Title | : | 7 Spanish books for beginners | Improve your Spanish |
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Mil Gracias 🌟🔥🌟🔥🌟🔥 Comment from : @BrendaBoykin-qz5dj |
Really enjoyed both of Olly's books, completed both Comment from : @destro1989 |
It would be interesting if you as well did the video for intermediate learners and which books would you suggest to read Comment from : @ProMasterH |
I read Endurance in Spanish and now I'm reading alchemista Not too difficult, but not beginner level either brbrI've got some terrible recommendations for Spanish books that are way too difficult Those books are now just collecting dust Just because they're great books from the Hispanic world, doesn't mean they're suitable for Spanish learners brbrI'd recommend findind a 'short' book you want to read anyway and get it in Spanish Just make sure it is not too longbrbr'short stories' is a fantastic book The stories are actually really good As they're short, the story is easier to follow Comment from : @djfearross4144 |
I'm just learning Spanish and I am using your book now! ¡gracias! Comment from : @blanchieandschezca |
im reading your spanish book and it's riddled with mistakes at least put a little bit of effort in mate Comment from : @nynthes |
❤Chicano Mexicano American I am from Downey California 1970 I only read English My parents and freinds spoke spanish, but now that I am older, i tried leaning and its really hard I rather stick with English I am 65 now I can hear it and understand it I can do like other Spanish speaking people do, get books on tapes Comment from : @Californiansurfer |
One Hundred Years of Solitude is probably good since it’s mostly just reading the same names over and over again and trying to figure out which generation they’re talking about (I love that book, by the way I’m kidding here) Comment from : @EndrChe |
before watching, i would like to recomend "Cronica de una Muerte Anunciada"brbrshort, interesting, a page turner, and easy to read Comment from : @jakepistolero |
Would you agree that when we are learning we should read out loud? It seems to me that if I am reading only with my eyes I pick out the important words only to get the meaning of the sentence I am reading it seems that that would defeat the whole purpose of reading So reading out loud would force me to see the sentence structure Etc? Comment from : @susanlarmour |
I've recently discovered subtitles in my native tongue don't help me learn another language My best learning style seems to be 1-to have advance word lists, 2-to listen to a story or article 3-finally finally see the text version of the story with the same language subtitles That way I acquire the cadence and intonation patterns while learning the written language It goes without saying it also has to include reading the story out loud, but after I've heard it first in the native language This is the fourth time in my life I've tried to learn a language, but this is the first time I feel confident I can become competent in that language For me, stories are definitely the easiest base to acquire the language, but it isn't what I'd call a cake walk to develop the level of competency I need to discuss the topics that interest me I've also accidentally discovered some Spanish dialects are far easier for the native English speaker to pronounce I obviously have to be able to understand all dialects (accents) but I wonder whether it's better to adopt the accent that's easiest to pronounce or the one you'll be speaking the most For example, Argentinean Spanish, is just far easier to articulate than Mexican Spanish, however I live in the Southwestern United States, so using that dialect would be more useful, not to mention a bit more socially acceptable That's probably an advanced topic, but it's relevant in terms of the way I'm relearning the language now Comment from : @pennyhoward6838 |
Oh my goodness! I'm glad I watched this video I speak Spanish I learned as Latter-day Saint (Mormon) missionary in Venezuela (many years ago) I don't have any problems with Spanish from Peru, Cuba or Spainbut Mexican Spanish sometimes feels like a different language 😂 I think your book 101 Conversations in Mexican Spanish will help a lot with this problem Off to order it now brbrI have Short Stories in Italian and I love it! Comment from : @neverstoplearning2 |
José Saramago is a portuguese, a portuguese speaking/writer and obviously not a spanish writer How can someone talk of spanish writers and include a portuguese writer? Like a collection of us writers including mexican poet Octavio Paz So stupid And by the way, Portugal is more ancient than Spain (1143 AD), is cultural, political and social independent since that time, has two oficial languages, none of which is spanish and vast and important number of writers such as Gil Vicente, Luis de Camoes, Bernardim Ribeiro, Almeida Garret, Alexandre Herculano, Eça de Queiroz, Camilo Castelo Branco, Fernando Pessoa, Cesário Verde, Sophia Mello Breyner, Eugénio de Andrade, Antonio Lobo Antunes, José Cardoso Pires, Judite de Carvalho, Maria Teresa Horta, Maria Velho da Costa, Maria Barreno, Maria Ondina Braga, Ana Luisa Amaral, Lídia Jorge, Agustina Bessa Luís, Vitorino Nemésio, just to name a few But you didn't even knew there was a country named Portugal with a language speaked by 270 million people - the 5th most speaked language Oh, what a waste Comment from : @pebo1970 |
