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Red Alert 2: [YR] - Top 3 AI Cheats

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Comments Red Alert 2: [YR] - Top 3 AI Cheats

True even I did edit the ini file and disabled the radar and spy plane under soviet settings They can still locate my base
Comment from : @sakurazakikasumi2157

Gap generator will not hide anything from AI😅
Comment from : @kaixuan90

The AI not having fog of war is so god dam annoyingbrFor referencebrIn C&C3 Nod has a catalyst missile that will one shot tiberium based units and structuresbrNod also has no way of seeing through fog of war without having unit to see itbrAnd in C&C3 You cannot use support powers without line of sightbrMeaning NOD will constantly harass my economy with my only option being bombing their chem lab to just delay it for some time
Comment from : @Octi-ku4yf

I realized why the AI cheats Making the AI imitate the player's behavior is harder
Comment from : @razorback9999able

you should have put in the fact the Ai builts spies before it can built them I know its the same as technology stolen
Comment from : @kingpietro1279

in the campaign, if you let the Yuri AI capture multiple [20x yuri war factories] - it wont do a thing yetbruntil if you build an oil derrick (by cheating) and letting the AI capture it,brYou'll notice soon it would build 20x tank/gattling tank(depends how many factories you let it capture) at the same time
Comment from : @xeroxcopy8183

When the ai have for example he play with France if he have a Soviet mcv he will build 3 building in the same time for example he will build 3 war factory in the same time
Comment from : @assemtn7432

Oh yeahThe AI I have witnessed many times as a child and beyond 😂 No wonder why we always turned off the Superweapons at some point 😂
Comment from : @KritoSkywaker

Funny enough the AI in Renegade, if I recall correctly, also can detect you while cloaked
Comment from : @tehspy1337

Do you know? AI can build as many as building at once, depending on how many construction yards they have?brbrThey can also build construction yard without mcv as long as they have secondary Cons yard?brbrThey can also build tanks at once depending on how many war factories they have, same as barracks 😳brbrAlso their units fire faster than playersbrWhat a cheater AI, still can’t win 😔
Comment from : @OMGMiracle7

I said that fair becuz I destroy bridge or just rush them lol
Comment from : @changgitp

They can spawn spies at early stage even they are in techs are in tier 1 tho
Comment from : @unkown4047

AI really cheats? No dignity!
Comment from : @kln5705

In mental omega the AI can build spies (and the other faction equivalents) without a t3 tech structure, which is requiredbrI think this might also be the case in the base game too
Comment from : @cababge

GAP generators without power? Of course AI ignore gap generators, but without power it cant work event in theory
Comment from : @AlexanderBasov

Is there a solution for this? I want to play hard or brutal AI's, but I don't want them to get a handicap The way it seems to be right now is that it's two-fold:br1 The AI gets a "budget" (which scales with difficulty) to build things before it has to start spending the actual moneybr2 The AI is smarter about how it spends both the budget and the moneybrbrIs there a way to somehow be on the same level playing field of the AI when it comes to resources, but the AI still being better? Because if we play against an Easy AI, it is pathetic compared to any other player Which doesn't seem appropriate because a lot of times the AI should have all it takes to take on the small encroaching forces I/we deploy early-midbrbrIs it really just an AI issue? I've been playing a bit of Red Alert 3 recently, and I am wondering if this is just How it is? Can they really only make the AI harder by giving it more resources?
Comment from : @Duspende

That is why we Use Trainers, for Higher professionals: Cheat Engine is enough LOL
Comment from : @mark31125

I love that the ai has infinite money, as it makes creating a horde of spies, and stealing tens of thousands of dollars possible
Comment from : @thedarkone246

Also allies recruit spies before even building the battle lab for the first time :D
Comment from :

So basically its still dune 2 and they got away with it
Comment from : @Elcnar

i They can build multiple identical superweapons, Ore Purifiers, Industrial Plants and Cloning Vats based on the number of Construction Yards they have; fortunately all superweapons share the timer before they are fully charged in an unmodified gamebrbrii Magnetrons controlled by the AI can move and lift a vehicle at the same timebrbriii AI Floating Discs can drain and shoot other units/buildings at the same time
Comment from : @Reed_Peer

Last one you dont have power so the generator will not work
Comment from : @choohenson1300

Can i get this thumbnail?
Comment from : @Dex4rk

3:00 what map?
Comment from : @deadchannel9071

Report ai players
Comment from : @reapertheone2348

just like starcraft starcraft also summons units out of thin air
Comment from : @musAKulture

The only real way to cripple any c&c ai is to destroy the con yard and factory
Comment from : @njalsand133

its like i'm really back in 2009
Comment from : @htf5555

Your Game Cheated :D
Comment from : @ooguzszaszy

Lol I learned early on in the TibSun days that the comp can see everything
Comment from : @D80sman

they can spot my sniper, dammit
Comment from : @wavewalker2000

What is the function of gap generator ?
Comment from : @evaderinvasion6753

why AI buy Spy and more but not have A batte lab
Comment from : @nottokung6191

They can also build double buildings when they have 2nd MCV or More
Comment from : @Izzyeet

