Title | : | Dental Insurance Doesn’t Make Sense |
Lasting | : | 2.05 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 520 rb |
Once upon a time the AMA and ADA vehemently opposed medicare Dentists succeeded, medical doctors did not To this day, dentists oppose inclusion in Medicare because it would decrease how much they are paid for services even though it would greatly expand access to a vulnerable age group Right now, dental fees are mostly unregulated and for many, unaffordable Comment from : @DGlaucomflecken |
I still believe insurance is the worlds largest casino it should be reduced heavily Maybe inflation would DEFLATE and seeing a dr or dentist wouldnt cost the arm or the leg Comment from : @bigmaccam |
Love the "fifth dentist!' Comment from : @Bgtrfvcde |
Why has this never change Comment from : @FLOODOFSINS |
Luigi did nothing wrong Comment from : @Drae44music |
And the thing is the water will soon be de fluoride 😩you hit the bulls eye with that nail … story developing… Comment from : @luckypenny4263 |
Bone bro doesn’t do bone teeth Comment from : @luckypenny4263 |
Love the content and hope more people are able to get engaged with your messge! Comment from : @snwbrdr191 |
Most Dental plans that cost around $150 per year are just discount plans The Deductables set for the person to pay aren't followed by most of the Dentist that are supposed to be the providers for that Dental plan I had to work hard to find a Orthodonist that did Root canals for the $300 deductable that was listed on my dental plan Most wanted $1700 per tooth I had to do 5 teeth which would have cost $8,500 with a dental plan that has a $300 deductable for Root canals Should have cost $1,500 Needless to say it was like pulling teeth to get my dentist to do a referal to the Orthadonist I found I think they get a kick back when the send people to a Orthodonist that charges alot to do the Root Canal The first cheaper Root Canals I had were done by a Dentist not a Orthodonist and they all had to be redone later by a Orthodonist The Orthodonist that was trying to sccam me for $1700 didn't even seem like he knew what he was doing vs the one that charged me $300 deductable Of course he does so many becasue he charges a fair amount that he knew what he was doing Comment from : @basilyousif3077 |
My dentist refused future service because he said it was to hard to get paid from my Medicare insurance company Now I have to find a dentist that will 🙁 it’s not easy to Comment from : @CynthiaFlanagan-b7x |
"Dental insurance doesn't make sense"brbrNeither do dentists, if my checkbook and the state of my teeth are any indicators Comment from : @creeper8647 |
These definitely hit different now Guess it’s good none of your characters were named Luigi Comment from : @lissakaye610 |
So long, dental plan! Comment from : @richardgadberry8398 |
I just got hired at a large dental insurance company as a customer experience associate, and am still and in training; and wow…What a crazy deep thing dental claims really can be…brbrHMO/PPO, COB,URG, access to care, etc can be so overwhelming, but I’m hoping to be able to decipher it all for the most part with the help of the resources and determination before going into production and be able to competently assist our patients and providers…Lord help us all…🤔🤷🏻♂️💯😂😂😂 Comment from : @Crazyjn |
You were right, this aged like fine wine!🍷 Comment from : @UnveilingIntriguingOddities |
"Hospital administrator of insurance" 😅😅 Comment from : @maxpeterson8616 |
Well this didn't age well, and by didn't, I mean it did Comment from : @jakenuno9900 |
And now RFK literally wants to remove fluoride from all the water Honestly, you can't make this stuff up Comment from : @mooretrumpet |
Gobless murca Comment from : @ryanmedows6072 |
Honest and hilarious Comment from : @anfonieb7434 |
Exactly!! Dental needs to be covered by Medicare!! Comment from : @GreggBB |
Medicare used to at least cover cleanings I pay extra for dental and it pays for cleaning and xrays through Humana I have had Medicare since age 40 for medical reasons and the supplemental/Medicare Replacement is really good Comment from : @UnauthorizedComedy |
Can u get 2 insurance plans to help off set the costs Comment from : @Marj-up8uz |
I had cysts around my teeth that were applying pressure on the sinus cavities, causing fainting and vomiting I lost all my teeth These were direct results of a genetic, medical condition Insurance denied everything, I went 40k in debt when all was said and done, and will be paying it off well into my 30s Comment from : @irbricksceo |
THERE IS NO BOTTOMbr#StraightOuttaEcclesiastes Comment from : @whoyawith9494 |
I figured this out when caring for my mother When I looked at the cost for dental insurance and compared it with actual out of pocket costs, it just didn't make sense to me I get my teeth cleaned once a year, and pay for whatever is necessary out of pocket - and take good care of my teeth at home Even the cost of dentures doesn't warrant years of dental insurance payments And incidentally, if I have an accident that causes dental damage, that's covered by regular insurance Medicare does cover an annual checkup, so having an annual dental cleaning and checkup covered totally makes sense, especially considering how a sick mouth can affect your overall health It is a scam, actually Comment from : @karenk2409 |
The UK has limited dental cover too Comment from : @gordoncgregory |
Did he just threaten to deflower Jimothy Comment from : @jasonmp85 |
