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My Thoughts On The United Healthcare CEO Murder

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Title :  My Thoughts On The United Healthcare CEO Murder
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Comments My Thoughts On The United Healthcare CEO Murder

Please see my video description for a few thoughts about effective ways to change healthcare I recorded this 3 days ago, so it’s a bit behind the news
Comment from : @DGlaucomflecken

Aenta is doing the same thing to me with my migraine meds
Comment from : @kevinfitzgerald4965

I like to see a video on the way insurance companies are forcing pain mgmt drs to limit pain medications to ridiculously low levels which is leaving many patients suffering needlessly brI actually had on Dr tell me of the insurance companies who control their prescriptions, “They’re trying to assassinate patients like you!”
Comment from : @PaulDeanBumgarner

If you want me to feel bad for your death, be less evil
Comment from : @enasniec-neicsnoc9591

Sympathy is out of network
Comment from : @A-lik

Justice will be done, one way or another This is America
Comment from : @1LLog1K

What's wrong with visine?
Comment from : @1LLog1K

Humans can only take so much trauma, despair, fear and destitution Eventually our "aligator brains" are triggered Thats evolutionary programming Those that think they would never act out in violence have lived a privileged life Thats not a judgment My hope is that no one has to experience this trauma Many people are facing survival trauma and financial destitution begin to resort to desperate measures Those of us who have faced those situations are fully aware that all humans are capable of this kind of violence Right now, in America the impoverished and middle-class are beginning to experience this kind of survival trauma I remember the moment i realized i was capable of *urde* It was in a DV situation When a person or society begins to experience the hopelessness of survival trauma of basic needs for survival, they will lash out Absolutely 💯 I don't want anyone eliminated But people can only take so much
Comment from : @juniejams3729

evicore cause there customers take the L
Comment from : @tarikkhaldi8295

We're not supposed to use Visine?
Comment from : @ashleykorthauer1760

Sometimes it requires a loss of life for things to change
Comment from : @Sonicz0

Yah but he was a good husband and a great father, probably went to church on Sunday
Comment from : @papabits5721

As a victim of the breach, I am not really interested in whatever it is that you are attempting to 'prove', when the shareholders are ALSO complicit in their decision to DENY EVERYONE WHO has to be FORCED into EXTREME FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES
Comment from : @specialagent31a0ne

What if insurance companies had to display their ranking in what of their patients died? Would this encourage people to choose good insurance companies? Or would it just make it hard to get insurance and cause some insurance companies to tailor to specific age or risk groups and continue a similar problem?
Comment from : @StaleDoritoCrumb

Thank you Dr Glaucomflecken ❤
Comment from : @riotbae_9000

UHC should be fined and jailed for their crimes against humanity! Shame on them ! Was hoping for some changes on January 20,2025 but I no longer have hope maybe in 4 years we can see the bright future again
Comment from : @luckypenny4263

I believe that violence shouldn't be the answer but there comes a time when all ither options are gone and its the inly choice we have left The BCBS story proves that fear is a hell of a drug and we have the power here as long as we are brave enough to fight for it Never forget what terrible people do never let them forget they are human just like the rest of us
Comment from : @spectraldragon09

Well satans got his hands to name it Evicore
Comment from : @azumi_332

That anesthesia story is so wild They literally get millions, to limit the amount of anesthesia is pure evil
Comment from : @JV8901

I wonder if United has sued you yet for defamation Not only do they not pay claims, they try to bully and intimidate us for spreading awareness Maybe the worse company in human history
Comment from : @RobertEgbers

so i aint the only one that got fucked over by visine
Comment from : @BigOlKnothead

I know a lot of people will think I'm crazy but I'm glad Trump is back in office and what's he's been doing to help stop wasteful spending is amazing I truly believe he can help get some of these awful policies fixed, even if many out there think he is part of the problem Like Doc said, get your voice out there and push this issue to Trump and his administration non-stop and force him to help make it better for the people of America Biden didn't do anything to help the last 4 years right? Does it seem any better? Nope Best advise ever Use your voice Tell the US govt what we need Write to your congressman When enough of us say something it works But do it correctly, without violence And don't stand in the road like the antig-oil morons That doesn't do any good at all
Comment from : @bobbycone2

Yea, I have BCBS and cannot find a dentist nor an optician They definitely have a money over people policy I would bet this company made Billions last year What do my taxes pay for?
Comment from : @hellfire5674

I a retired pharmacist I retired early because I couldn't deal with these insurance companies I worked strictly in hospital pharmacies my entire career I watched so many people decline, even to the point of death, because their insurance providers changed existing, effective treatment strategies for more "profitable" ones It was literally killing my soul to see this day in and day out These corporations are absolute monsters, and I can not feel any sorrow for any of their employees that meet their end
Comment from : @MalataNakni

Great Content!
Comment from : @techdrivenhealth

Great and responsible video, well done
Comment from : @nimrodkeren9604

thank you for your voice on the situation
Comment from : @shuamoore3534

I believe Luigi was and is a martyr
Comment from : @ballzackball7170

And now YOUR going to be sued by United Healthcare for making this video But it’s worth it Those with a voice and a heart must fight for those who cannot Stand strong against corporate America! We don’t need the billionaires killing us!
Comment from : @jennyterrell6354

