Title | : | How to Carry Cash SAFELY While Traveling! ? ✈️ |
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💳 Slim RFID-protecting Wallet: amznto/3RyrIDe br🙈 Underclothes Pockets and pouches for cash and other valuables: alnkto/aWAmStA br🥋 Money belts, running belts, and more: amznto/40qu0Zp brbr➡➡ ESSENTIAL Travel Gear! PACSAFE Daysafe Anti-Theft Tech Crossbody BagbrGet yours here: alnkto/dpoYBZF Comment from : @NoraDunn |
In the Philippines, they won't accept folded bills in many currency exchanges Comment from : @TomOneill-o2y |
i wear a little bag close to my body under t shirt Comment from : @Christine-j7b |
She’s a light traveler and a minimalist, except when it comes to words and time This could have been presented in 2 minutes And it really doesn’t contain “new” information Comment from : @bschrank |
Good niche lady trockin Comment from : @vvsartsmusic3718 |
I have the little change wallet with 3 zippers The middle one holds cash, one side holds coins and the last zipper holds cards It works great for me Comment from : @mimaroo1431 |
The wallet you showed wouldn’t last 2 weeks Returned it immediately after receiving it Comment from : @Steve-nc5tp |
how can i carry 15kus$ cash Comment from : @heping_gtc |
You do me fanny back packs Comment from : @vilmaramos2348 |
I just have a special pouch (sort of like a concealed carry pouch, but not actually one of those) that I carry important stuff in that sits on the inside of my panets and is attached to my belt, so someone can't pull it away as I will be able to tell and they would literally have to, well, put their hands down my pants to get it When I need something I just reach down into the pouch and pull out what I need I actually thought about getting a fake wallet and putting a snarky note in it and keeping it in my back pocket just for laughs if someone tries to pickpocket mebrbrI will say the inside pouch thing can be annoying a bit at times, particularly if I'm wearing tigher clothing which is why I might be more inclined to wear looser clothing with a belt so it doesn't cause a problem, but I've found this to be the best (aside from maybe a money belt, but this is concealed and it would takes someone a bit of effort to get to it and I would know)brbrOther tips might be to NOT use ATMs and only carry the necessary things with you (DL, one or two credit cards maybe, and some cash, and if you must, your passport -- although nowadays I just carry a copy of my passport in my inside pocket) If I need my real passport I'd rather be slightly inconvenienced with ahving to go get it and go to a police station or something, than have it stolen (plus if your passport gets stolen, getting home can be a challenge to, if they steel the photo copy, not a big deal) Comment from : @HR-wd6cw |
I hate cards We’ve been scammed so many times My husband and I both got our account shut down in July and had to get new cards It’s happened to him three times in the last few years Comment from : @cyndimanka |
When I travel domestically, usually carry a nice wad of prop money usually in the $20 denomination brbrAnd when homeless people ask me for money, I usually give them one of these $20 bills and immediately start walking away They don't realize that it's prop money until they probably go to try and use it But I keep this money in a separate decoy wallet that I carry with me It also has a couple of fake IDs so if the wallet does get stolen, that person who steals it will also get in trouble for trying to use a fake ID and carrying counterfeit money brbrI wonder if any stupid homeless people have ever tried to use any of these prop money bills and have gotten arrested for trying to use counterfeit or fake money But if they have, that's on them and I cannot be held responsible because I get out of there quick enough before they can get a description of me and because other people give them money throughout the day, they can't remember who gave them the fake bill Comment from : @mathewmclean9128 |
Fucking your just bla bla Comment from : @slemaneyakamlondon886 |
Do you keep all your money with you at all times while traveling or leave them in the residence your are staying whether it’s a hotel or air bnb etc thanks Comment from : @jewfro888 |
Hi Nora, I’m the founder of Wapupay an app that allows nomads to pay and transfer pesos at blue rate in Argentina Is there a way I can contact you? Thanks❤ Comment from : @AndyCreed0x |
You have to watch leaving valuables in your luggage, even if locked, because people steal from those too Also, we left things on a tour bus and someone broke into that too!!!!! Comment from : @dedebrown1028 |
Thank you for your time and posting All my pants that I am buying for travel will have at least one zippered pocket It's not theft-proof, but it will keep honest people honest And I'm 6'2", which helps also :) Comment from : @MrDJones |
How do you keep this when swimming or snorkeling for example? Thanks Comment from : @AmenaaSiddique |
The money belt I had was basically a fanny pack It was hard to keep it inside When I had to be extra careful, I'd tuck that belt inside I had my cash in a book-shaped safe Frankly it looked fake as heck but at least it had a key I would put that in my day bag and a padlock on the zippers Really luckily nothing happened and I went through India and Southeast Asia! Comment from : @yorgunsamuray |
