning
Comment from : @thestereoclub6735

Comment from : @YahuahBenYahYah

This happened to Northern Rock in the UK
Comment from : @jezhoffman3630

That's how bank works
Comment from : @Watson7899

This is exactly what happens in the movie its a wonderful life Jimmy Stewart's character explains it to the whole town whose trying to pull out all their money
Comment from : @joshuamcfadden427

21 yo and i will never use a bank sorry im awake and fuck the simulation
Comment from : @ChadSterry-rn1bo

I remember the scene in Gangs of London in the merchant bank when the Nigerians came looking for their cash
Comment from : @allisnotwhatitseems

Has this guy neber seen "it's a wonderful life"???
Comment from : @trevorashman2258

There’s more money In a bank than you that’s not counting for to customers So full of shit
Comment from : @Dieselfuel-u4f

Literally the end of it’s a wonderful life
Comment from : @bigtrouty

And the bank charges you fees to use your money what a rip off
Comment from : @deannahoward5529

Why is this guy explaining this like something that could happen, when it already happened in 2008
Comment from : @jamesdebroy344

I have pulled out more than 30k at a time numerous times This is bs
Comment from : @RobEspinoRealEstate

This isn't common knowledge I thought everyone knew this
Comment from : @Agro1994

Banks are so criminal,and the establishment has rigged everything so you have to have a bank account to be able to do basically everything, we're sheep,and it sucks
Comment from : @DaleParslow-i7i

That happened at the beginning of the Great Depression Bank tellers were told to issue small bills to slow down the run of people withdrawing their money
Comment from : @rquinn0111

That's called Fractional Reserve banking It's fuct up and very Jewish
Comment from : @Brunk14

So a run at the bank
Comment from : @rouchebekker7547

That’s why idiots keep there money in banks They forget history Aka the Great Depression,when everyone went to get their money and there was none to give
Comment from : @lurchmccoy

Capitalism works, that's why America is in 35 trillion s in debt
Comment from : @ChillingVeranda

Banks are a huge scam 😂 that's why I don't use one Wanna know how I transfer money from my checking to my savings I switch the pocket the money is in 🤣
Comment from : @BrandonJZ71

Banks must hold assets in the bank required by banking regulations
Comment from : @eddieharper6099

I think we're all insane with financial literacy repeating the same process and excepting the system to work, when repeatedly over time it always collapses
Comment from : @koshiroki5200

Thats not how it works Nowadays banks dont lend cash so there is no need for all those movements They take your 100$ cash and that allows them to lend 1000$ on deposits Even worst, since 2020 there is no need of fractional reserve, they can just lend money they don't have
Comment from : @TheDarkTower91

Wow, you're re-discovering the Keynesian multiplier that the teach in Macro 101 And the FDIC exists for exactly this purpose: because even small runs on the bank would collapse the entire economy
Comment from : @scooobydoo27

Just watch "it's a wonderful life " at Christmas this year George Bailey explains this well!
Comment from : @CaseyHess-st5nd

Wrong brA checking account is also called a "Demand Account" Money must be given on demand brA Savings Account is different Money is NOT available on demand brBank can delay giving it to you brUnless rules have changed
Comment from : @craigkdillon

Wrong brA checking account is also called a "Demand Account" Money must be given on demand brA Savings Account is different Money is NOT available on demand brBank can delay giving it to you brUnless rules have changed
Comment from : @craigkdillon

What he's describing is called Fractional Reserve Lending
Comment from : @BeauMondeGroup

How do we avoid this? brCould I put money in a trust …like, could that work?
Comment from : @WXLFGXNG

48 years old married mother of three and my husband and I own everything we have outright (two vehicles, house,boat, two Harley's)never had a bank account, mortgage,or credit card everOnly thing we have is Venmo because I am a blues musician for extra money and we use it for the rare times we buy parts or something online on marketplacebrWe have our retirement money in gold and other hard assetsWe have our oldest two living with their spouses and our youngest is almost 11 with severe autism She's verbal but we are grateful that we already have everything taken care of if something were to happen to either of us two ❤I worry about my oldest two because they both married into bad credit and the way my husband and I did things aren't acceptable now and when I see clips such as this it may be worrisome for the future generations 😢
Comment from : @TheeLowEndLolita

It's called fractional reserve banking
Comment from : @corymeyer9394

It's worse than it 10 time or more than that
Comment from : @MarkCountryman-n8c

fucking dude reads the creature on jekyl island and makes it his whole personality 😂
Comment from : @BrainRotAntidote

Welcome to 1929
Comment from : @deltablaze77

Its A Wonderful Life
Comment from : @jacobkraus89

Not everyone gets charged interest…not everyone takes out a loan… don’t believe everything u hear u think they can just take money out of ur account
Comment from : @nicholaspalandra2033