Health insurance companies kill millions but only start to care when one CEO dies so maybe he had to be sacrificed to scare other health insurance companies and united So it’s justified to me, and I do feel bad for the family that lost their son, dad, and father
Comment from : @quinn2090

Great that people are actually talking about something everyone knew already I wonder how we could get people talking about the Big-Oil, Big-Pharma, Big-Zionism, Big-War industries?
Comment from : @michaeljames5936

So they kill thousands of people and we just posted comment on YouTube that's what you're saying
Comment from : @LSDon-gs7bz

Civilization is far to civilized for its own good
Comment from : @LSDon-gs7bz

So I'm so supposed to sit here and patiently wait while my child is slowly and carefully shunted out of the care he needs NO SIR absolutely not
Comment from : @LSDon-gs7bz

So who wants to go next?
Comment from : @LSDon-gs7bz

Youre all trying to be so moderate Violence was absolutely the answer and he deserved to die Just because he makes money from the deaths doesnt mean he wasnt a fucking serial killer That shooting stopped them limiting anaesthesia for surgery patients and did more good for you americans than any lame and ineffective protest or petition If you executed more serial killers you would have a better society
Comment from : @user-ps6do9lu3n

Always loved the quote by Mark Twain, "I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure,"
Comment from : @devenarcher3044

I know this is late, but seriously: "There a more effective ways", well sure, but none of those ways were more effective "for the last few years", otherwise they'd have worked before
Comment from : @theletsplayer9503

“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure”br- Clarence Darrow
Comment from : @yeetthebeatout6906

UHC does not care what anyone thinks brDon’t be fooling yourself
Comment from :

I saw this shit first hand in medical school in the '80's IN THE '80's We have to go to a single payer system We spend 18 of our GDP on healthcare No Western country even comes close to this
Comment from : @Saaldiener

Finally a common sense response
Comment from : @randombloodleaf22

We need this Jimothy and the Devils assistant Jimothy to team up and do… 🤔 something… I think the world might end up a better place?brbr…brbrI hope?
Comment from : @sophic1844

Tom Kean Jr is a congressman from New Jersey He wants to cut corporate taxes to 15, so they can continue ripping us off while getting richer Guess what! He is a shareholder of UnitedHealth Care!
Comment from : @Boudicca-mb5rx

It's not a coping mechanism It's a confirmation This has been on their minds nonstop for far too long, and coping mechanisms, by design, are used to deal with tragedy Ask ALMOST anyone years from now Their opinions will not have changed They are beginning to believe there is only one way to deal with tyrants and tyranny The way things are looking, they are probably right
Comment from : @derekbriere

i had them as a HSA they kept claimimg they payed the Dr office i got on a three way call and asked for the transtation number they paid with they were like ummmmm we dont track those BS You can tell if you paid someone They finally paid the bill ( it was 137 dollar)
Comment from : @maryguokas8018

Comment from : @boygirlandadad5814

I think that the bullet in his body was a pre-existing condition
Comment from : @Lenin22147

Bad practices
Comment from : @ND-or5so

I'm glad i live in France for universal health care I hope we never lose it
Comment from : @Benjamin-fy3py

You are too soft with psychopaths
Comment from : @Rammler-k2w

I really hope agents take note and stop offering United
Comment from : @cmw8216

I have thembrEvilbrHigh out of pocket costbrYou have to beg to get your heart checked So much red tape brI hate thrm
Comment from : @giamor2944

You are absolutely correct! Insurance companies are evil I need kerendia as I have stage 3 kidney disease My insurer will not cover it Thank you!
Comment from : @billgonzalez9901

People are so quick to say how there’s no excuse but, isn’t it sad that a murder had to happen for people to start talking about how screwed up the medical care system is in the country, on large? Ya people talked here and there but now, the masses are having it brought up in conversation A lot of people in the comments have amazing quotes but all I bring is a request that everyone look beyond the surface, don’t just see one person killing another, you can still see it that way but not ONLY that way What happened here was much more than a random killing, this happened for a reason and if we don’t all listen eventually it’ll get worse
Comment from : @Drake-xl1cu

Very thoughtful content I appreciate the language 👌brDrs should be the ones to decide what their patients need Not insurance companies and not big pharma! What a joke! Healthcare actually has a company they use specifically for doing denials What a joke! super - rich greedy bastards! brHow different this country ❤ /❤ world would be 🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏🤞if instead of them gaining ridiculous wealth, they used their (HEALTHCARE) companies for actually making people healthy! Its crazy that CEOs or COOs have the ability to help or cure real problems but chooses wealth 😢🤬
Comment from : @debbiescarbrough9250

Subscribed Don’t know why I didn’t before I’ve been watching your videos for awhile 😂
Comment from : @mamaswan7346

The interesting thing is that it’s a huge amount of ppl & Rs, Ds & Independents are coming together for once on this 💩 ❤🎉
Comment from : @bonniejosavland3227

