Title | : | How to learn a language by yourself |
Lasting | : | 18.24 |
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Views | : | 96 rb |
Yes, you can learn a language on your own Comment from : @Val-uj3nr |
Ive listened to this guy for like a week and I just know realised that hes jewish lol! Comment from : @braydenk5180 |
I’m learning Old English to be able to speak it aloud and speak its poetry It’s thrilling! Comment from : @tglinsley |
I am so encouraged Comment from : @GeorgeMulak |
Thanks! Comment from : @GeorgeMulak |
I think it depends on personality and desire Some people really need that human interaction in the learning process and others do a lot better with self study Comment from : @verdakorako |
Thanks! Comment from : @stephenperrine9660 |
Wunderbar Comment from : @cappybenton |
Amazing video! This resonates so much with my journey learning Korean As a Hungarian native fluent in German and English, I started studying Korean 3 months ago with a clear goal I’ve been dedicating 15-20 hours per week, using Anki, a textbook, an online course, journaling, and recently working with a native tutorbrbrThis weekend, I hit a milestone: 1,000 words in my vocabulary, progressing from A1 to A2 A game-changer for me has been ChatGPT—it’s helped with practice tests, vocab lists, and grammar explanations, making my learning more efficientbrbrThank you for this video—it’s inspiring and full of great ideas for the future! Comment from : @godasish |
I studied Russian a lot 1975-1984 I’ve forgotten so much! Now I’m going to refresh it! Comment from : @ChrisWalsh-k6y |
Thank you Comment from : @JamesWhite-cr5ys |
Do you support Israel? Comment from : @benjaminnel5891 |
My motivation is to move to Europe, speak the language of the country I land, and speak enough of other common languages that I’m not seen as a typical American who only speaks EnglishbrbrMy second goal is to be able to speak as many languages as I can, just enough to 1 Greet people politely, 2 Help someone who is struggling because they don’t speak English or French 3 Be able to engage with cultural primary sources, like books, film, and festivals Comment from : @HillaryHacks |
Do you recommend any other doctorate-level linguists who discuss language acquisition on you tube? Comment from : @HillaryHacks |
I didn't like italki Comment from : @blibliobli7275 |
I'm learning Korean because I plan to live there permanently Comment from : @WalterTaylor-ud5jf |
Improve my education 😊 Comment from : @KarenKLS |
Read Bible in Hebrew ❤ Comment from : @KarenKLS |
I have contacted the local Sons of Norway organization and I hope to join as a member soon That will foster my learning on many leveks Comment from : @meatdog |
I'm teaching myself Norwegian I don't need a formal class I learned Spanish on my own and because I live in a state with loymts of Mexicans willing to share, that was helpful in pronunciation It's on TV all the time My grandparents spoke Nirwegian and I didn't learn it as a kid My Norwegian heritage has me seeking everything Norwegian and I'm going to sail my Norwegian built sailboat to Norway So I need to be fluent in Norwegian 6:23 Comment from : @meatdog |
I started Korean based on my interest in their history and culture I also enjoy K drama - thanks to a Korean friend leading me down that rabbit hole I ordered writing practice books as well as flash cards meant for children that have pictures on them I also use Duolingo for the «challenges» which have been useful for quick recognition of written words/reinforcing written recognition I listen to South Korean news, podcasts and music in my car and also practice repeating what I hear while driving Next steps thanks to this video: Apply your advice and plan feedback from native speakers/tutors Thank you! Comment from : @nikkipa6113 |
I find that being a native English speaker puts you at a disadvantage when learning a language People are generally less inclined to converse with you in their native language, even if you happen to speak their language really well and can hold your own in a conversation, it doesn't matter The speaking partner in your target language almost always reverts to English Comment from : @katrinajosephson802 |
Wow Thank the Algorithm I finally found someone who sounds like me talking to people about language learning Great channel Comment from : @dorcassnell |
My motivation for learning Spanish is work I want the extra $1 per hour we are supposed to get when bilingual I'd like to be bilingual in the next 2 years Short term, I want to be able to help parents with swimming lesson enrollment in April I hope one of the programs, like italki might connect me with a tutor who is familiar with everything swimming pool and swimming lesson related I need more than "nadar" or "piscina" Comment from : @vickyk5510 |
