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The myth of input | How NOT to learn a language

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Title :  The myth of input | How NOT to learn a language
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Comments The myth of input | How NOT to learn a language

1:31 First of all He’s a doctor so excuse me who are you?, second its not a myth when you see results when experiments are made and product is earned , “We acquire in one way and only one way, when we get comprehensible input in a low anxiety environment” thats exactly what he said
Comment from : @Hanyongmi-fh3dm

Als jemand, der Deutsch durch Input gelernt hat, sage ich klar und einfach, dass du falsch liegst
Comment from : @pedroph123

I hated learning English in schoolbrI never understood ortography and stuff But when i staretd watching minecraft the English suddenly spawned in my mind in a way that i have 2 separete voices in my head One in my Native language and one in english So yeah Input does work
Comment from : @Opineusz9231

I clicked on this thinking it would be a shitbait video made to grab views Your video completely altered my perspective on this!
Comment from : @MissileGuidance

The reason so many learners believe in comprehensible input is because it works very well
Comment from : @rodblues6832

I think you just dont understand the concept at all
Comment from : @mmtalii

I think your wrong about bilingual students With each generation the ability to express themselves gets weaker, meaning the input is getting less, therefore the output is also getting less
Comment from : @j2shoes288

Interesting theory from a man that speaks English like C3PO Talking robotic s**t mate
Comment from : @carlgardner-lk1xz

I love how everyone in the comments are against him lol
Comment from : @Ma-nm2fl

This is a ridiculous video
Comment from : @EnglishAbsorbed

I combine all things including practice and self expression, making consistent conversation, input, public speaking techniques The best speakers are made not born! Thank you for sharing this, sir
Comment from : @fauzistudentofknowledge

I combine all things including practice and self expression, making consistent conversation, input, public speaking techniques
Comment from : @fauzistudentofknowledge

Input is nothing if you don't have grammar, how could you learn without knowing what and how you're learning?
Comment from : @ditsmynam

One of the most uninformed videos I have ever seen 🤣 you are completely wrong As per sites like dreaming Spanish you can become fluent and speak correctly purely by CI
Comment from : @fiftyshadesmcfc3539

So you are against the input hypothesis because it makes you emotionally upset? Not because its not true brbrAlso comprehensible input being some kind of profit seeking theory is crazy, its the least suitable for making money as it makes teachers and grammar books less important
Comment from : @Morgan-t3o

You have a very good Australian accent What is your native language?
Comment from : @Michael-4

You must have input and output This guy is right, we focus too much on input and not enough on output Speakers speak, readers read, writers write, and listeners listen
Comment from : @NoaNoir

We don't know the language's formal like the sientist Steven krashen so we can't say he's wrong and business makes human nature off the roadlanguage institutespharma companies are the great example brSaying we can learn any language just with listening and understanding the messages destroyes the business castle of those institutes
Comment from : @belakeb9953

Omg what a self righteous bell end 😂 I've never heard someone trying so hard to find idiotic arguments to this point, just appealing to some ridiculous sense of made up morality to "disprove" something that is actually right 😂 mate this is borderline pathetic
Comment from : @Argenswiss

The receptive bilingual example is interesting, all the more because so many of my friends fit into that category brbrHowever, even if their parents speak to them in their foreign language, I suspect most of them don't actually have particularly good comprehension ability If you asked them to watch a show in the foreign language, they would probably only understand a relatively small percentage of the content Even if their parents do speak in the language, since all the content they consume and every other person they interact with use English, their exposure to the foreign language is still pretty limited, even if the input is technically of high quality
Comment from : @cloudybrains

Thank you for calling out CI BS I wasted years with CI Its possibly the worst approach you can take Never again!
Comment from : @twodyport8080