People are frustrated , insurance is meant to be there when you need it Not a massive profit making machine that takes money but gives nothing back
Comment from : @nelliekenny9630

All of the progress we have made in the last decade is going to be erased by the Trump administration
Comment from : @philipsherman412

Remember, there's more CEOs to talk to than just United
Comment from : @linkbond08

Pleasedon't tell us to use social media platforms to combat bad health insurance policy I, along with countless others, have been shut down time and again for voicing opinions counter to the opinions of the sponsors of there platforms I'll consider myself fortunate if a message as tepid as this one isn't silenced
Comment from : @edwardbeetz8032

Thank you for this thoughtful and thought provoking video Although a departure from the videos you usually put up, I think it is unique and helpful, coming from your viewpoint as a healthcare provider Thank you
Comment from : @SusieRedus

Im so glad i switched away from UHC I was paying way too much and got extremely little in return when i had to get surgery to fix a broken foot I got 0 PT for my shoulder that i broke at the same time
Comment from : @sonorangaming449

Excellent input Thanks @DGlaucomflecken (PS Good job Jimothy!)
Comment from : @dmacgyo

He was just a normal personsame risk of any normal person of being killed by a nutjobat least it happened to him and not some lovely grandma on a subway
Comment from : @colleenthompson7163

Advocating for change by way of non-violent solutions is nice but recognize that historically these conversations (and subsequent changes) dont get off the ground until something sudden and shocking happensbrbrAm I saying violence is the answer?brbrbrbrbrEeehhhhh 🤏
Comment from : @codenamexeno6595

And yet the AARP, which is supposedly the valiant champion of the rights of seniors, is in bed with this very company that regularly denies seniors legitimate medical care We have been scammed for so many years!
Comment from : @narimanajluni2714

Wow This reminds me of one of my favorite movies, book by John Grisham “The Rainmaker “ Right?
Comment from : @janyceseahorn4013

And has cause death to many over the years
Comment from : @Celestial_Reach

6 months ago, I would have told you that Evicor, Optum and United Health (three heads on one dog) were going to take over the planet still not 100 sure they won't
Comment from : @greatboniwanker

What ways do we have to get a better healthcare system? We have been trying for decades to get a decent national healthcare system and our politicians on both sides have been bought off We are now stuck with the corrupt convicted felon president who is determined to destroy what little government healthcare we have and steal the money for billionaires like Musk We're screwed
Comment from : @christianeaster2776

If you stand on a mountain of blood money, don’t be surprised when you’re the one who bleeds 🤷‍♀️
Comment from : @dying2survive298

I am a mental health counselor Ever since the UHC CEO's death, I have been wanting to post specific details of harmful and/or unethical practices by insurance companies Yet, because of the language in my network contracts, I am terrified to speak against any of them or call them by name Isn't that telling of how a company operates? They can do things that should get them shut down but the only ones who know it's happening desperately need to be paid by them in order to survive Because very few people in our country can self pay to see their providers and people often see me 2-4 times a month so they absolutely cannot afford that Breaking news: insurance company payment rates to mental health counselors would make you soil your britches Oh but I am also contractually obligated not to talk about those rates, even with other counselors Sooooo 🤷‍♀️
Comment from : @Jennifer_Anne

I have united and they've denied so many claims for a car accident that I was severely injured in and it was completely not at fault A cop even saw it happen brbrI now live in excruciating nerve pain every single day, every second of the day United won't even pay for the spinal cord stimulation surgery trial which is fda approved My life is one big ball of pain and that's the only existence I know now United can go screw themselves
Comment from : @FishRfun

They especially refuse to give as much anesthesia to black patients
Comment from : @dapotlicker4624

Wasn't he scheduled to testify in a lawsuit before he was unalived?
Comment from : @christinaheagy4602

Retied, heart surgery patient who recently signed up with United Doc had me on a med that was working for my cholesterol that my previous insurance had approved brUnited wanted new blood work; reasonable request The levels came back good and they denied the drug, saying my numbers were good In other words, they said no to the med that worked BECAUSE it workedbrLong story short and hours of phone calls later, I think my med will be approvedbrAs soon as circumstances allow, I'm switching insurance
Comment from : @wbelle_author

EviCore??? EVICORE?? THAT'S A REAL COMPANY??? It's LITERALLY EVILCORE!! Like, you cannot get more obvious than that for evil company in fiction, and it's an actually real company
Comment from : @seerserric

No fucking way they are partnered with a company literally named EVICORP 😂
Comment from : @chargedpanic5979

All of the insurance companies dictate care more than our doctors I have had multiple doctors express in frustration, with every denial of procedure, that the insurance companies dictate care more than the doctors
Comment from : @camrob408

From what I heard, Blue Cross, Blue Sheild changed that policy about the anesthesia Now, it's as much as you need for the surgery I asked my doctor because I was going to have knee surgery
Comment from : @shelleygeraths

Guys, you know that all other western countries have universal healthcare?brThe fact that half of you arnt leaving America, baffles me brSending strength from Europe 🇪🇺
Comment from : @claireconolly8355

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