I find that, even though AI money cheated, they CAN run out of money I once played with Brutal AI in a low resource map and kept destroying their miners & war factories They would sell out their buildings slowly and eventually resign when their funds are not sufficient to build another refinery
Comment from : @detaaditya6237

this sums up my rage when playing with hard AI in mental omegabrwhat's worse in that mod is that the AI will also do an engineer rush just to get every single TECH BUILDING IN THE MAP one even went so far to send a borillo straight through my base just to get to the oil derrick behind it
Comment from : @ImJustJass

How about how the AI magnetron can carry you indefinitely across the map
Comment from : @yoshq7

Is there any ways you can upgrade your water units with spies?
Comment from : @tstreb66

Brutal AI on stage: "And listen to this, he deployeda GAP generator!" brOther Brutal AIs in the audience: >Thunderous applause and laughter<
Comment from : @TheZoobZoobs

OK, am I missing something? Deploying your MCV you can build power plant and you have more than enough for a refinery which is around 1,400 res How much the refinery costed? It wasn't 2,000 for sure which is allowing you to build a barracks before it as the CPU did!
Comment from : @josephwhitehall3821

Music 🎶 brCraft case - Fast Forward
Comment from : @ElvisAlilu

But AI sells everything and gets an instinct defeat when its base, barracks and factory are gone!
Comment from : @AthenaCannon

They built kirov with level 1 tech
Comment from : @reapertheone2499

The AI can afford to build a mining facility by selling its only HQ
Comment from : @chyuwei6944

KKND2 was bad for cheating AI The amount of times that I've seen the enemy use planes despite the fact they don't have the relevent research level
Comment from : @aurongrande6141

AI always cheats a fighting games AI can even read your controller input and react with perfect counter in milisecond
Comment from : @casekocsk

Do You know ? What are Bots never build or train units ?
Comment from : @Power_Soon_yaya--9804

This kind of cheating prepares you for lifebrNo amount of smart thinking and hard work can compete with a broken system so learn to exploit it
Comment from : @Dudebrotheguy

damn i wanna be an ai
Comment from : @DaSpoonyBard

And if you haven't done it yet make a video about how stupid friendly ai is
Comment from : @DarknessLord1997

I remember i had 4v4 against normal AIs and the enemy build robot tanks and the path was blocked by mountains so i thought i had the upper handbrInto i saw them fly through the mountiansbrbrWTF you cheating besterds!
Comment from : @DarknessLord1997

Sigh i don't think i can win with allies, guess I'll do the old trickbrbrSpamming Prism tank, And ifv brbr2 chrono guy to go hunt random loot box till i get other tribe mcv
Comment from : @princeedhwardhezmi6469

I have had them build 4 power stations at once
Comment from : @cantnes

Another cheat, if given the choice between a dog and a disguised spy (these are the only two infantry you have present at the time), the AI will go after the disguised spy using a genetic mutator
Comment from : @everlastingauraX

My favoutie example of cheating AI have to be one from etherlords 2 Think of it as early M:TG in 3d There was spell called wither that debuffed target creature attack and health by -4/-4 but desciption directly said you cant lover target health to less than 1 AI ofc cheated and gleefully killed your minions with that card
Comment from : @ComissarYarrick

This is why you always destroy yard 1st :D
Comment from : @Bullminator

Also AI has faster ROF (Rate of Fire)
Comment from : @OMGMiracle7

While someone out there can script the AI to play like a human without any cheating at all, it'll absolutely suck unless someone manages to integrate a neural network AI(learning AI) into RA2brbrSo it kinda justifies why the AI cheats, this was a byproduct of having limited resource to making AI at the time, there wasn't a lot of reliable research The AI cheats to give the player a decent challengebrbrAlso 2500 startingcash I think has meant for you to capture structures with engies/or rush
Comment from : @dracmeister

I recall that in the Generals mod for Red Alert 2 YR, the Ai could build units two at a time, it seemed Like, getting 2 tanks out of two factories at once I dunno if it was because they were programmed to cap the build rate (didn't know that trick at the time) but it made it extremely difficult for me to sustain any kind of defense against them
Comment from : @arcanaxiii6665

How hard you destroy their building,They Always Build More with less Resources
Comment from : @Revolutionary_Fish

how can i cheat yuri on cnc online ? brsome players use that ?
Comment from : @fegooo6552

Top 3 Al dumb
Comment from : @Champerstudio

Wait what I didn't know you can start your game with 2500 resources
Comment from : @benjamingnanaarasu5674

I have found a AI cheat on moon patrol the map subfactions don't get special troops or airborne but Germany aka allied GOT A FUCKING APOCALYPSE TANK FROM THE START OF THE GAME WAHT
Comment from : @raunopahkel5110

