Title | : | How Common Core Broke U.S. Schools |
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The US government is actually using the name of the continent We are US citizens and citizens of the United States Everyone in North America, Central America, South America, the Americas and the American continent is an American like Asia are Asians, Africa are Africans and Europe are Europeans What happened first? The United States of America or the American continent? The United States of America became a nation on the date of July 4th of 1776 and the whole entire continent was already named America after Amerigo Vespucci in the year 1507 that was 269 years difference way before the United States of America became a nation Europe has 50 countries, Asia has 51 countries, Africa has 54 countries, Oceania has 14 countries and America is not a country America is a continent of 35 countries in total Why are people not educated about America? Comment from : @armandoruiz8758 |
These people think you can solve problems with black and white solutions They want to keep on doing the same thing over and over again Never changing the foundation of the educational system Instead of going to Europe and China to see how they have the better education Comment from : @JanuaryTheFirst-nn3jc |
The Government doesn't want people capable of critical thinking Comment from : @PlunkettsPestControl-c2h |
Infuriating 😡 Comment from : @rubiferrer2419 |
Dep Ed go raided! OH YEAH! Comment from : @oodo2908 |
So what I'm hearing is old people feel threatened and stupid and react with anger when made to learn new things Shocking Comment from : @aidandavis5550 |
as an american,truely our education is screwd,i had to learn most stuff on my own it was really hard to learn the things i know now,i hope in the future they fix this major issue Comment from : @pendejo_20 |
Ringo was right -"Everything the government touches turns to crap" And Garrison Keiler - "It used to be that a good teacher was someone who was good at explaining things to people who weren't good at understanding things, but now it means someone who takes something simple and makes it complicated" As a retired teacher, I lay most of the blame at all those "experts" who decide what and how the teachers are to teach I did my best to ignore all of them Comment from : @RobertBrown-yb3ur |
US schools are failing because ISDs are to focused on testing instead of teaching and education should be partnership Parents drop their kids of to school for babysitting Comment from : @drbaotran8448 |
Remember when presedents were good like the 3 that were rest of the government has always been corrupt Comment from : @BestNflMemes |
It teaches children to be narrow minded That’s the issue Comment from : @CameronVaughn-l9x |
IS IT POSSIBLE TO DO CALCULUS USING COMMON CORE METHODS ???????????????? Comment from : @daskritterhaus5491 |
woke broke Comment from : @jahnwarnermedia |
maybe dumbing down white w black integration doesn’t work Comment from : @jahnwarnermedia |
As my Dad always said, "Someone woke up with an idea" Comment from : @crystalgalarsa3597 |
I love how the video explicitly stated that poverty was at the root of the issue but everyone is blaming weird math homework brCan we get some airtime for property tax based funding? No Child Left Behind?brbrThe bit about Common Core having the problem of establishing a grade level standard is ridiculous Teachers will need to differentiate instruction no matter what the standards are Comment from : @atticusrex2691 |
It is a mistake to think all kids can learn the same way A good teacher knows this and would have multiple methods/approaches to get the knowledge across Comment from : @thedoggiehumansquad9478 |
This was no accident; they did it on ourposey Comment from : @beatricepineda5923 |
With a country that has the most privilege to education yet still falls behind is concerning Comment from : @Oceanuz |
standardized testing leads to standardized teaching in other words, rote learning of testable factoids there is NOTHING about this that is beneficial to students, or the future of the country first the standards are often NOT developmentally appropriate for kids next, school is NOT about teaching factoids it's about teaching HOW TO THINK content is actually secondary to the processes the idea that what you pour into a student's head equals what they absorb and understand, is NOT TRUE Comment from : @budgiebreeding |
As a student who was stuck in the common core system it flipping sucked, especially cuz my parents are immigrants so when I asked for help they had no idea how to solve it IN THE COMMON CORE WAY! Instead teaching me WAYYY easier ways to solve the equation, and thankfully my teachers didn’t rlly care as long as I got the question right Comment from : @CARATSIMANOLDMAN |
