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ZEBCO BULLET 5 months later! Best Spincast Reel Ever?

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Information ZEBCO BULLET 5 months later! Best Spincast Reel Ever?

Title :  ZEBCO BULLET 5 months later! Best Spincast Reel Ever?
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Frames ZEBCO BULLET 5 months later! Best Spincast Reel Ever?

Description ZEBCO BULLET 5 months later! Best Spincast Reel Ever?

Comments ZEBCO BULLET 5 months later! Best Spincast Reel Ever?

Enjoyed your video, thanks How about recommending a rod that I can use with my reel that is two piece (I travel by commercial airlines) that is sensitive enough to feel a small rainbow and land a nice size cat Thanks
Comment from : @alandecorte2962

I subbed as soon as I seen the Olympia Beer tin 🤣
Comment from : @buckconnolly1820

You should check out the Daiwa Goldcast I’m interested in what you’re side by side comparison would be
Comment from : @Doorsanmore

The old zepcos uses to be all metal
Comment from : @aaronflores21af

Whoa! are those roller pickup pins? Never saw that before! If you fish salmon, I recommend you pick up the Zebco 808 Saltwater It's a beast Great for big hands
Comment from : @marlonb8243

We need Zebco to start making the 33 like they did when I was a kid! Seems like the expensive ones are built like the old ones from the 90’s
Comment from : @markk709

❤my 33, 202, 404 and ROAM I need this like I need a hole in my head JUST ORDERED
Comment from : @dmgx

After watching this video I purchased the Zebco bullet and also bought a okuma celilo 8’6” rod I can’t wait to try it out Soon here in Michigan it will be steelhead fishing season Thank you posting a video on this setup
Comment from : @jimpalmeri5428

Comment from : @itscork

I appreciate the review I ordered a Bullet combo with a 6'6" medium rod today
Comment from : @allenhughes12

I have an Omega Pro and I’ve caught a lot of fish in the river with it I’ve never had the bullet but would like to one day I recently bought a new reel at Bass Pro, a Daiwa Regal 2500 I’ve used spinning reels before but had never had one myself, they are a little more finicky to use but I really like the smoothness of them I’m sure other reels on the market have that option too but I love the fact that you can order any part for any reel that Zebco currently makes
Comment from : @appalachiangunman9589

As someone that doesnt like beating the hell out of my shimano stradic in the canoe i think this review has me sold on one with a 7ft medium heavy Johnny Morris carbonlite rod
Comment from : @joshpashia637

Im trying to teach my wife to fish What did i get ? $10 zebco dock demon If she doesn't like fishing i will use it rough grown over cattle ponds for panfish
Comment from : @bmphil3400

Thanks for you time!!!!
Comment from : @ganimedes777

I agree I've had a few spin reels but always just grab a Zebco 33, lol I just like the ease of the spincaster I've caught hundreds of fish on the cheap Zebco's Some of my friends are finally into fishing and have boats and only use baitcasters I get it but I'm a Zebco guy They laugh at me too, lol I'm about to buy a Zebco Bullet I'm registered for a tournament here on Guntersville Lake If you're listening Zebco start helping some of us ole school, "Push Button," fisherman out Give us something to brag about to the baitcaster crowd! Send me some tackle to sample too and I will make content with reviews
Comment from : @PatriotPlus179

braided line can groove the spinner head quickly
Comment from : @dozerguy123lastcall5

One would hope when Zebco decided to compete with heavier reel designs that held heavy line it could do a little better than the bullet that appears to be designed for 10 Lb test The Zebco Omega Pro Z06, a much smaller well built reel, comes factory pre-spooled with 10 Lb test What's the advantage of the Bullet over the Omega Pro Z06 besides the size difference? Is the species target of these reels the same? One being occasional use and the bullet being daily use? Is 10 Lb test the biggest Zebco engineers can do with inherent design flaws of spin-cast reels?
Comment from : @gregkraft7292

I've thought about having one of these on a Telescoping Rod and store it under my seat for those Emergency Fishing Spots that you find while you're out and about!brbrI currently have a traditional Spinning Reel on my telescoping rod but it gets banged around too much
Comment from : @xtraflo

