Title | : | Ebay Refund Guide - Get Your Money Back From a Bad Seller |
Lasting | : | 1.44 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 368 rb |
Im starting to believe those craigslist sellers have made their way to ebay Comment from : @wrotedog |
Seller wouldn’t reply to me wow Comment from : @AndyTruong101 |
Just imagine thisbrI order an itembrbrThe item is sent to another address, and I am told nothingbrbrI tell the seller, since its been a week from the due date, and it hasn't arrived, I want a refundbrbrThe seller says 'It was delivered on this date'brbrI check the photo evidence of them delivering the parcel Not my house Ask my neighbours, noone received itbrbrI try to contact royal mail, no replybrbrI open money back guarantee claim Seller uses tracking number as evidence RejectedbrbrI try to get an ebay representative to appeal this, no reply Comment from : @simplesboutique |
Sounds easy except for the fact that sometimes the seller does not refund nor does ebay Comment from : @slivnik |
true is that business sellers on ebay are legal operating businesses and not problematic at all If you buying from private seller you taking risk But to be 100 honest - from seller point of view 50 of buyer are cunts and fraudants All these morons who buying and trying to cancel, or these clowns who trying return different item ot item they damaged All these bastards who opening cases against sellers After many years selling on ebay i only found 1 true honest buyers But worst - ebay as a company are thievs and scammers They should be closed once for good Comment from : @FishAreEasy |
I contacted the seller and eBay, the tracking number indicates the item was delivered However the post office informs me that a package with that tracking number was delivered to a home near me The sheriffs department checked and the package with this tracking number was from another seller and the package contained a different items, was too small and did not weigh enough to contain the item l ordered The package has the name and address of the person it was delivered to eBay and the seller refuse to refund! What should l do file a mail fraud report Comment from : @larryhill6187 |
Hey how you doing how can you contact eBay when you buy a item from my cellular that was new in the box but when you open it when you got in your own broken and they don't want to help you Comment from : @herculesthedestroyer758 |
I try contacting the seller and i cant because it saying seller is no longer registered to the system 🤦♂️ Comment from : @choloxviiimxco5087 |
Dude is deluded Comment from : @generalking9029 |
Bought a computer for £200, dirty and damaged and won't turn on It weighs around 55 lbs and is very challenging to move, seller probably intentionally does this knowing buyers won't bother trying to get refunds due to how painstaking it is to return and also knowing the computer is broken Ebay won't help either Comment from : @HaroldAceveda |
got scammed WELP Comment from : @Simblz_yt |
Ebay is not safe, is more better AMAZON more responsible Comment from : @yeseniamartino2516 |
Tried this, and yet the seller basically just told me it was "ebays fault" and they didnt rly seem to care, ebay is trash, dont use it Comment from : @acemator569 |
Fuk ebay bitchass period mfs always ripping me off every year they trash 🗑️ asf period the worst mfs ever in this world period Comment from : @JermaineDurham-m5o |
eBay bad as fuk these dum ass mfs jus stole 38$ of my money they bitchass jus ripped me off my money fuk ebay an fuk they stupid ass company period an fuk they stupid ass mf sellers ebay is trash as fuk Comment from : @JermaineDurham-m5o |
You're a pos for this video the money back garuntee is trash Comment from : @ajbrown3707 |
I remember when ebay first startedbrIt was like a 24 hour yard-salebrNow way too many are buying returns from Amazon and trying to pass them off as newbrPlus everyone wants retail prices with inflated shipping costs to cover their feesbrI rarely even use it anymorebrJust isn't worth the hassle or risk Comment from : @oldfisherman5112 |
I received a purchase from eBay it was broken eBay refunded only half my money discussed Comment from : @jimcowley330 |
I ordered a gaming laptop recently once I bought the thing the seller stopped responding to my messages than randomly he said “he dropped the laptop when he was going to his car and now the screen is cracked” And now he won’t respond to me again when I said could I get a refund Comment from : @DeathMorethanlife |
ebay wants me to return an item that was already recalled !! Comment from : @versatileduplicity9313 |
I canceled my refund because the seller told me I had to be explicit about what I want and I wanted to replace the item, but I asked for a refund so I canceled my refund to ask for replacement and I cant apply for it… it’s supposed to have Allstate warranty and I’m pretty sure I can’t use it … because of the refund I canceled … Someone help me I spent way to much money for a broken product Comment from : @coryanderson6389 |
I purchased a drone from eBay it arrived broken I've been chasing for a refund but been going round in circles happened twice now never going back Comment from : @jimcowley330 |
Make sure you leave feedback bbefore/b you get the refund or the case is closed After, it's no longer possible to leave feedback to a seller Comment from : @Peppermint1 |
What if I already sent a return request and they closed it Could I submit another return with a different reason or should I give up? Comment from : @frankgiardina9412 |
Guys what if I bought something but it said for parts and I bought it and want a refund I didn’t see that?? Comment from : @DemarionZellner |
Do I have to send the item back if I want a refund Comment from : @stevnnvets7537 |
I loss 10k doller they all are scammer at eby Comment from : @asifali-br7vf |
How do I get a refund for an item that was defective, and the seller is not responding? Your video didn't address that Comment from : @Caylee319 |