poor content withlots of fluff Comment from : @my7332 |
You hit the nail on the head when you talked about the minimum that you NEED to bring To large extent learning how little one NEEDS, is a payoff of travel Hi from Doug Ford Land :) Comment from : @redlock4004 |
Please keep your talks short and to the point, people will watch more and will enjoy Ty Comment from : @bhalshah8765 |
I miss travler checks too Comment from : @tammywidlake1620 |
Use that carry bag as a decoyIf they rob it? They get NOTHING 😅 Comment from : @MRSTEEL15 |
No,it DID NOT move us forwardit moved us closer to being monitored and given credit scores,and travelling will lower that score Comment from : @danhurst9048 |
In addition to not using cash, I also don’t like using a debit card Like cash, when your money is gone, it’s gone from your account and difficult to get back I carry little cash, especially for toilets, but mostly credit cards Comment from : @aminor7476 |
Nora, i love my Fur Art thin wallet thank you for this recommendation it is smooth leather, so that it can be cleaned easily and it came in many colours, so i chose lime- im done searching for black items in my black purse:) thank you for saving me this time of research Comment from : @robertashagam1599 |
If you have cash in the Airport in usa The dea officer can take your money without reason You have to proof that money was not from illegal activities You will need to hire attorney Google Comment from : @Bogusuap |
On a body belt in my underwear will tsi make me remove it ? Comment from : @reneeanderson-xc9eg |
Hi Nora You showed your use of the great ultra-thin wallet and a bag? like over the shoulder I haven't seen any other comments about that so thought I would throw it out there Comment from : @Ken-cn3tc |
Third world counties, cities cash, passport in money belt Some money in wallet for daily use Comment from : @philflat4765 |
It would be a lot better if you didnt talk so fast,you seem like your a nervous wreckcalm down,dont do the video until you're calmed down,I think you have some vgood advice,but you ha e to get it to us so we can understand it ! Comment from : @Chuncy566 |
Excellent advice, Nora! I feel like i could walk around with $100 bills sticking out of my pockets and somehow be safe after watching this! 😂brbrOh, and i can attest to money clips not being practical The one time i got pickpocketed was when i used a money clip; folding the money to fit within the clip's grasp made the corner of my money peek out from my pocket The woman who picked my pocket took advantage of that, using nimble fingers to pluck it from my jacket pocket without me feeling a thing My own piece of advice: ANYONE can be a pickpocket! The woman in question was smartly dressed and looked like she could be a grandmother or librarian! Comment from : @seanc9507 |
Nora, some countries are US CASH , almost exclusively so lets not be dead against it Some of us have to deal w it, especially women safely SAFELY Ecuador is US cash Very few places credit or debit cards work ATM's are scary Comment from : @BPe-ie9je |
Cash is king Comment from : @coziii1829 |
I love this! It was funny Especially the part about hiding cash from yourself😂 Comment from : @rontolliver976 |
She talked too much about nothing Comment from : @lindacamp6388 |
Loved the "holier than thou" graphic!! Well done Comment from : @petgranny194 |
I like to carry some money in a clip in an easily-accessible pocket in case of mugging, a thickish bunch of lowest-denomination bills with one higher-denomination bill on the outside If someone demands your wallet or money, the clip lets them see easily that it's real money Don't hand it to them but throw it some distance away from you and run in the other direction yelling Most thieves will just go for the sure cash that's sitting quietly rather than spend energy chasing someone who's attracting attention Comment from : @fastauntie |
Well done I like to add , when travelling , I bring some USD bills But the paper money should be in excellent condition, no rips , no ink pen marks, or Venders 😊will refuse to accept And most venders will give you more exchange rate is US currency is $100 Bills Lesser for $50 Bills , Comment from : @superdavem5104 |
You need cash at times I always remove a small amount at the end of the day, to my outer bag to use the next day, rather than pulling amounts out when your out and about Easily managed Comment from : @letitiabaker3377 |
Stash your stash AFTER you go thru security, there scanning machine will find all those anomalies on your body that you use to hide your money in which you will be subject to a pat down There was this guy who got hid his money in his long socks, security pat him down found the pouch in which they had to do more screening Comment from : @jimtalor7971 |
I am with you 100 on the flat cross-body bags!!! First of all you can wear them under a coat/sweater and second, they are big enough to hold all the stuff you need without getting in the way or being too heavy when you are walking around -- also their low profile is PERFECT when you are in crowded areas Comment from : @delfin7461 |
What do you think about keeping cash in your hotel room safe? Comment from : @LiseShehan |
