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Why no one wants to host the Olympics

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Comments Why no one wants to host the Olympics

Let's stop wasting public money on this farce Athletes are not "amateur" in any sense, some of the sports are ridiculous (breakdancing?), and judging is far from impartial brbrWe already waste billions in taxpayer money building arenas and stadiums for professional sports teams who should be using their own money not mine Let the fans fund this if they need it so badbrbrLA olympics is going to ruin my rural community because of events staged far from the host city We do not need or want this elitist sporting event accessible only by the rich
Comment from : @usenamenotallowed

Amen, I’ve heard a lot of this The games cost way too much to create a bunch of infrastructure that doesn’t remotely pay off, the long-term benefits are nil, and IOC takes most of the profits from the city’s work and leaves them with empty pockets
Comment from : @KnakuanaRka

Leaving this for you after watching to the endbrbrW Dylan
Comment from : @punisherlee

I think any city that volunteers to be a permanent host is dooming themselves Why the hell would anyone want to live in a place that is turned upside down for a month every 2 years? I’d never be willing to live in such a place
Comment from : @thecraftycyborg9024

Short answer: corruption brLong answer: corruption, new sports each year making it very difficult to accommodate for them each time
Comment from : @Ardkun00

man the music here is on point
Comment from : @DanielSempere-b1j

The IOC sure found a way to get a lot of money with no risk I mean I cant mad at them, the ones bidding are willing to pay for everything 😅
Comment from : @zer0diamonds315

LA? brOf course the US is the embodyment of the Olympics spiritbrHigher, Faster and strongerBombs
Comment from : @GreetingsEarth

IOC is a POS that RUINED the Olympics and have turned them to SH!T
Comment from : @justnkace137

LA is hosting the Olympics because they are morons and don’t know better Will be a complete disaster like their fire management
Comment from : @kevinf497

sports suck
Comment from : @kjererrrt2381

It should be permanently placed in Olympia Greece like it was for thousands of years, the world should mandate this and take the power from that corrupt Olympic board
Comment from : @ophiuchus992

11:27 LA Wildfires "Are you sure about that?"
Comment from : @RikkiSan1

There are obvious solutions to the problems of the Olympic games Eliminate sports that have no business in the "Olympics" Most sports have world championships Why to they need to be in the Olympics? Many of the sports are specific to one country or region Why not have those events in those regions? I've pretty much given up on watching any of the games since most of the events are irrelevant to my life
Comment from : @GeekboyNC

fuck the olympics i hope LA says "no way"
Comment from : @mmm-mmm

France turned it into a shitshow, that is why
Comment from : @ericsmith1453

i wonder if the LA fires will impact their olympic budget Honestly it would be smart if it backed out
Comment from : @Me_Grimlock_King

The World’s Fairs and the Olympics have historically been shaped by geopolitical competition, particularly during the World Wars and the Cold War era While these events are often celebrated for promoting peace and sportsmanship, they have also served as platforms for national propaganda Today, they are merely massive ornaments funded by taxpayers and supported by corporate sponsors
Comment from : @Nox_populi

Spread the events all over the globe, places like Kenya could host an event like the marathon and not break its economy Lots of ex-venues around the world
Comment from : @thomasstephens7293

I think the cities has to be able to afford it, and have a plan that will work after
Comment from : @drahtid1

West ham's stadium is a problem
Comment from : @iskindersam7834

The only city of recent that still uses their venues is Sydney, the Homebush stadium was repurposed for Rugby League matches with local teams sharing the venue, even soccer teams shared this venue plus the AFL also used the venue at a certain point
Comment from : @ramiromaia592

Probably time to set up a permanent location in Greece The location committee is so darn corrupt
Comment from : @PtolemyJones

After paris no one gives a shit to olympics
Comment from : @haniel721

Crimea is Ukraine!
Comment from : @sp_movement

I agree that it makes good sense Togo to cities that already have the infrastructure Spending money as an investment sounds like a horrible idea But definitely keep choosing different venues If you do permanent locations, it will get boring Also, Olympics tourism would never be the same Just imagine building a bunch of bs facilities for a one time use
Comment from : @apok1980

Nobody wants to spend billions of taxpayer money for a 2 week party
Comment from : @wateriestfire

just ask Atlanta 1996
Comment from : @LethalBubbles

This was literally my undergraduate dissertation Barcelona in 92 was good in planning out legacy, but these days it's a stupid buzzword to justify replacing people, running vanity projects, and allowing back door corruption London 2012 was catastrophic in how it segregated communities in Stratford and the Isle of Dogs, and it was so bad that shops would have to stock Coca Cola over PepsibrbrSadly the best city in terms of legacy development was Berlin in 1936 Hitler was a horrible person, but knew how to use infrastructure and labour to make it somewhat of a success financially
Comment from : @WilVincent88

