Title | : | How To Make Money with Facebook Ads (From Scratch!) |
Lasting | : | 10.14 |
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Views | : | 73 rb |
Hey BenbrI recently started a new business brWill it help in generating sales ? Comment from : @ritikasharma5497 |
I have 130,000 followers and I cant get any ads Comment from : @cyberstreetflips9449 |
😢 you talk too fast making it difficult to understand you Comment from : @MelG_LOCALKITCHEN |
Hi Ben, thanks again for this video I'm just about to start this, but was a bit confused about what you mean by standardised service? Could you elaborate a bit on that please? Thanks a lot Comment from : @notme5744 |
Nice 👍 Comment from : @vincentoluoch3406 |
Hello there,brbrI found your video to be quite helpful I was wondering if it is possible to run Facebook ads for a company without actually selling any of their products If this is possible, could you please explain how I can get in touch with such companies?brbrThank you for your time and I look forward to your response Comment from : @seemachoudhury7405 |
What if we live in a non English speaking country and I don’t know the local language at all, how can I go about local business? Comment from : @TinaMina |
Hey Ben, question: to kick of running the lead campain, do you use your own money or get an ad budget from the client?brbrBecause working and only getting paid of wins is of course very interesting to them but if they have to risk losing money it may be harder to convince them What is your answer to that?brbrBestbrAlex Comment from : @WerWirSindVideomagazin |
Hey Ben, great Video But what money do you use to run the leads campaign? Do you use your money or theirs? Comment from : @Smart-Geschenk |
Hello Ben, thanks for the advice, quick question, how would the call to the tradesmen go, should you say your a marketing agency? should you say your a fellow tradesmen that has stumbled upon a load of upcoming work and your looking to subcontract ? Comment from : @kegzie09 |
Interesting idea I'm uncertain about a few things Such as, would I be branding my own Facebook page as a 'plaster management company' or a 'plastering company'? If I'm my own plastering company and I refer out the work, and another business shows up at the clients door to do the quote they would be a little confused How do you manage that relationship? I understand the real plastering company has an incentive not to screw me over, but how do you avoid the customer finding out they're being up charged? Such as in the case the company does typically provide general quotes on-site at the time of inspection Would you make it a requirement to avoid doing so for any leads you provide, and to let you provide the quote over the phone after the inspection is done? Comment from : @devin4042 |
Under what name/page we run these ads? Comment from : @Vishnuaccm2022 |
But how do we get our money from the service provider (plasterer)?like what if they refuse to pay the 2000$ after the customer gave them the money I mean it's obvious they will pay the plasterer after the work is donehow do we make sure we get the 2000$? Comment from : @bsvishnudarshan5013 |
Thank you for the video Wouldn't Google Ads be more appropriate for those locally delivered home services?? Comment from : @MrGheller |
I see people spending money on sponsored ads that don't sell anything Example: They show a picture of 2 movies and "like" if you like this one "laugh" if you like this one They get a ton of engagement, butbrhow do those people make money? Comment from : @burningempire666 |
Hi Ben I was thinking of doing this for local photographers (wedding, family, boudoir etc) What are your thoughts on this? Comment from : @marcjacobs6613 |
How do you hire Ben Comment from : @justinbowen6650 |
Hey Ben, I am from Bangladesh to show your video its a near for India I have a one question for you that Which is the best ads for new businesss like Engagedment message or Lead campaign mess or Instaform please let me know And Why explain me❤❤ Comment from : @MDEftaKhirulIslamRoni |
Facebook mein duplicate copy karne ka Tarika uska fayda FB marketplace ads koi porduct sales karna hai to usko duplicate kayu karta hai? Comment from : @rajudesai3069 |
Ben, is Before and after ads not illegal to do Comment from : @danielsandberg7059 |
Love that video, I only have a question : Who should pay for the ads ? Do I invest my own money or do I ask the client to pay for it ? brThank's Comment from : @alexx59ful |
I don’t know in your country, but in some countries you can’t bill for a task that is regulated … and no insurance will accept if you don’t have the skills for what you bill … nice video however Comment from : @uploadvoice |
I have a question, so I’m generating leads on FB for people / couples wanting fixed-income products/ investments, once the leads get generated they get sold to regulated entities who will reach out to them by phone and offer their service / products I’m looking to reduce the CPL, I feel the ads I’ve put together can be improved, do you have a paid for course or advise on how to do this for my niche? Any help would be greatly appreciated Comment from : @Michael-dm3yk |
Which Facebook page do we use? Do we advertise the contractor's business directly or do we essentially create a new dummy facebook page? Comment from : @HeyTylerMartin |
Make some video on ad creatives Comment from : @rishimehraa |
Spillin the beans! I had this exact idea for local and forms!! just wondered how to reach out to the businesses Its tiiiime Comment from : @trill-z |
Hey Ben what about insurance and liability If I am a sub contractor on a service business and the person doing the work damages the property am I liable? Also would this work better for commercial or residential? Comment from : @AnthonyBlando |
