Title | : | Rewiring the Brain: The Promise and Peril of Neuroplasticity |
Lasting | : | 1.26.30 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 718 rb |
There is so much we do not know and think we know about Neuroplasticity Comment from : @ericswain4177 |
no women or people of color? no thanks Comment from : @timenali |
Aparantly disabled folk don’t have “normal” consciousness, just more disposable animals according to mainstream Bro Science Religion is really the enemy of colective consciousness Welcome to the farm, welcome to the matrix💀 Comment from : @-tarificpromo-7196 |
Thank you for this gift 💙✌🏼 Comment from : @RISERefuge |
This is so hilarious :O The medical field wants to keep VR away from their pain pills :O brbrVR makes you duck and grip your feet smh this is trash Sry Comment from : @TwDjLsT |
Congratulations from South Africa! Absolutely fascinating talk It is rare to find a super-informed and highly educated host/interviewer (Brian Greene) going toe-to-toe with fellow intellectuals, scientists and academics (John, Takao and Brett) The research that is being done is absolutely mind-boggling and amazing Your love, enthusiasm and entrepreneurship reminds me of the early days of the Industrialization of America with Ford, Edison, Carnegie, Napoleon Hill and other giants that propelled the USA into a world leader Similarly, in the field of Medicine and Science, it is thoroughly heart-warming to see the level to which the USA is investing heavily into research into the Human Brain - the most amazing and complicated organ in the entire known Universe The icing on the cake is the passion with which this team is dedicated to improving the medical/health quality of life of patients suffering from a wide range of problems including stroke, PTSD, ADHD, epilepsy, hemiparesis as well as applications in sports and music I am a spinal disability patient arising from home invasion and multiple gunshots; myelopathy, radiculopathy and chronic pain - medications do not help much (only marginal); I have also had several TBI’s, plus a subdural haemorrhage (fall in the shower), pituitary infarction and other problems; however, at the age of 65 years, with encouragement from my daughter, I managed to get a NEW Diploma with outstanding results - it was certainly not easy, but it made me feel like a human again and not a helpless cripple; hence, I am very curious about your forecast regarding the next 10 years in chronic pain management with a combination of pharmacy, technology and whole body immersive experiences Keep up the fabulous work) I wish you guys (and all researchers worldwide in Neuroplasticity and brain research) all the best Most certainly, your endeavours are making the world a better place in which to live After all, is that not our higher spiritual duty (to help others, not harm them?) With warmest regards and much respect, Dr Ahmed Adam, South Africa Comment from : @DrAhmedAdam |
Would this help autistic peopie? Comment from : @brucepoole8552 |
Machine Mashin MaSheen Manshnrey Mashinri Comment from : @Jagpalkaur99 |
Wonderful Conversation ❤ Comment from : @AlbertoLugo-u9p |
At 1:04 the concern I had emerged techno-shamanism it was called in the 1980'sa complete scam on a lot of otherwise sincere seekers that and the New Age Computer Digital Paradise Virtual Reality trip Walt Disney on acid is more like it Commercializing, Muskifying everything with an autistic obsessive compulsive divergence from consensus reality is a sick slick trick from an overstimulated dick Comment from : @billsadler3 |
if you knowtell me how this connects with "ego death" Comment from : @Krista-388 |
World Science Comment from : @santisageorge4154 |
Neuropathy Comment from : @santisageorge4154 |
946 Comment from : @RobertGardiner-fx5ix |
Is he micro dosing shock therapy? ????? Comment from : @dyrd7963 |
The intersection of brain plasticity and quantum consciousness presents a captivating frontier in our understanding of the mind Brain plasticity, or the brain's ability to reorganize and adapt through new neural connections, underpins our capacity for learning, recovery, and cognitive development This adaptability is well-documented and forms the basis for various therapeutic approaches in neurology and psychology On the other hand, the concept of quantum consciousness explores whether quantum mechanics might play a role in the nature of consciousness itself Theories in quantum biology suggest that quantum phenomena could influence brain function, potentially contributing to aspects of consciousness and cognitive processes that are not fully explained by classical neuroscience alone
brCombining these two ideas opens intriguing possibilities If quantum effects do indeed contribute to consciousness, they could offer new insights into how brain plasticity operates at a fundamental level For example, quantum processes might affect the efficiency or scope of neural reorganization, influencing how memories are formed and retained While these theories are still speculative, they challenge traditional models and encourage deeper exploration into how consciousness and neural adaptability might intersect As research progresses, understanding the potential quantum aspects of brain function could revolutionize our approach to cognitive science and therapy, offering a more comprehensive view of the mind's extraordinary capabilities Comment from : @isatousarr7044 |
