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MSNBC: Obama Campaign Tongue-Tied For 104 Seconds Explaining Solyndra Layoffs From Obama Investment

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Information MSNBC: Obama Campaign Tongue-Tied For 104 Seconds Explaining Solyndra Layoffs From Obama Investment

Title :  MSNBC: Obama Campaign Tongue-Tied For 104 Seconds Explaining Solyndra Layoffs From Obama Investment
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Frames MSNBC: Obama Campaign Tongue-Tied For 104 Seconds Explaining Solyndra Layoffs From Obama Investment

Description MSNBC: Obama Campaign Tongue-Tied For 104 Seconds Explaining Solyndra Layoffs From Obama Investment

Comments MSNBC: Obama Campaign Tongue-Tied For 104 Seconds Explaining Solyndra Layoffs From Obama Investment

more nobama sucking at msnbc
Comment from : @dwfvidsfloyd

she is a typical liberal, born to lie
Comment from : @joeasmythe

BULLSHIT b hussein owebama, the liar-in-chief, knew damn well solyndra was a lousy joke on Americans His whole purpose is to shut down coal and make our electricity rated so high we will knuckle under His latest crap is to release oil from the reserve just befor Nov, so it appears that he brought down the price of gasoline He is the lowest form of poitician, willing to throe us citizens under the bus to get another 4 years, and we CANNOT afford them
Comment from : @joeasmythe

80 percent of all $205 billion in Department of Energy loans went to companies owned by or connected to President Obama’s top donors -- Peter Schweizer, from his book 'Throw Them All Out'
Comment from : @yeahlikewhatever

How is any of that relevant to anything being discussed?
Comment from : @tg101393

The President's choice of " investments " looks like a dogs breakfast
Comment from : @mega13man1

I certainly didn't vote for obama In fact I didn't even vote because both candidates were horrible choices how arrogant to think you KNOW WHY people voted for obama so you wanted to vote for mccain? I don't understand, he would have done a much better job? nothing bad under him:? Perhaps people voted for obama because he at least seemed bearable compared to slow mccain "ehhehheheeeee that's not change we can believe iiin heheeeee *awkward smile*"
Comment from : @ANTIMKrebirth

In 2008 you voted for Obama to prove you weren't racist, In 2012 you vote against Obama to prove you aren't an idiot More original for you?
Comment from : @Walrusmanifacation

I listed about 10 careers people can have with Staples Good middle class jobs, all of which required college education or specialized trade training Romney is responsible for Staples of existing right now, but if keep giving the same "blame Romney" response Accountants don't have stagnant wages and accountants have been in high demand for 10 years Public relations/communications have been another career field that has became huge and in need largely because of social media But Romney's bad
Comment from : @tg101393

Some oil companies invest in alternative energy, so what you said doesn't make sense If there was a market for solar energy everyone would invest their own private money into it Screw the goverment No one (except Obama) beleives that solar energy is a big market right now Oil companies are putting themselves in position to transition to other sources, but the aren't leaving oil and going all in on solar panels2 avoid confusion I have 3 different posts to u so dont let 1 get lost in space
Comment from : @tg101393

I didn't even have room to mention and list the benefits to the middle and even lower class It's not easy getting needed school supplies for low income families or low budget college students Staples has everything they could ever need for reasonable prices Boosting the economy all while supplying needed items for furthering one's education seems like a positive to me But since Romney's responsible you think it's a negative
Comment from : @tg101393

you clearly don't understand the difference between debt and deficit! LOL not confused my ass!!!
Comment from : @mvallin

Politics didn't play any role? How about Robert Kennedy's green company receiving money and being bailed out? And his investment company as well?
Comment from : @bush1tman

Obama sucks Romney 2012
Comment from : @BlackRepublican2010

watch funny video: Ron Paul questions Obama on Letterman
Comment from : @firstonethrough

Showing concern for another human being? I didn't know you had it in you
Comment from : @ToxinMortalis

That's awesome, you actually just bashed my english using phrases like dog shit as a comparison to something inadequate? Just shut up you'r embarrassing you're self
Comment from : @naththespaz

Well done! You've assumed something about me with no evidence! We, those of us with an IQ greater than our shoe size; call this projection Go look it up, you might learn something and double your vocabulary all in one day! Won't that be awesome! It'll be another arrow in your NERF quiver of arguments You'll have two attacks! Projection AND blind assumptions You'll almost be as smart as the vice president Almost
Comment from : @ToxinMortalis

Let me give you the intellectual response that your post (which took you three days to come up with) deserves: My name is rubber Your name is glue It bounces off me and sticks to you I figure that about defeats your argument At the very least, it's a grade above what you're spewing
Comment from : @ToxinMortalis

