Title | : | Counselling Skills: Practice and Reflections |
Lasting | : | 57.44 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 125 rb |
Thank you Mick for making these demonstration of counselling practice videos I found them very useful I respect you for being genuine, humble and courageous to put your face out there to show others how to hold a counselling session I appreciate your comments between interventions It is eye-opening and helps compression Comment from : @melcarella4530 |
This is fantastic for us students, thank you Comment from : @matthillard9363 |
i am working towards my level 2 qualification in counselling skills, and this is really helpful to watch you explain the impact of each skill alongside self-evaluation and improvements you would give you have given me more confidence in my execution of skills, thank you so much i will for sure be checking out your channel more to support my work !! Comment from : @rubymchapman |
A f*b***/b hour-long f*b***/b video about how to cancel f*b***/b YouTube what the f*** is wrong with you you dick ass Comment from : @davelowinger7056 |
So I'm trying to cancel YouTube and YouTube sends me your dumb f*b***/b ass make me tell you that's why you get these down thumbs because you are YouTube's excuse for not canceling😮 Comment from : @davelowinger7056 |
Tara was so good seeing that she was acting Seemed like a genuine session Comment from : @emmetholohan6353 |
Thanks Mick for another insightful video, as someone starting out I'm still in the rescuer thinking but it's really grounding to hear your thoughts and advice Love that ending statement we're not necessarily there to be the savior but rather helping the client by being a catalyst for change Comment from : @kierancbr600 |
Very informative, inspiring and educational It is very helpful in my own self confidence Comment from : @dorothydouse5283 |
I am actually afraid of my OJT since we are doing counseling sessions I am not confident with my counseling skills since that we don't really dive deeper or trained much about counseling and how I need to improve of asking questions since I am the type that there are times of maybe I don't understand them at all and often jump to conclusion But this one definitely learned me to train and will use this as reference on how to improve my sessions with clients and it was okay to make mistakes Comment from : @abegailelaurza5919 |
psychology student here, thank you! i don’t get a lot of practice or demonstration in my classes yet so these videos really help! Comment from : @Eidixiaoandbdm |
Hey Mick,
brI wanted to drop you a quick note to say thanks for sharing your thoughts I really enjoyed listening to you talk about the things you would have said differently It was encouraging and reassuring to know that even with your experience and knowledge, you still acknowledge that things can be imperfect Keep up the great work! Comment from : @franklinval608 |
Rainbow 🌈 Comment from : @kevinbaileyjr9433 |
Rainbow 🌈 Comment from : @kevinbaileyjr9433 |
Rainbow 🌈 Comment from : @kevinbaileyjr9433 |
Rainbow 🌈 Comment from : @kevinbaileyjr9433 |
Peace Comment from : @kevinbaileyjr9433 |
I also understand as soon they see me texting that's going to be used against me averyone ok sorry ✌️ Comment from : @kevinbaileyjr9433 |
Sorry Comment from : @kevinbaileyjr9433 |
Sorry Comment from : @kevinbaileyjr9433 |
I'm not trying to fool anyone I promise sorry averyone ok peace Comment from : @kevinbaileyjr9433 |
I'm only doing this with friend brother because I was asked to no I don't hate all friends brothers ok Comment from : @kevinbaileyjr9433 |
❤❤ Comment from : @kevinbaileyjr9433 |
Friends Family's I do respect all 😞 Comment from : @kevinbaileyjr9433 |
Thank you Mick, I appreciate your candid honesty about your practice and delivery A very helpful session to watch and you've got a new subscriber, as I follow my path to becoming a counsellor Comment from : @jaszi33 |
When she aaid they gang up on me Id be interested to know what she means by that She gives the impression they are good friends yet this does not fit in She doesnt seem to have much confidence and falls on a people pleasing pattern, which makes her like vanilla I'm glad you get to that lack of confidence a bit later Comment from : @TheAbergel |
Thank you for existing and showing me a good example My intuition always picks up empathy and I am so glad to meet a very humane psychologist Your humility is inspiring for a new counselor ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Comment from : @subhasharma4425 |
Thank you! I’m just starting my internship in clinical counseling and this really helps with the first, second, third time jitters 😅 Comment from : @angelinasoto6939 |
I love your videos, as a therapist I doubt myself frequently I sometimes feels so clumsy with my questions, you have made me see this is normal Thank you 😊 Comment from : @sarahlabbett4626 |
Other videos i watched its very interrupting when a counsellor its talking more because they need to listen and give solution but i think what you doing is decent very professional i need more advice from you Comment from : @aminaferhat6858 |
Hi mick its very compelling this session of counselling i am going to start working i feel a bit nervous but i am confident i think your video is more helpful lot better than other videos that i watched thank you so much Comment from : @aminaferhat6858 |
Thank you Mick and Tara, just beginning skills sessions and this really helped put my mind a little more at ease! Comment from : @kendallsaxton6994 |
Absolutely great demonstration of skills, so helpful, thanks!! Can you make more of those please?? Comment from : @avihalberthal3898 |
Is it possible that you enunciate the words a little bit more? I can't get through this video! Comment from : @Kal-622 |
So refreshing to see a practice video that isnt 'perfect' I'm a counselling student dealing with major anxiety and imposter syndrome so this is so helpful to see someone struggle like me too Really reassuring and helps me to stop viewing other therapists as 'perfect' Comment from : @shannonw7315 |
