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The best travel cards to use overseas: Credit card vs Debit card vs Prepaid vs Smart

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Title :  The best travel cards to use overseas: Credit card vs Debit card vs Prepaid vs Smart
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Frames The best travel cards to use overseas: Credit card vs Debit card vs Prepaid vs Smart

Description The best travel cards to use overseas: Credit card vs Debit card vs Prepaid vs Smart

Comments The best travel cards to use overseas: Credit card vs Debit card vs Prepaid vs Smart

Sorry I'm really confused I wish you make the conclusion and tell us what is the best one
Comment from : @alexwilson7235

Great video, very useful thanks Andy
Comment from : @natefalcon4227

Great thanks please can you do a video on the new debit Mastercards, how they effect us pros and cons If we can pay normal debit bills and credit cards what restrictions these new card cause? Thanks again
Comment from : @WorldRenownedPsychicBearMedium

Any chance on an updated version of this for this year?Thanks
Comment from : @BarryJPage

Should I use monzo card on my travels to Turkey?
Comment from : @KingZee1

7:43 Never say never!
Comment from : @learnsimplemelodies2492

Hi I’m going to Thailand in a few months but I need to know how to change the money in my Monzo account into Thai baht, how do I do that
Comment from : @cheesymarmot9444

Andy, I need your help I’m going to Pakistan and I have a Monzo card If a Loaf of bread costs 239 rupees (£1) and if I pay on my Monzo account, will it only take out 239 rupees (£1)nothing more than that? brbrBecause when I went to Dubai I used my hsbc card and I got charged loads more
Comment from : @AS-ev5lp

Hello l will be going to mauritius On holiday I was wondering on what card I should get so I can spend my money that I currently am living in the UK and have a Visa credit card
Comment from : @MruNando

When paying in a different currency, will you get to decide if you want to pay in GPB or in the local currency of the country you're in?
Comment from : @elliejane4372

Hey Andy, do you know of any prepaid Mastercard's that I can load with any currency?
Comment from : @mikhailmohammed5337

I have seen a lot of this video, and they are greatbrHowever, no one has ever mentioned Metro BAnk product Both credit and debit card are great to spend money and take cash within Europe No fee for both!brI used in the past Barclays rewards to make purchases abroad and is true that there is no fee, however, they add a small loan on top of the purchase since is not a British pounds transaction brSo if you stay in Europe, Metro credit and debit cards are great!
Comment from : @spatolatorefolle1980

I don’t really travel much but I’m going to live abroad for a year in Spain Would you recommend a travel card for being abroad for that amount of time? brAlso, idk if I’ll use it all that much when im back
Comment from : @kyara3069

Trying out the virtual prepaid Mastercard card that comes with the Stocard app at the moment It claims to have no fees when using abroad and uses interbank rate the whole week, no weekend charges If you don't want to go through the hassle of topping it up you can set up auto top-up as well The downside is that it is a virtual card only so can only be used to pay in stores with Apple Pay, will see if that works out once can travel again
Comment from : @driftertravels928

The Halifax Clarity credit card is very good, have added a Starling card too to my travel repertoire hoping to use it Albert Heijn in the Netherlands But they only accepted cash or Maestro debit cards! :(
Comment from : @Will_3rd

Maybe a silly question but with the credit cards can use these cards from within the UK to buy things online like a gift for a friend who lives overseas, from an online shop in the local currency or something cheeky like to buy a flight from a foreign airline in local currency to get a better price?
Comment from : @mattybreeze1422

@Andy, have you heard of Currensea? brbrI've just ordered my card Perhaps you could do a review I plan to travel later in the year, fingers crossed Better rates than some exisiting travel cardsbrbrStrange thing is the card charges you if you use it in the UK It's meant for travel only
Comment from : @sidkings

@10:30 Unfortunately Tandem will be cancelling their "Journey Card" this November I really found it useful for saving on FX fees brI needed a replacement so I tried:-brbrThe Barclays "Reward Card" I was'nt approved!? brThe Santander "All in One Card" I was'nt approved!? brThe Halifax "Clarity Card" was immediately approved They gave me a much higher credit limit too, which I don't actually need, but don't mind brbrGiven my Experian score is 976/999 I was very susrprised the first two did'nt work out The cashback would have been a nice touch as they both offer that, but I guess the Amex Everyday card will cover that brbrSo it appears Halifax are more likely to accept people Just thought I'd share my experiences with Travel Cards
Comment from : @sidkings

Great video andy can I ask if I draw out money in spain do you think I will be charged by the atm holders please and will I be charged extra shopping in aldi lidl consum supermercados Never used a card abroad
Comment from : @stephen6262

absolutely love monzo for europe, i remember leaving the card in the machine in indonesia went missing and able to turn it off instantly Also not getting ripped off on FX and having to carry cash with mastercard is a massive plus Fellow UK channel here - wow you have a lot going on!
Comment from : @fififinance7469

Finally, I found out by I was charged interest on my Clarity CC when used it abroad Thanks, Andy!
Comment from : @BrightMrSide

Obviously we won't be going away right now as much as we normally would (if at all) but it's worth getting a card ready for when you do go!
Comment from : @BeCleverWithYourCash

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