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How To Save A $3,000 Emergency Fund By The End Of This Year

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Title :  How To Save A $3,000 Emergency Fund By The End Of This Year
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Comments How To Save A $3,000 Emergency Fund By The End Of This Year

I'm distracted by how hot the host is
Comment from : @blacklodgegames7351

I save about $3000 a month as is excluding 401ks lol
Comment from : @Bartonhockey08

I paid my vehicle off two years early, so now I am putting that,money in my emergency fund
Comment from : @barbarafallin2038

Having a few thousand dollars is allowing me to move in with my girlfriend and start a new job (with higher pay) without worrying about closing my lease earlier than expected I'm very glad I have it and I hope I'll be able to build it back up and even bigger than before
Comment from : @tubaboytom

Love Smarty 🐖 been using this for years And you guys offer a handsome APY
Comment from : @PreeminentbrandsNet

My emergency fund help me through my short term disability!!
Comment from : @chrisconsorte7893

I don’t buy alcohol I have 12k in savings🙏
Comment from : @ProfessionalRageBaiter

Hey Chelsy, what do you think about using your mortgage as an emergency fund youtube/Hd2M7dPahL4 Giving yourself a financial runway
Comment from : @soliduscode

10:05 - 10:15 having an emergency fund is like wearing a selt belt
Comment from : @jg54367

I have just gotten out of debt so now I'm taking the next step to save a starter emergency fund of $6,000 After I use gazelle intensity to save the $6,000 , I will continue to build it but at a much lower rate Gonna try to get it up to $10,000 by the end of 2022
Comment from : @SamSung-jv3jm

I’m starting my emergency fund this month
Comment from : @luizachagas9398

One day I would love to see a video with international resources :)
Comment from : @ladyblue6180

Yay I just started having 10 percent of my net automatically sent to savings If I don't touch it by 2022, I will have a little over 2000 dollars saved by the end of 2022In 2023 i hope to switch focus to a different savings to start saving to move out of my apartment
Comment from : @Elysia07

I didn’t know smarty pig was still around I use to use it when I first started college That’s dope they’re still around
Comment from : @TheAmazinRaven1

I was going to skip this because I already have an emergency fund but I am glad that I didn’t
Comment from : @1happyfamily775

Don't stop at 6 months of expenses Alwaus contribute to your emergency fund You can put in a little less down the road, but don't stopbrbrTreat it like the Fleetwood Mac song: don't stop, we're thinking about tomorrow
Comment from : @jackcarraway4707

I set up and saved up an emergency fund before I started school in 2019, and squirreled away a little bit more over the past couple years It’s super small, like $2k, but if my beater car were to break down or if I needed an emergency dental procedure, I wouldn’t be strapped for cash So yeah, I’m still broke technically, but I feel a lot more secure than I used to!
Comment from : @ashtonoakstand21

Who the hell is spending $300 a month on alcohol!?
Comment from : @DimaRakesah

I was surprised to get my child tax credit from my oldest son from the IRS just a week ago after waiting and trying to get it sorted out since March I wasn’t sure if ever see it so I’m planning to use a small chunk to take myself and my oldest son to the dentist and the rest is going to start an emergency fund for my husband and I We plan to still add to that savings account each month so by the time we’d need to dip into it, we hope to have four-five thousand in it! It feels good and takes a weight off the shoulders to know if we needed money in a pinch we have it and don’t have to put it on a credit card or take out a loan
Comment from : @maryssa8593

Having emergency fund is one of my biggest pride, as I changed from being poor and financially illiterate Luckily I have it before COVID hit I just can't imagine what if I didn't make it before Now I'm still building it up It goes up a bit slower now as I can't get my side jobs (needed to give them up to ones who needed them more than I do, because we are friends) Also have to cover some family expenses After all, I'm fine that I don't have to worry much I still can be cool, sit and find my way out
Comment from : @SakdineeRattana

Investing is buying yourself a better future you don't have to work hard again
Comment from : @romelindareyes7337

Did you say to ape off others subscriptions? (Half joking) just steal your neighbors internet and get your siblings password to their netflix - you'll save a ton!
Comment from : @cantsay

My parents made me so terrified of debt, I still refuse to own any credit cards
Comment from : @cantsay

I love how often you cover emergency fund information! I'm trying to do the same on my channel because I completely agree, it's one of the most important parts of getting your footing under you financially! I hope tonnes of people binge your emergency fund videos and are able to start their own!
Comment from : @howtoadultschool

The best decision I ever made in my life was investing in financial market Trus me guys, it pays a lot And I have come to realize that trading bitcoin is more profitable than holding it and waiting for it to skyrocket
Comment from : @michealwrubel3008

👍👎brHaving a small emergency fund prior to paying off debt means you are less likely to use the cards and increase debt
Comment from : @PurpleRose8725

Catsitting is the best side hustle, for the record :)
Comment from : @invisibleninja86