Your books are mainly Castilian Spanish If I learn Castilian Spanish, can Mexicans understand Castilian Spanish? Is all basic and fundamental Spanish the same for all Spanish countries? I want to learn Spanish, but having a hard time deciding because there are so many Spanish speaking countries Comment from : @yarathofficial404 |
This video has been incredibly helpful Thank you 🙏 I've been following your recommendations for Spanish novels and they look amazing! Can't wait to dive into them By the way, I recently discovered the 'SPANISH FREQUENCY DICTIONARY' by Juan-Ignacio Cruz and 'COMPLETE SPANISH' by Juan Kattan-Ibarra They have been a total game-changer for my language learning journey Highly recommended for fellow Spanish learners! 📚🌟 But do you think learning from novels is better than learning from those types of books? Comment from : @Jonathan87697 |
Ok, so the "Naranjas" story in your book is an original? I really love it I've read it over and over It just strikes me as some old classic story that's been passed down over generations Comment from : @justinwr092 |
I wasn’t going to subscribe until I realized that you had written that short stories book, which I LOVE Comment from : @BrandynMakes |
I am a Turkish guy who learns Spanish via English with Duolingo, i have chosen English to learn Spanish because of their feature similarities Comment from : @hakko_06 |
I don’t understand anything in the Spanish short stories for beginners Comment from : @Trickedwizard |
Fundamentos de Ajedrez, Jose Raul Capablanca Comment from : @socaljusticewarrior558 |
I have been reading El Principito (my first Spanish book) and am nearing the end now What struck me most was that I was able to feel the emotions portrayed in the book as strongly as as I had when I had read it in English several years ago Comment from : @sm_artx |
A good one to get a taste of a classic Colombian writer is “doce cuentos peregrinos” It’s a classic by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, but since it’s a series of short stories, they are much more manageable than say, 100 años de Soledad Comment from : @benkitesurfs |
I’m so overwhelmed Is your Spanish uncovered a resource that will get me conversational and near fluent? I don’t mind the work I just want one program I can follow and have success with Im doing dreaming Spanish but want something maybe quicker than never speaking a word until 2 years later Comment from : @10colt01 |
Hi Olly I loved your recommendations, It seems really useful But, I gotta say that your second book "El Cuento de la Isla Desconocida" is actually originally written in Portuguese language Jose Saramago was a great writer, the only Portuguese writer to won a literature Nobel prize, by the way But this edition you recommend was translated by his wife, Pilar Del Rio, and I'm pretty sure it is amazing Comment from : @inspirecreate8953 |
I'm 73 and know only a smattering of Spanish I want to improve and am starting with simple children's books from the library Comment from : @LoveMusic-pd5iz |
Could you please do one of these best book videos for German students? I am desperately seeking some German novels that are both interesting to read and suitable for beginners! Comment from : @Chris-dw6cu |
I started to watch your language videos yesterday Today I found out YOU are the writer of the story books favoured by students of Spanish in Finland El mundo está pequeño Comment from : @akiyrjana6558 |
I've always had problems finding the right materials for reading in Spanish (far more so with Italian in which I'm not as good at), they're either too challenging, or not challenging enough brI wish more reading books would start at the simplest possible level slowly go up in difficulty, adding important words as it goesbrIt's a lot more complicated than beginner, intermediate, and advanced Comment from : @flyingrobotduck |
Lol I've been learning Spanish by reading el principito and I actually thought if he's not including this, I will So yes el principito is an amazing book to learn a language Comment from : @linksel3034 |
Olly, wha5 happened to your right hand?! Why are you hiding it?! Comment from : @wadimwadimow5439 |
Thanks very much Just started a couple of months ago to learn Spanish Your methods and content are so incredibly helpful and provide wonderful insight into the learning process I have just orderd 4 of your book suggestions, 2 of which are your own publications Thanks again Hasta luego! :) Comment from : @keithnisbet |
Haha at the end od the video i realized that YOU are the author of most of mentioned books;-) soy de Polonia, sé inglés suficiente para utilizarlo en aprendiendo otra idioma A mi, me gusta mucho tu libro "short stories", lo es mi primero libro que estoy leyendo en español, después tengo que probar Neruda, he preparado libro con español-polco texto Conozco Neruda, pero todavía no en español Debo cambiar esto :-) Comment from : @laudyna |