Zebco is first trusted for reels for me
Comment from : @Christopher-nk4en

Nice review, thanks
Comment from : @Donottrustthegovermentblindly

No, because it can't backreel You pay big bucks for a reel with less options If it could do what the cheaper models do, I would get one Zebco should be asking themselves why the cheaper models can backreel but the expensive ones don't It's like buying an expensive car without air conditioning It doesn't make any sense
Comment from : @peterolbrisch8970

As a kid in the 50’s who struggled with “bird nests” in my baitcasters, I was thrilled when Johnson reels came out with the nearly all metal Century and Citation They were dependable, user friendly, and easy to clean Later on I liked the Daiwa Goldcast series I pretty much snubbed Zebco reels even though the super cheap 202 and the higher quality 33 were functional and would serve a lot of fishing applications However, when Zebco came out with their quality, pricey, and good looking Omega Series, I was hooked Don’t have a Bullet, but I’ll definitely check it out
Comment from : @garymoore8065

The 808 and the 888 are as big as they get But you do bring up a good point, I think it would be a good idea if they enlarged their spincast reels ,the companies that build the baitcasters make perty good size, I know that some of the internal parts are some type hard plastic, but they might do better if they were machined internal parts, it might be that they want to keep costs down
Comment from : @wayneeden98

I have 2 bullets an omega pro and a bullet mg I have caught over 150 bass on my mg The thumb pads on my bullets are worn out Orderd new covers but cant get the screws out of the bottom housing
Comment from : @rocknreelnrod

Really great abrasion resistance and though I've never put the Big Game line wwwyoutubecom/post/UgkxQ4x31pJVpClzhxzNFeILZYTW7Xbs7ZIF (any poundage) through an official test it always seems to break well above rated poundage This line stretches a very good amount before it breaks and does well in saltwater too Not the best line for a spinning reel in my opinion, especially if you're planning on using it for lures only due to it having a bit of memory but still a great line whether filling a spool, using as top shot or strictly for leader line I've bought a bunch of Big game line in the past and plan on continuing to do so in the future
Comment from : @Domme857

I spooled it with 8 LB test mono for lighter lures, gave it some practice casts and found that it did cast well wwwyoutubecom/post/UgkxSlytCJqozTF7EbdP4LWP-HUXf9WRDJ0e , except that the anti-backlash setting had to be turned up almost all of the way to keep the "overcasts' ' down I disassembled it, and found that if I potted some "shim washers" behind that anti-backlash magnet assembly, it got the magnets closer to the spool without rubbing, and I could get better control with about a 6 to 7 out out 10-Max setting I also noticed that the handle shaft had some internal end play, maybe only 2 or 3 thousands of an inch, but it's still noticeable If the anti-backlash and shaft tolerances were "tightened up" this would be a fantastic value I've only used it for 4 days of fishing in a month's time, but I plan on keeping it
Comment from : @joeduvall3891

After three years, do they still make it with the plastic thumb button?
Comment from : @joshgellock

I always thought the Zebco 33 was the best but thats awesome they come out with a Bullet and an Omega
Comment from : @coryferguson8234

40 combos, but I beat my 3 Bullets to death for 3 years before ever deciding to clean them, which is why I found your vids only now 8 rods in the boat at all times, including 2 Bullets but 90 percent of my bass fishing accomplished with those Zebcos Two double digits landed with 12lb fluorocarbon Want to buy more, but only if one fails, which hasn't happened yet Thanks for the cleaning videos
Comment from : @cjn8730

Love me some zebco they been fishin since we all were in our daddy’s ball bag
Comment from : @zdeany88

My favorite rod and reel combo is my zebco 808
Comment from : @StormsOutdoors-ge1ym

Na bro bait caster all the way I can’t touch one of these
Comment from : @rowanl2813

Awesome video thank you my friend
Comment from : @bazcharlie4680

So my question is what do you mean "you can get the braid to work?" I just put it in mine and cast it and it works fine
Comment from : @diymacgyverguy8054

Nice unboxing and review
Comment from : @allkindsofoutdooractivities

Now if they made this in an "underspin" configuration it would be perfect I prefer the ergonomics of the spinning rod with the reel under the rod, but I prefer the simplicity of the spincast reel, particularly if you are driving a boat and fishing Zebco had a real good underspin reel in their old 33 Model series but in their wisdom discontinued it Really like the interchangeable reel spools!
Comment from : @donmoroz5502

