Title | : | watch this before going to art school |
Lasting | : | 15.53 |
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Views | : | 180 rb |
That one Austrian stutend watching this after he got refused Comment from : @Birchwood_log |
👨🎨 Comment from : @Matyasparoulek12 |
I CANT have bad posture cuz of violin Comment from : @Sparklemuffinspider |
As a high school freshman (who overthinks way too much) this was super helpful!!!! I’m so excited to be an artist and to turn my passion into something to live off of 🥲👌🙂↕️💀br(In all reality I love art and I’m ready to commit to what I love Comment from : @CrowsAreCool-k7v |
They said nobrNote: I'm Austrian Comment from : @Birchwood_log |
bro failed art school Comment from : @21schizoidman43 |
I expected this comment section to be different Comment from : @Spidergod1128-fd9dc |
Yk getting through even the easy part is so diffucult boi i dont w a n t to lose my creative flavor cuz of school ughhh😢 Comment from : @laffjon |
My school (VCUArts) just straight up lied about everything regarding art school, including claiming average incomes way higher than reality, scholarship availability, etc They gave more scholarships to able-bodied students because the attendance policy was so brutal you'd get your grade dinged for attendance that wouldn't ding you in any other major I wasn't prepared at all coming out of school, and my school actively spat in my face when I was like "hey help I'm drowing", and I went into a more design-focused major brbrAt VCU, we had those horrible stools as well, and it was murder on my joints No other options for students facing any sort of disability either The school was actually quite proud of the fact that many of the buildings were grandfathered into not meeting ADA requirements brbrI wouldn't say that we had the best resources access, because they had stuff like a wood shop and 3d printing in art foundation, but you'd lose access to them in your second year if you weren't in craft and material studies VCU's animation department is still using 2015 iMacs Comment from : @AlexMint |
Im currently a junior in high school and ive loved art all my life and really want to persue it thus im considering going to an art school and this video really helped with my decision Thank you! Comment from : @ArtsyDiaries07 |
I DONT KNOW IF I WANNA DO DESIGN OR GRAFIC( fine ar) I do want to learn how to animate or makedigital art better but i also just want to paint and make fancy and weird artttt:(())( Comment from : @AiDidntburnanything |
Always remember that art school is for (smart entertainers)!!! Not only are they intelligent, they excel in other classes such as (math, english, and history) They also study historical figures such as: (hercules), (leonardo da vinci), and (mona lisa) Painting takes time and you have to study Grades are always important!!! reply Comment from : @dandrespruill1165 |
I'm 20 yr boy that wants to go to art school but how down bad life and expensive everything and no support from anyone i have literally no chance at all I'm still not giving up but what should i do for someone in this position Comment from : @dominikamimari427 |
A fine arts degree should only be allowed for people getting their masters A fine arts degree is “almost” worthless to a 22 year old who is still learning their style 22 year old fine arts majors are often the worst demographic personality wise but they make great baristas Study design in undergrad and learn the fine arts after gig once you have a steady job in a creative field Comment from : @AbandonedMonolith |
I went to art school for 3 years and I'm now going to college, and the thing he said about losing your creativity and sense of self because of grades is 100 true, unfortunately We get so caught up trying to please the teachers and meeting their expectations that, I personally, lost complete interest in drawing at all But! Its not permanent As soon as I graduated I started drawing again for myself, spent the summer working on little projects that made Me happy and it was amazing So stay positive🤞🏻 Comment from : @1nes_martins900 |
15 dollars for a sheet of paper for an exploring student rather sad Comment from : @nancywysemen7196 |
This video was actually so thorough and insightful thank you Comment from : @alstroemeriamorada |
I would like to point that not all of this applies to every art school I'm in school in france, and we have 4h a week of business and marketing, and we have connections with companies that help us get jobs It really boils down to your program and your professors rather than the field itself Comment from : @-suguru- |
Bro seems kinda Zesty Comment from : @disorient0871 |