Explaining fractional reserve banking and bank runs as if he’s just discovered it🥲
Comment from : @B3D0B0Y11

I went to the bank and asked for £2000, the lady said 'Sorry Sir you've insufficient fund, your balance is £157'
Comment from : @chriswinspear7965

Smartest Libertarian
Comment from : @SourPianet

Fractional reserve banking It's a con And it's collapsing No fiat currency has ever survived and ours won't either We are at the beginning of the end
Comment from : @WilliamFairfield-qq2tq

That's why we have Bitcoin
Comment from : @mastersweeps6958

Why tf does this sound like a version of a pyramid scheme
Comment from : @ChelseaLynnThibodeaux

It's called fractional reserve, conceived in 15th century Italy
Comment from : @brandknewu

Why would anyone take out a loan and bank it? They spend it and that is why it's not in the bank
Comment from : @foxythedirtydog4494

Its a ponzi scheme but backed with tax payers money
Comment from : @ribatheriba

Yes but FDIC insurance and federal reserve bank generally take care of depositors even if they can take their time doing sobrbrSome people use bonds as their bank, others life insurance, others keep money in physical or intellectual assets brbrIf you just do the mattress bank inflation will kill you and it hard to spend Even if say society does collapse the Fiat paper currency isn't worth anything anyway
Comment from : @andrewwood9337

This is why lots of people only use banks for debit and bill pay
Comment from : @p_campbell

That’s incorrect you put in $100 and now they can lend out $100 Look into the fractional reserve percentage; it is no longer ten percent is it zero percent effective March 26, 2020
Comment from : @alishak853

There’s this really cool thing called federal insurance on your bank account
Comment from : @christopherdino3232

Bro just discovered fractional reserve banking 🧐
Comment from : @obits3

That is only applicable to united states banks not rest of the world
Comment from : @srtnew213

Bank runs explained
Comment from : @shadowblade2149

Exaclty why usury was illegal in europe for centuries
Comment from : @codynelson1778

bI love how each generation acts like they and they alone are the first and only people to have discovered fractional banking/b
Comment from : @DivineRedwood

Comment from : @Jafcon69

They'll loan that $90 out 20x IRL It's called "fractional reserve" loans Should be illegal
Comment from : @mattzee6287

Factually incorrect Banks don’t just make money on speculative loan interest They invest in guaranteed returns, like bondsbrThere are financial ratings they must meet, the criteria is based on how much of that money could be paid back if ALL the consumer money is withdrawnbrBanks go under often based on those ratings, but mostly it comes from internal corruption
Comment from : @garyfields6915

Silicon Valley bank
Comment from : @SnowwMaple

Anybody can correct me but im pretty sure that's why Stress Tests are done so that if everyone wants to withdraw their money, a bank is covered
Comment from : @sneakersole2914

And this is why there is why FDIC ensures up to 250000 it’s almost like this happened before and the government made a solution
Comment from : @tompolenski2032

He's explaining exactly what happened during the Great depression and why only a small handful of huge Banks were left standing Everybody panicked tried to pull out all of their money and 95 of banks collapsed Leaving only a few owned by The Rockefellers the Morgans etc
Comment from : @RedBeardReaper

Ive worked for banks there is no money they lend it out at higher rates of interest than you get
Comment from : @bootlebadboy

Banks are a scam! They have our money, AND we had to bail them out from bankruptcy but they still want to charge us to "hold" our money 💩
Comment from : @cleb9353

When you have your money in the bank you only have a claim on that amount and they can make you go through the court system to get your money if they feel like it Bad pr but they can
Comment from : @TheTurinturumbar

This happened in 1929
Comment from : @chefduane3742

Peter Joseph already did this on Zeitgeist
Comment from : @CoMa_84

Sopose it depends on who you are and who you know
Comment from : @ShaneDonovan-s4u

Comment from : @danasillers7196

No, its worse than thatbrIf you put 100 dollars in the bank, they can land out 1000 dollars to the next guybrbrIts called, fractional reserve landingbrbrThey need to have only 10 reserves in the bankbrbrA total scambrBecause the money they land out does not existbrbrAnd the value of that money is stolen from the rest of the money supply
Comment from : @We-Do-NOT-Consent-303

In the words of Bart Simpson, What do you mean the banks out of money
Comment from : @PastTheFuture-xb8so

So it’s a legal Ponzi scheme? Da fuk
Comment from : @kristopherhirabara6167

Fractional lending should be illegal
Comment from : @vannersp

It is the definition of a Ponzi scheme
Comment from : @uncledwight3085

Yes yes we know, money is fake
Comment from : @yodamaster202

Guys just finished watching it’s a wonderful life and thinks he’s discovered something
Comment from : @markmeadmore3154

That's why they hate those who keep their cash stacked
Comment from : @Mikemike-gr6xt

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