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Tamil Nadu CM Stalin promises $1 million prize for decoding Indus Valley script #mkstalin

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Information Tamil Nadu CM Stalin promises $1 million prize for decoding Indus Valley script #mkstalin

Title :  Tamil Nadu CM Stalin promises $1 million prize for decoding Indus Valley script #mkstalin
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Frames Tamil Nadu CM Stalin promises $1 million prize for decoding Indus Valley script #mkstalin

Description Tamil Nadu CM Stalin promises $1 million prize for decoding Indus Valley script #mkstalin

Comments Tamil Nadu CM Stalin promises $1 million prize for decoding Indus Valley script #mkstalin

Comment from : @HarappanEnigma2024

Comment from : @HarappanEnigma2024

Comment from : @HarappanEnigma2024

Comment from : @HarappanEnigma2024

சமஸ்கிருதம் பழமையான மொழி என்பதில் எந்த ஆட்சேபனையும் இல்லை அவள் யார் என்பதை அவள் அறியும் வகையில், இந்த ஸ்கிரிப்டை டிகோட் செய்ய மட்டுமே திமுக விரும்புகிறது
Comment from : @VinaypratapSingh-z7f

All same One Bharata
Comment from : @ambikadash7236

It shows that they were not the drawidians they were invades from the north came here destroyed the trables and native of the south indian and now dare to call them selves Dravidian you thamil invaders leave the south and go live there in the pakistan and sind reagion
Comment from : @heroshe7786

Waw they are really getting good funding from the west Now they want new nation😂😂
Comment from : @heroshe7786

Tamil should be the national language of India only Tamil should be allowed in Indian parliament
Comment from : @gutsy3597

Who cares
Comment from : @hawle373

This is no5 tamil it is proto Sanskrit language ur wrong 😑 Harappan were fish eating Brahmins they were my ancestors My dna says so
Comment from : @mikedesi5513

No way Tamil is just 2500 years old
Comment from : @Smile-x5n

Dravidians ❤❤❤❤
Comment from : @dinakaran4863

Tamizh 🐅🚩
Comment from : @Livingin7thloka

Tamil ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Comment from : @sanjithponniaha5941

Tamil nadu chifminster stalin playing drama with Hindus dmk destroying Hinduism
Comment from : @AmbSanma

Tamil culture zero Hindus culture Hindus temples maharaja fake dravidan kuttam destroying tamils
Comment from : @AmbSanma

Iron age of Tamil Nadu date back to 4th millennium BCE,some northies cant digest the fact😂
Comment from : @elangiyanjb5203

indus valley is a true Tamil people s culture only but the Ariyan people s could not accept this message because they are coming from out of India 3 people s
Comment from : @rselvamrselvam9415

Indus script is already deciphered by Bharat Rao The words in Indus Script are SANSKRIT I am sure a DK-head like Stalin (follower of Ramasamy Naikar) many not be happy with his findings
Comment from : @bcvan9999

the secrets of the Indus Valley script can be found in Vana Parva of the Mahabharata I advise the scholars to look deeper the answers are right in front of our noses
Comment from : @areascoda2912

It is vital People particpiate in this effort Because for some time there has been an agenda from Northern India to fabricate new stories and theories about Indus Valley Script Reuters reports that this started in 2015 with a clear directive from Govt of India (BJP) to distort the history and find (or cook up) evidence to prove that everything including Indus Valley Language is related to Sanskrit brWe have to solidly stand with Chief Minister Stalin and DMK - because though it is history and archeology issue under the current cicrcustances without a political movement behind it our efforts will be futile So all wake up!
Comment from : @Keralaforum

Tamil language is given by Lord Shiva to Maha Muni Agastya Rishi and this tamil language is also the language of Gods which is given by God father Shiva to Agastya to people
Comment from : @Sithnagarajan

This is gondi language
Comment from : @baratitekam8065

Total hindusthaan tamil civilsation once upon a time
Comment from : @mohamedfaizal4366

