Title | : | The ULTIMATE Thrift Store Guide for eBay Resellers |
Lasting | : | 24.37 |
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Views | : | 263 rb |
Are you using a spreadsheet to track the performance of your eBay business and be ready for tax time? If so, you may be interested in Flipwise, the eBay automation platform I built to do all of this for you automatically so you can ditch that hard to manage spreadsheet You can check it out here: flipwiseapp and use the promo code WBUKF5HmheE at checkout for 20 off your first month Comment from : @justinresells |
The complaining about Goodwill price hikes isn’t about paying more, it’s the fact that they’re pricing out poorer people, yes a reseller might get it, but someone who can’t afford $50 goodwill shoes missed out on a nice pair of shoes cheap because they’re priced out Goodwill is not really for poor people anymore, them and other thrifts have gotten greedy because of resellers, but have hurt the poors at the same time Comment from : @maxheadroom607 |
Love your sense of humor! This camera bag “was just hanging out” in the bag section 😂 I only buy new underwear “ I’m not a maniac!” 😂 Comment from : @karenbutcher5921 |
I found brand new ecco Sandals, for 10$, I sold for 80$!!!!!! Comment from : @catarinaaraujo8854 |
So, the answer to "When should I get there?" is "I don't knowdepends" Comment from : @bobbythreet-btdrummer418 |
I found a leather duffle bag for 10 bucks and flipped it to 150, definitely gonna keep thrifting Comment from : @izlitty5674 |
How often do you go to the thrift store? Daily, or certain days during the week? Comment from : @Domzo19 |
❤❤❤❤❤ Comment from : @tcoop3097 |
who buys a vcr for 75 dollars Comment from : @GreenwoodTony7 |
Great video! Such useful info! New sub 🙂 Comment from : @patriciaacampora2491 |
I just recently learned that all donated jewelry goes through head office - so you’ll never randomly find real gold cause they’ve already collected lol Comment from : @katrinamaile1357 |
There's a note laminated to the "wares" table in the back at Goodwill (which is the majority of things other than clothes at thrift stores) that reminds the pricing people not to spend more than 3 seconds looking at an item before they price it That's a really big advantage for buyers 💪 Comment from : @zacharysherry2910 |
I'm just getting started reselling & I found this video to be INCREDIBLY helpful Thanks so much! Comment from : @RemRoseHomestead |
You didn’t mention jewelry, I started in silver & have moved to gold I was a professional shopper & estate sales are my best bet as are auctions It’s more $$ up front but learning what’s vintage & workmanship is valuable! Plus I like it I try to get as many men’s rings & jewelry as I can bc both females & men are always asking online! I like to buy the bigger sizes bc if necessary I can melt them if gold! Comment from : @bonniejosavland3227 |
The thrift store reseller thing wont last long it low quality junk they actually ebay the good stuff or sell it out the back door to dealers If your reselling go to garage sales, estate sales and auctions You can make a living reselling but not by buying thrift store garbage Comment from : @KevinUrban-u1z |
Underwear vintage quality of fabric they last for years Newer fabric only last a couple years Comment from : @dawnyoung4635 |
do make sure they all work somehow before listing or just take a chance they do Comment from : @Rgrice1000 |
Pretty sure this guy works for eBay or one of their marketing affiliates Comment from : @mothersmucker1 |
A lot of thrift stores have power outlets to test electronics I’m big on VCRs (not dvds the laser assemblies fail too often) As long as a VCR can do ff rwd play stop pause and eject I take the chance that it will play Sometime they just need the heads cleaned with isopropyl alcohol and a piece of paper Always works for me😊 Comment from : @resellerworldnj |
19:40 Barcodes don't work for records and CDs There are often multiple different pressings with the same barcode You have to check the runout matrix to see which pressing it is Comment from : @QoraxAudio |
Sony Walkmans often sell nicely; all hipsters with more money than common sense like those Comment from : @QoraxAudio |
No, thrift stores over here are always visited frequently by flippers alreadybrReally no point fishing in the same pond Comment from : @QoraxAudio |