My emergency fund is a huge source of comfort to me because the drama around sudden money crises is gone I might not like having to spend $500 on a sudden repair, but it doesn't throw me into despair because the money is there
Comment from : @d14551

I'm so glad I started saving an emergency fund with around 4 months worth of expenses last year, because I'm working an unpaid, full time internship for 12 weeks this semester That time/energy commitment means I've had to cut my hours at my part-time job, although I managed to keep a good chunk of my income rolling in Basically, my emergency fund is taking small monthly hits until November to help cover the difference I am definitely going to keep this challenge in mind for after graduation this December, because I'll be looking to quickly re-up my savings account so I can move back towards my other financial goals!
Comment from : @paytonkade59

I love your page You’re the only “financial guru” I can bear to listen to, because you seem to be a real person with a realistic view of finances brbrI doubt you’ll see this comment, but I just wanted to mention that the Illinois tax rate you refer to is just their state income tax and doesn’t take into account federal US income tax You mention Canadian dollars in the video, so I wondered if you might be Canadian I would personally love to see a video discussing taxes and the differences between the US and Canada and what we get for our taxes vs what we pay brbrI am self employed so I have to save 30 of my income for taxes, and it still isn’t enough, and that doesn’t include property taxes The reason for that is that in the US we have social security money taken out If you’re employed, your employer “pays for” half of the money that goes toward your social security If you’re self employed you have to foot the whole bill Which makes sense, but in the US, social security is running out, so people who are low middle class like me won’t ever see it, but it does a lot of damage to our ability to save, invest, or build businesses brbrThe US is a hot mess
Comment from : @katepillsbury

I saved $10,000 last year thanks to your advice and constant reminders about why I need an emergency fund in your videos I'll be happy with how big it is when I get it to $15,000
Comment from : @DavidWilson-sm2ym

Thank you for coming back to this- so important! 💗
Comment from : @markacadey3313

DECADES of income inequality DECADES
Comment from : @Marisolkeys

1 Step Have more than 3000 $ income
Comment from : @ridita5221

My emergency fund allowed me to leave a job that was making me suffer mentally and look for another!
Comment from : @clgp1203

I send $0 on alcohol
Comment from : @tvtvtfan3767

Emergency fund should be made a priority especially during this time that our future is still uncertain
Comment from : @patriciaschilling2540

Literally reading out copy from the sponsor Wish I hadn't clicked Feels like we are being suckered in to watching sponcon if there is no #ad in the video title
Comment from : @CharlotteHardacre

How much is everyone thinking of doing for their own emergency funds? I think 3-5k myself but curious to see if that would be enough :)
Comment from : @jensenacklesgal

I had two back to back emergencies this past summer that knocked off about 40 of my emergency fund which really sucked But it would have sucked much more if I hadn't had it sitting there in the first place
Comment from : @syeina

We already have an emergency fund good for a few months, but I'd love to join this challenge and increase our existing emergency fund With all the crazy things happening in the world today, we all definitely need to have or work towards having a good emergency fund
Comment from : @heartandcrafts

Such a timely video I just drained my emergency fund by helping my daughter move across country and fixing my car Time to buckle down and save again
Comment from : @TheCinder24

So far I have about a year and a half of savings for emergencies
Comment from : @A_Dog_Formerly_Known_As_Cat

I have a savings account and I put twenty to fifty dollars just for a really rainy day by that I mean my checking is below one hundred dollars
Comment from : @ashtu31

I love everything about this video!! I currently save 30 of my own income (married, separately budgets and accounts, with one child, we don’t own a home) 20 goes to my tiered emergency fund goals: br#1 $1000- life surprise (speeding ticket, hotel money if your home has been damaged) ✅br#2 $2000-car emergency ✅ (car still under warranty)br#3 $4000-medical emergency (family deductible max) ✅br#4 $40,000-one year budget for job loss or to pay for a death in the family ❎ almost 4 months so far brbrThe other 10 goes towards a house savings and a family trip to Paris in 2027brbrI keep this all in an online HYSA through AMEX and I use a budgeting software called YNAB brbrA year ago when the pandemic hit I had nothing saved when my job closed for two months This unfortunate situation brought such clarity and awareness in my life Good luck everyone!
Comment from : @christinemitchell6210

So if I'm renting a typical 1 bedroom apartment in CA, I need about a down payment on a house in my emergency fund (ie $50,000) this is not achievable for me
Comment from : @ComradeKristen

Great blouse and I love your glasses!
Comment from : @maureentakach3065

Smartypig has piggyvest vibes If you're Nigerian iykyk
Comment from : @yegra

I really appreciate this channel for making me more financially aware and to save money
Comment from : @yegra

I started my emergency fund during the pandemic I was fortunate to still be working during that time and I used my stimulus checks to start my emergency fund
Comment from : @irettareginahanson1331