One thing you should take in count is Argentinian conjugations verbs, are different from Mexico and Spain ones Also when you hear all day to them, is exhausting The way they talk almost singing, is tiring after some hours Comment from : @oliviagomez9188 |
I ordered your book online as it has such amazing reviews, can't wait to get it I appreciate you recommending other books as well and no just claiming your book is the one and only resource to learn Spanish! Comment from : @reefspanish4701 |
Les puedo recomendar a Jorge Luís Borges, Pérez Reverte y Escohotado Comment from : @rmworkemail6507 |
Interesting series, thanks brYes, iLe Petit Prince/i is excellent and available in English also, of course brAnother favourite of mine is Hemingway's iThe Old Man and the Sea/i A simple short story, available in various languages Comment from : @ant7936 |
Hola como estan xd Comment from : @juanestc1386 |
Thanks to the author for a great video! The most important thing in life is knowledge of foreign languages! Thanks to foreign languages you can realize all your dreams and realize your grandiose ambitions! I would like to recommend all the practices of Yuriy Ivantsiv ''Polyglot Notes Practical tips for learning foreign language" This book will be an indispensable helper, a handbook for every person who studies a foreign language! This book contains invaluable tips, questions and answers, and solutions to problems faced by anyone who studies a foreign language! Knowledge is power! And knowledge of foreign languages is your power multiplied by many times! Success to all in self-development! Comment from : @matildawolfram4687 |
Thank you! I am going to look amd see if the library has any of these books Comment from : @cathleenc6943 |
Thanks, Olly! I keep looking for Spanish reading material in bookstores and libraries, since I already have your books, and although I am (I believe) now at an intermediate level, it is good to read something a bit easier at times to avoid burnout! I appreciate your suggestions, always! Comment from : @mlsmith67 |
By the way —- do you have, by any chance, a similar list of books for the Hebrew language — specifically for people who would prefer to read secular books rather than Bible, Bible and more Bible until they reach the point of no longer needing the “nekudot”? Comment from : @RedAngelSophia |
Thank you very much for this list A friend of the family from Argentina told me that she learned English by reading —- however, to help me learn Spanish, she handed me a copy of LA CASA DE LOS ESPIRITUS - which is iway/i beyond my reading level - so much so that by the time I got to the end of the ifirst paragraph/i I had forgotten the ibeginning/i of that paragraph Comment from : @RedAngelSophia |
El Alquimista is relatively easy too, but probably a bit more advanced than the stuff mentioned in the video Comment from : @marfg12345 |
I like horror storiesbrAre there any stories like that in Spanish you can recommend? Comment from : @jamesc4024 |
El cuento de la isla deconocido is so expensive, omg🙃🙃 Comment from : @bellevoor |
Olly Richards never fails to make me laugh [ invariably, out loud ] with his [ slightly clunky, yet entertaining ] links, that he makes between some point, or other, in respective videos, and his invitation to the viewer to 'like and subscribe' This laugh, alone, is worth the ticket-price #Happiness #LikeAndSubscribe #ОченьKруто Comment from : @francoking3641 |
I need 7 French books Do u have a similar video for French? Comment from : @abotarea |
7books for German?? 😂 Comment from : @MM-hc9nr |
Will there be an intermediate level short stories in Portuguese? Comment from : @selvyngilbert9032 |
How strange, this video popped up on my timeline and im actually reading your book at the minute Olly Really enjoying it Comment from : @marktodd7397 |
I think el principito was the first book I read in spanish Comment from : @mawehe63 |
And you just happen to sell each one of them? Comment from : @OneKindWord |
"O conto da Ilha Desconhecida" is actually a portuguese book, great video though! Comment from : @joaopedrovasconcelos407 |
Omg the books you wrote are SOOOO COOOL Comment from : @aphr0d |
Do you have a list of 7 french beginner books? Comment from : @Bavubuka |
Hey, so I doubt you'll see this, however, I'll give it a bash I am trying to learn Shona and I am struggling to find resources My preliminary goal is to be able to teach my toddler some things in order to help with our efforts to create a bilingual learning environment What would your advice be Comment from : @elvinmay54 |
wow super vidio i learned spaniol en esta vidio Comment from : @naveedshariff1723 |
I'm glad you didn't recommend books originally in English like Harry Potter They're usually translated in a way that isn't natural, and usually into formal Castilian Spanish, which isn't useful for me I need conversational AL Español, considering my wife's family is from half from rural Mexico, and the other half are upper class from Mexico Comment from : @stevenhorton8604 |
Another fun thing,, which is kind of like side-by-side but not quite, is to hunt down Spanish translations of your favorite English language writers I worked through passages of Flannery O'Conner and Jane Austen in Spanish without too much reverting to the English because I already knew the stories I also got some interesting insights into the translation process Comment from : @tangledcharlotte |