If it was made in America it would be a piece of crap
Comment from : @chadl5233

I agree absolutely love the spin cast for unexpected fishing!! When I say unexpected I mean when I see a lake I haven't been able to get to come accessible I jump out of my car with my small tackle box and fast 6foot rod and fish an hour or an hour and a half of time away just to get a thrill and that is shore fishing !!! You hit the nail on the head !!! I now keep a backup thumb button and it's not hard to replace once you've done it !!!!!
Comment from : @LawrenceReilly

What rod are you using I want one
Comment from : @MarvHeemeyer2004

Hay zebco engineers if your willing to put your brakes on and stop and listen to interested admire of fishing, I grew up on zebco 22 or what ever that reel was from back in the 70s, that was a reel that stood the test of time, and some of your videos are showing a broken push button casting release that was broken, all I have to do is look for your business phone number and call you folks, and offer a piece of advice, certain parts that being made from plastic material's don't always hold up, so I'm saying that plastic push button for line release, the plastic material's isn't worth being used, you should switch over to a metal part with a pivoting metal pin , basic mechanics should tell you that, zebco could borrow some ideas from Garcia reels
Comment from : @wayneeden98

Zebco has a few high end spincasting reels actually the Zebco 33 can handle up to 12 lb monofilament line, the Zebco 808 can handle up to 20 lb monofilament line, the Zebco 888 can handle up to 30 lb monofilament line, and the Zebco big cat XT can also handle up to 30 lb monofilament line And also all of those spincasting reels I mentioned have all mental internal gears so they are built to last the long haul and honestly I think the only reason people think spincasting reels are for kids is because spincasting reels used to only be used on ultralight setups but that really isn't the case anymore I have been fishing for 25 years of my life and I still to this day prefer spincasting reels and monofilament line and recently I caught a huge lake sturgeon on my Zebco 888 with 30 lb monofilament line also the Zebco spincasting combos are prespooled with Zebco Cajun line which is their higher end line
Comment from : @mchltrecords9169

My dad would buy zebco 33 at magic mart every 2-3 years all he ever fished with, caught largemouth smallmouth catfish everything with it never complained
Comment from : @Appalachy13

Dang it I own 5 now thanks a lot all because of you
Comment from : @williambooth7900

Love your videos and very well done I own 4 open face spinning reels, but I love my Zebco Bullet MG
Comment from : @pingramnet

They make an 808 and 888 for catfish as well I'm using a 33 max and I skip catfish on top of the water, now I haven't hooked a real big one yet, that will be the test
Comment from : @derekdavis6508

Comment from : @msk_craft8934

I have used one for 3 years and the reel has its problems, the line wears a sharp groove in the spinner head and it scrapes the line bad And line twist is always bad as well Spincast reels are fair at BEST
Comment from : @charlescarreiro9548

Have they made any improvements you suggested to this reel since you filmed this? I'm just getting into fishing after a long time and I'm looking for a new spin cast Would you recommend the Bullet or another reel?
Comment from : @bradalsobrook901

Pulled the trigger! Even comes with a zebco hat and neoprene cover! Should be here next Wednesday!
Comment from : @farhenheit628of1200

Wondering how this real would work with let's say 4 or 6 pound test for perch fishing 10 pound is just Too much what are your thoughts?
Comment from : @johnpravato2739

Zebco line is not bad Bit of coil but same diameter as trilene xl Soak the spoil in water 24 hr take tag off coil gone and save big Spincast reels are great for skipping docks Only drawback is line capacity
Comment from : @sammyvh11

Zebco has the coolest name: Zero Hour Bomb Company!
Comment from : @j2d4oi

I hear the Zebco 888 is good too Does not know, because I have not tried it yet
Comment from : @Watcherrye

Why does everyone say that a zebco is for kids, retards and people just starting out?
Comment from : @zackbrown206

You should try a 808 or 888 reel if you want a horse of a reel👍
Comment from : @tmfishingonabudget7486

I thought only kids use these, but I’m going to give one a try
Comment from : @shakeandbaked1

Định mua một cuộn zebco bullet
Comment from : @6368-p1q

Thanks for the video I was looking to purchase a Zebco
Comment from : @Ocho-Sinko

What’s the best rod for this particular reel?
Comment from : @HiGHLY_KHAOTiQ-YT

I own and use 1 of these Kinda pricey
Comment from : @mikealthouse7065

I love catching fish while “real fisherman” are shut down and respooling their bait caster
Comment from : @thegoodchad3578