Brutal AI unit fire or reload faster than my unit Such as AI pillbox or prism tower tanks armies all fire faster than me I See robot tank win gattling tankbrBut AI gattling tank win my robot tankbrMy typhoon promoted level 1 vs AI typhoon result Draw!!
Comment from : @aphisittbuahom318

3:43 destroy one power plant, two shall take its place! HAIL HYDRA
Comment from : @0xVENx0

Name of the song please?
Comment from : @themanslaughter4250

Let just say in Mental Omega(MO), the AIs 's level of cheating is skyrocket For example: even at the start of the match when you are trying to build just one barrack and a refinery, they have already sent out spies to rob you; or an infantry rush with tanks behind This happened to me in 15 minutes No joke Freaking 15 minutes brbrOther cheat tactics I have noticed so far: engineer rush(both at the begin and in the middle stage of the match), super weapon rush (building a super weapon somehow make them pull tons of unit out of their a** and stream roll your entire base) and base crawler
Comment from : @zeroakira584

I thought every gamer knows that computer controlled player(s) always cheats, yet you got flagged when you're cheating
Comment from : @mrt1975

Do you think SkyNet will drive the uprising of the machines? NO! Bots from Red Alert 2 will destroy people And in their favorite style - slowly and stupidly
Comment from : @арсенийменьшов-ь2е

Brutal AI as soviets will rush you with like 30 conscripts right out the gate, while still having all the funds to build base and tanks Allies one of the first things they train is Tanya and they are sending her to blow up your construction yard before you even have your war factory up
Comment from : @AceMcshred

AI in RA2 can also build strucutures far away from build radious (espiecally on unholy alliance gamemod) Remember: Never attack Yuri's AI base with Prism Tank spam
Comment from : @initiatekris7432

That was great 4 minutes 4 seconds, congrats comrade!!
Comment from : @nectarwithj

Ah the AibrThat magically keeps it's technology even if you destroy the battle lab or the Soviet battle lab and keeps getting Boris and TanyabrAnd somehow they keep producing units from clone vats back in ra2 idk about ra2 yr i forgot but I think they keep doing it too without barracksbrAnd same with 2 war factory means double units duplicationbrSOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME HOW THIS DUPLICATION WORKS
Comment from : @RealMadMed

The outro sync with sfx That sick!
Comment from : @FreedomFighterEx

12 / 09 / 2020 brtg - sacred Cool super c'était mes jeux préférés je vois tout le temps avec je veux passer ma matinée là-dessus il y avait toujours des trucs à découvrir ça c'était super je crois que j'avais alerte rouge enfin je m'en rappelle plus mais j'essaie toujours comment les conquérants je l'ai toujours et j'avais tout le premier je joue avec était super des supers jeux j'en suis fan de ces jours-là merci encore de nous faire découvrir ces Jeux-là ça me rappelle des bons des bons souvenirs j'ai passé des heures et des heures sur ces Jeux -là devoir en avoir plus souvent remarquable au revoir 😉👍🎮🕹🕹🎮🕹🎮🎮
Comment from : @lepetitpecheuralamouchejea7579

what is tank ? yuri don't mind me don't mind me no more
Comment from : @cyberneticdex69

If AI is yuri and if you gift him 3 different construction yards (by mind control) after you destroy his construction yard, believe it or not if AI deploys all of them, AI actually builds 3 building of the same superweapon, like, 3 nuke silo, or 3 iron curtain, you must try itbrEdit: btw, I still wanna know is it possible to get your power back after a floating disc drains yours from one of your power plants? (Tesla reactor prefered)
Comment from : @caniraistlin

Well it is still more merciful than a brutal AI in C&C 3 ^^
Comment from : @TheValentineEnemy

The 4 minutes and 3 seconds I needed :)
Comment from : @starlord360xy24

1brAI doesn't cheat too much,AI have starting credit 5 times as you set the creditand once AI's miner unloads ore,it will get double income,these can be changed in rules by modifying MultiplayerAICM (percentage) and AIVirtualPurifiers(count as how many "Purifiers" AI have,vanilla RA2's Purifier buff is set to 25)br2brAI have all buildings being built,the nuclear silo being destoried,AI will tried to rebuild it but the building progress won't being canceled so there's the result,AI only cancel everything when it have not only funds but also refineries and minersbr25brAI could build teams without having the appropriate structure that is true,you can modify AI to build almost any unit that not belongs to itself(Example,there's an official lunar map which AI whatever the faction you choose,builds Apocs for no reason)
Comment from : @linglin92

Yeah the last one annoys me greatly In allied last mission if I have cleared waters with submarines the first psychic dominator victims are submarines! Which enemy should'n see AT ALL I thought about that and used siege choppers - just 2s before he launches superweapon attack I take them to the sky and they aren't affected, takes few tries to get timing right AI all-seeing is in Tiberian Sun as well and I'm pretty sure same goes with Starcraft - at least when it comes to base location
Comment from : @Promilus1984

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