If you need enough dental work, fly down to California or Texas and head across the border to one of the many Ciudades de dientes in Mexico You can get excellent dental work for as much as 90 less Taking advantage of international economic asymmetry shouldn't be the main way to get the care you need, but for now, it's a thing Comment from : @Bajirkus |
I’ve never understood why our mouth and teeth aren’t considered part of our body! And covered by health care! Comment from : @Meandmymirror |
Ohhhh the icing on the cake! “Deflorinated” Comment from : @essielaura7973 |
Too true😢❤ Comment from : @donnaduhamel6004 |
Dentist in my opinion are the greediest, and least likely doctor group that will work with people America is sickening If I was a president who had any power, those dentist would be on the plan or not allowed to practice in America At least take a small percentage of cases in your firm The spirit of the dentistry profession in America is evil in a greater part Comment from : @amptrascope |
Thank you for validating how frustrated I am I found out I have three teeth that need to be extracted And if I go with the zirconia implants, it’s gonna roughly cost me around $25,000 and I have supposedly very good insurance And I still will have to pay the 25,000 I’ve been very frustrated and feel very bad for people that cannot afford any dental services or insurance Frankly I don’t know why I have dental insurance Comment from : @sparrow4313 |
Great ,,,❤ My Medicaid covered extraction s the immediate denture s never fit correctly,never used them,,, Liberty dental says to bad so sad ,,,three years no dentures,,, thinking about going to Mexico,,,😊 Comment from : @DuaneBrown-p2y |
I love this! I have MEDICAID and I’m very low income and have several infected teeth from Suboxone and now I think I have gum disease that’s spread to sinuses and body and I’m so sick But nobody can help me and the pain is unbearable My income is going to be the cause of my death if I don’t find some dentist I can afford but Medicaid doesn’t cover it and I have $0 Sooo… brVery validating video! Comment from : @ArtAbsurdist |
The end cracks me up, bc in my county in Florida we don't fluoridate the water bc that's government mind control And so my dentist gets to sell extra fluoride treatments Comment from : @sarahlongstaff5101 |
I asked KRISS AI and Cardiovascular Disease, Endocarditis, Pregnancy complications, pneumonia, diabetes complications, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's disease are some more examples that are directly related to poor oral health! The government should take dental care seriously!!! Comment from : @TitusMonger |
Bout pist myself! “ Teeth are luxury bones !” 😂😂😂😂 Comment from : @PamRyanAmanda |
this is also true in Canada Apparently, our teeth don't matter Comment from : @shern303 |
Hey, their corporate slogan says it all United Healthcare is only "there for what matters" So naturally chewing, seeing, and staying sane aren't part of the plan Comment from : @KA-md6je |
Please i really need help i need to get a dental insurance, can anyone tell me any affordable dental care please i have not found any real info about it Comment from : @caspercorp |
Dental insurance is a joke Even if you have it, the deductible, the co-pays and the maximum benefit will still have you owing THOUSANDS if you need a lot of work, for instance if you are a senior citizen and those luxury bones are just done Comment from : @WinteryMix84 |
Comment from : @magicalmysteryschool4714 |
Dr G’s Rural Medicine & the rural barter system bcould/b be part of the solution to dental issues on the patient & doctor side of things Trade goods or services for the necessary work that’s needed Think about it Comment from : @ninaahwww |
ONLY FLOSS THE TEETH YOU WANT TO KEEP !!! 😁 Comment from : @zenfan1098 |
Jimothy 😂😂😂! Comment from : @Coolguyallthetime2k |
i want to see a Jimothy arc of slowly coming around to the united way video by video he acquiesces until hes a believer in the system and gets his own starry eyed jimothy Comment from : @viaticchart3139 |
Sad that our dental health system is so lacking Comment from : @MOstix13 |
I don't see the point of dental insurance when they only cover approximately the cost of fixing one tooth per year Many of us who need dental work need it on ba lot/b of teeth, sometimes even all of them Having dental insurance does basically nothing to reduce the cost of dental care Comment from : @ovni2295 |
I have RA and never knew that dental and RA were related Comment from : @amandajones661 |
:') Don't I know it, my teeth are dog shit rn and I can't afford insurance or anything out of pocket to pay to get them fixed Gotta love it Comment from : @DrDingsGaster |
Is the hospital administer of insurance 😂😂😂 Comment from : @chrisdeangelis4616 |
Main issue with this, what about all the people in their 20s that need it? So many people are down several teeth before 30 Even if your parents pay for it until you turn 18, that's it It immediately becomes an unaffordable luxury to do anything but MAYBE cough up a grand to get something yanked out when they pain becomes too much Sorry but if you're 65, there is no sympathy Your generation screwed us, so maybe fix the teeth of young adults that could keep them healthy for a lifetime with just one or two visits a year before burning recourses on the people that need to die before anyone my age has a chance at a million dollar one bedroom home Comment from : @AddictiveSin |