Do you have a video on title structure? Comment from : @bubbie23jw |
This video was really helpful I'm new to the channel and new to the reselling business Does anyone mind sharing how to price the shipping costs for these large (heavy) items? Thanks in advance Comment from : @LisaSimplified |
Two questions about the electronics section: 1) How do you test the cameras if you don’t have old film for super vintage/antique models or battery chargers for the digital ones? 2) how do you ship the heavy stuff U recently acquired a double cassette stereo system, but I’m too afraid to list it because I have no idea how to ship it affordably or protect it adequately from breaking in transit Comment from : @lesdody |
My dad buys his underwear online because the stores here only carry the newer ones that don’t have a fly opening and he’s old school and wants the easy access when he’s working outdoors Comment from : @loriguillen8057 |
For things like your FBI mug, are you listing as an auction or did you set the Buy It Now price high because your research indicated it could get so much? Comment from : @jonpers2685 |
Nothing at my Sacers is $4 Comment from : @GenExRemembers |
Love your video brDo you set the price, or do you just check what others are selling them for or do you auction them? Comment from : @sherrybradshaw6504 |
Bins is a warzone, it’s so fun Comment from : @bashx7433 |
Some good ideas, but yeah, its like bottom feeding now Goodwill & the thrift stores in my state, Wisconsin, seem to sell all the good stuff online now The stuff in those glass cases are usually overpriced junk that the store workers believe to be valuable And the electronics departments are usually all broken stuff I used to make a killing on kitchen gadget replacement parts but the market seems to have dried up Now I'm mostly focused on baseball cards & sporting goods It's getting tougher to source anything these daysbrRummage sales seem to be a good place to hunt if you go early Comment from : @stoneyj1a1 |
Thank you !! Good stuff My GW doesn’t stock much until the staggered MP gets in 1-2 hrs after open brOnly 3 months into reselling, but I stop each day to stay familiar with things Helps the different stand outbrThe best days are when the store looks helter skelter Why are these shoes under the plush?brWhy is a bat in with glass ware? Some may be a reseller trying to hide things 🤷♀️ Usually means I’ll find at least 4 decent items Comment from : @heatherheather600 |
Very helpful! Thank you! Comment from : @RUEGREY |
Are you putting things up for auction or putting a hard price on things? Comment from : @kaaname93 |
run a mom and pop and I price enough for all of us to live I love my resellers … definitely get to know the workers because sometimes they might hold stuff for you to check out 1st Bring them a snack or drink 😂 works on me Love your videos Comment from : @s1mplyjay |
Truth is you will not find bargains at Goodwill It may be easy to make 5-10 dollars on an item but the work to resell is large and you will be left with surplus of cheap crap Comment from : @walkingnyc1 |
I agree! Best video out there thanks!😊 Comment from : @AnnMcConnell-zw4kc |
my question is why would someone even want to buy some of these items when they can just buy new items for same price? Comment from : @hunterking1927 |
How on earth did you find an unopened MTG Commander deck Holy smokes Comment from : @jeffreyheller7710 |
Love this content and your dry sense of humor! Comment from : @colehunt3478 |
I’ve only been selling on eBay for a year Just came across this video and learned so much! Thank you I really love your videos Question: what percent of your listings do you allow offers? I am trying to find the sweet spot and find the YouTube videos to be confusing Some sellers allow for offers and some don’t What is your recommendation? Comment from : @natashaoilar7705 |
They say find something you like to do, and it'll never be like a job I have recently realized I need a side income but at my age do not have the desire to work 3-4 hours either before or after my full time job Reselling is something I can do before or after work Thrifting is my passion and I'm going to turn it into the side income I need Thank you for all the tips you gave in this video I really enjoy the way you present things I can learn a lot from you Comment from : @LisaCatLady |