There are too many sportsbrIOC should cancel the sports with lower ratings, that should reduce the costs
Comment from : @illkickyouinthenuts

I am going to be a volunteer at the 2028 Olympics
Comment from : @kevinestrada977

The answer seems so painfully obvious As you mentioned, either use already existing venues or make a permanent hostbrIf cities already have great, viable venues for the Olympics anyway, why build any new ones? Just utilize what's already there Great way to show off the existing architecture toobrBut aside from that, why even change host city for every Olympic event? Now that the internet exists and you have the entire palm in your hand, I don't see the appeal of the Olympics working as "advertisement" for different countries If they're going to be so costly to begin with, they might as well just host them in the same country/city every year Or as a compromise, maybe change every 2-5 years instead, and for both the summer and winter Olympics
Comment from : @KrispyKrabby

LA didn’t protest or petition?
Comment from : @aveuch

So this was the reason for the recent wildfires in LA
Comment from : @johndillinger2745

Los Angeles needs to cancel the Olympics now They can have the Olympics or they can have rebuilding They can't have both
Comment from : @ezzzzz6667

I think Rio 2016 left a sour taste in a lot of people’s mouths when it comes to the Olympics
Comment from : @jasonh9323

My suggestion, IOC built his own sports complex to hold the olympics
Comment from : @El-Ge

If Los Angeles keeps up the pace it's currently at, the 2028 games are gonna be wild😂
Comment from : @drdoppeldecker3832

Nfl receives federal subsidysNot to mention local taxpayers building stadiums
Comment from : @jimmybrock6593

1996 Atlanta went broke financially hosting Olympics State of Georgia bailed the city out
Comment from : @jimmybrock6593

If I lived within 50 miles of a city hosting the games, I’d take a looooong vacation and rent my home with Airbnb
Comment from : @CRAFT7445

When u realize the brothers home in south Korea was because of the olympics 😳🤯😊
Comment from : @WuWatItDew

I just went to google and checked and It said that LA was the only bid for the 2028 games There were five bids for the 2024 games France, US, Hungary, Germany, and Italy three of them withdrew so it left Paris and the US Sooo France will host 2024 and the US will host 2028 Again you can go check it out on goggle
Comment from : @carolvanderwall5964

It’s very clear that the answer is to makes one city permanent host and the very clear answer is LA, it’s completely sparked its venues one 1984, sofi, Bmo, la conventions center and crypto to name a few, it’s also beefed up its transportations systems, la could host the Olympics while keeping a modest budget and make ten times the profit
Comment from : @Scrantonicity2

Maybe just have it in Greece every time like it's supposed to be
Comment from : @hamnchee

Watching France's olympic make me mentally trauma 🤮
Comment from : @arik2216

Why do we even bother with olympics? Most countries are an amorphous multicultural globalist cesspit It's not like being from a country means anything anymore There are no nations anymore
Comment from : @thoughtcriminal-k5l

Yeah Go woke go broke
Comment from : @JimBone-v2u

No one cares anymore,its not for normal folk😮😮😮😂😂😂😊😊😊
Comment from : @markivy3451

Now that LA burned down I wonder what the '28 olympics are going to look like
Comment from : @Avenger886

The Olympics is the greatest chance the local crooked politicians have to milk the system They sure as heck want their country to host it😄
Comment from : @carljosephfriedrich8919

It's a colossal waste of money that leaves the host city with expensive facilities they will never use A more sustainable idea must be formed
Comment from : @aarnoarnold1973

For a few more years, it will be extinct! It's a waste of money!
Comment from : @sephmanatac8569

Save you a 13 min video Costs billions to host the games in new constructions and they are never profitable for the hosting city/nation
Comment from : @souldrinkerducy

Melbourne reused many venues for 1956 But for the recent COMMONWEALTH games the costs just kept going up and up So Melbourne withdrew Sporting groups are playing politics trying to extract as much as possible That is easy to understand But if one looks at the original goals of the olympics it is a total failure Only affluent countries can afford to host But these come from countries with ideological nationalistic drivers So they are always boycotted and the universal competition on the sporting field, not the battle field, is now a long lost dream
Comment from : @smitajky

Ah, the LA city council ensuring a fire would be devastating this year makes a whole lot more sense now Land to build olympic BS is cheaper to buy if its burned to ash first
Comment from : @HellsYeah8

