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The Project-Based Learning Method

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Title :  The Project-Based Learning Method
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Comments The Project-Based Learning Method

This content is gold! Thanks for generously sharing your knowledge
Comment from : @YoussefBoulal

It is a great video It effectly explained what PBL is And i admire the two teachers' names for the two different learning method It helps us to understand the different effect of teachers in these methods
Comment from : @XGretta-cz7no

I like it
Comment from : @igweogba6774

I think it’s one of the best ways of learning
Comment from : @Frosty2

Wonderful method, thought 18 minutes construction time would be too short time because students would be really enthusiastic in defending their discussionwould love to try this method
Comment from : @mayda1769

I learnt that traditional teaching involves Learning about the tool without contextbrThrough the pbl we can learn the context of tools
Comment from : @Divyando

Great work done
Comment from : @wantateadam2372

bro favourite colour is orange lol
Comment from : @sweetariel1

Maybe this is the reason why I still remember some activities in elementary and senior highbrbrI cant even remember what my teacher taught me last week😅
Comment from : @Nick54545

please make a video about 21st century education br1way of thinking br11 critical thinking br12 creative thinking br2 way of working br21 communication br22 collaborationbrbr3way of workingbr31 ICT literacybr32 information literacy
Comment from : @darsanabandara3988

I literally did the spaghetti/marshmallow thing in 4th grade gifted class some 30 years ago, and yes, I do remember it vividly brbrWe used gumdrops instead of marshmallows, though And no tape Tape is for the weak
Comment from : @bvoyelr

Amazing video How do you create these videos?
Comment from : @praneshm2673

This is a good learning style, as some people learn kinesthetically, but for introverts or people with social anxiety, they may be too nervous to actually attempt to engage their other teammates, would want to work independently, or could just hand it over to somebody with more "leadership" capabilities
Comment from : @essencedreamer

The both are fragilebrThe conventional way mass-produces people who only memorizebrPBL works fine only when team members are finebrbrIn the end, I have learned most of skills from off-school trial and error alone
Comment from : @MichitaroNaito

I'm a big fan of project-based learning, and it's a significant part of my course However, I disagree with the paradigm in the video The has to be some type of lecture content in order for students to understand the context of what they are doing / did This is why use a flipped classroom model, in which the students watch my lectures in place of homework, and we spend class time doing hands-on activities
Comment from : @chasebndct

The hybrid approach is the best, IMHO - the key is balance
Comment from : @VIDEOSASDE

Would you please consider explaining the Gettier problem in terms of metaphysics? It looks even more interesting since I learned about it
Comment from : @satyaprakash03133

no wonder I hated school,,, and church at age 75 I find the more and longer I sit, it becomes harder, to get moving again The more I move during the day the better I feel at the end working as a laborer in construction I learn everything starts with the foundation!
Comment from : @relentlessmadman

Project Based Learning (PBL) method is quite correct approach for active learning However, there is an essential missing component In addition to PBL, practical exposure to the real business world is equally vital It is very important to blend theoretical education with practical education After spending time around 18 years theoretical education, I find myself lacking practical abilities for the real business world This experience feels like a significant waste of time
Comment from : @ahakansahin

Learning by doing is always better!
Comment from : @growmindflow

what software do you use to create these videos?
Comment from : @manojkumar-in5jt

didactic learning vs project learning: lecture and listening to teacher speak vs students sort themselves into groups and given a complex problem to solve knowledge easily forgotten vs knowledge easily remembered no communication no creativity vs communication and creativity required to succeed no failure no pain vs learning the right way to fail and deal with pain of failure
Comment from : @MarshBrik

As a young teacher, I am still confuse how to make the marking scheme for PBL Can anyone give me suggestion?
Comment from : @MrHanny2001

This is very interesting video, exactly focus on pros indicating or giving about cons of both However, the animations are too dynamic which sometimes distract the viewer from actual content It is too much information and increase the cognitive workload which eventually makes it difficult to understand sometimes An optimal animationlike removing the coloring or only having coloring pattern would helpanyways overall great video Just wanted to give feedback because the content of your videos is super awesome!!
Comment from : @monikgupta6687

We taught playwriting by have our students write mini plays Now their work will be performed by actors to get further feedback
Comment from : @EdmundAlynJones

Thanks for this video it's very usefulbrWe can learn in a better way by doing
Comment from : @hectorandrade7546

reality: mothers do all the work
Comment from : @jihadg3

You lost me in the first sentence I dont have friends
Comment from : @Jmmm19

Please make a video on J Krishnamurthy on learning and teaching
Comment from : @shubham3756

I agreebrbrI struggle to learn when being forced to try and take in too much info in a "boring" way I also struggle to retain info that I haven't discovered myself or that doesn't have a clear usebrbrbrI do believe that would help a lot, it would help lots of kids be able to understand what they're being told and why
Comment from : @soapygrape777

I love and agree with this so hard The way I got into programming wasn't by finding a site to just show me how to code, but I had a goal in mind that required using programming I learned SO MUCH from that experience and it unlocked a whole new level of learning from there on out, project after projectbrbrExcellent video!
Comment from : @DanielKaspo