My motivation in learning German is travel in Central Europe, history, and an enjoying of speak the language Comment from : @Kerfloffels |
I use mostly anki, but I’ve also tried fluent forever app Have you used that app? Comment from : @heichelmann |
Hello algorithm Comment from : @jakekimbrell8977 |
I am learning Welsh so that I can sing traditional songs well! I am excited to start a class in January and have enjoyed listening to Radio Cymru! Comment from : @chickenindoubleC |
My goal is to learn mandarin to be able to conduct business (high-end sales and services) with mandarin speakers Comment from : @matthewheath7839 |
To reconnect with my french ancestry Comment from : @Gama22222 |
The goal: communicating with patients without a phone interpreter Comment from : @JamesDavis-ps6yy |
3:41 I want to learn Spanish because, I’ve always wanted to be able to speak a second language and as an American, Spanish has the most speakers around me Comment from : @Masterpdudley |
Duolingo is crappy and annoying! Comment from : @danielbedoni4844 |
I am suddenly realizing how much time I wasted by relying on Duolingo so much to get me up to the point I could handle little kids songs Welp! No time like the present to have an actual plan with goals and timelines! Comment from : @hoppybirdy6967 |
I have enjoyed this immensely I am studying Scots Gaelic but in my part of the Highlands we do not have native speakers which makes it difficult, plus there are many different dialects and as it was an oral language for many for a long time, writings are very different I use Duo but am looking for another platform as a lot of the practice is about working in politics, local council etc and what I am interested in is culture and heritiage and music Any suggerstions? Comment from : @candycameron6390 |
I am studying Spanish I want to communicate with more people especially because I live in El Paso I always wanted to learn Spanish & I love Mexican culture I am having difficulty finding a good program I am wanting to get started reading but I can't find a good workbook for adults Comment from : @dundithe24824 |
My motivation is expanding my appeal to international workplaces and being a study busy for my girlfriend to brush up on her mandarin that she learned growing up in Singapore :) Comment from : @Taddbug |
Learning French at 59 (we'll see!) 2 recent trips with my wife in retirement, and we both love everything about it My wife is already bilingual, and I think this endeavor is MY responsibility Thank you for the direction Comment from : @SandDuneProperties |
does someone knows good resoureces to lern malay¿ pls help im a native spanish speaker and i know some english but i want to lern malay 😭pls heeelpp Comment from : @queenaztinad |
How much should I understand from the media immersion? I can watch a german movie, but I won’t understand most of it I feel like that doesn’t help Comment from : @MicMan123456789 |
The point about resources is so true I’m learning Hausa and so many of the resources are from 50 or more years ago Some even from the late 1800s But thankfully I’ve found a book published in the 90s that has a lot of clear grammar explanations Comment from : @HausamanB1 |
My motivation to learn Dutch is so i can work as a dietitian in the Netherlands It is a requirement to speak Dutch fluently to work in healthcare But i dont plan on moving there for 5-10 years so i have a very realistic goal Comment from : @scrimpscromp |
Thank you for all this info! Do you have any tips on practising writing and grammar? I'm learning Dutch, and it's my first time learning a language Comment from : @Solsey |
wait what's wrong with Pimsleur? Comment from : @leyixu9124 |
My why: books I ❤ Reading them, besides italian, my mt, also in enghlish, german, french spanish and beginning chinese This Is why I do not exercise spoken lanhuages much Comment from : @libriniserenagobbo9717 |
it's wild to me that a well educated person not only believes something like "if I went to Tehran I would be immediately arrested because Iran hates Jewish Americans" but also believes he should repeatedly spread this falsehood to a large audience in his videos Americans can't even go to Iran without an invitation or tour guide if they're using a US passport Comment from : @阳明子 |