As someone in the education industry and with multiple children in my immediate and extended family grow up in America, I think this was a good initiative, an equivalent of after-school Kumon and should be analyzed more to understand why it failed Comment from : @trotter7738 |
The math for 1st graders is ridiculous and gets more complicated as they go Its ridiculous to let BUSINESSMEN make any decisions involving child development Stupidity It DOESNT work Kids are so far behind its a crime Comment from : @louannebridges2417 |
As a man who graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering in 2008brbrA degree that was achieved by writing many 20 page long math solutions brbrI fear trying to teach my kids math when they come home from school Comment from : @Supaslicer |
We started learning pre algerba in the 6th grade prior to common core Comment from : @tonyrobertson3451 |
BC to AD today is 2025 Ai to Unemployment in Federal & Texas Taxes too… I’m unemployed why? Comment from : @Liz-y1d |
My mom is an elementary school teacher who is currently teaching 1st grade, and the math that they are doing is so confusing It's just some overcomplicated version of simple addition and subtraction but I barely understand it and I'm in calculus Comment from : @Person4-h5w |
Communist manifest 101 dept of Education ran by the government Comment from : @4211mk |
Math teacher friends (the dedicated ones who actually understand math) have seen good results with CC Comment from : @mariem3800 |
These children can be educated take away electronic devices and educate them supervision take charge like China Comment from : @CharlesThomson-i2e |
Any form of standardized teaching is doomed to fail, this includes standardized testing, curriculum, methods and ideas Children are people and people are all different, we have different strengths and weaknesses, different ways we learn, different methods to get to an answer, and different potential All of this has been someone in a government office trying to simplify the entire education system and every student in it down to a number They like number because they are easy and don't require alot of explanation, but the numbers don't mean anything in the real world I am not a teacher but I have taught people my trade and different people learn in different ways, at different speeds and to different levels of proficiency I have met many people who did extremely well in school but couldn't operate a wrench, I have met others who did very poorly in school but picked up the job very quickly and gained a high level of skill If you are trying to teach every single student the same stuff, the same way, at the same time and to the same level you are going to fail It's the same as teaching animals to climb a tree, the monkeys will be great at this, the fish not so much Comment from : @collinnicholasns |
teachers are cowards Comment from : @dng6121 |
The dumbest 💩 EVER!!!! My daughter showed me this and I taught her the way I learned!!! Comment from : @renee0927 |
Schools in US have been "failing" since the 1980's The topic mostly comes up from politicians during elections It's a problem no one wants to fund, because Americans are okay with big corporations paying little to no taxes Comment from : @edwinrivera4735 |
FYI all those countries that are ahead of the USA in education, none of them use common core idiocy Comment from : @vperepechina |
It was, the common core that is, and is stupid and unnecessary; should have never been allowed Comment from : @vperepechina |
They are now doing the same thing with science Comment from : @cshop1862 |
Does anyone ever take into consideration the fact that the USA is a combination of peoples who score at wildly varying levels across the Globe according to their Geographical area of originbrFor example, Russian scores are based on ethnic-Russian kids, while the USA scores are based on a collection of scores made up combinations of kids from European, Northern Asian, southern Asian, sub Saharan African, and Meso-American geographical origins which again, show wildly disparate performances in scoring,? Comment from : @kevinwasilewski598 |
"New math" was ridiculous Marking wrong correct answers derrived via traditional methods of calculation was ridiculous This video should have demonstrated common core's math calculation moethods Comment from : @keithwilliams8342 |
This is the end result of letting LEFTIST NAZI'S RUN OUR SCHOOLS ! Comment from : @davidtomasello8820 |
I strongly support the common core You can’t develop Critical Thinking if you don’t have enough ideas and content to think about, relate and build upon Comment from : @JullianRoman |