Frankly I'm surprised people even want to be fine artists anymore Comment from : @dustyrustymusty3577 |
i cannot watch this guy jesus christ Comment from : @anothergymkid9242 |
Imagine, if you get rejected by your art college 💀 Comment from : @NoobGuest-kh8sm |
So glad I didn’t major in art That was something was advised in high school lol Comment from : @tmann986 |
all it takes is for you to gwt rejected and wait Comment from : @ibecrazyfr |
he is super gay Comment from : @egg-13421 |
a parte "se prepara para ter problemas na coluna (nas costas), isso é literalmente o maior problema que um artista tem Comment from : @pretzel8 |
I want to become an actor, Can I learn acting from the College of Arts?:) Comment from : @shiningstar4232 |
Funny I clicked on your video expecting art knowledge but what you shared about second guessing self because of what others are doing goes beyond the art conversation also life you know thank goodness I watched your video Comment from : @thembelihlemasina3018 |
Some people say they made girls cry and they made the boys in to dictators Comment from : @veegeejay1674 |
Your art is attractive and insightful Gifted artist Comment from : @RoopaDudleyPaintings |
You’d have a heart attack if you had to buy art supplies in Australia, the standard price of one sheet of Arches 100 cotton, 300gsm watercolour paper is $27 a sheet!!! A tube of Daniel Smith watercolours, 15ml is around $30 depending on the series… Comment from : @frenchgrama |
Im an abstract architect artist 😊😊 Comment from : @josejimenaz |
hi! i just found ur page and love ur vid - wanna get into something similar, was just wondering what camera you use - do you recommend a actual mirrorless camera or should i upgrade my iphone instead :)) thanks! Comment from : @laurajill9416 |
I’m planning to try and get a scholarship, I’ve had good grades my whole life but I’m still in middle school I hope this plan reaches out to collage But the fact of the matter is that you’re one of the only people that actually has showed both pros and cons and the things that come with it The finance, the way it messes up your posture (Mines already is terrible but😂) the fact that it’s lonely at times, but the pros are Absolutely amazing, the diversity, the amazing people that come with it The resources you get, (arts and educational), I watched this video and think I still might have a shot! brbrBut more things is that you should definitely keep good relationships with everyone in that class The art (Especially animators) community is so small You’re probably going to work with them AND POST THAT SHIT! How are you meant to get called too if your keeping your art to yourself?? Comment from : @S0VRBUGZ |
another pro: the chance that your professor is gerard way might be low, but never zero Comment from : @literalclxwn |
Artists school is the most eligible joy to join Comment from : @静鸣-w7r |
i didn't know i'm watching a bretman rock video Comment from : @bananaketchup090 |
I agree You are super accurate I hope this video impact Millions Comment from : @loanicastillo3327 |
What school art 🎨? Comment from : @melizaerana9323 |
Thank you so much for making this video Im currently applying for art school, and thanks to this video I am now considering entering into the world of politics Incase i got rejected Comment from : @princelupingamer9395 |
Thanks for this video! I'm heading intomyjunior year and I've been wanting to start my portfolio this really helped me!!! Comment from : @Elantic_Romance |
Im German, Tutorial not work properly, im now in an Munich Pub talking about some Jewish People Comment from : @PomitusTV |
Also, make sure you aren't Austrian or German This is really important Comment from : @ScriptorMan |
THE STOOLS ARE KILLING ME Comment from : @kristianaia |
this is hilarious, I've done 20 years of real life, and now back at uni and art school as a mature age student because the corporate world nearly killed me, first two years are great, but i dislike making art from trashthere's a lot of this, and political art, you're really there for the journey not the outcome, I was bullied by some tutors who just try to squash you, all of the good teachers have retired now I think, from the past generation, and most people tend to keep to themselves Comment from : @rwaterssydney |
I went to art school myself and damn you're spilling facts I really loved it but it's not worth it :) I lost creativity too but I'm on my way to find it againbrLove your content! x Comment from : @consutopia |
Tf art school is 34eur a month in estonia?? Comment from : @Keberal_kano |
I am a painter from Austria and I watched your vdieo thanks for your information Comment from : @rome316ae3 |