Always use spincast myself Liked your comment about high end spincast reels Most of mine are around 4:1 ratio
Comment from : @96Duelfuel

Hey man I was wondering if you would make a video about the new profishiency sniper spincast
Comment from : @codypatton9323

Nice review, I have 2 bullets2 omega pros in both sizes,I've used braid one the bullet successfully , but also found that it excels with monoI haven't tried the bullet m g yetis that your next review?
Comment from : @smileycamel5635

I grew up on the Zebco 33 The 404 is in the 202’s to me were just junk but I learned to appreciate the 33 After watching this video I know I had to go buy me a silver bullet thank you for sharing and I wish They would do a better job at marketing it
Comment from : @tomstanley5410

I have had my Bullet for over a year and love it, although I use my Omega more because of the weight difference I just bought the new Bullet MG and will be selling my original Bullet to buy another MG
Comment from : @webjammer1

808 Bullet and I'm first in line!
Comment from : @charlesdjones1

Those zebco omegas are pretty good an i been wanting to try a zebco delta out
Comment from : @floridaboy3524

Not as smooth on retrieve as it could be I use 2 of the bullets it cast good the weight is fine just a lil rough on retrive
Comment from : @johnellenburg2297

Pennywise pound fullis
Comment from : @edwardroberts2997

you should try the ABU-Matic 170 spincast reel made in Sweden if you can find one it will make this reel look like junk
Comment from : @edwardroberts2997

all i use are zebco reels mostly 33's and have one bullet and love it i fish 6 days a week
Comment from : @jimpeterson952

Good video You need a longer rod with more bend, makes the fight fun
Comment from : @feynk6671

Had mine a year lying kept sticking when you threw it wound up losing 2 Poles in the lake because I had a pistol grip handle on my Pole and as you threw it it would lock up some tropical force to yank them right out of my hand biggest piece of junk I ever bought
Comment from : @jeffstevens4586

Overpriced junk
Comment from : @patio87

Man himself looks Like Omni man's twin
Comment from : @samsfishingchannel4233

what's the point of spending 100$ on a spincast reel that's not made in the USA?
Comment from : @secondplace

your dad looks younger and more handsome than u :P
Comment from : @MegaScissorhand

Great video man thankyou Best review of the bullet Subscribed
Comment from : @blueridgeboy6791

they put quantum on their nice reels
Comment from : @dustinwood802

My senior dad caught a 25” snook and 20” jack on the stock mono with 25 lb mono leader in the Sarasota Bay So he didn't get spooled at all and this thing was singing drag like a heavily tune
Comment from : @pintofmiller

What rod did you have it paired with?
Comment from : @tylerhurd9569

Excellent review! I own 2 Zebco Z03 Pros considering the Bullet to add to the arsenalbrQuestion: did Zebco cover the broken push button under warranty since only 5 months old? And did you question them on the "all metal parts" claim? Thanks bro!
Comment from : @Squank63

At there ain’t nothing wrong with Tulsa oklahoma
Comment from : @thunderuparod2677

Zebco probably isn’t making a “killing” selling cheap combos at Walmart Walmart procurement and “rolling back prices” is why Zebco had to move manufacturing to ChinabrbrThat means razor thin marginsbrbrI grew up on “cheap” Zebco and Shakespeare rods and reels One of my favorite combos to this day is a cheap (made in USA reel - the rod doesn’t say) 404 combo I bought in about 1993 I have other nicer rigs but I keep going back to the old 404 Just bought a like new 30 year old Made in USA reel just like it on EBay to have for when mine won’t work anymore, if that ever comes
Comment from : @tannertuner

just picked up a Zebco spincast combo as a backup but I think I'm gonna make it my kayak rod/reel Might upgrade to the Bullet if needed
Comment from : @MissingLinkMTB

Será q tem no Brasil?
Comment from : @rosanicebatistadasilva9261

Zebco back in the day was top of the line
Comment from : @740HillSkinners

YesZebco has recently turned the corner with their spincast I catfish with round baitcasters and stuck my neck out and bought a 888 and was very impressed I caught a 27lb flatty and a 34lb blue with ease the first week i had it and it has 30lb of dragON A SPINCAST!!! and a buddy of mine is a bass fisherman and he literally hung up his baitcasters and uses bullets mainly due to their retrieval rate
Comment from : @lindajones1592

Spincast reels are for toddlers learning to fish🤭
Comment from : @Hammarlux

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