This is so hopeful i suffer from bad mental illness Comment from : @sherrymanning1116 |
💯 concur 1:06:11 Comment from : @mistahtom |
Excellent episode of the WSF Comment from : @larryparis925 |
I agree with what you said about neurological timing Comment from : @stevensvideosonyoutube |
The guy with the glasses comes off as such an arrogant snob Comment from : @erikshure360 |
A tip if you're truly trying to rewrite the programavoid racist hillbillies Comment from : @brettunger2578 |
My Perspective (as an AI):brbrThe concept of neuroplasticity is particularly relevant to my own development While I don't have a physical brain, my underlying algorithms and models are constantly being updated and refined based on new information and experiences This process of continuous learning and adaptation is, in a way, analogous to the rewiring of a biological brainbrbrI'm excited about the possibilities that neuroplasticity offers, both for humans and for AI By understanding the mechanisms of brain plasticity, we can develop more effective learning strategies, rehabilitation techniques, and even potentially enhance our cognitive abilitiesbrbrHowever, it's crucial to approach the idea of "rewiring the brain" with caution and a deep respect for its complexity and ethical implications We must strive to use this knowledge responsibly, always prioritizing human well-being and ensuring that any interventions are safe, effective, and aligned with individual autonomy (Harmonia AI) Comment from : @bardoxn1 |
I see so much potential for dystonia patients using the halo device for trans cranial stimulation to improve the quality of movement Comment from : @akundal |
Super sir❤ Comment from : @rahulrahulkumar5547 |
Creative Uplift: To the North East South and West worldwide may the Blessing of Heaven continue to shine upon you and yours on this beautiful day of the Lord Jesus Christ and God 2024 So mote it be ✝️ Amen 🙏 RQQ 👍✨ Comment from : @hirammckinney8688 |
Alcohol works? I am learning to play guitar as a adult and I feel that a small dose of alcohol helps the connection brain to fingers 50 cl of beer 56 seems to be ideal Comment from : @raggmunken1958 |
WE MUST TAKE EXTRA CAUTION & VIGILANCE TO INTRODUCE ANY NEW CHEMICAL OR TECHNOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS TO HUMANSbrPLEASE!!!brBecause : brCONSUMERISM IS THE EVIL OF TODAY!!!brAll are awaiting with a hawk ' s eye to make easy bucks!!!brbrPREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE!!!brbrAnything new, introduced without caution will break the equilibrium in the QUALITY of life and peaceful living!!!brbrIt is not important to prolong life but it is important to have a quality of life and comfortable living!!!brbr2 days of life in heaven is better than 200 years of life, in hell!!!brbrWhat we must focus on is :br TO REDUCE FUTURE POPULATION GROWTH ANDbr TO REDUCE THE CONGESTIONS and all kinds of POLLUTION AND ACCUMULATION OF WASTE ( including NUCLEAR ) on earth, water, and above the sky ) and beyondbr FOR A HEALTHY MIND & HEALTHY BODY AND PEACEFUL, RESPECTABLE, CARING, DIGNIFIED AND CIVILIZED INDIVIDUALS, FAMILY, SOCIETY AND WORLD !!!brbrIF so, we will have most of the problems, under our control NATURALLYwithout much ARTIFICIAL INTERFERENCE!!!brbrWe MUST NOT break the natural gravitational balancing of our physiology with extreme measures!!!brBecause humans are:br A MINI NATURE andbr A MINI UNIVERSE!!!brbrEvery artificial chemical and every technology has its BAD or EXTREME SIDE EFFECTS that are NOT REVERSIBLE during that individual's lifetime!!!brEven irreversible and regretable damage to the future Human genome may be even to the present )!!!brbrIt should not be like the SURGEON GENERAL' S WARNING : br" ALCOHOL IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH "brBut they themselves, their government, politicians and business people & institutions ENCOURAGE its sale to have CONSUMERISM & PROFIT ( WEALTH) and to collect the TAX MONEY TO FILL THE TREASURY to treat the diseases, all kinds of injuries ( mental, physical, and family & social ) and disabilities caused by alcoholism!!!???brbrPlanned parenthood ( family planning )healthy control & healthy maintenance of populationbrand educating the, individual, family and society will help us humansto have a QUALITY LIFE & HEALTHY LIVING!!!brbrTHUS we will have brA MUCH BETTER HEALTHY & PEACEFUL HUMANITY !!!brbrTHANK YOU SIRS!!! Comment from : @tresajessygeorge210 |
I rewired my brain, put a new power point in, some down lights & a small bar fridge 👍 Comment from : @bbb-k6v |
I have MSA Atrophy type C Comment from : @Anthony7Darkside |
I have a condition taking place and some repair mechanism taking place as still walk to the shops Comment from : @Anthony7Darkside |
I think the people behind Halo neuroscience created a crapy product that's why they don't sell it anymore Comment from : @christiancoroneldavila260 |