Around 6:20, you mentioned gravitating towards art avenue that has gained followers & fame for that artist Students need to ask themselves, is it the fame/celebrity/influencer status their chasing OR the actual artwork itself It’s ok if it’s both or strictly for the fame The more honest the student is regarding their motive, the less confusing it is Comment from : @mojavih3027 |
Art school does improve you a lot Art schools don't care how good you draw or paint but how you work on your art and perceive it And most importantly they have to be interesting and original Comment from : @Lunaholic94 |
I got rejected from the art school now I'm so angry I'm going to invade Poland Comment from : @iminsideyourwalls9432 |
I failed art school and did you know what I did next? Comment from : @AvantTune |
Just remember if you fail art school you can always become a politician in Germany or Austria! Comment from : @LightingBoy_ |
state-supported schools are a great way to go for most if not all "careers" And, you will get the same if not better instruction and equipment And, if you have been to most state or private art schools, many of your fellow students don't listen to a word the teacher says Art History is a great nap time Figure drawing, basic painting or 3d is a great time to skip class and enjoy the beautiful weather Especially on a warm sunny spring day A nap in the grass After your first year in art school you will probably understand a lot more about yourself Especially if you are away from home brbrMissing your HS buddies, Friday Sat, Wedn, and Thursday are get-drunk days, if you're smarter than your instructors or if you say I don't need to paint because I'm going to be a fashion designer Stop brbrMaybe art school is a different type of education I think you need a certain type of mind with a certain need Who knows why it happens or doesn't Most art is tactile, mind-opening or closing, daydream positive And, you should love being alone talking to yourself For me, art school was a perfect match my hillbilly mind became a knowledge-seeking hillbilly mind It's a wonderful life Comment from : @ronjohnson4566 |
At this point, I already got some shit to deal with so might as well suffer cuz WOO!! Comment from : @CrispNuggs |
it's too late now I graduated Comment from : @IsopropylDisinfectant |
As someone wanting to become a graphic designer, I'm completely torn between going to a university that specializes in art, or going to a regular college that just so happens to have a graphic design program I'm torn between giving myself a credible background for job applications by going to an art school, or having the regular college experience and it's all something that's been eating away at me for a while Comment from : @CookiehsAndDreams |
I want to get my PhD in graphic design to teach… is that worth it? Comment from : @eyeonwatercolorig7083 |
me going to a tattoo art school lol Comment from : @International愚民のDIAURA |
It was so helpful, unfortunately I'm graduating in 1 year🙂😩 Comment from : @amnazain9587 |
i already go to art school for 10 years Comment from : @kathexina |
I’m a fine arts student as well, I SCREAMED at the uncomfortable chairs Why does every art studio have those? brbrI swear I just stand all day 😂😂 Comment from : @arstyashley |
If I failed art school, y'all know what will happen one day Comment from : @noobsaibot192 |
No fr tho, why are the stools at every art school the most uncomfortable You’d think cause design shit and stuff the stools would be better Comment from : @annabelleblack5202 |
I already spend money every month on art lol I’m not taking art idk why I’m watching Comment from : @itshippolover2xd808 |
I appreciate this video My son is 14 and he’s a phenomenal artist He’s auditioning for a prestigious visual arts school this week I’m so nervous because he hasn’t had training, so I hope they appreciate his raw talent Fingers crossed 🤞🏼 Comment from : @imaniabdul-rahman9659 |
I heard the chairs get comfortable as you become an upperclassman Comment from : @R0ttingBarbi3D0ll |
me: a third year biology major watching Comment from : @charlieodea |
I really appreciate you sharing your opinions on this topic as I’ll be going into college soon and have been doing so much research cause I’m so nervous 😅brArt school has always been a plan for me but I always hear very contradicting things from various people, and not having solid facts is so scary to me Your views alone have definitely helped my thoughts for my own future and I want to thank you I wish the best for your future ❤ Comment from : @kattsa_ki |
Yo Art stores be ripping us off, I started buying wood panels to paint on at Home Depot and having them cut, saved me so much money Comment from : @carolinesky9608 |