This video's initial framing of the issue (Common Core's Pros and Cons) is quite reductive and limited in its analysis, or should I say demonization, of Common Core, and misrepresentationbrfor what it is This video feeds right into narrow and shallow thinking Presented by non-educators, with an evident outcome agenda - Betsy DeVos??! Come On! This is a propaganda brhit piece on a defenseless target OK, it's true, Common Core had some real nonsense when it came to lower level math instruction However, on the other hand, Common Core nailed brit with it's teaching philosophy that expected interdisciplinary relevance for high school Social Sciences/History and English Language Arts (ELA) instruction Throw out Common Core's brmisguided math thinking, and what remains mostly stands up to intellectually-honest rigor Much of the dramatic anti-intellectual reactionary responses to relevant teaching from today is brstrong evidence for how necessary the Social Sciences and ELA expectations / direction from Common Core really is/was NOTE: I am a recently retired high school History and ELA teacher Comment from : @paulhusby8344 |
Common core has nothing to do with the decades-long failure of government education I'm a survivor of these failed socialist indoctrination camps I swore that my kids would never see the insides of a public school They are bloated, inefficient, and ineffective Some kids are curious and want to learn regardless of the environment These kids succeed despite the conditions they are put in, not because of them Comment from : @sdboyd |
Ummm we send our money to Ukraine and Israel instead of our schools and communities 🙄 Comment from : @BeccaBow010 |
When you dumb down education, no one wants to excel Since there are no more high standards, there are no standards at all Try focusing on educating and teaching Instead of indoctrination and forcing outcomes Most education around the world ends at grade school level You have to pass standardized tests to get into high school level education Maybe we should have that here First though, we have to build up our trades skills schools and manufacturing capabilities to have jobs for general the general population that can't apply themselves to learning higher education College is not meant for everyone It's a sad commentary on the current standards of education, when most first year college students in the US can't even do math or read at grade level Comment from : @stevenwalker4923 |
It's over for you people Comment from : @pocalypto |
Teachers can create their own lessons and teach them When I started in 1985 we did that and kids enjoyed learning because teachers were motivated and knew they were doing a good job Taking autonomy away from teachers was a big mistake I taught English under common core (and it was awful)for a couple of years It was already dropped by the time I retired Comment from : @cherylwest2543 |
Nope Not common core No child left behind The common core couldn't overcome the "accountability" aspect of proficiency based testing and the classist effect it has Comment from : @andrewdoak1008 |
Let's face the matter honestly : there is a Democratic way of performing elementary arithmetic and a Republican way Comment from : @JudithMirville-Deschanels |
Anyone remember the New Math? Taught number theory, I loved it as a student but it got discarded and I never really got the old math Comment from : @gracevalentine1666 |
Common Core was an initiative brought to us by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation Math should not be complicated and so disjointed Concrete, pictorial, abstract teaching of each concept There's a reason why Singapore jumped to the top of the world in terms of math acquisition and mastery Most of the Common Core objectives do not align with the appropriateness/readiness of students Comment from : @dtthept9275 |
I hate the common core makes 0 sense Comment from : @NicoleSantanaZuniga-f9p |
The problem is not our curriculum We were more advanced than other countries decades ago The problem is style of instruction, student-centered teaching, and lack of discipline Additionally, teachers add a lot of extra fluff that take up classroom time related to social emotional learning and critical theory nonsense Comment from : @biblicalworldview1 |
Common core was the stupidest method schools adopted Comment from : @amandaroseortiz7461 |
Common core is only one of a multitude of problems in our educational system The students are held to higher standards than many of the teachers were to get a certificate Listening to the excuses made in this video is yet another reason for our declining educational institutions No solutions, just blame and finger pointing Comment from : @lincolnprojectnemesis3253 |
