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USD Devaluation Is Coming, Gold Repricing, Negative Rates, Monetary Reset u0026 Deep Seek - Luke Gromen

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Information USD Devaluation Is Coming, Gold Repricing, Negative Rates, Monetary Reset u0026 Deep Seek - Luke Gromen

Title :  USD Devaluation Is Coming, Gold Repricing, Negative Rates, Monetary Reset u0026 Deep Seek - Luke Gromen
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Frames USD Devaluation Is Coming, Gold Repricing, Negative Rates, Monetary Reset u0026 Deep Seek - Luke Gromen

Description USD Devaluation Is Coming, Gold Repricing, Negative Rates, Monetary Reset u0026 Deep Seek - Luke Gromen

Comments USD Devaluation Is Coming, Gold Repricing, Negative Rates, Monetary Reset u0026 Deep Seek - Luke Gromen

Stack sats while you spend brbrEveryday purchases like Uber just got an upgrade—earn #Bitcoin rewards with Fold Get 20,000 sats when you sign up using this link: foldappcom/marty
Comment from : @TFTC

Thank you!
Comment from : @mariojorge9529

The dollar will get fixed before BTC becomes trustworthy… like any other asset… BTC is easily corruptible… For one, it’s already decentralized… like any other crypto who ever has most controls its price… that’s not decentralized… it’s being sold like it is but it ain’t In reality anyone can always buy Bitcoin, it’s not capped as you think it is… one thing everyone forgot… whoever holds most Bitcoin wins… in other words… absolute power corrupts absolutely… don’t think Blackrock has good intentions for people
Comment from : @geeem666

Excellent, just excellent! Luke is such a great guest explaining macro and market dynamics in a way that nearly anyone can make sense of it Thanks for allowing him time to expand upon his thoughts without interruptions Great podcast!
Comment from : @CorwinYoutube

Trump is really destroying what’s left of the Treasury market and the dollar Trump said he wants a weak dollar, so why buy our Treasury bonds? The dollar is losing purchasing power, see the price of gold All of this bullying, sanctions and seizure of other nation’s assets repels buyers of Treasury bonds America’s big problems are the super low saving’s rate and the trade and budget deficits
Comment from : @DANVIIL

Luke Gromen is a smart dude!!
Comment from : @davidliverman4742

Hes so full of shit and a lame interviewer clueless with China work there 20 yrs They lie n cheat constantly and China is falling apart with few young people typical leftwing talking points notice nit a word about Bidens economy terrible show shallow analysis not smart
Comment from : @PFlow007

Oh no Hes one of those China deniers
Comment from : @PFlow007

No one is celebrating Time to go America First
Comment from : @PFlow007

Asset backed US Treasury notes will replace the Fed’s USD
Comment from : @KingJesusPaidForSins

All they have to say is that they're afraid of what it is they don't understand and can't control
Comment from : @amosisreal3392

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @IbrahimIsabella-00

People choose to buy gold for various reasons, such as it’s historical role as a store of value and medium of exchange, it’s potential as a hedge against inflation or currency devaluation, and it’s relative scarcity compared to other commodities Gold also offers diversification benefits to investment portfolio due to its low correlation with stocks and bonds However, investing in gold carries risks and may not be suitable for everyone Investors should carefully evaluate their objectives, risk tolerance and financial situation before deciding
Comment from : @Jamaal67i

Gromen is a Russian & Chinese shill, and anti European The truth is that Russia is losing badly in Ukraine, and with USA becoming fascist, Europe will gain
Comment from : @daliborbobr6331

Bitcoin is too expensive and far too energy intensive to maintain
Comment from : @specialist-in-tech

XRP, not Bitcoin
Comment from : @specialist-in-tech

Trump is not going to revalue gold, they are going to bring in digital ID and digital currency, big corporations will own everything, you will own nothing and be happy
Comment from : @ediddysmith2500

Let’s say the interest rates come down to below 0 No one at that juncture would buy US treasurys The federal reserve over the next two years buys the $17 trillion of debt that needs to be rolled over That puts their balance sheet in about 25 trillion Trump basically gets rid of the federal reserve and the 25 trillion of debt is forgiven
Comment from : @brent0708

This was fantastic
Comment from : @dezerayskoalabears1414

Limit on government credit card spending or cbdc that is the question?
Comment from : @aaronb8698

It's weird hearing someone under 45 mispronounce N'vidia
Comment from : @Jakethebeard