Thankyou I have just started my first year as a provisional Psych Your videos are so helpful in helping to build skills Comment from : @deborahcotterell2154 |
6’24”,I think THE SMILE is very genuine, in the sense that: mentioning her friends is something that makes her happy, as versus to earlier talking about stressful exams! Comment from : @yanfenhuang3760 |
Please do more like this Very helpful Comment from : @gabrielaortiz3690 |
Thank you, Mick It was very helpful for my assignment Comment from : @arzuhanaltn4614 |
This is such a helpful video, Mick, and I learnt so much from your honest self-appraisal and particularly underlining the mechanism of your thought process, like looking under the bonnet of a car! I like the way you follow Tara’s reflections and I particularly like the image of the spiral which perfectly sums up the process of gradually honing in on a client’s core feelings I am in my final year of a Level 4 Diploma in Integrative Counselling and watching your videos is immensely helpful to my learning Here are my thoughts on the video:
brI sense a contradiction at the heart of what Tara is saying - she has expressed her hurt that her friends seem to have excluded her and seems to base this on some insecurities about her personality, ie not being fun enough (for example) However, she also feels that she has not challenged her friends enough about ways they have acted (she does not define this) and needs to “call them out” on their behaviour but fears that, by doing so, she risks alienating them further and yet she has already said that they are not including her in activities Her fears seem to stem from a basic sense of not being “good enough” to retain friends and that she needs to find a way to hold on to friends Her belief that making friends at uni is hard also struck me as an uncompromising phrase, and I wondered what a gentle challenge such as: “I’m curious as to why you feel it would be hard to make friends at uni” would produce Does she mean, rather, that fears SHE will find it hard to make friends and is this an example of her core belief about herself? She bats away your suggestion that she is “caring” and it reveals a fear that, no matter how caring she may be, her friends have alienated her, so perhaps she too does not value such a quality in herself if it does not attract friends The overall impression I get from what she is expressing emotionally is that she is trying to find a key to fit the friendship lock If only she could find what it is, she could solve the puzzle Deep down, she seems to be expressing an implicit belief that others have something to offer that she does not Perhaps it is simply that she is not attracting the friends that value her and this is what she is working out - how to remain true to herself and accept that not everyone will want her as she is, but that it is entirely possible for her to make connections with people who will value and love her for herself Comment from : @Elaine-tk7nx |
As someone who is half way through their techniques class in counseling, this is very helpful at actually showing the way these techniques are meant to be used as opposed to my professor just telling us to use the book I need demonstrations to understand a concept like this Wish me luck Comment from : @adlerrapturian7472 |
This is really helpful, am studying level 2 in counselling am a new student, I like how you were moving away from the more structural method, and focused on a conversation, I like this method Comment from : @imranlakhi903 |
Thank you so much for sharing this video it was quite helpful Comment from : @doonanj |
So helpfulthanks for posting this Comment from : @amberb803 |
SUCH an informative and helpful video, Mick Thank you so much Hoping to see more of these videos from you! (if feasible) Comment from : @hibamukhtardedmari1470 |
Thanks for Mick's video, It really works out lots of confusion I had in my previous 'counselling practice' When I do intervention as a social worker, I often suspect whether I can help my clients to solve their problems? if not, what's the meaning of my work I thought I have found the answers here The solution is not the ultimate goal of all communication and forward is also meaningful In addition, do not always think to be a saviour, catalyst /accelerator is also of great significance to clients Comment from : @shisongliu1957 |
I dont know why I can relate so much with her with my current situation I just had the same thing that happened to me today, I wanted to meet my ex girlfriend after a while like after 5years and we decided to meet up like weeks ago but now she texted me with a reply that she is going to have her final year exams, and she won't able to make time ( we are in different cities)brbrI would like to know what was the solution to tara? Comment from : @mhprotic |
This is so helpful - as a student starting out on my 100hrs of supervised counselling this video is immensely helpful in seeing examples and the understanding behind the process Vulnerabilities and all - Thank you Comment from : @mos8350 |
Hi thank you very much for sharing this session, you have really allayed my secret fears of having to be really spot on as a therapist, your honesty about getting slightly too' guiding the conversation ' but accepting it and knowing you did it, is something I usually felt really alone with during my course, it's catching yourself, and coming back to the client and what they are trying to reveal, which you got too, and when you said going around like a funnel eventually getting closer, she wanted to come back to you and find out about herself, I will take this lesson with me onto my level 4 Thank you for your insights on your own therapy Much much appreciated Comment from : @simoneheath4991 |
Great video Really helpful Especially the running commentary Just what I was looking for Comment from : @musicbliss77 |