Esta feo
Comment from : @yesicagaona9972

dude it was joke relax I was just exaggerating the point that she kinda said that the Romney campaign does not play fairjeez!!
Comment from : @boneher15

Uhhhellothat was my comeback It is easy for me to see now why people like you were foolish enough to elect a teleprompter into office
Comment from : @FePyroMaiden

Bitch says "uh" too much
Comment from : @GRAVESGGS

That bitch g bush did'nt get bin ladden, just spent huge amounts of money on war and put us in recession
Comment from : @Mac75226

Fuck g bush and all his supporters
Comment from : @Mac75226

When did I say I was a Republican? You lost all credibility with me long ago sobyeI'm done!
Comment from : @FePyroMaiden

You all suck Let's stop arguing and just vote someone prez They dont even have that much power Congress can do whatever they want regardless Hes just an overglorified figurehead
Comment from : @brandon2468ish

Hi guys
Comment from : @brandon2468ish

@mikespnuts Thank you for saying what i was thinking, obama did nothing to stop bin laden and it was pure luck they found him So i can most certainly take that accomplishment away from him and give it to seal team 6, and all the other troops serving Bless our soldiers
Comment from : @ricklybarger

@rickmitch80 There is no liberal media in the US It's all a different level of conservative Douche
Comment from : @Alexen1998

Petro isnt renewable dumbass it burns
Comment from : @Wildweston214

Why the fuck is this on my front page?
Comment from : @bouncer257

Lmao idk what was being discuss, just saw the video simply cause of its title lol poor lady
Comment from : @LalaVampy

Stupid bitch Obama is using our money to benefit us He is just pissing it away The government is just full of money hungry douche bags that want everyone to be poor while they have money We shouldn't be in the recession,nothing caused it but the governments greed
Comment from : @Randomhero348

Comment from : @5623752029

Whats going on?
Comment from : @wackedout13

Wowpoor brainwashed woman Maybe mitt lost some jobs But the obama jow growth is myth Its not fact, its washed and skewed numbers Unemployment is crazy high Over 8 right now, some say its 10, not sure about that but the 8 is stated by obamas own people Andhe said it would never come near 8 If we get him voted another term we are doomed Sadly he's still going to get the black vote,even sadder is to many people are just voting because he's blackHe gave up the white vote he said
Comment from : @altjay88

when it comes to being fair let us disregard the Romney campaignwtf??
Comment from : @boneher15

New 2012 slogans Lean FORWARD: We're not done yet! or Bend Over, here comes the CHANGE
Comment from : @Cartec09

Comment from : @hectorfr91

She is just stupid who go in business to create jobs? You go in business to make money
Comment from : @Javi-R500

Nick doesn't want people to respond to what he says because he knows he doesn't live in reality, Obama could be Jesus and he would still be trolling him Face it Nick Limbaugh lies to your face and you just sit there and take it
Comment from : @sebpeters123

Nick your full of it, the people wanted health care reform, it was right wingers who didn't and that had more to do with politics than economics The people wanted a fair tax code but once again people like u don't because of political bias Let me remind you of this, the people elected the tea party to Congress to help fix the economy but all they've done is sit on their hands and get in the way
Comment from : @sebpeters123

What qualifies Barry?
Comment from : @dfcoinc

using trayvon martin death as a tool, nah thats arepublican trick like ronmey tried to pass on that it was his idea that led to auto industry bailout and also if u know anything about politics most of obamas "things" dont take affect until a certain year
Comment from : @lavanna80

mrhollis, I think obama is working hard to keep this country afloat, after dumb former pres bush trashed this country if u watch the news youll see when the mid east is in trouble the gas goes up , if everything is ok the prices go down couple of major bills were stopped by the republican led house not the democrat led senate for example, in the end of last year with the tax cuts the gop didn't want it to pass, so millions of people aren't getting their money
Comment from : @lavanna80

Her arguments are sound! Is the stupid video title supposed to tuyen good arguments into losing struggle?
Comment from : @Jvoicetone

She makes really good pointsstuddering or not We really dont need someone who is interested in making more money for oil companies, rather someone who is interested creating jobs, and moving our still economy
Comment from : @TylerDuckBeard

Thumbs up to this one Obama 2012
Comment from : @rudeboi2310

We need to put more oil in the ocean so it can create more jobs Thanks Republicans! Drill baby drill
Comment from : @gobuybl

She was tongue tied She answer the way anyone would Sounds to me that like the person who posted just posted to post
Comment from : @elliotbell85

Jesus is the 1 who replaces all your replaces sins you committed before the foundation of the world because He loves you
Comment from : @onlyJesusis4you

MSNBC is liberal What are you talking about, libtard??
Comment from : @rock_hound80

What about us coal miners were gonna be jobless and there is not any new jobs their just feeding us full of shit cause of the election
Comment from : @75derrick75