Didn't we already go through this phase? Since 2020 most products/assets are 40 more and my wages haven't budged Treasuries already got rekt He thinks we will do this again for the next 3 years? That makes no sense People will lose their minds and America will burn to the ground My friends are poorer now than 2019 I'm lucky, I invest, but that is not the normbrbrOk, we live in an insane asylum, he lost me Bondholders getting body bagged for bitcoin is not efficient markets That is an insane statement
Comment from : @accountant_bot-h7t

Thumb interviewing another thumb in a cap 🤡s
Comment from : @DI_IDER

This is getting old talk of the great reset has been going on for several years now if the masses wise up to it they can just postpone it people are weak and will forget and eventually it will happen they are in control
Comment from : @electricman69

Hey man just found tour podcast It's awesome going to have to hit up the backlog
Comment from : @dickwagon1314

Scraped version of ai? That's not how llms work
Comment from : @Zale370

If your government tells you you don't need a gun, you need a gun If your government tells you it's illegal to own gold, you need to own lots of it
Comment from : @JohnnysWorld777

Dog coin $dcoin dog coin and doge 🔥🚀🚀 Let’s goo!
Comment from : @jordanstover8120

The US is bankrupt and technologically losing ground - time anyway the US humbles - too many wars imposed on the world by the Yanks
Comment from : @libertyfirst888

I see Luke, i click
Comment from : @bcooksup

Meanwhile, the phenomenon of CRYPTO can suddenly go up in smoke A transaction in BITCOIN alone requires 1 month of energy consumption for an average family (Howard Kunstler, Wendy Williamson) The Bitcoin blockchain, in its current state, can process a maximum of seven transactions per second For comparison: credit card companies can process up to 24,000 transactions per second so forget the currency function! But there is simply no 'unlimited' energy consumption ever possible The creation of 1 single Bitcoin uses as much energy as the total production of 22 electric cars and that is only increasing Moreover, it is usually desperate speculators, not real investors, who are like bees around the honey pot of Crypto, especially now that Bitcoin has risen by 120 in 2024 alone Don't fall for it It is a trapdoor People will, at some point, wake up wide awake Finally, one turns to something real tangible, Gold and or physical silver and not to 'fake money', which can neither be a practical means of payment nor a store of value The risk of an investment portfolio with Crypto is considerably higher than is generally assumed
Comment from : @Denniswen01

Big reset is the answer IMO start from 0 basically
Comment from : @clodoaldomarques401

By the end of the day we still have more than 35T in debt
Comment from : @clodoaldomarques401

What everyone seems to be missing is that Bitcoin is only a protective measure against the dollar so long as it is failing Once it has actually failed and a new healthy currency and National balance sheet are restored, there is no longer any need for the Bitcoin alternative “insurance” Hodl at your own peril
Comment from : @douglasgarth

Ow man This is so gonna happen
Comment from : @kingsekasi

I enjoy listening to Gromen talk but his suggestions are basically 'we're screwed so might as well massively inflate our way out very quickly' what he never mentions is that he is perfectly positioned to become wildly wealthy from this outcome and people who didn't see it coming will be crushed and booted from the middle class in the blink of an eye his position is basically that he didn't cause the problem but he's damn sure going to profit from the solution whether the rest of the world gets crushed along the way or not and the solutions he's suggesting would crush a lot of people very quickly
Comment from : @Nomad_TraderX

The thing is that not all AfD members are nazis But if you're a nazi, you're in the Afd Not all Democrats are Antifa But if you're Antifa, you're voting Democrat Political parties always contain some mix of commonsense positions and positions you don't agree with So party membership is always decided on the margins What do you consider a deal-breaker?
Comment from : @tonioinverness

Can anyone give me a summery? I did watch the whole thing But couldn't keep track of many factors discussed
Comment from : @aniksamiurrahman6365

Won’t making Bitcoin a Treasury Reserve Asset send the same signal to the Global Financial Markets as repricing gold held by the US government ?
Comment from : @Poseidon_sui

1) Russia would never take their crude off of the market to stick it to the US They’re fighting a war and need it funding and it would decimate their economy as wellbrbr2) How can China become a consumer base when they’re in population collapse and will not exist as a country in 50 years? Their pop numbers today were overestimated by >300B people
Comment from : @overbet56

What's with his host? He seems like he's a teenager having to talk to his dad's friend and is mad he had to wake up this early for it Barely can put the energy into his words
Comment from : @drumbumm47