Not sure if it’s the common core issue or the school admins focus on the stats of students passing It’s a mess! Teachers are forced to pass students that didn’t understand the materials, which means these students ended ip in classes that they didn’t have the foundation for, which made it even more difficult for them to pass If a student can’t understand basic math such as add/ subtract/ multiply or divide from 5th grade, I don’t see the point of them in an algebra class Comment from : @Jesuslovemethisiknow100 |
Sigh, I teach common core math and this is BS It is every student learning the same standards across the country Comment from : @micholmendonca4908 |
You guys just explained why we need to get rid of the Department of Education 😂 Comment from : @RickSanchez167 |
What people don’t realize is all these standards are being created without input from people who actually understand the brain development in children and what academic milestones are appropriate based on a child’s level of cognitive development (Ie child and school psychologists) Until the standards are created to be developmentally appropriate, most children won’t meet them Comment from : @chuckcannon7114 |
Food drive thrubrYour total is 548brI give one $20 nine 5c three 1cbrEmp hands me ten and ones and coinsbrI rejectbr548brI pay 48c i owe you $5brI pay $20 you owe me $15brOhbrEmp takes bills gives me one $10 one $5brSigh Comment from : @eft94530 |
The gentleman who said parents couldn’t help their kids with homework is right I have very unpleasant memories of my parents trying to help me with homework and it always ended in yelling, and me crying because my parents were yelling at me, which means homework never got done Comment from : @ST-du4rs |
Its because Right wingers don't like education An educated population makes people more difficult to control Comment from : @kenward9449 |
When I have to check homework, I have to show them the way I learned Common core is crap Comment from : @pdmayton |
I think it severely hurt my older kids academically It made it impossible for me to help them with their math (my best subject) which eroded their trust in asking me or their mom for help at home Comment from : @TheKeithterry |
Public schools sucks Comment from : @elementzero5733 |
Democrats need to go!!!! Comment from : @1lorijb |
This video is very misleading Implore you to look up conceptual v procedural math It’s why parents struggle to help their kids, they can do the “math” but they don’t understand why they are doing certain steps The video also doesn’t address during this time the low amount of young people into the profession Hurting the quality of teacher pool bring this new teacher style to schools Comment from : @phila1448 |
I thought this is why SOLs were created in the 90s I find it funny that since the introduction of the Dept of Ed, education has been getting drastically worse Comment from : @justinchetney3902 |
Any adult would know the Pythagorean theorem 😂 Comment from : @matthewsbarnabei |
Once again, how many times do we need to see a top down, big government plan/program solution fail to stop and realize the local systems always do better Comment from : @JoeMD1 |
3 years later and education is in the dumps in mericabrSo much for progress Comment from : @videosammy |
I must have missed the common core thing when I graduated in 2009 but the "no childless behind" crap really held us back, not just the slow kids we had to wait on but every class clown who wasn't paying attention the first time We would all have to sit and wait for it to be reexplained for them soon a whole we learned much less per year Even when 99 of the classroom was ready to move on to the next assignment Plus, atleast in my state schools RELENTLESSLY waste WEEKS practicing for the state testing instead of actually teaching anything so they can score higher than other schools rather than focus on teaching more Comment from : @kristinem9171 |
When you just shift the "standards" instead of providing more resources to the classroom to help students be successful, you're going to just taint your new "standards" because you're NOT SOLVING THE PROBLEM! Comment from : @kenjiedavis5238 |
1) End the deployment of EDbr2) School Choice Comment from : @SirPhilosopher |
More like, “Common Corruption “ Comment from : @Primo_extracts |
Looks like Obama has dumbed down an entire generation of kids Comment from : @BakoSooner |
do people really start on the right when doing that first math problem? i’ve always started from the left Comment from : @nagash77 |
Video starts off strong asking “how would you solve this equation?” with no equation in sight 😂 Comment from : @Sauromalus |
Reason 101 to home educate your children Comment from : @kippbolt5449 |
look up the aspen institute their influence started the push away from education being used to teach useful skills to what we have now Comment from : @johnrobberts7936 |
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