अल–कुरानbrसूरा नं 25 - आयत नं 38,39,40brअनुवाद:brऔर (हमने आद और समूद की क़ौम और रस्स (कूवे का सहर) की क़ौम को भी मिटा दिया, और उनके बीच की कई नस्लों को भी।brbrहमने उनमें से प्रत्येक को उदाहरण दिये, और उनमें से प्रत्येक को हमने विनाश की स्थिति में पहुंचा दिया।brbrवास्तव में वे उस शहर से गुज़रे हैं जो उस पर बरसी बुरी बारिश से पीड़ित था। तो, क्या वे इसे नहीं देख रहे थे? बल्कि, वे पुनरुत्थान पर विश्वास नहीं करते।
Comment from : @mapworldvisit5945

Already deciphered by cryptologist Yajnadevam 2:years ago, base language is Sanskrit
Comment from : @IzodLacoste

If u want to crack it the only language in unvires it can be done by Tamil da brainless north indian won't accept the truth
Comment from : @Pacha_Elai_BOYS

Because like u idiot who can't digest the native people title goes to tamil people u feel like shit right so that u cant crack it
Comment from : @Pacha_Elai_BOYS

Indian history must be re-written from Tamilnadu
Comment from : @thodarundhupayanam5423

Really stalin is a hero, when all the CMs and PMs from independence Day of the country have chosen not to speak about Indus valley script
Comment from : @ravikanthyella9361

Why people say it is diversion to loot tax payers money
Comment from : @Jurgon-e8r

Comment from : @SaqibgulSaand

Tamil தமிழ் ❤हम सभी को इस बात पर गर्व होना चाहिए कि तमिल भाषा हमारे देश की सबसे पुरानी भाषा सबसे पुरानी भाषा साहित्य कला और संस्कृति इतिहास समाज विज्ञान है।
Comment from : @Selvantn72

Guys who passed out of CBSE reading NCERT Books were unfortunately misguided youths😢brThey have to come out of the shell being loyal to their mother tongue is different Speaking with beta analysis carbon dating is different brKeezhadi, Kondhagai are just a tip of the icebergbrYou can keep weilding the sword until the protection of DelhibrIf unbiased governance happens in Delhi in the future Truth will Triump
Comment from : @dhanaagilan9908

Its already done Give it to yagnadevam alias Bharath Rao!
Comment from : @subramanyam2699

Past 3000 years Brahimins manupulate religion , language and culture of Indian If it not the thruth will be exposed which is they are aliens to Hindu religion and Indian origin
Comment from : @Anatha-q

Dravidian Architecture ❌brTamil Architecture ✔️
Comment from : @krithickdev9862

Tamils have lot of sailors and forign trade history Ariyans doesn't have such history,Even Rama cannot reach Srilanka with out the help of Vanara
Comment from : @knadalvarprabakaran8069

Gondwana is Crores of years before even Hominids came in and it was coined by Geologists over a century ago Nothing to do with human migration
Comment from : @manueljoseph5348

Tamil is the real language of india
Comment from : @MayuranM-r9u

Yajnadevam solved it
Comment from : @rounaqjavyrana

Gondi language to indus valley
Comment from : @Vallu-m3j

I dont know what happened to tamil nadu and tamil guys but whatever they are spewing in these comments makes me worried
Comment from : @jinxed4lyf763

bதமிழ்/b என்பது இந்திய அரசால் அறிவிக்கப்பட்ட முதல் செம்மொழியாகும் bUNO/b தமிழை பாரம்பரிய மொழியாக அறிவித்துள்ளது தமிழ் பழமையான மொழிகளில் ஒன்று
Comment from : @rathanapparathanappa5077

bतमिल/b भारत सरकार द्वारा घोषित पहली शास्त्रीय भाषा है। bसंयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ/b ने तमिल को विरासत भाषा घोषित किया है। तमिल सबसे पुरानी भाषाओं में से एक है।
Comment from : @rathanapparathanappa5077

bTAMIL/b is a 1st classical language declared by government of INDIA The bUNO/b has announced TAMIL as the heritage language TAMIL is one of the oldest languages
Comment from : @rathanapparathanappa5077

Indus valley civilization is Tamil CivilizationbrbrThe subcontinent called before is 'Navalantheevu'
Comment from : @henrysimonh