I always find nice amplifiers, audio equipment, dvd, vhs And sometimes I consider buying and reselling BUT THEY NEVER HAVE THE REMOTES I can’t imagine someone handing in without them, especially with the nice grade of electronics My theory is the thrift stores, simply don’t care and toss them It makes them unsellable Comment from : @NoThanksnothanks |
Your videos are very informative and entertaining, you have a good sense of humor :) Comment from : @nancyprospers8888 |
Thank you so much for the great tips, Justin! I started out selling vintage but can’t source enough inventory and sometimes there is not enough profit This is giving me a great direction to go in, to bring in some income, while I continuing figuring the vintage thing out Comment from : @karenhunter-kowalski8463 |
“My kids have 800 water bottles” Yeah, feeling that Comment from : @msharrett1204 |
Popular today since it’s like hunting for burried treasure Comment from : @Solitude47152 |
great info, although I still cannot get into electronics,, did find a few vintage bedside table clocks worked a pink one went fast had a fairy in the dial,,, Comment from : @thomascabral8443 |
I sold a starbucks mug hand painted in Italy for $5200 pain only 99 cents,,, Comment from : @thomascabral8443 |
Goodwill prices are up, but I've found that our local hospitals have thrift stores, and they're really cheap! Comment from : @sweetlaughter78 |
I'm new How do u know how to charge for shipping Comment from : @stevejohn2030 |
Whats top ten items to look for? Comment from : @stevejohn2030 |
How are you picking your prices? Comment from : @robdmau |
I just bought two Ronco Rotisseries that both work perfectly for $10 each They are now stripped, and when completed should net me over $300 vs the $120 I could have made if I sold them whole Comment from : @chestermorgan5924 |
Goodwill is a ripoff to the people who are truly in need, if you want to be a good person donate to the Salvation Army, whenever there's an emergency the Salvation Army is there along with the Red Cross, and if you are down and out they're going to help you, Goodwill is a for profit organization that does nothing to help The people who are in need Comment from : @rogerhanson3468 |
How do you know what to list your findings for from the Thrift Store? brThank uou Comment from : @PerfectPitch62 |
Great video! So much valuable info from a great teacher Thank you Justin! Comment from : @darcyb3019 |
The tank waffle iron comment hahaha Thank you for the transparency with your videos, love the channel Comment from : @Shokadezz |
I love waffles Comment from : @MoonRide333 |
🤘 Comment from : @MoonRide333 |
at five minutes a waffle and working non-stop, making a million waffles would take about nine and a half years Comment from : @piemon22222 |
Hello, how do you know how to describe all of these various items? Thanks I'm brand new to this Comment from : @MrPeterschmit |
Awesomely presented, I am sorry to say that I only just found you brSo I’m definitely subscribing brSo true about individual stores and the way they do things Comment from : @melissafarrugia9531 |
How does flupwise work ? Comment from : @relicbind |
I learned so much from this Holy crap man, thank you for the hard work you put in sharing knowledge Comment from : @ExistentialNights |
Thanks Justin Comment from : @kathygolden2103 |
Awesome video! Thank you so much! Comment from : @hannahburke4454 |
I would love to know your best strategy for pricing things Comment from : @vmaeallday |
The resellers at the stores by me bring in food and coffee and stand by the stockroom door for hours each day waiting for new stock carts to come out brIt’s gotten crazy out there Comment from : @Lastluke |
As a reseller in the social space, I see a lot of issues selling electronics, and a higher rate of NAD returns How do you mitigate that, especially if you can't test it first? For example, I know of a thrift store near me that has a literal BOX of old remotes I could get for a song, but I would have no way of testing them before posting them Do you list everything as "for parts only"? Comment from : @marktimothy6371 |
Great video bro Thanks allot Comment from : @GreekAekaras |
On underwear, eBay does not allow selling USED underwear, but you can sell used Base Layer I'll leave the strategy to use up to others Comment from : @wwz1011 |