i love ure creativity man, cheers Comment from : @bluerguy1284 |
man u just send us from one video to another, i started at the "different forms of spanish" video, now im here and im probably gonna head out to the "how to learn a language by stories" video i hope that's the last destination :))) Comment from : @bluerguy1284 |
I would also recommend Onelio Jorge Cardoso's short stories Comment from : |
Please do the same with italian Comment from : @agnivochowdhury1157 |
Il postino was also my first contact with Neruda (played by legendary French actor Phlippe Noiret Garcia Lorca is also a good read for poetry (Romances Gitanas) Comment from : @Elibel77 |
Can you make a video for intermediate learners? I'm currently reading your book for intermediate Spanish and it's great, so I thought you could maybe recommend some similar Thank you! Comment from : @valentinabuhin3123 |
Actually, you got it a little bit wrong there with José Saramago due to the fact that he is not a spanish writing author, his mother tongue was Portuguese and the original language of the tale you mention is also Portuguese I understand you made clear that your recommendations are based on how easy to understand should these books be for a spanish learner, however it will be always better to read works originally written in Spanish instead of reading translations In my opinion, reading translations misses the point of reading books in the language you're learning, because you could anyways be reading whatever book you like translated and miss all of the benefits that reading a book in its original language could bring you Comment from : @oxerson854 |
Your work is amazing man💪👏 thanks for your help with teaching me spanish😀🤙 Comment from : @royile |
José Saramago was from Portugal and wrote in Portuguese May as well recommend any author in any language translated into Spanish Comment from : @nelsonricardo3729 |
Superb content, superbly delivered Kudos Comment from : @allencallahan1478 |
Hi ad thanks, could you recommend some books to learn French? thanks, pete Comment from : @pputnam100 |
Your choice of books has convinced me not to buy any of your materials or courses Drop dead please Comment from : @kronos77 |
I am familiar with the works of Pablo Neruda Comment from : @loledoo |
00:17brwell that's pleasant surprise brI've barely even started learning yet but I've already got multiple books of Neruda on my shelf Comment from : @Sandalwoodrk |
Tip: put your settings lanuage to spanish At first its hard but i got used to it brhope it helped❤︎ Comment from : @Dontaskbcidk9986 |
Yes! I am reading the short stories in Spanishomg The level is just rightI don't understand everything but i understand the plot and was so excited when I realized i really read and understood in Spanish Thanks! Comment from : @Simona_midulcevida |
Libros demasiado difíciles para los principiantes brAntes deberán leer MUCHAS lecturas graduadas, bien adaptadas a los niveles más bajos Empezando por libros escritos con un vocabulario de 200 o 300 palabras, luego 400 o 500, etc un nivel que nada tiene que ver con la literatura auténtica, muchísimo más difícil para un principiante Comment from : @Blueaspen391 |
Thanks for the reading suggestions As a Spanish learner I'm always on the lookout for Spanish books to read, these look great Comment from : @stephenstuart9881 |
How did I not know he was the author of the last spanish book I got lol It's actually really good , I recommend it! Comment from : @jclyntoledo |
I purchased your audiobook a few weeks ago! Just now came across this video I will definitely be purchasing a physical copy 😊 Comment from : @cherinagordon5152 |
Had no idea this was your book! So cool 👌🏽 Comment from : @missNCW |
Saramago is not Spanish Comment from : @facupipernofacupiperno6385 |
Thanks a lot❤ Comment from : @talatfedx4485 |
I love books tips ♥️ Comment from : @libriniserenagobbo9717 |
For me Harry Potter series works in a similar way to your "El Principito" I already read it in Polish (my native language), English (several times, also listened to audiobooks by Stephen Fry) and now I'm doing this in Spanish (so far, audiobooks mostly, but I'll get to reading too) I know these books so well, that I have no problem following the action, so I just immerse in Spanish, not focusing on understanding every single word :) Comment from : @ladyull |
Do you have suggested for the intermediate learner? I am reading regular novels in Spanish now of interest to me but just curious about your choices Comment from : @katewaters5092 |
I highly recommend the books that Ollie writes They have CRAZY plots that keep me reading and have me looking forward to my daily Spanish practice! Comment from : @robynnewton5281 |
I've read all your 7 books Very good to improve spanish level Thanks Comment from : @robertorepetto5966 |
Can you do vid on how to learn diff script Comment from : @dwaynekeenum1916 |
Do a list for Mandarin please! Comment from : @MikeFeldmeierMD |
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