Title | : | Money, Power and Wall Street, Part One (full documentary) | FRONTLINE |
Lasting | : | 53.19 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 6,5 jt |
"Building wealth is like climbing a mountain; investing is the steady ascent, retirement is the summit" Comment from : @AndersonFair-cy2bb |
gave up trying to watch it, too many fucking ads !!! Comment from : @CabinGuy |
Democrats are what has destroyed America Comment from : @btaylor9788 |
Huge growth Past lifes slavery support humans you Comment from : @Nooner-d6v |
Ugly views Comment from : @Nooner-d6v |
Blame the government and Bill Clinton for the community reinvestment act of 1995 The government punished banks if they didn't give out loans to people who couldn't afford said loans The banks arent innocent but only did what they had to to survive and make money despite the bs from the government Comment from : @lupusdei0819 |
Higher lending standards and full recourse mortgages saved us here in Australia Comment from : @waylaidsavant |
Greed and corruption from the dumbest people on the planet… Comment from : @marcanthony520 |
“That’s not okay” my asss Comment from : @cendon1244 |
Ponzi scheme - stock exchange Comment from : @harrysoothsayer5086 |
Don’t worry Wall Street, pretty soon everything you have is going to be ours, and you will be kissing our feet for allowing you to leave the country Comment from : @prakdescott8667 |
as long as everyone was telling the truth, whether bank, mortgage brokers, anyone getting loans, investors, everyone in these business dealings, that is what truly matters, now we get to wrongs done if deception was used in any dealings,this isn't about people didn't understand what was going on with everyone, it certainly has much to do with truth not being in the dealings with everyone involved Comment from : @HerbieCassidy |
Thank you Frontline for explaining this Great job everybody needs to know what really happened Comment from : @JonMeierding-q7t |
Yes Work Done in New York Comment from : @IAMAMERICANUNIVERSENATUREGOD |
33:07 sub prime 2003-2007 ! i thimk shes lying Comment from : @bolokefe5300 |
as a alki are101 Dereval axmed cali cilmi faarax bersnal bawer day to day now Comment from : @axmedcalicilmifaaraxasalakiare |
Well what a lot of people don’t say and that is clear when making the transaction is that Every year you are to pay to the company or business the full either inflation cost or what the stock wound up to be for lapsing of fiscal year So if you do not reinvest with the full amount placed from the investment that is initially made you will be under due diligence and be having indictment filled against you Plus the government has nothing to worry about nor every day people they not only keep their investment and have to keep their commodity in circulation and have to deal with savages As well they have no idea who people want conceive or have to deal with supposedly cleaning up individuals mess from making contact with not only other planets but people who want to speak of talking to their leaders That is the foundation administration talking of covering their own actions Plus ongoing of if you watch people your not wanting to be a person Comment from : @EdwinRoman-le7ky |
as a laki are10 Dereval axmed cali cilmi faarax bawer full bersinal Comment from : @axmedcalicilmifaaraxasalakiare |
Fantastic, one of the best dokumentary I 've seen Comment from : @rudigjerde9481 |
Just in case you young people on this comment, huh probably not just in case he is a real person NOT NO DAMN AI Comment from : @kennethesaupoint1828 |
CDO? Crooked financial world Comment from : @kennethesaupoint1828 |
There are lots of mixed opinions about stocks and there projection in the next coming years, I aim for short term solid gains from market correction and I'd definitely jump on the boat if I knew a thing or two about day-trading I'm just looking for the right moves to grow and hedge my stagnant reserve of $490k from inflation Comment from : @RobertBrown |
"Modern bourgeois society with its relations of production, of exchange, and of property, a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells" - KM Comment from : @thomaspink8592 |
People should not forget he just ran a crypto pump and dump scheme i lost $1300 😂 I just love this new world we're in Comment from : @akum_kk |
But this idiot is not ashamed of making himself the master of other people's clothes, a serpent that digs the earth 👉👁️👁️🔨 Comment from : @taniaduenas4283 |
An empty domed stadium ? Empty ?brThe city is cold, a bus ticket to florida might be a cheaper solution Comment from : @albertplumer |
Bro why are 90 of these comments bots Almost feels like some outside power is suppressing discussion under this video, but that's ridiculous Comment from : @bobzilla-1 |
the entire financial system in the western world is corrupt incl fed and rating agencies Comment from : @sam_so_nice |
32:07 Comment from : @TrendTornado360 |
Amazing this piece says nothing that speaks to governments removal of protections that were put in place after 30's crash and depression! The government was complicit in this all! Comment from : @letricblue |
And you couldn’t read what you were signing ? If you don’t know what you are signing…don’t sign it If you sing for a car loan at 25/30 you are nuts…on a house you are crazy as f*** Comment from : @finnellwilliam |
they should show chuck schumer was partly to blame for 2008 crisis Comment from : @johninsalisbury2010 |
99 of the comments in the box are not real and fake!! Comment from : @KhaledNasr93 |
Amazing frontline Comment from : @AdenSccindia |
Goal And Dream Working Comment from : @WORKWEALTHGODWORKKNOWLEDGEEXPE |
