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Basic Concepts in Technology for Teaching and Learning | EDUC 7

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Comments Basic Concepts in Technology for Teaching and Learning | EDUC 7

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Comment from : @MyEClassinBytes

Teaching and learning with technology an introduction
Comment from : @PIATOS_YT

Danny Mark Abejuela -TCP Yes, traditional technology can help students and educators learn more effectively It can be used for presentations, art-related items, and so on Modern technology has its limitations, and the government lacks the capacity to supply adequate resources for schools brTraditional technology plays a significant role in our education
Comment from : @DannyMarkAbejuela

Good day po maam, pwede po ba makahingi copy nang ppt? thanks po
Comment from : @cassyarcenal6805

Buslon Josephine O BTVTED 3G FSM BbrFor me yes Primitive or Traditional method are still valuable until now at the times of modern technology, because even at this days we used hard copy or materials in our classes and it is the fastest way specially at the province or place that not capable of internet or modern technology
Comment from : @josephinebuslon6

PADIN, MARY JOIXANN W brBTVTED 3G FSM B brbrFor me, the traditional method is valuable because some professional still using books and more reliable sources Maybe we already use technology but the traditional method for teaching is the best
Comment from : @maryjoixannpadin5252

Mendoza, Trixie Rose ZbrBTVTED 3-G FSM-AbrbrYes, Primitive or Traditional method is still valuable even though, modern technology is the fastest way for teaching but, Promitive or Traditional is still valuable because, we still have materials like Books and Hard copy of Modules
Comment from : @trixierosemendoza7739

Delmoro, Zandra Elaine AbrBTVTED 3-H FSM BbrbrYes, primitive or traditional method is still valuable because we still use books and other materials that is important as a reliable source Also, the main goal of traditional education is to continue imparting the knowledge , skills and moral and social norms that adults believe are essential for the next generation's economic success
Comment from : @delmorozandraelaine5632

Mercado, Bethrica DbrBTVTED 3-G FSM-AbrbrYes, a primitive or traditional method is still valuable in today's modern generation, even if there's advance technology using in education For example, because of pandemic online class has been implemented in our country, until we still prefer to return to the usual normal of learning This is important because it helps students to be more creative and engaged in learning manually When the tools used in learning and by teachers in teaching is traditional, they will benefit more the books The teachers can also be guided easily on their students—to be more responsible and discipline through a traditional way of teaching As well as important for the health of students to avoid their eyes focus on gadgets for a long quantity of time
Comment from : @mercadob0523

Caganan, Joven JbrBTVTED 3 - K ELXbrbrFor me, yes it is still valuable as electronics major we need an face to face education because i think we gain more knowledge and ideas from our experienced professor If we based on online learning sometimes it`s very inaccurate
Comment from : @jovencaganan6273

Marry Grace M NollanbrBTVTED 3-K ELXbrYes, I do think that the traditional way are still valuable in the 21st century It is because even though we live in a fast and modernized world, some areas in our country, even other country, doesn't have any access to the modern technology that we currently have, hence, in those areas, traditional method is still the best way to use in 21st century On the other hand, if we focused on what we can use for the betterment of education, I will still take my stand because traditional method is valuable due to it being the origin of how teachers teaches today such as the teacher is writing on a blackboard with a chalk is the same with the teacher writing on PowerPoint presentation with a virtual marker These examples have different set up but the way they executed it is strikingly similar
Comment from : @nollanmarrygrace6253

Mary Rose PasquitobrBTVTED 3-H FSM-AbrbrFor me it is valuable because nowadays we still use books (module), newspaper and other traditional materials
Comment from : @marypasquito3551

IGOT, JULLIE ANN BbrBTVTED 3G FSM BbrbrYes, I agree that traditional learning techniques are still important up until now because this kind of technique is one of the best ways of teaching students and interacting with them especially primary and secondary students Since today we are surrounded by Modern technology we can't say that everyone can afford to use technology that's why traditional learning techniques are still important and I think that this is the most effective way of teaching a student
Comment from : @jullieannigot5138