Have you ever calculated how many bills you have each month? I'm single with my car paid off I have 12 bills a month br1 Mortgagebr2 4 Utility bills: a Elec b Water c Sewer d Gas br3 5 Insurance bills: a House b Auto c Health d Dental e Opticalbr4 Car Gasbr5 House and Car Maintbr6 Phonebr7 Internet, No cable tgbrWow, I miscounted that's 15 bills a month! and I'm not counting food, clothing etc!!! Comment from : @SladeBling |
Seriously tho how do I get dental insurance? I haven’t seen a dentist since I was like 10 years old I’m 25 now…HELP Comment from : @everyneed3959 |
Tooth bro has issues with Jimothy and Othro 😮 Comment from : @Terryrock-3307 |
My dental insurance is approx 6 dollars a month :3 Comment from : @GinkgoBalboa142 |
There are some good studies looking at dental care and hypertension Healthy teeth and gums prior to pregnancy are also shown to decrease the incidence of preterm labor Dental is covered under medical assistance brbrBTW I'm not sure it's fair to say that dentists don't support dental coverage under Medicare it's more correct to say that people with power within the ADA don't support it Many young dentists see a very different future for dental care Comment from : @KayoEll |
Please deflourinate the water Comment from : @guythat779 |
Yup Why pay for dental care that could prevent expensive and chronic medical care? Comment from : @cmozoo |
"There's no bottom"brYeah there is There's a line Comment from : @melimelon5368 |
b«fuck you!»/bbr*de-flourineates your water* Comment from : @dutawe |
I had two broken teeth and I refused to go to the dentist until my brother also had a broken tooth and his wife made him go so I had to go because he wasn't going to beat me at getting just one tooth pulled and my dentist was surprised to find that my dental insurance through my work was the greatest insurance he had ever seen- they cover 80 and I only pay 20, they didn't believe me at first and found out that to have my teeth pulled, my gums fixed and cleanings I only paid $280 for a surgery that went for over $900, they still talk about the fact that they only charge me $60 for my teeth cleanings with all the bells and whistles Comment from : @InvaderHog |
When I studied in the US I was surprised because dental and vision are not covered in basic insurance I thought I would try to keep my teeth healthy and travel back to my country in the summer for dental exam Comment from : @drgothmania |
I’m on medicine that greatly affected my teeth’s health I got a few pulled out because it was way cheaper than saving them 🫠 Comment from : @Booty_Crocker |
How do I add more to my agreement? I want more thumbs Comment from : @cindybrownbair7995 |
Yep my current dental plan is go when I can no longer eat, get whatever cavities filled, and walk out with yet another medical bill I can’t pay Comment from : @sammykenny |
Theyre luxury bones in the UK too It doesn't make sense Comment from : @TheDentrassi |
This only proves what I have known for yearsbrbrDentists, are evil Comment from : @miippi |
Well yes it's rediculous that teeth aren't considered a basic health necessity, trusting insurance companies to solve that seems like a very bad plan I can go to budget dental places, but there's no such thing as a budget hospital Comment from : @brettlarsen6111 |
"luxury bones" I live in the UK and it takes 5 months for a dental appointment I now have to use private care which is expensive, and still being private, makes you wait for days This is why people travel to Turkey and come back with teeth that is not British Comment from : @wisdomasculture3173 |
I love you, Dr Glaucomflecken You are doing God's work (if God wanted reasonable health care access for people, which those claiming to speak for God say He does not) Comment from : @OingoLove |
Did you know that dentists almost never have dental coverage They know it’s worthless so when they go to get their own teeth treated they just pay cash Comment from : @danielschein6845 |
I love the analogy of dental insurance that has only premiums and no benefits to "hospital administrators" Comment from : @jimm6810 |
😂 Comment from : @ScreamTatumRiley |
I was going to add left ventricle coverage to my insurance , but they said it'd cost me an arm and a leg Comment from : @mineown1861 |
Saint Apollonia Comment from : @SuperGreatSphinx |
Luxury bones 🤣🤣 Comment from : @hereticsaint100 |
Oh, holy cow! I've been saying this for umpteen years! Good dental health has everything to do with good general health! Lots of suffering when you are unable to get your teeth taken care of Very sad and angrifying Comment from : @Terwolf99 |
Lost a tooth because I was repeatedly lied to by my insurance providers for over a decade about whether I had dental coverage I did Now I have to go in every single month to repair the damage of not being able to get my TWO cleanings a year I was apparently eligible for the whole time The providers have to cover it No one won Comment from : @AutumnTehKitty |
Silly americans and their capitalistic overlordsbrI weep for your childrenbrJust shimmy it so you can make a "trip" to a Swedish or german Hospital, maybe have a rather specific issue diagnosed durinv your vacation in europesure our insurance companies try to make more money, toobut the state puts limitd on thatbrPeople rarely have to pay more than 20 bucks or so for broken bones, dental care or a variety of routine surgery Comment from : @operatorchakkoty4257 |
Well I was going to call about what is covered in my Medicare dental plan, guess I can skip it since it nothing Comment from : @sheryltaylor7181 |
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