Comment from : @btwocrows9694

I save $250 per paycheck, I call it my car payment brI drive a 2005 trailblazer that’s not anything nice or flashy but it’s completely paid off Every 2 weeks my savings and retirement accounts get paid instead of a debt
Comment from : @dennisk5759

So this is basically a ten minute commercial
Comment from : @lorijohnson2817

Okay but what about people who don't make 60k a month or who make near or below the poverty line?
Comment from : @victoriastambaugh5177

Her voice is sooo annoying - content ‘ok’ just ok at best
Comment from : @lisaa6099

I will be working a salaried job for the first time soon at a University I’m excited to start saving more I also will have a opportunity to house sit for a family for many months and therefore I will have way less fixed expenses and I’m gonna challenge myself to live off of one pay check( I’ve done this before) and put the rest towards goals and debt
Comment from : @mikailagray

Could you compare HYSAs? Not just the percentage yield but other parameters as well?
Comment from : @ash_smi

I have an emergency fund I feel so much better! This video is great Gave me more ideas to build up my fund
Comment from : @Moonlight-in-sg7345

I have only ever had one account, but I'm just cheep and don't like spending money so I have never had problems spending money My problem is that once it's in the account I don't know what to do with it I always say I need to learn about investing
Comment from : @atbo3500

I appreciate when you guys regularly touch on a seemingly 'basic' financial topic like this, and provide advise that is relevant for many people with no-barrier entry Not everyone is in the position to 'diversify their investment portfolio' 😅 but everyone can take a step towards building an emergency fund from scratch 😊👌
Comment from : @evelynw2935

I'm so obsessed with that damn top
Comment from : @grrrgrl101

I grew up poor and remember the struggles very well Savings has always been a big part of my life I started saving when I was making minimum wage of $425 It wasn’t a big amount in the beginning A little here and there Now I have years of emergency funds I also keep my bills as low as possible
Comment from : @tippytoe1250

I remember my friends calling me crazy when I started investing in Bitcoin now I earn $ 16,700 every 10 days recently😊
Comment from : @RosaLopez-vx5yr

Feels like all these "average" studies directly ignore the vast majority of people that live below the poverty line Aint no way in hell most of the folks I know have spent $300 a month in booze
Comment from : @MDWolfe

I get anxiety when I don't have my spreadsheet up to date! I even try not to spend anything until I'm sure I can include it on my budget
Comment from : @alecoloxa

Ooooh I have my emergency fund already but I'm jumping in the challenge to save up for long term goals
Comment from : @treefrog1018

I appreciate the tone of this video 😊 TFD, could you also make a video on how you evaluate if an additional job is a good idea or not? I would like to know your perspective on this I feel this is more useful to a more universal audience than specific work suggestions (dogwalking, teaching, etc) For some of us living minimal lives already/don’t have anything to cut back on, the way to save up more is to earn more Thanks!brbrEdit to add: I have strongly mixed feelings about earning more by working more and just can’t wrap my head around it I know that by now, we’re all aware that intense hustling is not the best thing But I still feel a fleeting pressure in the air to earn a bit more so I can compensate right now, for an uncertain future Many people have been financially shaken because of focusing on one job only and I’m scared, tbh To hustle or Not to hustle - that is the question 😞
Comment from : @ave_rie

Are savings accounts worth it?
Comment from : @JocelyneVautour

Who knows what brand that shirt is? It's adorable! 😍
Comment from : @allysonadame1841

Great video!
Comment from : @georgehowelliii5666

One thing people may also find helpful is saving first and last month's rent in your emergency fund (in case you ever find you have to move with short notice) I've had to move with very little notice and having the money there to secure an apartment was a HUGE weight off my shoulders brbrAlso - continually adding 1-3 of your emergency funds' value annually to account for inflation depending on how conservative you want to be Obviously not necessary, but thought I'd throw that out there as wellbrbrGood luck, everyone, on your savings goals and journey to financial independence :)
Comment from : @ash2798

theres no such thing as a HYSA in this economy
Comment from : @happyMOO5

Lol making sure you don't agree with Ramsey but almost 🤭
Comment from : @alissonvonderlane862

Will you do a video on bankruptcy?
Comment from : @Amison197

The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this: the rich invest their money and spend what is left The poor spend their money and invest what is left”
Comment from : @emillycardoso8935

I am hoping I can do this In 2019 I saved $10,000 and used that to live off of when I lost my job in 2020 Texas cut unemployment early for me so it was a life saver Now trying to figure out how to do that again
Comment from : @Iloveallpenguins

I have appx $3500 in an emergency fund and am not sure what should be my next priority: building on savings, investing for big goals like a house, or retirement??
Comment from : @deanna5280

My current savings account APY is pathetic, so this might be a good move
Comment from : @loriegabidel

Also make sure to deduct the costs associated with those side hustles into your expenses, to make you are really profitable
Comment from : @DivaViews

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