Betache Mary Jean MbrBTVTED 3-G FSM-AbrbrFor me, Yes the primitive and traditional method is still valuable in 21th Century Education because most of the students have become better and learn in this method of learning, especially during primary and secondary life of the students this is what is usually done to teachers can learn and teach, but during the pandemic all students were in online classes and it is sad because not all students can attend class due to the lack of equipment such as devices and that is one of the disadvantages when learning is always dependent on technology
Comment from : @maryjeanbetache4161

Dumaguit Joy SbrBTVTED 3-G FSM-AbrbrYes , Primitive Traditional Methods is still very important in every student that traditional can't forget how to use it, it is very important also that we can learn in that method without a modern technology We know that's nowadays we use a modern technology because of pandemic, it is very useful in every student but we also know that it can affects our health for to much of uses
Comment from : @dumaguitjoy968

PAMUTE, JENNIFER ANNE B brBTVTED 3-H FSM AbrbrSince the year when technologies were invented, It doesn't mean that schools will not use those primitive traditional methods and it is still significant for every educator and learner to use that for us to fully understand the lesson without depending on modern devices We can be more creative by thinking about how we can do some activities in our own way and also, modern devices can easily do our tasks, however there are always side effects using those materials, especially in our health Primitive Traditional Methods must be included for teaching to realize the importance of being a regular student using those materials, and exploring our minds to be innovative and use with our hands also, read the books without any radiation coming into our eyes and just simply read it to have some knowledge and ideas about the lessons
Comment from : @pamutejenniferanne5763

Montallana, JomarbrBTVTED 3-K ELXbrYes, the primitive or traditional methods of teaching are still valuable in the 21st century because not all teachers and schools have the ability to adapt to the current innovation of mode of learning Besides, using this method of teaching, many students will proactively participate in the lesson and easily catch up on the entire discussion
Comment from : @jomarmontallana7977

Loreto, Cyril MalabonbrBTVTED 3-H FSM Abrbr I agree that traditional learning techniques is significant because most of us can more learn with this techniques compare now that some of us are in online class, because not all of as are fast learners or can learn without the instructions of their teachers, i believe that having a traditional learning is giving more interactive and more interest to learn because of this environment we can also build our confident because of socialization
Comment from : @loretocyrilm5387

Lee Erica BombitabrBTVTED 3G FSM AbrbrIn my perspective, I agree that traditional learning techniques is significant up until today because we all know that not everyone is blessed to attend such as online classes Specially for some provinces that are far from the city, so for them to learn it is through the traditional way of teaching that will help them to read, write, and comprehend the lesson appropriately It also such an advantage for the students to be creative using some piece of paper etc Also traditional learning doesn't harm the health of the students specially their eyes
Comment from : @yoitsleee

ROSARIO, RODELYN DbrBTVTED 3-H FSM Bbr brIn my opinion, Yes because primary and secondary education used materials that helps students become familiar with books like module It is highly beneficial for them to study printed books because it will increase their vocabulary and reading comprehension Andi since there are so many distractions with technology nowadays, going back to traditional, non-technological lectures can actually help students today to focus more on their school works
Comment from : @rodelynrosario9140

Sabelino, Angeline GbrBTVTED 3-G FSM AbrbrYes, I think primitive or traditional method is still valuable in the 21st century because there are still few teachers who prefer to use this method in delivering their lessons to their students It provides an interactive learning in the classroom This method is therefore useful and valuable in all aspects up to this day
Comment from : @sabelinoangeline5852

SISON, JULIAN ANTONIO TbrBTVTED 3-K ELXbrbrBase on my conclusion on the information that I have learned in this lesson, I think primitive or traditional method is still valuable in the 21st century education Why? because as the lesson state, technology in education only supplements the educational goals that both students and teachers aim, regardless of the classification or relativity of the technology brbrIn philippine context, as we transition in face-to-face classes, there are high possibility that classes will revert on using primitive or traditional technology in education: for one, it is more accessible due to the current technological state of our classes, which is lacking; and two, the classes are in still transitioning towards full digital learningbrbrIn considering these reasons and other factors, primitive and traditional method is still valuable in the 21st century education
Comment from : @julianantoniosison4745

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