do fb ads have to be posted continuously? Comment from : @hansmail1267 |
Hi Ben, how much would you say it would take in ad spend before generating a client/customer with this? I'm really thinking about giving this a try so was just wondering how much it's worth spending to test this? Apparently plasterers, etc, are really busy at the moment with plenty of clients now that things are opening back up after covid Do you think that's likely to hinder this model at all, or do you think that's not really the case? Thanks a lot for this video Comment from : @notme5744 |
Does this model have a name? It's kind of like service arbitrage I guess this differs to normal lead gen because you've got the lead follow up and qualification stage, so service provider has less risk? Comment from : @jackpurdie3788 |
Brilliant content! Had no idea about Facebook Forms - that's awesome So helpful Comment from : @EternityMindsetDaily |
Hey Ben, with regards to the quoting, wouldn't most potential customers prefer to know on the spot how much it would be? brAnd out of fear, wouldn't the plasterer or whichever niche want to reduce the price as much as possible to get the deal over the line?brSorry if these are silly limiting beliefs, just curious Thanks Comment from : @ricardocostaa |
My only concern is this Whoever goes there to give the quote will just give them the quote and undercut you Comment from : @denisnako811 |
When you post the FB ad, what are you posting as/representing yourself as? The “plasterer”, your real self, another company, or simply a marketing company? Another way to put it, is what name does the customer see on the invoice they’re going to get? Comment from : @sidwho007 |
Hey Ben, just watched your recent business ranking video and now watching this one that you recommended I appreciate the golden content! 👏 Comment from : @joshuavz10 |
Hey Benbr2 Questionsbr1 How much questions should we ask in instant lead form to get high-quality leads?? br2 The audience for local businesses will be less while targeting, so what's the solution? Comment from : @Go_rovers |
I have not seen informative or education kind videos which are also so funny at the same time, for a long time best of luck Ben, I am an affiliate marketer too Comment from : @mohammadwahajhasham5214 |
Hi Ben, question I’ve been running lead campaigns and Facebook ask you to put in a website to direct leads to your website How would you get around this? Comment from : @Fresh0710 |
Hello Ben, do you have a video to understand the best use in lookalike audience based on location and how scale it from 1 to 2 etc? Comment from : @alessiopronesti1553 |
What about the privacy policy in the instant form? Comment from : @HalfMedia |
Ben! A very big thanks to you❤❤❤ brJust could you please explain that how to charge client ,with extra 50 moneybrbrI mean do we have to call the leads to make sure if they are interested in the servicebrbrM bit confused, Can you please clear thisbrI am all set to start this in my local area brLove from India 🇮🇳 Comment from : @FIROJKHAN-xx1sk |
Hi Ben Great video, I've liked and I am now a loyal subscriber Quick question Do I run these Facebook ads from my clients business page? Or do I create my own business page, (say Marketing for Plasterers) for example and run the ads from there? Are people likely to fill out a lead form for a brand new page with no content? Or if it is on the clients page, how does ad payment work? Thank you for your time Grant Comment from : @blockag327 |
Great vid, keep going man! Comment from : @LNVideography |
Could this model work for solar? Comment from : @cb6562 |
Amazing video What does your company & facebook page look like on the client side? Is it the provider or a new brand/page you are creating (IE: the equivalent of a white-labeled brand) Comment from : @blakezonca |
Hi Ben my Business Account has been disabled, and it is imposible to get help from facebook Can you do a video about that? Any suggestions? Comment from : @feminicaremarbella |
Hi Ben Which lavalier mic are you using / do you recommend? Audio is superb Thanks Dave S Comment from : @BusinessModelMastery |
who pays the ads, do I pay the ads (I am the contractor in this case)? Comment from : @ajlabilani3266 |
Isn't this basically the Dropservicing model? Comment from : @James_m7 |
Hi Ben great video! Could you go in-depth with the insurance policy? Should I have an insurance policy when doing this? Or is it enough if the sub-contractor has the insurance policy? Thanks! Comment from : @rasmusbrandt2642 |
99 of service based businesses will see much, much better return with Google ads Comment from : @joshsnoddy |
If its possible, please make some videos for advanced people not just for begginers Thank you! :) Comment from : @sophiagleenski |
Thank you for this video what size of audience ( how many inhabitants in your zone) would it be considered a minimum for this business model to work all year long? Do you have to leave in the same city ( do you have to meet the clients directly ?) Comment from : @editionsLN |
If I let my clients do the lead follow up themselves, do I charge per lead provided? And do I ask for a percentage of the profit they make or ask them to charge their client more , sort of in the same way you're recommending here Comment from : @niels7446 |
Great content! Good guide Comment from : @ijbarratt_ |