Im happy this guy talks about naughty studying because everytime I talk about it everyone gets mad and doesn't believe it works and, well just calls me a perv Oddly enough never in their target language tho Comment from : @FlameHashiraAries |
I have a few different reasons, 1 I like learning is general 2 I’m a writer and would like to write in my target language 3 I’d like to learn about the culture Comment from : @TTVLuke |
I have been teaching myself Turkish using duolingo, you tube and books I have found ChatGPT useful for a quick rundown of a grammer rule when I’m stuck, and I’ve asked it to write me short stories and conversations that I can translate, often using google translate I’m enjoying the process, I thought I couldn’t learn a language after my school failures and being humiliated in France for not being able to speak the language Comment from : @carolinemcauliffe-gg4tf |
Quiero aprender español porque yo hispano, y yo necesito al hacer esto por mi familiabrMi meta es a hace un b1 o b2 en español y hablar con mi familia en México más mejor Comment from : @guadalupefreyre5900 |
My motivation for learning the language I wanna learn is so I can talk to my partners grandma, and the rest of their family too, but especially their grandma because she is such a sweetie and is even trying to communicate with me when we have no common language <3 Comment from : @rmfishy |
I downloaded an app to talk with native speakers (who are learning English themselves) It was a great way to get familiar with reading, writing, and forming your own sentences after learning the basics Comment from : @MichaelS5400 |
I listen to a goosebumps book translated into my target language, Spanish, while I self teach myself the language (With many years of familiariairty and failed attempts at learning Spanish, and having learned latin for 3 years in HS) brI love learning new lessons while I listen to the book because I'm literally developing and understanding as I go I just learned how to say things like "I want to buy it (myself)" and how you can have arrangements like "lo compro" or you can say "comprarlo" So when I went back to my audiobook, I was able to pick out everytime that was happening and it DEFINITELY helped my comprehension of the story brI dont like reading the goosebumps books anymore because they're so far below my reading level, BUT because they're ABOVE my reading level in Spanish, it's like they're fresh and new and so enjoyable again!!!! That and Bob Esponja are probably my favorite ways to immerse my self in Spanish I also find youtube documentaries of Mexican people talking about their life, job, traditions, economic matters Those videos resonate with me because they help me connect to a heritage that was lost to me from the americanization of my family as they migrated to the US Comment from : @teentitansrock88 |
3:37 business Comment from : @paoloesquillo1421 |
This video is so helpful! While trying to learn my husband’s native language, Tamil, I ran into a lot of issues finding resources that were for colloquial Tamil rather than the formal language Would you ever consider a video about diglossia? I’m interested in how formal and colloquial forms of languages emerge over time Comment from : @K_facey |
Great video man! You forgot to mentiom Discord language channels It actually helped me lesrn German Comment from : @zhyakoxalid6892 |
"If I go to Toronto to speak persian, I would be stopped at fbe airport and dissappeared" 💀 Comment from : @zhyakoxalid6892 |
As you're mentioning Anki very often and I'm in the process of trying it out for the first time, would you mind making a video talking through the process of making good Anki-Cards? For vocab it seems pretty straight forward, but what is with grammar, or phrases? I'd find that very helpful Comment from : @tetsi0815 |
I shall try out your study approach this week Need a change from my regular format Thanks! Comment from : @RosanneLoriMalowany |
As they say, no school like the old school My flash cards are handwritten, just as they were when I was taking Spanish in junior high school I think it's the act of physically writing the target language that helps me retain the information No offense, but by doing this, I don't have much, if any, need for mnemonics I find this approach especially helpful with languages that don't use the Roman alphabet, like Russian or Greek Comment from : @3rdand105 |
