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Let’s Clear Up A Few Things About The Cost Of Magic: The Gathering Cards

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Title :  Let’s Clear Up A Few Things About The Cost Of Magic: The Gathering Cards
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Comments Let’s Clear Up A Few Things About The Cost Of Magic: The Gathering Cards

Revenge Of The Booster Box Game: youtube/Pfmr1LhY25I
Comment from : @TolarianCommunityCollege

Who's here after the MSRP Announcement?
Comment from : @PopcornTB

For somebody who bought a stack of cards of another kid in the fifth grade, that he stole out of a locker probably for 3 bucks and hadn't played since the seventh grade, over 20 years ago How much money would it cost to put together a competitive deck these days?
Comment from : @artvandely7159

Sept2024 here saying people should have listen to this video So many mtg players are going crazy over the rules committy bans in September 2024
Comment from : @Surfer669

Damn He called it
Comment from : @andyromero7321

I'm buying proxies I have rent, food, friends and local artists who need the money I'll buy singles from my good local shops, but these boosters and most singles are too expensive for cardboard
Comment from : @glowingmonster

The problem with MTGO is this: too many players are leaning almost entirely on rares Rare after rare after rare is played during each turn It has become a game of wondering what rare will your opponent play next Rares are nothing but golden crutches In the 90s, we played this game with strategy, creativity, wit, and intelligence Rarely, hehe, with our debit/credit card Today, all you have to do is purchase all the rares you need to assemble an overpowered deck (that you simply copycat) filled with single cards that can do three or more mighty things
Comment from : @skiphoffenflaven8004

The narrative that a consumer should care about "the market" or corporate profits over their own best interest is one of the greatest tricks ever played on our generation
Comment from : @Draconis00788

Draft Boosters used to only be $100?? Yeeeeesh Seeing this video for the FIRST time in the year 2023??? Oof Guess it's gonna be the good ol printer for me for a while
Comment from : @GreyGaymer

Fuc Secret lair If i like some cards of them i proxy them
Comment from : @leonidasvonsparta

Singles slow but better cost effective way to build pokemon decks similar to magic the gathering But having a lack of friends to play against and very few local event makes it difficult to enjoy
Comment from : @kstanni87

truly the professor
Comment from : @giovannitovaglieri6323

my goal is to have a collaction of full art lands
Comment from : @syk2973

Nobody wants your hair loss treatment
Comment from : @ratwithhat2361

Amazing, just a fantastic summary of thoughts and information I am new to the channel, but looking forward to catching up on videos and more of this superb analysis!
Comment from : @zachallen6350

went to card kingdom's site today, bought one of each of the rare "defiler of" cards except red, plus twelve others, and it came out to less than four boosters of dominaria united which, in I D E A L circumstances would MAYBE bag me those same rares and a bunch of non-phyrexian chaffe cards ($26 including shipping vs $28 at the local big box store)brbrthe prof's advice is solid a year after it was said, and to this day is spoken
Comment from : @trogsothoth4919

You'll never stop people from wanting to gamble But, we can buy the singles from them after they do
Comment from : @SteveTemplePilot

"Buy singles" is good advice, but the hypothetical of "if everyone bought singles" is still valid
Comment from : @chadjones1266

There are a lot of basic economic errors contained in this video If the goal of the company is to maximize profits, having their product sold out is a really bad thing It means that their product was under priced, which means they lost revenue, and it means that they under produced, aka lost potential salesbrbrIf you think that this massive loss of revenue would be compensated by people buying the over produced product instead, that is also a mistake If people already displayed their clear preference for one product over another, this means that you can charge more for that product and profit more If you instead intentionally prevent them from buying what they want and guide them to the product they want less, you will not be able to charge as much for it It is plain and simplebrbrThe conclusion is that the decision to overprint one and underprint the other was not the result of a plan to obtain more profit, but instead an error in market evaluation They thought one would sell more and the other less, and they were wrong, and lost money because of it It is a mistake and everyone lost, including them
Comment from : @gabrielpvc