Hi Ben Great video and great idea too! I have 3 questions:br1 when in your view does a service cross over into a product-based business? Ie is tiling still a service? Is carpet-fitting? Is window installation? In these cases the tradesperson is actually supplying a product so do these trades still fit the model?br2 would you set up a contract between yourself and the tradesperson and also with the client? Especially WRT to payment termsbr3 how do you (re)present yourself, especially on the business FB page you'd run the ads from? I mean by that would you set up a company and advertise as for example Heath Home Services?brMany thanks Comment from : @davidworthington9058 |
Great video as always Comment from : @stancuflorin |
Hi! My product cost $80, are you suggesting to go directly to a conversion ad & not focus on the engagement ads? Comment from : @DenDrewKids |
who pays for the ad spend? Comment from : @th3animul |
Hey Ben any chance can you describe what the call would look like with the lead once they come in ? I’m a bit confused on tht part thanks for the great content Comment from : @dannytelule2245 |
Decent video, thanks Ben! Comment from : @Sotiris-ukgr |
Ben! I noticed that all my new campaigns do not enter the learning fase anymore and just state that they are 'active' Is this something new? I have watched almost all of your previous video's for a possible answer Need some advice on this one Cheers, thanks for all the content! Comment from : @FXMachinima |
How would you do it without using instant forms?brApparently there is some new law within EU that makes it impossible to use lead formsbrbr""Optimization is not available: The Leads optimization is not currently available for messaging campaigns targeting Europe To continue with this optimization, remove all European locations Or choose another optimization (#2446670) Learn more"" Is the error I get Comment from : @lajmie |
Hi Ben, i can easily knock out a landing page would that be better or is the lead form the best solution?brThis strategy is the best i have seen in 3 years of digital marketing, Thank you so much! Comment from : @marksmith4304 |
Hi Ben, thanks for all the good content you put out Iam wondering if this is a glitch in the facebook ads I seem to have better results with facebook boost than using ad manager For example just spent £20 daily on ad and only got 700 reach a day but i can get the same reach if i use facebook boost at £8 a day Any ideas? Comment from : @iboomayt8185 |
Hi Ben, i have been following you for a couple of years and had some neat wins from your teachings, but this is Cosmic, lol, will definetly utilize this one, Your A Star! Comment from : @marksmith4304 |
In the US, there are likely state regulatory issues with this You are becoming the general contractor, which could require GC licensing Comment from : @douglackey6203 |
Pretty much similar to Drop Servicing, ain’t it? Comment from : @sagarthacker2339 |
I know before & after with people is against FB advertising policies, but would I be able to use a before and after with people as an animated/cartoon photo? Comment from : @kenanhubjer |
Hey Ben, should we the fb ads guy follow up with the leads or it should be done by clients? Comment from : @digitallykeyur |
Holy Shit! I've just had an epiphany moment you could do this with plumber, AC repair guys, movers, gardeners, electricians, roofers, the list is huge and all you are doing is being a middle man Comment from : @behrensf84 |
great content bro, keep the videos coming 👍👍 Comment from : @AhsanAli-rd3pq |
Great advice! BUT would a business acc need to be opened using the same name as FB profile name? A personal account would look very strange to custmer to receive paymentsalso how to take card payment details for deposit quickly, or send them invoice by email ?? Comment from : @AirSync |
What if instead of handling the booking and billing of each customer, you just charged the plasterer a monthly fee to keep leads coming in? Comment from : @dmarmion |
I love the idea but I'm a bit concerned about the privacy regulations involved I'd assume the customer/lead needs to be informed about his data being handled by a middle man, isn't that right or am I overthinking? Comment from : @glennhomburg7063 |
I had same idea last year Thank you for this It gives me exactly the motivation to do it Comment from : @michalgo |
Do you use the plasterers Business Manager for that and what if the plasterer calls about the mark up? Does the plasterer pay you or is the mark up your payment? Comment from : @DammievantZelfde |
I've been following you Ben for a few years now, from when I was a FB ads noob At this point I dpn't need any help really or adivce, but still follow you just to confirm that we are on the same page about stuff lol This tip about local service businesses was the most useful one I got from you, half a year ago I got rid of all my ecom customers and niched down on a specific local service niche, best decision ever Thanks for that Comment from : @nextlevelbrosagency |
This is great, but only for first world countries, since these services are 'low value', for example, in Latin America In this case, what would you suggest? Comment from : @axscs1178 |
Hey ben Is targeting 2-3 interests ok per ad set? Comment from : @haroonalam55 |
The ads are delivered over your clients profil right? Who covers the adspend? When you get the Quote you just add up 50 and than you change the price on the quote and send it to the lead directly? but what about the bill? The Bill is coming from the agency to the lead directly? And the construction management, who manages that?brbrThanks alot for youre answer Ben :-) Comment from : @salesdriven |
we need more from this idea Comment from : @TRY-e6h |
Isn't before & after against Facebook’s advertising policy? Comment from : @scirelezard6558 |
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