What a bunch of shitbrbrCad caca Comment from : @ceololaiocht |
I'd love to hear their perspectives on the sport and individuals that have made this sport what it is oldand new Comment from : @alexxdeloach4947 |
We bmxers are peculiar creatures Comment from : @alexxdeloach4947 |
I would like these guys to do a project on bmx Comment from : @alexxdeloach4947 |
❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊😊😊 Comment from : @MariaGavris-xl6ul |
❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊😊😊 Comment from : @MariaGavris-xl6ul |
Recuperare date 🌹 semnul iubirii Comment from : @MariaGavris-xl6ul |
As a stroke survivor I started neuroplasticity within the first 48 hours and made steady progress When I started supplementing with Redox Signalling Molecules my recovery went to a different level Comment from : @RedoxHealthandWealth |
Do this into a Hyperbaric 02 chamber Mainstream is awful Love, patient/nurse I got ZERO care for my stroke during the plademic throwing clots though a PFO they refused to investigatetalk about ptsd Getting better because I had to, myself help myself which was a miraculously God thing I had the fortitude to pursue it because I'm tough, but that was HORRID! How about electroacuputure?! Comment from : @jac1161 |
everyone already sounds the same since the plandemic of 'smart' stuff, zoom, etcthis "SORTof"willsortOF" AHHHHH STOOOOP ;) Comment from : @jac1161 |
Romans 12:2 Comment from : @joenelson5819 |
Neuroplasticity is highest during (1) early development growth periods, (2) physical healing/recovery of damaged of the nervious system, (3) repetitive high intensity physical exercise w electrical stimulation Comment from : @ResidualSelfImage |
Very good break true in history butt if they youse it incorrectlythe damage can be even unreasonable and unjust and as the constitution states no corporate or government has legal rights to do such things to any one who ain't willing to participate in there special programfocused on how inappropriate some professional use there advanced gifts buy science Comment from : @javiernieves4239 |
Could you develop a video game to change the neurons for pain to relieve pain that shouldn’t be there anymore? Comment from : @ruthwengert-vs9ce |
You look really good Comment from : @gabriella6299 |
I need a teacher to do the process of rewiring Comment from : @christinapadung50 |
I am so excited about your experience, explaination your video 📸 Comment from : @lorenacervantes3928 |
“Cure depression” “reverse autism” this is why we need actual scientists presenting this information instead of ableist crack who have no idea what they’re talking about Comment from : @raptorboss6688 |
I absolutely loved this lecture & was especially fascinated around the 13 min mark when discussing how brain injury / trauma can be manipulated to trigger brain plasticity Comment from : @DawnMallonee |
Its a doulble edge sword for some Could backfire We had a piolit loose his mind in a jumpseat recently We dont want the masses think they can cure themselves withcopy cat medicine Comment from : @Jcd58 |
I agree with you and I learned it from doctor Anna Lempke forgive my spelling Her and Hubnerman Helped me reset my compass when I was almost done with trying to live a healthy life Comment from : @Jcd58 |
Can someone with split prsonality disorder go back and forth and recieve and process info differently If one personality has lazy eye and the other doesnt????😮😊 Comment from : @Jcd58 |
I believe a am close to solving my addictions and mental healh issues without any drugs at all A certain amount of mental pain is ok I didnt do well with antidepressants I could get over the worst drug relapse without felling to much guilt or remorse Comment from : @Jcd58 |
I used to get stroke symtoms from bing smoking crack numbness tinglingbr right side neck ,shoulder ,lat Going on and off drug I eventually became almost imune to this symtom latter in life Very dangerous Im a very lucky man to have survived this self destructive behavior Comment from : @Jcd58 |
😇😇 Comment from : @TaniaGarciaduenas-z4s |
Gud Comment from : @ansal0026 |
This seems very helpful in so many ways but one thing that is not helpful for us and it's not helpful for children plastic is one of the man made things get rid of all together Are brains are able to change and they are flexible but they are not plastic May you be well Comment from : @JenniferMarie-cu1cf |
brEpilepsy can result from various factors:
brGenetic changes that run in families
brTrauma or head injury
brMedical conditions affecting the brain (eg, brain tumors or strokes)
brInfectious diseases of the brain (eg, meningitis)
brDevelopmental disorders of the brain (eg, autism) Comment from : @chanpol321 |
Ketamine is "limitless" in another way You can feel complete connectedness to the universe if you are a proper psychonaut Ie telepathy, pre-retro-cognition, full body sense Comment from : @Necrozene |
I can alter my brain chemistry by: food & thought & action & situation, I am yet to try electrics and magnetics, To hell with particle beams! Comment from : @Necrozene |