It’s a waste of money
Comment from : @trava4156

The Olympics became to big with too many rubbish competitions and too much scams and scandals Why countries must pay to host it is also a joke The committee members tour the world with money from tax payers, living in 5-star hotels doing nothing Give it to another city/country every 4-years and pay those who organise it only, not those jokers touring the world to find the country who can afford to become bankrupt after
Comment from : @tpkorea6c

Everyone is coming to terms with the idea that the Olympics is a money pit
Comment from : @paullavoie5542

No one watches the Olympics People just have it on when it's happening Like casinos, restaurants, and clinics, etc
Comment from : @god_beast_bombplaying856

Best video about the true cost of the Olympics A lot of videos out there but this is the best researched and presented
Comment from : @mrwolfuk

Los Angeles has finally succumb to hell fire so idk about 2028
Comment from : @literallynooneatall

With all these recent fires, how is los angeles going to be able to host the twenty twenty eight olympics?
Comment from : @everioke

1:30 they aren’t 😂 it’s the FIFA WORLD CUP that are the most prestigious sport game
Comment from : @AbdEl-MalikB-k3l

your maps are wrong, showing Ukraine's Crimea as part of the russian failed state
Comment from : @IrishAlasdar

Last olympics had rainbow lights, trans ppl in the opening ceremony and let a man beat a woman in boxingbrbrThe olympics is cooked Reputation is gone forever
Comment from : @sylvariatzaka

With the income the Olympic Committee generates they should be the ones funding it
Comment from : @jodywhitehead9173

Never understood why they don't host Olympics in the same place to begin with Maintaining one structure in one place is much easier than preparing the whole caboodle anew every damn time Not to mention that having a set-in-stone destination would allow for cohort infrastructure to be build around it, like merchandise, advertisements, parallel events, etc
Comment from : @wakaitsu

Another big thing is the lack of people watching television TV is at it's lowest levels ever most young people in their 20s and under don't even watch tv Big advertising on television is gone now The large ratings are gone the ability to make money from tv ads greatly reduced
Comment from : @KadeRiley-hq8gc

Well, being a waste of money ain't new, but Paris could've had someplace better to swim other than the Seine
Comment from : @VitorSantos-jm8tb

Nobody I know watched the 2024 Olympics
Comment from : @exxodas

Watching a man beat woman after woman and people defending him has forever put me off watching the Olympics Evil has infiltrated it and shouldn’t be watched until they fix everything
Comment from : @YouTubeH8sFreeSpeechAndFacts

Loosing money would probably be a start !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bribes and greed like usual
Comment from : @dougstitt1652

why dont IOC foots its own bill?
Comment from : @gclowne174

The Olympic games will help restore California
Comment from : @quinkelly1441

The '86 LA games cost less in part because there were less athletes to host since the Soviets in Russia and the Eastern block didn't participate A lot of athletes from smaller countries could fill out the roster
Comment from : @o_LL_o

The IOC should build the sports complexes in one place for permanent use Asking states and countries to build expensive facilities just for the Olympic Games is wasteful and stupid
Comment from : @MichaelR-s1z

I wouldn't want to host the Olympics if they harrassed a BOXER who just happens to be a woman, just because she hit hard, i already didn't watch the Olympics but this culture war crap is ridiculous
Comment from : @Michelle-s2z6l

100 support having permant venue built in Greece, greek olympics is the history after all Have the whole world chip in funding and build just an awesome place to visit and participate in
Comment from : @trevormeed7044

1:49 why is that guy wearing a frilly tutu?
Comment from : @pilbomags488

Comment from : @gwhampton5525

it would be a lot easier and cheaper to host if they moved away from audience and only had to house the contestants brit would also be safer to host the games, as only the contestants have to be screened for security The games will be hosted by pay wall and illegal to record like other sports to help fund the events brthat way the cities dont have to spend billions on transport and have a substantially more economically friendly budget any existing stadium or venue can host it instead of megacities brthis way the games can continue on without being a massive burden
Comment from : @darkshadowsx5949

hosting them is a money pit you toss billions into with very little return the lucky ones get the money back but most loss money
Comment from : @rjshadow4321

After Paris I don't think this matters in the slightest anymore - what a sh*tshow 😂
Comment from : @astrafaan

fuck Olympics, it's political propaganda more than sport
Comment from : @laz0rbra1n

The Grammys are not as exciting anymore, the Oscars aren't Met gala is criticized more than ever before (reasonably, in my personal opinion) I guess, the Olympics are heading the same way People are fed up with shows when the economy is in shambles
Comment from : @natashasyberia

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