Ebay told me "you're no longer covered by the ebay money back guarantee" even though the only things I've done with my account was purchase items, I never had any disputes or anything with sellers Ebay is terrible Comment from : @huge_balls |
Thanks a lot friend! Comment from : @stefanmutu2862 |
Hi, when i click “i didnt receive it” no option for refund Its showing “ur item may still be on its way” but its past the estimated delivery date already Comment from : @Chrissy9071 |
Funny it’s part of a camera I think I got swindled on a d7200 and now I’m here I just want my first camera with no hassle! Lol Comment from : @NormZGarage |
I totally got scammed by a seller on ebay I paid for a specific michael jordan card and seller sent me cheap version I reported to seller and ebay immediately and all i ever gor was alot of run arounds $70 is alot to me and i wont let it go I need to talk to rhe head boss of ebay I got treated like scum trying to get a refund back Comment from : @saltlakemusicvideos3267 |
I have an issue with ebay customer service They won`t refund me for an item that I didn`t recieve They`ve closed the case Iv`e been ripped off Comment from : @catherinebirch2399 |
ass clown alert Comment from : @shankyclause8728 |
Hey having a problem with a seller I returned an item in perfect condition The seller claimed I swapped it which I DID NOT They provided absolutely no proof because there obviously is no proof i did any such thing and only refunded me 50 Seller is clearly trying to scam me Comment from : @user-bm3ts2ql6s |
Hello dude, I have bought a virtual item just yesterday and I messaged him Atleast 7-8 times and it’s the second day now and still haven’t received anything it’s something for a game he’s supposed to join the game and give it to me but I haven’t received anything I was wondering how do I request a refund? Comment from : @Hassan-bj3ce |
Scams Comment from : @Swervv48 |
Evidencing the condition of an item at the point of being returned is really important Sellers only have to drop an item and damage it to complain Best solution is to video the condition of the item at the point of being packed at the post office with video showing item the being packed securely and handed to the post office counter staff which leaves zero scope for dodgy sellers trying to avoid refunding items Comment from : @ImpartiallySpeaking |
Today I got my shoes in the mail Seller listed as BROWN and, naturally, they're BLACK I'm tired of lazy sellers who can't get the basics right Comment from : @marlynnek6449 |
If you don’t receive your item, ebay will not help There is no real money back guarantee, it’s a sham They take the buyers side every time Instead of sending me my item, seller sent me an envelope When it arrived, it showed up like my item had arrived Ebay denied my refund because it said my order had been delivered I showed them the envelope, and that it could never hold what I ordered and they did nothing Comment from : @martyanderson3390 |
Do these steps still apply in 2023? Comment from : @MrPopo-bd1ix |
I quit ebay, they are becoming a scam Comment from : @mikevale1000 |
This video is now obsolete Ebay no longer makes it this easy Comment from : @MrPopo-bd1ix |
Thank you for the help Comment from : @Alessandro1983 |
What if the item arrived but wasn’t as described or lower quality Comment from : @peaceman97amd97 |
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see the option for a refund after clicking it on more actions, any suggestion? Comment from : @Nadeemkhan-qb8tz |
Either the seller put a number or letter wrong on the address, so it would go back to him and he would keep the money and the item or the mail man lost but it said it was delivered in a parcel locker but when I went to check the mail man was still there and had every mail box open and the box of mail on the ground and dude was not careful sorting mail out and people's were walking by, I left for an hour to come back to no key in the locker and I check my info on ebay, I shouldn't had any hassles, I had all my info correct, idk what's going on I need to either get my money back Comment from : @TheRealDeadFace |
What do I do if my item arrived but is not as advertised? Comment from : @eggraphics5821 |
EBay is one of the worst most dishonest companies They do not back their own policies Their money back guarantee is a fucking joke I bought an item from the seller who did not put any packing in the box and it showed up damaged Seller did not want to take the item back I contacted eBay They refunded my money once they had proof I sent back the item but I did not get reimbursed for the return shipping I get my hundred fifty back but I had to pay 70 shipping which is total bullshit Seller gifts to continue on with a little bit of damage feedback but I'm the one who's out money So essentially I lose not him What kind of money back guarantee is that! Why should a purchaser be responsible for return shipping fees? Evil fucking Ebay! Comment from : @unhingedsoulcollector8501 |
EBay re crook Hope they go out of business and everyone goes to Vinted Comment from : @siobhanstott7777 |
Do ebay get me the money back if the item is broken or just if it didn’t arrive? Comment from : @penguin9245 |
I’ve waited 2 weeks for my item, past due delivered date Thank you for your help Comment from : @solelymango |
Does this work with the ebay app? I'm having trouble figuring this out on an android Comment from : @ludwigfan3013 |
Using my Cel I click on more Actions and I only get 3 choicesbrBuy similar Contact sellerSell one like this br: ( Comment from : @MrDenis7p |
This is no annoying as a seller Comment from : @Ogerwaymaster |