Currently my motivation mostly seem to be that my brain decided it is this season's hyperfocus, and I am content to let it Other motivations include: "Well I already started, might as well get it to a useful level"brbrI have mostly learned through Duolingo For all it's weaknesses, the gamification works At the moment I seem to spend about two hours on it every day Well better that than a random game I suppose And it has given me enough vocabulary that I now have a chance of understanding when watching TV-shows or listening to music So in addition to Duolingo, I now listen to music or audiobooks on my commute and sometimes watch a show or language teaching youtube video That gives me pretty good immersion, though speaking is lacking behind Comment from : @Sgrunterundt |
I’m learning French because i’ve seen that it is pretty useful (after English) when I travelled to several Francophone countries and I am interested in their books and movies I’d like to understand them in the original language Comment from : @Cre-u7e |
Step 1: stop watching videos about HOWbrbrStep 2: learnbrbrPS I did watch this lol Comment from : @JamesColemanChess |
Self-talk is like trying to get better at using a hammer by using it to mash fruit Like, i guess you could, but that's not what a hammer is designed for brbrSpeaking is for sharing knowledge/information with others If you have no knowledge or no one to talk to, don't worry about speaking and keep acquiring knowledge through listening and reading Comment from : @jesse_ledesma |
I like the flash cards idea as I am a more visual person, thanks for the tip I am moving to Spain to live in one or two years time Comment from : @DaneA-x3m |
Honestly my biggest obstacle to trying to speak my target language (which I have legacy skills in and could become fluent in if I only put a little effort into communicating regularly with people) is my mom's habit when I was a teen of making fun of me for making mistakes Now as soon as I can't recall a word my entire brain locks up and I can't think in Spanish at all Comment from : @in-sufficientdata |
Spanish to converse with people at work who speak no English Norwegian for travel desires and fun ^^ Comment from : @TKVonMerrik |
As a child, I was fascinated with the Aztecs Turns out that Spanish (duh!) is a necessary first step into that area of exploration (pardon the pun) So, reading early-modern/late-mediæval Spanish was my goal If I'd have had longer in the US, I should certainly have pursued spoken, modern, NahauatlbrbrNow that I'm back in Europe… it's kinda nice to not sound like a complete arse when on holiday in Iberia Comment from : @auntiecarol |
ChatGPT has been a game changer for me I am studying Ukrainian and have been using ChatGPT to help me dive into cases I asked it to make a table of possessive pronouns in 6 different cases I also asked it for '100 nouns related to things a musician might do' I asked it for 25 of the most common irregular verbs I asked it to explain conditional mood- what's the difference between, 'I'd like to go for a walk vs I would have liked to go for a walk'brbrOften times I will think about things I might talk about in my life and just have GPT translate it and give me a grammatical rundown of cases and tenses It has been amazing Comment from : @RiccardoPearlman |
When watching shows/movies or listening to podcasts should I or should I not use subtitles? Comment from : @purplexd6239 |
I want to learn polish/Russian to understand Eastern Orthodox Christian texts and sermons Comment from : @Aaron-vi3id |
When ChatGPT rises up and takes over the world, this guy will get ethered very quickly Comment from : @andreasviken2949 |
Since starting school again, I've been really lagging behind on my russian practice I think waking up earlier and doing at least one lesson would be a good idea I bought the whole russian course on babbel on sale like a year ago, so i have lessons ready for me whenever i want I like their russian course a lot It's not perfect, obviously, but i love that they provide both pronunciation tips and tidbits about russian culture(like how a traffic jam is called пробка(lit cork)) Initially, i started learning on duolingo because i thought it just sounded really cool, and i listened to a lot of music in russian, Ukrainian, etc I'm super thankful to have a friend who majors in eastern European and slavic studies, so they know a lot more of the language than i do, and they're happy to help me with words and phrases i struggle with Comment from : @beck7610 |
Thank you for the great advice Comment from : @OliviaH-d9j |
I want to learn to flirt lol Comment from : @austen5543 |
I've watched a handful of your videos this morning and I am subscribing You offer great advice and encourage healthy discussion also you're very handsome Comment from : @RamenLlama |
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