India is nothing but the Tamils Theare the real ancestors of India
Comment from : @jaikarthik4519

What does the so called Stalin know about Indus Valley civilisation? Is he an expert on history? What is his level of knowledge on Indian history let alone world history? 😤🤔
Comment from : @krk7328

Rubbish, Indus Valley civilisation has got nothing to do with Tamils and Tamil culture Get your facts right 😤🤔
Comment from : @krk7328

Cry more bramins😂
Comment from : @rayhaanlb4267

$ 1 million to prove 60 of Indians are outsidersbrbrNice politics ❤
Comment from : @utkarshmishra4433

They mean tamil brahmin civilization😂
Comment from : @Movieplaytoon306

Sindu s in Tamil Thamilan colsralral civilization moganjathora and Harappan
Comment from : @GousAhamed

He doesn't know how much 1 million dollars into INR
Comment from : @sharjahsathriyan658

Read the book "JOURNEY OF A CIVILIZATION" by R Balakrishnan, Retd IAS You should have called a Tamil Scholar to be the panelist
Comment from : @deenadhayalan3222

Tamil is the mother of other languages and the first language on earth Sanskrit is the death language Tamil ❤❤
Comment from : @kavyashni256

Wrong info on only 2 language have joint letters tamil has joint letters thunai kaal
Comment from : @ashokdistribution2534

Sanskrit is very new language Tamil is old by proof!
Comment from : @VilasVK-i3j

BJP government at the center has taken excetionally many number of sites in UP for excavation to establish brahminical sanskrit superiority over other cultures and languages brbrSanskrit has been earmarked disproportionately huge funds for such purposes, though it is the mother tongue of only a few thousand people It is not even a state language in any state brbrFunds allocation for it is way ahead of other languages and cultures Tamil is one of the oldest cultures and languages globally It is denied funds and only a pittance of funds, allocatedbrbrBesides, it has been denying funds for others notably for tamil and dravidian cultures The recent example is Keezhadi near Madurai When the center denied funds abruptly, the state had to take its role to complete the excavation brbrThe official in charge of Keezhadi excavation was highly successful His persistance in digging out finds to advance the historicity of tamil and it's culture by several hundred years olderbrbrHe was punished for that " crime" and transferred to Assam in the name of " routine" transfer when his retirement period was very much nearing Such is the step motherly treatment TN and its people have to put up with from BJP government
Comment from : @marimuthuas4165

Please use AI tech to decipher it
Comment from : @gangadharr3524

Tamil is really Beautiful language ❤
Comment from : @stenetroch93

()()(😢😢😢😮😅😊)Sea 🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢⛵⛵⛵ sun 🌅|---|🌞🌞🌞
Comment from : @SankarayananSankar

Ter s only one culture tats te bharat culture tamil s a subset of it
Comment from : @gowthamraj9225

Tamilians have a sickness to rewrite history to assert Tamil racial supremacy just like what LTTE did Sadly North Indian or central politicians furthers tamilian abusive nature by giving undue recognition to Tamil frm classical language status, to saying that its ancient langauge which furthers Tamil racism and their linguistic n culture abusive nature brbrTamilains have no problem with working outside and they preserve their language and culture while others cant do that They abuse Hindi speakers while demanding respect for their language through un-ethnical means They abuse each and every good nature of host while never allow others to prosper in their TN eg Tamilains can stay in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore etc etc while never allow other languages to prosper or other races especially non tamilains and hindi belt people can never prosper They even use their women to unleash on North Indian men to dehumanize them n show themselves as victims brbrNow there is no Hindi impostion while there is a Tamil, Kanada, Malayalam imposition on hindi speakers under the garb of Victimhood No one talks about Tamilians and south Indians being harassed to speak Hindi in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida etc etc while in south Indian states and especially in Tamil nadu its an issue brbrIf Tamil orginated frm IVC than how can there be a Tamil civilization and how can it be independent language? Tamil identity started with only bronze age as a Tamil empire Now Tamilain racial supremacist changed the narrative to Tamil being independent, Tamilains pre dating IVC so that their racial supremacy could be asserted brbrNorth Indians need to behave like them instead of being inclusive and call their bluff Central politician should stop fueling their hysteria Thanks to them they even encouraged Bengalis, NE people to join the hate crimes to absue North's good will and target them crafted a mob brbrSouth Indians and Tamilians are very abusive n racist people They also restore to blackmail since there is much to gain compared to what they have to loose Their society is sick to such an extent that their society will start abusing any North Indian men who stands against their abuses I have faced abuses frm racial abuses of Tamilains, Mallus, Bengalis who stay in cities like Noida, Gurgoan, Delhi etc etc while one never hears in these north Indian states non hindi speakers are abused, forced to speak Hindi, or beaten up like what is the norm in south Indian states They are so shameless that they dont even shy away frm using their women folks for their racial agenda as well brbrShame on North for taking so much abuses South Indians have done everything to absue North and made merry at the cost of North while preaching non sense North needs to wake and call spade a spade and with south Indians be like them
Comment from : @rahulshine3317