I have been an ebay customer for over 20 years Their customer service is completely gone to crap I received an order with parts missing, making it unusable I contacted the seller and he said he messed up and would ship the missing parts He never did! I went through all the guidelines and sent many polite messages to no response Contact ebay and they denied my case because the seller provided tracking I explained in a message to ebay and they still denied,filed an appeal, denied I went to m financial organization and filed a dispute and they told me that I would get my refundbrBottom line,I went about the process according to ebay guide lines and they didn't abide by their policy Comment from : @eddie8279 |
seller denied my return so how do i do ebay money back guarantee? Comment from : @mypokeadventures3470 |
Fuck ebay fr i got acammed with 800 dlls did the whole back guarnte but had go put police report and bs, hassle Police station closed tgey only open for 4 days 7 hours tried online report hasnt been approved they only gave me 10 days Comment from : @chavezmariobros |
Hi I would like to know because I want to give my customer their money back like a refund Comment from : @mikeyblaise18 |
I bought a game for 80 bucks, the discs were all scratched up, the seller thinks i want to "scam him" and told me he would report my accout can he do that? Comment from : @dantenage9687 |
i ordered a gpu about 2 weeks ago and its been saying paid for the last 2 weeks :) messaged the seller last week thursday to ask when my thing will dispatch heard nothng so i asked today for a update so we shall see it says its suppost to arrive between the 11th of march and 14th but i doubt it will arrive tomorrow and if it doesnt ill just straight up ask for a refund since ive waited a bit for it just for it not to come so we shall see Comment from : @RN_SX |
The problem isn't the seller is the damn bars I just sold a brand new unopened Remington 40 volt battery to a buyer and now two weeks after he received it he wants to refund it after he opened it and says that it will not charge and we all know exactly what he did he swapped it out with one that was broke and I have got to get out of this somehow Comment from : @troyspartan95 |
Being retired and with Cancer sucks But i ordered or say won on bid a 18inch white gold thin chain for a gift for niece Well tried with seller also sent photo of what i received What came in mail was a tinsel yes a tinsel chain no clasps You can't connect either end i informed seller and seller comes back saying i am not truthful -I am not going to get rich on this etc If i sent back and it's not all there he/she won't refund Well i contact ebay for help I mention what was sent Told ebay clasp meaning parts are missing, etc Ebay told me wait 8 days and if seller don't sent a return label to me i will get a full refund OK in 3 days i get a Email saying don't replied your Ebay account suspended On 8 day i contact ebay about refund Ebay said 1 more day-after 2 hrs i get message case closed i return call back to Ebay and open a debate Still case close and suspension ask whats the suspension was for they refused to tell me Well i am pissed off after spending thousands and 14 yrs of loyal service 100 on my account I want my membership closed They refused to close my account saying they cannot close while under suspensionAsk how long will that be-they replied indefinitely Well isn't that a ebay scam Won't refund, won't cancel membership, won't tell why suspension, etc well i hope justice get served to seller and ebay for fucking over old people for a tiny sum of 5900 how desperate does Ebay need to be to rob-rip off loyal buyers Apparently even Sellers i hear are getting ripped off from Ebay Comment from : @ronglen5582 |
Not seeing the option and it has been 3 days Comment from : @theangrycommentator7566 |
What if the seller is new with first product should I buy from him will ebay money back guarantee work? Comment from : @UnexcitedUwiwJeje |
You can't do that anymore, parcels are tracked so they know you got it even if you say otherwise Comment from : @williamgarcia9858 |
It says it to late to cancel order but I order it yesterday? Comment from : @ashami695 |
I’ve always been an EBay buyer, not a seller I just received an undamaged package, but porcelain items inside were broken due to skimpy packing material Item was floating around in the box Seller wants me to return it Won’t say if I’ll get a full refund I can’t find any info to help me process this issue Comment from : @dsmith3395 |
Bro can u help me to refund my money I am register EM mall application And they ask to recharge money more and more and they tell you earn commissions also but now I have doubt they don't refund my money so please help me bro 🙏 Comment from : @yogininaik2252 |
My account was deactivated because someone lied about never receiving there orders After trying to appeal twice, even proving proof that I did in fact i complete the orders, after their investigation they said there were unable to confirm if I completed the delivery and my deactivation will stand Dear if not for petra_techz help I would probably be out of job right now He's support is pretty much useful Comment from : @murjanatuharuna8941 |
parts missing Comment from : @gliderarts3573 |
I paid over $502us for a new iphone and received a case, the seller is giving me a hard time to refund me, when i did research outside of eBay they have scam many other users I really pray I get my money back and eBay believe my side of the story Comment from : @iamwaynelle8456 |
I bought an M9 60mm gas mask and the seller never shipped… worst $50 ever spent Comment from : @Spooky585 |
I really appreciate the dedication and time he used to get my account reactivated bGRAYTECHZ/b keep it up Good job I love you bro 💖💕 Comment from : @isahnuhu1255 |
Everything works perfectly when it comes to reactivating of account that's tech guy He's amazing thanks br bGRAYTECHZ/b Comment from : @isahnuhu1255 |
Omg I can't believe how he was able to recover my eBay account but he did a wonderful job all thanks to #HUCHTECHZ Comment from : @simeonadekunle5795 |
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