7:15 this is actually true in my case, I stopped playing MTG years ago, but I still enjoy watching your videos, learning about whats going on with magic and also improving my English , so what u say about buy this or not doesn't really affect someone like me yet is very entertaining listening/watching your videos
Comment from : @arkhust6775

Magic has always been the original cardboard crack
Comment from : @sassysasquatch2722

I thought this was a video about how certain costs in game play workI was wrong but not disappointed
Comment from : @Urinal

this man is the hero we need!
Comment from : @MrGoldsmitch

Wonderful stuff Great video
Comment from : @Gorffage

Magic is dead
Comment from : @chiaonline

There’s another reason why the “if everyone bought singles, there would be no singles” is a fallacy If every single player suddenly refused to buy packs, WOTC wouldn’t just throw up their hands and say “I guess we’re going out of business,” they would pivot their business model They already sell singles in the form of secret lair They’d make more products like precons, maybe bring back something akin to toolkits
Comment from : @giokazephyn354

I've never bought a 200 dollar box of magic cards Never will
Comment from : @NekoSauce

Didn't they do it to produce more foil arts cards? Strixhaven had a ton of reprints and people want foil versions of them it was probably an estimation of what would sell better
Comment from : @Magiccircle100

This video shows he is truly the Professor It reminds me of my time in college I have missed that Thank you, Professor!
Comment from : @stationdisatrous647

In my experience I pay the little bit higher price for set boosters because I find set boosters increase the number of uncommon and rare card counts Drafts typically have one rare or mythic and two uncommon with little or no difference in your purchase potential Set boosters may contain as many as three rare or mythics and from 5 to 7 uncommon per pack Often with draft I don't get my money's worth, yet set boosters very rarely produce less than the purchase price
Comment from : @ellissessoms4653

People realize that if everyone stopped buying sealed product because of the low value than WOTC would be forced to give you a better value or resign themselves to allowing MTG to crash and burn right? If Wizards can't/won't adapt to that than screw them
Comment from : @marklarmcfizzlestaff

I rarely ever say this but I think this guy genuinely likes mtg and wants others to as well
Comment from : @NekoSauce

Very enlightening Thx!!
Comment from : @careyhaynes9203

Comment from : @bch9124

I love how scientific he his with his abstract and presentation
Comment from : @IamEpiphanyTTV

How do you wear so many layers of clothes without burning up? I almost can't watch I start sweating It's like when I hold my breath watching Jaws in the theater Please make some change
Comment from : @robscot971

binge watching this channel for days now and i still dont know how to play magic or even how it works in a TCG way XD but i do collect sealed magic products, even tho i prob only opened 10 packs in the 4 years ive collected it XD XD
Comment from : @geiramTV

Absolutely love hearing professor articulate so clearly and effortlessly Helps me really absorb the information he so kindly shares
Comment from : @thomasyedinak4539

Thanks Professor for you insight on this
Comment from : @bomber1012

I'm thankful the people of this hobby have such a well-spoken consumer advocate looking out for them
Comment from : @alfred8936

Problem is, many good cards cost big cash I mean $170 for mana crypt, over $100 for force of will, fetches ranging from $20-$60 This is pricey cardboard that many cannot afford especially when decks have 60-100 cards I wish they could make it more affordable for everyone
Comment from : @flowdaflava6574

" -Some Person" 😂😂💯
Comment from : @Sevatar_VIIIth

Mtg is an amazing game and this channel is amazing everyone working on it does really well Well done
Comment from : @eyesuckatgames8226

Not disagreeing with the Prof's arguments, but he's clearly not a Kantian
Comment from : @Hushashabega

truee, I was so disappointed when I came back to magic and saw how booster prices went up
Comment from : @randomnico6250

It doesnt matter whether what one says affects a large or small audience, one should try to make one's advice as universal as possible
Comment from : @CyberCheese392