When housing prices go toward $Zero with the help of governmentoh boy! Comment from : @t0mq |
Buffett & Munger are beyond amazing wealth is attainable And i wonder why people are pissed about the economy Comment from : @JeffDavis-hx6pe |
big returns come from investing big investing big comes from building conviction, conviction comes from understanding, understanding comes from doing your homework and research beyond surface level Comment from : @fabianmoss124 |
I appreciate the video and I have questions regarding sizing into a trade and also ETF/Digital assets portfolio management Often times I see myself sizing in when my pre-determined zone is met but I’m unsure what has the best potential: going with a full size order or sizing more as my the price extends further into my zone And how are people making $450K already in this first half of the year? Sometimes the psychological part of this is the most difficult! Comment from : @DesireeJames-q1z |
And we wonder why people are pissed about the economy Comment from : @PoorandPissed |
Melt dow is coming in wallstreet Comment from : @infinite_tsukoyumi |
Wonderful I still can't believe I have $15,158 in my bank account from last week trade, and it's all thanks to Michael Hugh Terpin he's the only one I trust to trade iq option for me, have tried a lot of methods and strategies but all failed me until my binary mate introduce me to Him hey guys any one having issues trading binary iq option for yourself just contact him now for more assistance Comment from : @russellnorth165 |
A friend of mine sent me a link to check out He was interested in trying out this new form of online trading and wanted my opinion on a certain website, just to double check it and to let him know if I thought it was legit I did this for him, but in all that reviewing I ended up catching the bug as well and deposited a chunk of my monthly budget into a trading account Thankfully this is a positive testimonial and not a horror storyand that was only possible because my account manager is a professional and swift in his Trading and he's got a great strategy too thank you Mr Michael Hugh Terpin Comment from : @jeremieducroco5745 |
If you believe ANY of these excuses from these pathetic degenerates, that's on you Comment from : @JohnnyJay81 |
As part of the upper middle class, I refuse to be lumped into one homogeneous group We are not 99 I refuse to be lumping with the poorest of the poor or the mirror middle class or the lower middle class We have nothing in common There is no 1 the people they are talking about are not even 1/10 of 1 periodbr Wall Street is Main Street Comment from : @miguelmiquel5497 |
Remi's store Goodbye Comment from : @KirsyRosa |
Remi's store Goodbye Comment from : @KirsyRosa |
Inspiring For years, I held myself back from investing because the endless jargon and complicated concepts made it feel out of reach I know many people feel the same, it often seems like the financial world is set up to be confusing That hesitation cost me valuable time and opportunities, which I regret now But eventually, I realised that waiting until I felt 'ready' wasn’t going to work I decided to educate myself, breaking it down piece by piece That shift in understanding was a game changer Once I felt confident enough to invest, I went from feeling excluded to making decisions that aligned with my goals, and now I’m on track to retire with $5 million It just shows that fear of the unknown can be more limiting than the actual risks involved And learning as you go is better than staying on the sidelines Comment from : @Rogerederer-b2r |
Can't believe it took me this long to find ur point of view!! Comment from : @carlpantall3620 |
It is easy to understand the crisis in Wall Street and why it will happend again extreme GREED typical of a empire going into the downfallno matters regulations or laws USA is an empire with people without morals that just elected a criminal as presidentjust for "the good of the economy " Comment from : @andariegodelmundo2457 |
Take stockbrHave a strategybrKnow when to stand and when to foldbrThe key is to win with a bad hand Comment from : @djhpsr900 |
its a monopolised casino unless its dismantled ,you will never be prosperous ,for its governed by one entity states have no power to build any inward economy its been 200 hundred yrs already Comment from : @St-lan |
Jag skulle gärna investera en sån liten stad om med hjälp utav den nya regeringen göra om den till en boom Town nu när tillverkningen kommer att flytta hem till USA igen så skulle jag gärna om jag han och kunde investera om inte är svag Vet du vem som äger det så att det gäller att stoppa vandaliseringen av husen och ha kameraövervakning och så kan gamla veteraner som ligger grilla till ekonomiskt och vara jag med och rösta upp dem så får de bo där gratis samtidigt som de har nånting och göra istället för att vara bostadslös i New York eller där kostar en massa att hyra så länge för det förefaller så snabbt vid vandalisering och när det fryser sönder om du den gör ju inte amerikanska Söder men längre norrut så vi har en del att lära varandra Det är existerar inte såna städer och hus i Skandinavien till exempel att det står visst att det står några hus tomma men det är väldigt sällsyntmen nu är ju USA:s politik på rätt väg så det är viktiga fyra år framför oss nu att vända kursen på Titanic så den inte kör på det där isberget för tid finns fortfarande 07 Comment from : @Fre-h4r |