You have ignored many of the negative issues in PBL The major one is that students typically reinvent the wheel, badly Smart people learn from others mistakes
Comment from : @drrtfm

Just remember, kids math is racist!
Comment from : @warlockpaladin2261

"They learn to learn " brThe most important thing we can give our children!
Comment from : @justanamerican9024

For me, I could never really focus in or be bothered to do the learning needed for a topic unless its related to a project or something practical, like life skills But if there was a tangible purpose to the acquisition of some knowledge I could easily spend lots of time diving into the books
Comment from : @jamiedorsey4167

Isolate-Indoctrinate, the cult of Capitalism runs the program or we’d follow this bleeding obvious advice and it wouldn’t even be in question;brThe first things that come to mind of my primary schooling are mind numbing busy work and ultranationalist propaganda, ‘the US saved the world from organized labor’
Comment from : @jamysmith7891

This method works in the business world because there's an incentive of pay and career advancement It doesn't work in high school because most students don't care about getting A's Plus the project grade is shared, so the only student that actually cares about their grades does all the work
Comment from : @Redeemedbylove1987

Well it depends upon what kind of worker you want you come out on the other side If would be great if we wanted smart independent workers, but most employers would like something workable and mid-range and cheap
Comment from : @UrbanShamanDK

Thank you sprouts! You are really the best educatiinal channel ❤
Comment from : @143Salt

I think the original premise is fallacious I don't remember learning to read, but that doesn't mean it wasn't an important part of my education It was probably the greatest milestone
Comment from : @revysingh

This is my the maker movement is so popular, as is STEAM education programs They all mix learning theory with hands on experience It engages the mind and body, and as one additional thing I remember from primary school was never being able to sit still (still an problem), projects stop the fidget and restlessness I experienced in a traditional classroom environment
Comment from : @DadofScience

In the age of internet and AI, students can do the extensive reading and the research by themselves Schools are meant to give students the motivation to learn, the safety space to apply what they learn, and the chance to socialize with many types of people 💫
Comment from : @raymk

Excellent video as always Sprouts! PBL also serves an important role in my field of workplace learning as adults often appreciate the greater emphasis on applying what their learning rather than merely absorbing information passively For related topics to PBL, I encourage viewers to also look into self-determination theory, Malcolm Knowles' andragogy, and situated learning/communities of practice, as these concepts have been invaluable to my work In fact, Sprouts has already made other fantastic videos exploring these very topics!
Comment from : @Discoflex

Please make a video about mind mapping, keep up the great work!
Comment from : @runicthor4105

It's easy to believe anything would be better than the woke trash the Dept of Indoctrination forcefeeds children
Comment from : @stevenmorris3181

Maybe this is why I got a low grade in my languages class-
Comment from : @yellowcombatgaming

Too bad schools i've been to cancel class projects every time so now everyone likes to talk too much but is also anti-social due to never being used to team work
Comment from : @RiteOfSolaris

I know project-based learning is my favorite approach personally, however I still think learning theory is always important Sometimes, when working on a software, you can fail and never find the solution While you can ask amenable fellows for help, you shouldn't expect any answer A project-based environment that, when you fail, forces you to turn to theory, though, might be better suited for the retention of that knowledge, forcing you to analyze what it brought to the table, pros and cons?
Comment from : @EmiliaHoarfrost


Comment from : @bigsarge2085

Damn you guys are right, in High School I made elaborate presentations and rehearsed a lot for my projects Now that I've graduated, I am confident i can have a good discussion with a professional in regards to certain topics because of what I've retained from analysis, research and presentation (I've even bantered with a Historian talking about Julius Caesar and tiny details about his battles, including terrain) But when if I were to be asked if I remember topics learnt through sheer classwork, I wouldn't be able to name even 1 brbrMy favourite being among Greek History and Julius Caesar, I can recite their histories off by heart and enthusiastically But even for topics I'm not interested in like other histories, finance, law etc I can still talk about with a smile as long as I've done presentation projects for them, which my teacher made us do a lot which I'm thankful now because it makes me seem sophisticated and educated to other people lmao brbrNow I'm considering making presentations for fun, and uploading them for youtube just for the sake of learning new things and retaining them as easily as I did with presentations in high school
Comment from : @ryanc2286

Constructivism is the way to go
Comment from : @theforlorn

Haven't they done this in Sweden?
Comment from : @clivesmith9377

Learning by doing is the best! It gives an insight to why something is useful too
Comment from : @braincuriosities

If public schools does PBL, the educational path for our children Will be smooth sailing
Comment from : @Tootiefrootietortalini2001

Much of what I have learned was from doing often failing but often taking on projects that were just beyond my skill Also why, ie if you’re teaching computers show what is inside brI’m planning to teach our grandkids much by doing
Comment from : @monteglover4133

So I was right; learning coding via projects and including writing was much better to go for
Comment from : @soundrogue4472

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