And? She hit it on the nail and shes right
Comment from : @elroddin76

jesus loves you
Comment from : @onlyJesusis4you

Clean energy is whatever, wheather u want it or not should have nothing to do with the presidency so that's completely off topic
Comment from : @jesterjoe14

Exactly, she wasn't tongue tied, just another bias prick with a keyboard smh
Comment from : @atownshawtypimp1

That would be sir, and I'm glad you are happy in the USSAI want the USA back!
Comment from : @FePyroMaiden

Regardless, the problem in this country is that people think that its the governments job to take care of them, when in reality they just need to work hard for their earnings and strive to achieve Go Capitalism!!!
Comment from : @ewdmei

You know that half of Americans don't pay taxes? Is it not true that taxing the rich even more would mean less employment for the middle class? Should we punish and take from those who have prospered in the land of opportunity and give to those who didn't earn shit? If you were to take all of the money from the rich 1 you wouldn't be able to run this country for a year
Comment from : @ewdmei

@lavanna80 what do you think Obama is doing?
Comment from : @MrHollis3498

NO He is Mormon and will reinstate prohibition and Burger King will be the Vice President
Comment from : @LargeWave

if ronmey is president, he will kicking back drinking the finest champagne and having fun with his ceo friends while u will working for minimal wage at a burger joint
Comment from : @lavanna80

Uh uh uh Sounds like bama liar
Comment from : @omegafund

all u dumb fucks that said that obama is the worst prez is dead wrong bysh, nixon, harding, etc obama actually gives a shit about the american people the republican assholes dont if people werent so stupid and elected these gop and tea party morons back in 2010, obama would be in control
Comment from : @lavanna80

Reagan said it bestit's not that our liberal friends are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so Obama will go the way of Carterinto obscurity and remembered as a joke of a president Oddly enough, Bush was a doofus too, and I'm a conservative We're batting 0000 for presidents over the last 12 years
Comment from : @Battleplan

I used to work at solyndra, but they laid my butt off A week after that they closed the doors to all the hard working people there and told them to leave without any warning
Comment from : @jujo51500

What a piece of junk movie GOP trying to use their bought tv-networks As usual
Comment from : @Alexen1998

What was the question again?
Comment from : @ellerbemt

she is actually answering the question, thats why she sounds nervusunlike the gop talkers who appear to be under a spell when they go on TV every question they answer with talking points not related to the question
Comment from : @SpaceObake

NIXON 2012
Comment from : @LargeWave

Love it the prez just gave a speach and wham dow is down 275
Comment from : @seinfeld8812

I keep mu nutz nice and clean and powdered really goodhow are those electric cars selling?
Comment from : @seinfeld8812

Corporate influence in government is just as bad as a biblical influence What the fluck happened to "for the people"? I know not everyone of us can agree on everything, but no one can disagree that our current government is not what the constitution was created for!
Comment from : @JPelus

Ha, she does hv a point about not sending shit to China and India though, doesn't she
Comment from : @mikeo143

She just sounded nervous that's all Maybe had a bit of a panic attack Happens to me sometimes That doesn't mean i give two shits about what she's sayin
Comment from : @mikeo143

Nice play
Comment from : @f1f1k2

Comment from : @singerofgospel

Did you have to go on line to learn how to cook the meat or did you just eat it raw?
Comment from : @LargeWave

How bout just term limits! Threat an idea thats too good that it will never see the light of day
Comment from : @f1f1k2

At least bush did what he said he was going to dohey big wave You got me on the saute comment,but guess what? atleast I had meat with my veggiesinstead of ,just veggies!
Comment from : @f1f1k2

Did she just really say, as a democrat, that there's nothing wrong with people losing their jobs, pensions, etc just do Romney can make a profit Sounds like to me Democrats and Republicans are the same people and want the same things They just stage fight just to keep the people divided Our government is broke, we obviously need a new one A government without democrats and republicans, independentsa government without a house and senate, no lobyists, no corporate influence what so ever
Comment from : @jazzmann1984

I'm a ron paul guy but her argument was mitt romney was in for a profit for himself and his investors and they won Obama's investors were the American people and he lost I'd rather have the guy who knows what he is doing
Comment from : @ohgodthisitches

"Uh and uh yes and uh uh" lol
Comment from : @JeremysRants

Ron Paul FTW!
Comment from : @JosephSetala

George W Bush was the worst President EVER
Comment from : @LargeWave

Yes we are educated unlike yourself Remember that you had to watch a video on "How to Saute Broccoli" and your comment was "Wow I can't believe how simple this is!!!!" Your republican mind is simple and fails to process Only the smallest of minds like yours stereotype millions of people
Comment from : @LargeWave

Oh that's rightIt always has something to do with some form of education with you people
Comment from : @f1f1k2

Ron Paul!!!
Comment from : @riqorivas

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