Om USA slutar och konsumerar lika mycket utav utländska varor från vissa länder så drabbar ju det de länderna värre och USA blir stabilare och sen är det ju en fördel att handla med dem länder som man är allierad med eller eventuellt bli vandaliserad så att tullarna kan ju inte Vara lika för alla länder utan de är allierade ska det ju vara handelsbalans och lägre tullar och de länderna som vill gå till krig ska bli en högre tull satt på så istället nätverk krig så är det bättre som det gamla spelet hette svälta räv Det spelet har jag spelat själv men det var längesen det var innan jag tänkte på det sättet som jag tänker nu 07 Comment from : @Fre-h4r |
Buy Bitcoin and get rid of your bank by banking yourself These bankers have been ripping us off for years time to get rid of this bullshit system and the crimes they do to us These fuckers should have all their assets seize and given to the very people they harmed in 2008 Comment from : @paradise6606 |
Jag ska ta ett exempel Jag läste just en reklam om ett nytt kreditkort och då står det att 50 000 svenska kan inte ha fel Jag påstår att 50 av alla svenskar har fel och det är en underdrift det gäller inte bara Sverige det gäller de flesta länderna i västvärlden och runt om i hela världen så påstår jag att snittet som har fel ligger mycket högre i procent vilket inte är deras fel att de har så mycket fel utan det beror på andra saker och det är inte för att låta dum och underskatta andra utan det beror på andra saker Jag vill att du ska gå så bra som möjligt för så många som möjligt så jag menar inget illa i vad jag skriver noterade! 07 Comment from : @Fre-h4r |
Great Financial Risk Education Thank you Moocchoo Doochoo (The most heart felt way saying thank you in America) Comment from : @nexusapp |
I feel we're on The Verge of another crash again We've got too many houses that nobody can afford absolutely Comment from : @TheLihilihi1 |
Can you say ponzi scheme Comment from : @TheLihilihi1 |
Scum got all bailed out Comment from : @ericmodernel9205 |
i love watch rich people try to convince you why things should stay as they are, it's the same argument different product every time Comment from : @ThomasKotlin |
And we all know now in 2024 that something is very wrong I think alot of people like myself are expecting that the bubble will burst, everybody knows that the governments have over lievied and borrowed way to much and we are in deep shit Comment from : @carolynevans8826 |
So what are really the best strategies to make our portfolio recession proof my wife is already panicking, so many questions! will the rate cut next month lead to inflation? I'm very worried about my $1million stock portfolio losing value It lost 20 today alone Comment from : @HodgeChris |
private credit Comment from : @SamEbby |
Smart gamblers put a loss limit on how they bet, also a win limit Comment from : @charlesabernathy5842 |
They were using butterfly derivatives, option trading; even straddles and stride derivative trades Comment from : @charlesabernathy5842 |
I will forever be indebt to you I will continue to preach about your name to the whole world to know you have saved me from a very huge financial debt which just little investment thanks so much Dorathy Walters Comment from : @BillyElliott-u5y |
Maybe Banks should start reliving that the money they use and invest belongs to the depositors Without depositors banks would not be in business Comment from : @tomranum6 |
Trump supports Goldman Sachs etc etc etc Comment from : @DUGDOOR |
This is a Federal crime Bank robbery Who went to prison? Comment from : @shykilhayes6747 |
Я вирішуючи питання для всіх країн світу, а ти вирішиш мої питання? Comment from : @ІринаЛапчук-м9ю |
But, they deregulated! When you take the breaks off the car, don't be surprised when your profit hungry brother in law crashes the station-wagon into the nearest wall!br What was more infuriating, after this insane criminal greed, there was yet another offence, as NONE of these black tie criminals spent a single day in a cell Comment from : @rw9207 |
It was CAPITALISM DOING EXACTLY WHAT IT IS DESIGNED & MEANT TO DO!- Screw over the less advantaged, the poor, the kind Comment from : @Rolling-Man-Cave |
Something I often wonder After this crisis did the banking and other affiliated industries swear off Credit Default Obligations/Swaps, or did they just bring in some smarter quants to 'tweak' these CDOs to make them safer and keep using them? I don't know the answer but I lean towards the latter Comment from : @emekao |
Were not building a godam hotel right next to the national park,,,JOHN DUTTON Comment from : @stephaneracicot791 |
Thats not Innovation Comment from : @aydinhutchison |
30:13 painfully lying Comment from : @BlacktulipSF |
there are not such people as Good bankers Totally inward, selfish, greedy Comment from : @BlacktulipSF |
6:23 it's remarkable how much enthusiasm these old people must inert assembly Comment from : @pocalypto |
Now that the white race is extinct it's going to be weird with nobody trying to keep people down Comment from : @pocalypto |
Overwhelming physical violence Comment from : @GoodGuy-rm8wx |
every inch never miss that story Comment from : @insam_226BA |
Wall street bullies Comment from : @joelevans2886 |
shouldn’t these people be in prison instead of interviewing? Comment from : @ryanjackson1251 |
great documentary! really enjoyed the insights on how money shapes our society but honestly, i think it downplays the role of individual responsibility in financial decision-making it's easy to blame the system, but aren't we all a little responsible for our choices too? Comment from : @danielnunez-d7u |
Please can you give me the name of this guy 6:15 ? Comment from : @armellbtk2007 |
That banker's answer to people being angry is infuriating Comment from : @Verodoesbetter |
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