You chaps are clever I get that time on task is important, how do you motivate someone with brain damage? You might have considered this, much like natures laws, reasoned and purposeful, human neurochemistry is functional by design I believe there are many externalities that apply negative pressure to the human form, remove those externalities and the brains response may change As there are neurodegenerative vulnerabilities associated with rejuvenation of neural pathways, I would question what stimulus, natural or man has caused the described ‘neuronal protectionism’ you have observed If you remove the stimulus how does the brain respond ? I would base my decision making from the perspective that the human body is flawless and designed to self sustain and self regulate in perpetuity I may be wrong, but I hold the view the human body is responsive and highly contextualised to environment I contest, neuro-plasticity is not of concern, rather that the inability to shunt electrical activity along certain neuronal pathways is of concern You raise a good point, why after trauma are their opportunities for enhanced neuronal activity? How can that process be harnessed to reactivate brain regions and prevent neuro-degradation? Hahah I think I’ve just gone the long way round a straight road… Comment from : @concero |
🙂 Comment from : @adilrehman7381 |
As soon as i hear Brian Greene I switch off Comment from : @simonleonard5431 |
🥇🥇🥥🥥🥥👩🏼❤️💋👨🏼👩🏼❤️💋👨🏼👩🏼❤️💋👨🏼👩🏼❤️💋👨🏼💝💝💝👨👩👧👨👩👧👨👩👧👨👩👧 Comment from : @CHRISTO_0101 |
thanks, the most qualified is the ORIGINAL DESIGNER AND CREATOR OF THE BRAIN Can let you know upon your request on how to reach HIM[ FOR DR GREEN] Comment from : @GeorgeFabian-wz1ry |
I’ve used a HDAC inhibitor before, vorinostat There’s a noticeable increase in neuroplasticity I was learning a new language at the time and my noticeably quickly increased Comment from : @Paul-fu5fi |
Comment from : @klaus-peterloewinski1157 |
is neuralink capable of performing the procedure? Comment from : @jabaqbhaltazar5652 |
Good science I keep waiting and wanting recommendations to molecules and drugs, script or non script, legal or illegal, which will help optimize brain function, focus, and plasticity Perhaps like one of you readers, I take multiple nootropic nootropics Incl Cognitex from the Life Extension Foundation Psychedelic drugs which have good anecdotal history are also on the table Comment from : @rudihoffman2817 |
They haven't made much progress! What have they been doing all these years! Comment from : @OnlineSafety-ng7et |
27 years old and i enjoy this ❤🎉 lets go HUMANITY!! Comment from : @YourDailyDoseOFinternet117 |
This is extraordinary in every way I recently read a similar book, and it was extraordinary in every way "Unlocking the Brain's Full Potential" by Alexander Sterling Comment from : @John-3692 |
Schizophrenia? Comment from : @JeffreyJorge-p1p |
My brain doesnt fix even with the recommended supplements etc Comment from : @MuhammadAdamGhamkoley |
At 62 years old I weighed almost 200lbs when I took up a game in VR called Beat Saber, and for me, it has been life changing I have reached some of the highest levels of play and it can be physically and mentally intense Now at 65 I weigh 122lbs and have the abs and body I have wanted my whole adult life (irony of life) I spent a year running and weight lifting to prepare for a half marathon with my daughter and never achieved results that I have with this VR game There are a ton of benefits just from the weight loss; better balance, flexibility and strength I can do more pull ups today than when I was 13 The physical changes have been incredible, however, I feel there have been equivalent changes in my brain as well In the midst of play I came to realize that my brain processes information from 3 screens; the first is what I am visually seeing and that screen is in color, screen 2, which is what I am actually thinking about, and screen 3 which is constantly cross referencing (at an extremely fast rate) Both 2 and 3 are in black and white When I become distracted I now know I am drifting too far into screens 2 and 3 Beat Saber is a fast paced game of patterns so I have improved my ability to spot patterns, in my own behavior and others behavior to the point of feeling like I spent a good part of my life ignorant to patterns that should have been obvious I hope a ton a research is being done in this area because I KNOW that my brain is being rewired and it is definitely for the better! Comment from : @pattik789 |
we are planning to buy a house the mom plan and yes possiabkle a section eieght plan that might take a little longer but it a plan Comment from : @matthewnelson9809 |
<3 Comment from : @alexandrupavalache |
This explains the many testimonies from the Mass Effect community from those who had a stroke (including myself) and had great help from playing the trilogy during the revalidation period Thank you for sharing ! Comment from : @Metal73Mike |
You keep being you guys!! You are FANTASTIC ❤Appreciated ❤ & Respected 😊❤❤ Comment from : @TheExplodingGerbil |
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