I agree with this guy Understanding a language is totally different from being able to speak it These are just different skills I’ve been watching French series daily for years, had 5 years of French j HS, and travel every year to Francophone countries to visit family members, but I still barely speak French because I never do it Learned English mainly by input though, so it might be different per language But the take away from this guy’s message is don’t just consume language, but produce it if you want to be able to hold a conversation
Comment from : @elonmisc

What is bro yapping about
Comment from : @JapaneseImmersionTube

I totally agree with you Input is important but the input should be for the output not for input itself or just understanding the language
Comment from : @Greatness1-k6

It is not a ''myth''; there is more and more evidence that input is the bread and butter of efficient language learning
Comment from : @japaneselearning3892

Comment from : @tonidanger

I would say that one very important part of language learning for me was speaking as soon as possible Yes input is very important But you literally have to train your tongue
Comment from : @tonidanger

I don't know man I agree with the doctor input is very important
Comment from : @tonidanger

Sorry but input is for me not a believe, it is my way of learning languages It has given me good results
Comment from : @Taichientaoyin

I became fluent in English by just using the internet, watching youtube, etc
Comment from : @jlcarrasco

As someone who is learning Latin through input I can only say thid In 3 months I was reading more than two years of German in college had got me I love this method Of course my interest is mainly in reading but I feel even if I was learning a modern language that realistacly I would only read and watch shows It is not like I will be traveling to any other countries 12:36
Comment from : @Eire-xq9jz

I am Czech and understand Slovak without learning anything at all It's a miiiracle 🤣brNow what do you think do I speak Slovak?
Comment from : @titifatal

😂this guy was comparing a surgery's brain with aquire a new language It s a joke
Comment from : @rodrigomartins6513

I agree totaly, it's necessary several different habilities to speak My level in reading is almost C1, but my speaking is B1 But read a lot is really important
Comment from : @Alefenobrega

I believe there is a middle ground here, we are not talking about
Comment from : @ocanalmenosusado

Thanks understand what you are saying learning a new language
Comment from : @johnsmith-bs7ln

You were so wrong on this, it is embarrassing
Comment from : @Starstreak170

Comprehensible input was the thing that finally helped Polish fall into place for me I was so stuck until I just started listening and listening every day I highly recommend this system
Comment from : @lauraharwood6581

If children are not communicating with their parents in their native language, it may indicate that they are not exposed to it sufficiently at home Factors such as homework, friendships, and media consumption can influence this dynamic Often, families prioritize the language necessary for school and societal interactions, which can lead parents to encourage communication in that language instead
Comment from : @ВиталийКоноплицкий-щ5з

You're the best teacher that I've known here on the YouTube ❤ thank you for all
Comment from : @alanrogerio7140

Bro, i don't know what are your talking about, I'm native Spanish speaker, and since I was a child I adquaire the language cause I played videogames in mi play station and all the videogame available of those years only were in English, I got forced to adquire the language and use it as a tool
Comment from : @patinoespinosagilandreyjes1620

An utter waste of my time 😂
Comment from : @ladybookworms

ive gotta say the way you think is bizarre
Comment from : @james-e9n9s

Your accent is kinda weird 😢
Comment from : @LTQD10

Cash refund on the horizon—stay tuned
Comment from : @Anthony__565q

Let's be real, it's a cash refund notification
Comment from : @Edward-g3Edward___3

Tune into an exclusive interview with Binance's CEO for a sneak peek into future developments
Comment from : @Nancy_k4d

I stop following, I think he was gave shot own in the foot to criticize so aggressively the opinion of a scholar in the field
Comment from : @samllyfonseca

Ahh yes the money hungry big comprehensible input trying to steer you away from the very effective and cheap "traditional" method of language education
Comment from : @yarrowification

But why are my output skills growing up for the last three months more than ever I had progress in this area? I disagree with you, but I respect your opinion and I think that this way is not convenient for every person who learns a foreign language And of course I will do output, when my passive vocabulary to becomes very large, but now when I decide to write to someone or I decide to talk in my study language group every time I see how much my speaking and writing skills increase up in comparison to the last time When I start to speak or write now I produce language chunks of what I heard before Every word that I heard before finds its place in the sentence itself Of course I check my text before to send it, but now when I check It, with deepl excelent helping me in it, I see how much progress I have made The number of mistakes has been greatly reduced over the last few months
Comment from : @imrasterthgen7356