கொடாதவன் செனை ஆட்டைக் காட்டினானாம் என்பது பழமொழி பரிசுத்தொகையைத் திருவிளையாடல் புகழ் தருமி தான் தட்டிக் கொண்டு போவான்
Comment from : @ramaswamyhariharan2563

Why politics over this? brWhat if research is done?br What if there is a link with Tamizh?br Why are some people so worried?
Comment from : @vijayn7200

Old is Gold Tamil ❤🇮🇳🌎🇮🇳❤
Comment from : @selvinjesudas3286

Can't understand Godi Media, few months back they were claiming Indus Script is deciphered, now they are crying that it cannot be deciphered The cultural symbols are way too much to ignore between IVC and Tamil Civilization
Comment from : @aravindakumar4116

will he still reward if its comes out to be sanskrit , as swastika is also there in IVC Script
Comment from : @abhishektiwari-tg4vx

its like a joke stalin and dmk is trying to do 😀 these fools just dont understand that U in ivc and U in ancient tamil and U in arabian , have different meanings , and indus valley in complete north , and tamil in isolation in far south is similar 😀😀😀😀
Comment from : @abhishektiwari-tg4vx

TN Cm stalin Super 💙🔴🔵👌🏽💙🔴💚🔴❗🔴
Comment from : @Rkpondy

I salute MrStalin for the great effort for the Thamizh language Dravidian is misspelled but it is the Thamizh and senthamizh and mootha thamizh
Comment from : @annamary4330

It is the Thamizh language is the oldest than any other language You do the right research we dont want to hear any lies hereafter Truth is truth and we cannot manipulate it
Comment from : @annamary4330

Bribing for a fake science from tax payers money for Tamil Pride!
Comment from : @pmm7268

Hey tamilians get your city and civilization back from pakistan because in todays time mohendo jaro and harrapan civilization is in pakistan
Comment from : @sujitranjandas4896

Comment from : @KannanR-pt2vs

The peosperous IVC was consistantly raded by horse riding War Bands from the Caspian Pontiac Steppe post 2200bc, conpelling the IVC to abandon their many Cities and migrate to safer regions
Comment from : @Lllllvireviii

சிலருடைய விசம் நிறைந்த எண்ணங்களுக்கு ஒரு உதாரணம் brதஞ்சை பெரிய கோயிலில் தமிழ் கல்வெட்டுக்களை அகற்றிவிட்டு ஹிந்தி கல்வெட்டுக்களைப் பதித்ததுbrbrOne Example for some peoples poisonous mind is Recently they removed the tamil stone inscription in Tanjore big temple and replaced it with hindi/ sanskrit stone inscriptionsto claim after 100 years that, big temple is sanskritic/ vedic structure, knowledge etc,, brbrThey are tireless, poisonous, cunning rascals Tireless for centuries But in this modern age it will not work out
Comment from : @jeevanullakal9075

Tamil is the original language of Dravidian and all other south indian languages are formed with mixing with Sanskrit Dravidian are the own race of India and Araiyans are came from other part of world and occupied the north India
Comment from : @parthibanramanathan8230

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