6:13 "Fallacy of reasoning" is redundant, all fallacies are "of reasoning" What you should say is what kind of fallacy it is But this is hard to do if you arent a student of philosophy, so Ill forgive the error But the way you said it slowly as if you are saying something meaningful is funny
Comment from : @CyberCheese392

I don't buy lotto tickets, but I don't think my state should cancel the state lottery
Comment from : @mhicks31

Comment from : @thesmilyguyguy9799

Just stumbled upon this part of youtube Never thought how Magic the Gathering cards are literally like printed money The mint controls the value by regulating the amount in circulation
Comment from : @debugger4693

What a great video! It's the first of yours I've seen
Comment from : @hanss5291

In my anecdotal experience, col boosters have always made their money back when I've bought them The D&D set I bought for right around $250 had 7-8 mythics that came out to total over $300, which isn't including the dozens of $3-5 rares and alt arts Maybe I'm just new school about it, but it's consistently been worth my money
Comment from : @TimesCondensedCum

I started playing in 1997 stoped ruffly 7 years ago its to expensive singles costing 75 dollars a piece is nuts u could build a whole top tier deck for that in the early 2000s late 90z lol before I quit a decent or top standard deck cost 300 to 600 dollars to build in singles thats silly great game love it loved it but not worth the money for me anymore
Comment from : @fizzle454

The professor versus Kant’s categorical imperative
Comment from : @cmbodayle

Thank you
Comment from : @Rachel-im6yc

You frickin tell those haters xDbrI love it
Comment from : @MistaManlyGuy

Decks of cards are expensive af My friends and I have a cap of 40 bucks on how much we can spend on our decks It's getting more difficult the better we play
Comment from : @beardedrancher

your voice is heard even in France Prof Thanks for this message, it is good to hear what I feel deeply each time I'm looking to draft
Comment from : @kjbissation

absolutely excellent video! thank you for taking the time to address all of this
Comment from : @theholocron323

i'm still unsure if the Draft product is better if you're not actually using it to draft Set boosters have more rares in them and even if it's 6 less packs it still is more of the good cards plus during early pre-order and a few weeks after release the prices are generally the same between the two, maybe 5 different
Comment from : @Shishkebarbarian

There are 2k Misty Rainforest for sale on MKMbrbrThis is a dream come true
Comment from : @arenkai

Actual thinking Wow
Comment from : @Ureyeuh

I love boosters for packwar It's sad to see them dwindle
Comment from : @marcwilliams1942

I just have a gambling problem I just like opening the packs to see what could be inside I should probably limit a bit more on packs and just buy singles instead
Comment from : @FirePhoenix103

I played for the first time yesterday and have held off because of the games reputation for costing a lot I watched your video to gain a perspective on why it costs so much and how to avoid paying to much for card Thank you for the time to explaining this very clearly and I totally understood you perspective and agree I just want to play this with my children at home and singles seems to be the best choice for me personally brbrThank you for taking the time to make this :)
Comment from : @ChrisKnowlesTube

I'm not sure this is so bad for the customerbrI mean if boosters that decreased the single price of cards are being printed more, this will further decrease the singles price And thats good for every private deckbuilder out there You will always need singles and outside of standard you will never be able to get all your cards from boosters, as non-standard decks combine to many editions Highly improbably that you draw all those by luckbrSo by selling boosters with more rares and foils WotC gets more money - what is what they want - and gives the playerbase cheaper singles, what is what we want The ones probably losing on it are the private merchants Those who open thousands of packs to sell singles en masse They have fewer really expensive cards they can draw and sell
Comment from : @DevilinPink13

you teach me happy mission accomplish comments of approval
Comment from : @uigpoe

My guy absolute beast of a video Mad respect for helping folks save money
Comment from : @reddeckwins8696

Super video! I applauded for $200 👏
Comment from : @docbrookeontwitch

While I sometimes think the Professor sees extraneous amounts of doom and gloom, I can never dispute the thoroughness of his critical thinking, the clarity of his analysis, or the dedication to advocating for the consumer Good on you Prof!
Comment from : @docbrookeontwitch

That was too much
Comment from : @christopheradams7298

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