Hey love your page and advice! I have been selling for 2 years,I list every day and my rating is 100 and I have my shipping settings set as one day,due to an issue with my car I was not able to make it to my postal service,how bad will missing the July 1st deadline be? I will drop them to postal service tomorrow by Uber Comment from : @mrbig5186 |
A lot of valuable information Appreciated I'm just getting started Comment from : @nickelnoserestos2598 |
Mugs are definitely a good buy I’ve been seeing/grabbing a ton of Anthropologie mugs and they’re worth a ton Comment from : @gh0s7sama |
Excellent video, tutorial, how-to, this-is-why, & keep track-of how to make money thrifting Comment from : @tdbarton7712 |
I sold a 2 pack of womens NOS geanny panties last week for $30 Comment from : @cindyherder5754 |
Drop their kids off to act like a babysitter? You mean what you did when you were a kid? Look at toys? Do you even hear yourself speak? 🙊 Comment from : @mrsdaisy4565 |
Honestly thrift stores completely blow Goodwill in my area is charging damn near resell prices for everything I live in LA county and they charge $30 for shoes 😂 they look so much stuff up at these places I found some doc martins at a different thrift store and they were $60 f-ing dollars Every time I go to goodwill in small towns though there’s tons of good stuff so I always check them while on vacation haha Comment from : @RetroGore91 |
@justinresells Talk faster buddy "Dang" Like your video's though Always carry batteries in your pocket so you can test those cal's & gadgets Comment from : @grumpyiwegianpodcast3505 |
finding out the exact same vcr you grew up with is selling for 74 dollars Comment from : @din0grrl |
Thank you im learning alot from video 🔥💪😎its fun to me i love reselling and thrifting its not work for me I found a top gun vhs today black diamond disney go for good money Comment from : @Clintscollectiblez |
How do you know the date of manufacture for the plush animals? For example that stuffed bugs bunny doll? Comment from : @mateofernando5066 |
The stock in Goodwill depends on the area I went in one in SC the size of an aircraft hangar The whole floor was clothing with a tiny section for suitcases, small furniture items and a few golf clubs etc There was one small wall area for electrical items household and glassware I saw nothing that was remotely collectible nor resellable mostly junk Comment from : @irisdown9758 |
Wow Comment from : @solis974 |
Are there apps out there that tell you what an Item might be retailing for? Comment from : @ZanthaDay |
Super fucked up and bought multiple pallets of DVDs at a silent auction Had bid similar prices for bid on before and never won; this time, I won them all I expected to maybe win a pallet and sort through a few hundred, now I have over 2000 Paid too much for my bad learning pains I got a lot of 200-plus shoes that will ease the pain Purchased flipwise Not sure how to effectively use the item slotting but will figure it out Comment from : @blackslacks639 |
Hi, question any brand in particular VCR player? Comment from : @JUJU-_- |
I'm curious about the random items that sell for $50 plus Dollars Is he researching and seeing the "buy it now" at those prices or auction listing? Comment from : @blake70505 |
Wow Seems like youre getting some hate un comments Or maybe its jealousy or envy! I appreciate all the info Newbies need direction! Never a bad thing to help others along the way Comment from : @bettyrhodes7722 |
Thank you for the video Comment from : @Munnyteem |
I was at a Goodwill store when a cart was rolled out, and there were signs on both sides of it that said "STAND 10 FT AWAY, OR YOU WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE THE STORE! I witnessed a crappy diaper pulled out of a bin, and the man was NOT wearing gloves! Yard sales are much better, with best pricesIMO Comment from : @CherylSargent-u2p |
Let me understand this I’m gonna pay for the gas travel all the way to the thrift store and I’m gonna leave the Louis Vuitton or Coach items alone you mean the instant sell like gold and silver just leave them for Bill you’re telling us to leave clothes alone but you’re talking about jackets on there please I can get clothes and sell them in 24 hours and you’re taking six months to sell a faucet Comment from : @mikeallen5907 |
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