I like to carry some cash while traveling If a problem develops with my cards, i have cash I was in Buenos Aires in November My wallet got picked I immediately called the cc companies Luckily I brought some cash that i kept in the hotel safe so my trip wasn't ruined I have a slim leather zipper pouch with a loop My belt secures the loop and the pouch flips over and under my pants The only thing visable is a black leather loop on my belt I can carry a couple thousand if I had the need Because it is leather, it doesn't make me sweat Comment from : @jstanovic |
My Amazon iPhone case has a clip door at the back that holds my drivers license, insurance card, Costco credit card, and a couple bills Done Comment from : @kathygann7632 |
Say what you have to say clearly and take out all the theatrics Good grief Comment from : @catheline51 |
If you carry cash in your carry on, do you have to tell them at the T s a center at the airport Comment from : @carriehenderson1352 |
Only one-day worth spending in easy access cash, so if stolen, the whole travel is not finished Comment from : @yvettefukuda95 |
Sushmita: being a minimalist is key - I love that 😍 Makes so much sense Nora 👍 Comment from : @shaffehaffejee3657 |
In 1980 I cashed per diem checks totaling about $3000 for a group of us I had stuffed money in my front pants pockets, socks, and a single bill worth $1300 in my shirt Anyway I got mugged They got basically $1300 Spread it out Comment from : @elwoodrussell5097 |
Good information I usually carry two small wallets with some cash and a credit card in each so if one is lost or stolen I still have some money In addition my wife and I each carry a copy of our passports so there is redundancy Comment from : @jamieab4 |
One of your other videos you mentioned not to use either credit cards or debit cards which one was it? Thank you for sharing your advice and knowledge Comment from : @sararamos3903 |
Don't believe in cashless society for loads of reasons Thank you for your tips! 👍 Comment from : @pavlal4552 |
I was told in a forum that money from Mexico can’t be folded…? Comment from : @TheSummer365 |
Never try to hide your valuables under the car seat, in a glove box, or in the trunk ALWAYS keep your valuables with you Your car is not a safe place for money or credit cards Further, leave the car unlocked, ideally with a window down Thieves do not want your car They want your money Comment from : @garyjacobsen3407 |
A carry walk-around money in two different pockets The bulk of money in one pocket and numerous low denomination bills in another pocket to toss Only carry driver license and medical insurance card in a different pocket and a throw-away wallet with a couple of exposed bills in a fourth pocket for tossing Comment from : @patricklambert3575 |
Hi, I have so much religious Crucifixes, Blessed Medals, etc, I carry with Me in my personal purse At TSA do I have to take it out from my purse and put it on the bin together with my cash (I put it inside an envelope)?brThanks for the helpful tips Comment from : @lucillebonds2196 |
Am I required to remove gold jewelry during airport security check? Comment from : @mrvggl |
How do handle having to empty your pockets, including cash, going through TSA? Comment from : @pistorieswithdave9347 |
You are spending too much time batching about how you don't like cash It is almost 7 minutes before you get to some kind of point Comment from : @JSees |
Thank you for sharing Comment from : @carmengreenwood566 |
"Moving the world forward as a cashless society" will have a downside when it effects your carbon credit score Don't think for a second this isn't about a digital panopticon on how you spend your money Comment from : @SmartCookie2022 |
I would be very worried about putting that little wallet thru X ray with many people in front of me One time putting all my belongings in their basket and sending it along, third person in front of me still had his shoes on which stoped the line, Could not see my items on the other side of the X ray machine, very worried turned out OK Comment from : @rogernevers6544 |
God bless you ❤ Comment from : @renatacantore3684 |
What do you suggest when at a foreign flea market? I'm thinking some in a Velcro 'd pocket, some in a thin wallet and maybe more under my clothes in a yoga belt or bra purse Comment from : @lisbethkelsey6622 |
A Frequent traveler Comment from : @8877jazz |
Likes and Subscribe Comment from : @8877jazz |
I will definitely make a mental note Thanks again!😊 Comment from : @sweetypatnett6123 |
Thanks, this video is very helpful and informative 😊😍 Comment from : @sweetypatnett6123 |
Cash is king in Asia never had money 💵 stolen from the safe in the room over 30 years 😂 ! Comment from : @johnerdelyi4208 |
Why would we watch a video on how to carry cash from someone who doesn’t carry cash and obviously doesn’t have any experience with it Comment from : @joephilly6488 |
I travel all the time with a wallet that has a front & back zipper, with a carabiner attached to it so that it’s always in my pocket and no chance of pickpockets getting their hands on it They would end up with both my wallet & I in their home as well Lesson learned from previous bad pickpocket experiences Comment from : @mmc3731 |
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