Many got the wrong point out of his video He said that ONLY relying on the input-based method is not enough (you may doubt your comprehensibility), and I think it's truebrbrComprehensible input method is a big part of studying a language, but it's not the whole picturebrbrFor example, my mom is a native Vietnamese speaker living in this country for her entire life Yes she has a beautiful accent in Vietnamese and can speak, "seemingly" fluently and clearly Indeed, she's not Although she can understand texts and television shows in Vietnamese (of course), she struggles to express herself most of the times and is terrible at communicationbrbrYet she thinks she is a good speakerbrbrThe point is, many people think they are good at speaking and writing but actually not, including the natives
Comment from : @phamtrinhbach3844

Although comprehensible input system works, it takes many years before the person starts their first output This method is not suitable for people who migrate to a new country and have to start communicating in the new language quickly, for example, in order to find a job and basically survive brMigrants who start working in the new country very early on are often good speakers after a short while They are fluent and have good knowledge of colloquial language and achieve these things fairly quickly Surprisingly, many can speak about a wide range of things, not just about things relevant to their work brThe comprehensible input theory does not completely explain such people These people are forced to speak because they have to speak at work and they have to speak in order to survive - eg find accommodation, open a bank account, etc brAlso, it is mentally discouraging not opening your mouth for years because you are waiting to acquire language before you attempt to speak Even for language learners who are learning a new language for fun and not for survival, not being able to speak even after one year has passed is a very disheartening experience And when they try and speak, they cannot say even basic things that a young child would be able to say
Comment from : @engespress

Thanks, I agree with you 100 I am fluent in 5 languages (all of them from the different language families) - speaking and writing, all achieved by hard work regardless of the learning method I don't believe in magic!
Comment from : @daiva-c7i

I've lived in Wales with Welsh speakers for 47 years and can't speak a word Lol
Comment from : @almor2445

Dude, were you on drugs when making this video ?brWhy are you talking about some OBSCURE languages that don't have any audio or written resources available ?brThat's why people learn English, to be a part of language ecosystem with plethora of content and resources available
Comment from : @Alec72HD

A lot of nonsense about "receptive bilinguals"brWRITING isn't even an integral part of a language brYou can be a monolingual native speaker who doesn't know how to writebrOr how about when Writing system changes as what happened to Russian language in 1917 or what happened to Moldovan language recently brbrNext,brAbout immigrant children speaking their parents language, ABSOLUTE MAJORITY of them DO speak it Sometimes they sound a little childish even as a grown up, but still like a NATIVE speaker only not fully developedbrbrAnd that's understandable, especially when parents DONT encourage keeping the heritage languagebrbrGo visit immigrant communities and see for yourself
Comment from : @Alec72HD

To be able to at least consume videos in English I studied words and rules at first Input requires effort too, you should understand all this input
Comment from : @fossaflute

Bro i used both methods, by using input method you can not only learn the language better but you get also a better sence of words and you could the emotions of the new words😂
Comment from : @Husseinali-ed9qb

Comment from :

Hi! I'm from Spain My native languages are Spanish and Galician Since a kid I ALWAYS reprobe english Since I left High School the only approximation with the english language was input because because I am lazy, honestly 😂brbrI don't know what do you think about my output, 'cause I don't practice it very much Maybe I am proving the point you expose in the video, but I felt that I need say my opinionbrbrWell, I don't know, babies are at least a year in silence and when they start to talk they become better and better so fastbrbrIn any case, this video gift me some interesting input, so thank you 😅
Comment from : @miguelangelramafernandez5873