Me, not even close to art school: yes, I agree Comment from : @calciumis |
Thank you I'm planning on going to art school next year, and i needed to have someone's perspective on it Comment from : @mymanjohan5101 |
Oooh the tea is piping hot! 💗 Comment from : @mxpujasingh |
Thanks for the video I'll be starting to go in to an art school next year in Lithuania, Vilnius city so this information is quite usefull And what about your art I realy like it It's truely interesting and unique, well of course there still is some things I would do difirently But all your ideas are so nice I gues you are my new idol xd And sory if my english is not very good I'm still learning ;) Comment from : @alijajuk4777 |
me: bplanning on going into law/bbryoutube: do you wanna watch a video about going to art school?brme: YES I wanna watch a video about going to art school! Comment from : @teonasbrk |
I am doing self study on illustration I want to make a manga one day I started the beginning of 2023 I bought all the books and courses I think I need And I am now doing research on what I think might help me in the future, like marketing I will give myself 1 year and see how far I get Comment from : @msspynoodle6505 |
Im from the Philippines, and hopefully will attend an art/animation school in australia this year I am scared and nervous because my art skills as of now are still subpar, but I do have hope in the future that I will surely get better and be able to express myself in my own way! You seem very energetic and fun to be with I hope I get to meet people like you in the future! Comment from : @a-edits4172 |
“Watch this before going to art school”brMe, about to enter my final semester of art school: oops Comment from : @math1937 |
Thank you so much for this video now I will like really prepare myself for art school and if I even want to go there Comment from : @liv9413 |
Thanks for the pros and cons! I almost went to an art college, I REALLY wanted to go to RCAD for game art, but I realized at the end of the day not going into debt was my best choice so I'm just chilling in my last semester of community college before I transfer to UCF for game design brbrOne thing I have noticed is that even at community college- professors are passionate about their field! That's why they're professors! Whether it's art or painting, most of my teachers just want people to learn what they love I figure an art school has more competent art professors ofc, but I haven't gone to one to know lmao Comment from : @doukzu |
I dropped out off artschool last year ,all of my other artfriends are selfthuaght ,working and on almost the same skill level like me ,and till this day my parents cant come up with a reason for me to return other than for the diploma Comment from : @Mclovinsnutt123 |
crossing yourself before doing any graphic print is so real- Comment from : @dollyrex |
The chair thing is true 😓 Comment from : @gloriadiaz5752 |
I basically had the absolute same experience, but in high school (art student) and I can confirm and relate so much, I came here for the nostalgia since I've started college now as a design student I literally have a male friend who behaves and speaks exactly the same way, it's uncanny 😆😆Oh I miss that environment and those people now <3 loved your video Comment from : @danielapetkova3941 |
boy am i lucky with my art school Comment from : @celinameelker1631 |
Too late Comment from : @gab0nk |
I think this important to hearbrArt was my passion, but I’m currently a senior at my state university and we’ll be graduating with a fine arts degree I realized I’m not that good and won’t find a job in art But guess what it is not a waste You can turn your bachelors degree to anything I plan on getting my masters in social work and becoming an arts therapist It’s possible to bachelor in art and being successful differently Many jobs just require a bachelors in something to get a job As I haven’t realization that art wasn’t for me anymore I panicked But there is always a solution Comment from : @alainalovepink |
As someone going to art school for 4 years now (4 out of 6 years) I'm glad that i've chosen animation major Not only you can find interesting people but you can find a job during studying Some studios open call for people from animation schools for work on different projects As for fine arts i was always interested in what they were doing after school Some people became art teachers in schools or universities others started making their own brand and exibited at local art galleries Comment from : @lookr8713 |
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