As a Therapist I’m learning so much from this, Thank-you for your honest evaluation Subscribed!💕 Comment from : @dawnbryant8778 |
Do a book review on the self-help satire "You Suck" by Paulie Amigo It's always trending in the Amazon Kindle book Counseling category Comment from : @sunset33533 |
Thank you mick Super effective video and very useful for my studies Comment from : @kathycarter1482 |
Muchas gracias Comment from : @marianazalazar3593 |
Hola buen día había empezado ver este video y estaba sustitulado a español lo podrían volver a poner gracias Comment from : @marianazalazar3593 |
you are a talker and when you explain , really make sense , when you are trying to demonstrate it i am not sure but I value how you are trying Comment from : @monikachlapek7835 |
Really helpful to watch I'm a L3 student approaching an external skills assessment and this session has made me feel a little less anxious Think its your congruent humanness! Thanks Mick Comment from : @kkirk2378 |
Thank you for making this video I am a first year grad student and am struggling with reflecting feelings during a counseling session Also, thank you for your transparency on your own critical self-assessment Cheers! Comment from : @totustuus8366 |
Oh my Poor girl I went through the same situation as her and discovered that they did not deserve my friendship Learned to love myself in the first place and developed real deep and caring new relationships So worthy going through that Comment from : @fabriciacucco |
Amazing thank you please post more! Comment from : @elsmada |
This is very helpful thank you Comment from : @kimmccullough4353 |
Awesomely honest and helpful, thanks Comment from : @carpetbaggerface |
I found this super helpful, thank you Mick and Tara I love your honesty about when you felt you didn’t respond optimally because it just demonstrates that therapists are human too It’s also good to understand that it doesn’t just have to be about letting the client reflect but that there is a place for prompting thoughts about how they might change I have a tendency to want to advice and comfort For example, I would like to have pointer out that potentially her friends were ill-matched and that at uni, she would likely meet people who were more like her I feel this would give her hope and a better energy to enable her to focus on her studies in the present Would that be too advice-giving do you feel, Mick? Btw, I’mbrcurrently on the masters at Roehampton and feel privileged to have you as one of the lecturers 😊 Harriett Comment from : @danyjackful |
Thank you, Mike, I feel I'm struggling at the moment I'm at the start of Level 4 and finding Skills very stressful and my anxiety is getting the best of me This video has reassured and encouraged me I can't wait for things to 'click into place'! Comment from : @keribevan3721 |
Wonderfully done - both Mick and Tara whos was role-playing Comment from : @wajdatabassum8490 |
I wish I had come across this video when I was training! Thanks Mick, it is so useful :-) Comment from : @nathalie3102 |
Do people actually spend money on such issues? It seams like abuse of money Comment from : @evian |
Hi Mick I’m 2nd year counselling psychology student and I was wondering how long I shall leave the silence when talking to a client as I don’t want it to be uncomfortable My tutor suggests to get used to silence lol 😂 I also am doing befriending on the phone which is different to counselling however does rely on rapport and being genuine I find it difficult to know if I’m in rapport on the phone I was also wondering if you know any counsellors that are on the autistic spectrum? As I am I try not to let this affect my practice and kind of try my best to be present I am empathetic anyway Comment from : @indigochild8991 |
Thanks for sharing your sessions and commentary Mick It's so useful (and refreshing) to see an experienced therapist at work and to hear the reflections It helps me to think about how I work and what I might do differently I'm a student and volunteer Comment from : @martinratcliffe5987 |
Thanks Mick, I really appreciate how this video makes the counselling process explicit I lke the fact that the is no big movement forward in the session - that sessions don't have to be like they are in theory books - which tend to show the most juicy bits of therapeutic work Reading theory books as a training counsellor can give the impression that you alway need to be doing 'great work' This video shows a 'typical counselling session', no big revelations, just being alongside the client in the small nuances of their story I also like your comments throughout, and your phrases eg "therapeutiv leverage", "embodied empathy" This video has helped me to check in with how I'm doing with my counselling practice, so thank you!! Comment from : @catherineflynn7391 |
Thank you so much Mick! It´s very helpful to see a session with all the explanation Comment from : @mariajoseguitart3691 |
Thanks Mick Really enjoyed listening to you talk about the things you would have said differently I found it encouraging and reassuring to know that even with your experience and knowledge you still say things that are imperfect Comment from : @Hellouke |
Thank you for sharing this session, helps in understanding how to met a client in relational depth Comment from : @ayeshaquraishi1 |
This is really helpful, not just for new counsellors Comment from : @katjabaghai-ravary9783 |
I couldn't agree more Mark - very reassuring Comment from : @clarehawes5448 |
Thanks for this, Mick I really like this because you're showing true congruence in every sense - that an experienced practitioner such as yourself still struggles at times to connect with the client and with their phenomenology There's hope for us all!! Comment from : @MarkMcDermottOtismojo |
I needed that sir thank you so very much Comment from : @SaminaChaddherOfficial |
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