I'm using input, and it is working It takes time, and it is frustrating in the beginning, but it is working I know 2 people who are bilingual because they grew up in bilingual households They only had input from their parents as they grew up Just because it doesn't work for you means nothing other than it doesn't work for you
Comment from : @gfarley

No, no one said input is the only way to learn a language, and there's a not a million ways to learn a language, but that's hard to explain to an ape
Comment from : @alvodin6197

Really sad to me
Comment from : @metcat4788

If you want to know that imput works, go ask those born blind or dump people who can speak
Comment from : @shedrackjassen913

It's understandable why dude is against the language acquisition You can't sell this method and he is a teacher That's his business But I put works fine And there are lots of examples
Comment from : @sergioberluskoni7607

I always take everything with a pinch of salt With the input hypothesis was not different I think the missing point is, the input hypothesis is just part of the process I always think about those adults who live abroad for years and don't speak the language of the country So, input is amazing, I have my own teaching program based on that, but yes, input alone don't anyone very far I read proponents of this method in the comments below, I am sure that those people practiced a lot of output along with input without even noticing Thanks for the amazing video
Comment from : @outcome476

Sorry, I had to play your video on 2x speed just to get through it brMy wife learned English by listening to American Music and watching American TV and Movies She took no courses and didn’t study brWhen she and her kids came to the US the kids didn’t speak any English Within one year, they were nearly fluent with listening and speaking (for their ages) but couldn’t read or write They absorbed the language And now, 4 years later, they speak fluently in English and their native language That’s all I have to say
Comment from : @ErroneousMonk1

Great video Intuitively agreed but didn't have it well articulated until I saw this video
Comment from : @vanjajaja1

The 'input' guru's also talk much about READING as an input, but you only get the ability to read by studying and practice
Comment from : @ArchimedeanEye

Oh snap! I've always thought about immigrant children who can't speak their parents language well as being a problem for this hypothesis
Comment from : @LearnEnglishwithNetflix

This guy, how many languages does he speak? Seems like he only speaks English and bozo the clown
Comment from : @Cunningstunts23

2:22 There is one little problem with this gentleman's bold statementbrEvery single human who has ever existed and exists today has learned their own native language (at least the early stages) via comprehensible inputbrbrno young child learns their language by using anki or memorizing verb conjugation tablesbrYes, absolutely once children enter schoolthey are taught proper ways of saying things but I would argue that their time would be far better spent reading things which have been written using proper grammar and sentence structures and listening to people who are speaking using proper grammar and sentence structuresbrbrWithout knowing what nouns and verbs are or what a past participle iswithout ever having heard these terms, they can gain a high level of skill in their native language and know when something "just sounds right" without having learned a single rulebrbrTo suggest that the way that we know, for a fact, that every human has initially learned their own language is wrong well, I'll leave it to you to decide what you think about that
Comment from : @chandie5298

You are comparing something that cannot be compared Surgery is practice and knowledge from a completely different area, how can they be compared with learning a language?brI think you have distorted the essence of the method too much brThis is the first time I’ve heard that you don’t need to speak or write in the language you’re learning
Comment from : @Dmitry3399

I'm now using this videos for my english comprehensible input session, check mate
Comment from : @alexzhukovsky8361

Only i have one thing that i can't understand Why are these types of your videos has low view counters? Because every word that comes out your mounth are gold Big thank you for your all your hard work and making these videos
Comment from : @youtubeextsol7964

I subscribed to your channel last week After watching (part of) this video, I'm going to unsubscribe right now
Comment from : @felipebraganetto9100

The comments are so good that, honestly, I didn't bother to watch the video
Comment from : @davidsummers4287

You can’t physically output if you have no input, this argument is stupid
Comment from : @imSUPERcereal0

'You get good at what you practice' What a great sentence today, I will remember it all of my language learning journey Thank you
Comment from : @samnguyen-nhp

I had to stop after 4 minutes - what a load of B@:Ks!!
Comment from : @EnglishwithJoe

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