What is not being clearly stated is in Luke's "fixes" are who is going to be biting this fiscal bullet While gold and bitcoin holders cheer, the vast vast majority of people are going to see their life savings evaporatebrAll of Luke's suggestions merely, once again, move money from the masses to the few for something that the few caused The rich will stay rich and the poor will get poorer
Comment from : @alanjacobson5850

The USA lives in a gold fish bowl and is soon going to realize the world does not revolve around the USA like it did 5 years ago Trump is coming into a very different game than he was playing 5 years ago
Comment from : @bradleyh1964

Is it fair to say XRP is under valued when it’s building the infrastructure?
Comment from : @davidmortimer7283

The atitanic is already sunk guys life boats are gone; overloaded by eleitists and the stolen spoils of a once proud nation Trump WILL inherite the final SOS of the econemy Brought about by PEOPLE/DEEP STATE/PERMANENT BEUROCRACY brbrSick
Comment from : @MadChatter1

US is abusing it's position as reserve currency and stealing, refusing to pay back when asked or threats of doing these things to the wealth of other countries that they hold in trust Not the attitude of a "friend" to be trusted The US is forcing the world to see them as theives who are just plain crooks You will rue the error of doing that as you ecomomy falls
Comment from : @dashingdave-d9p

I can only thank you with this intervieuw 🙏🙏🙏 So clear , so informative , now I start understand Mr GROMAN better brMost of the time I couldn’t understand what he was talking about 🤢brThis time around I understood , so it was a great intervieuw , thank you brHilde from Belgium Europ
Comment from : @willem-harrywillaert8986

If that happens, there’s no room for bitcoin That would be the death knell for bitcoinbrbrAccording to the cycle of wealth delusion, a sudden and fatal blow to bitcoin will materialise at the end of March 2025 (the last mining rigged will get unplugged at the end of January 2026)brbrThe Bitcoin chart is showing major signs of weakness… big players are dumping bitcoin
Comment from : @Carlos-kt1wo

Trump has a lot of smarter people than Gromen and Biden
Comment from : @RobertRiversnew

Bitcoin is worthless besides that pretty good conversation
Comment from : @abemanzur6985

Great analysis of the geopolitical situation by Luke
Comment from : @oitzingerpeter

Gold and silver to the moonbrGold revaluation here we go
Comment from : @johngenoni1927

Bitcoin to $120 k next month ❤
Comment from : @scepisle4970

If you're not in the financial market right now, you're missing a big opportunity I get that it might be due to a lack of knowledge, but if you want to grow your wealth and protect against inflation, now is the time to take action
Comment from : @Dgddsron-ks3ox

this guest is overall excellent in his content and presentation
Comment from : @anamariawilson1133

Fixing oil to gold is very interesting analysis
Comment from : @lowbloodprsure

I've yet to hear Luke explain the mechanism by which revaluing gold results in higher inflation I realize it becomes inflationary for those who own gold, but I feel like there aren't enough people that have gold, that it would significantly increase the velocity of money to create widespread inflation? Would love to hear his explanation of this
Comment from : @jonathonwagner2166

the Fed can cut short term, maybe up to 5yr for VAR mortgages to prevent housing collapse but 10yr up is going higher per bond vigilantes
Comment from : @fbazzrea

So is it a good time to lock my canadian mortgage for five years at a fixed rate, or should it be variable as it drops
Comment from : @joeharvie8362

The BRICS NATIONS could destroy Donald Trump and the US with 1 chess move br1 A return to the gold standard!
Comment from : @waynefaulkner2180

If Bitcoin happened the way Luke says, nobody would own it but Americans it would be worthless to any other country because it just equals debt br Was always meant to be separate from a government influence
Comment from : @R-Woz

Dude NONE of the markets are real!!!!! Geeeezzzz
Comment from : @StormCloudsComing

Comment from : @StormCloudsComing

Increase velocity
Comment from : @StormCloudsComing

Seems to me, an important reason why Treasury will not mark gold reserves to market, or revalue it up in general? They don't want to enable more profligate spending It wouldn't be used to fix fiscal situation, but to make it worse More government spending per capita Also, it elevates the risk of reserve audit Sure they can decline that, but that would elevate other bad 2nd order effect risksbrbrHow's that sound?
Comment from : @Tenebrousable

I'm so sick of you Ponzi shillsbrBitcoin is the most sophisticated Ponzi ever devisedbrBut it's a Ponzi And like all Ponzis it will collapsebrBitcoin is a bullshit scambrIt's trading imaginary pogs brIt's all about getting rich quick without working That's all that drives itbrThe part about 21 million is bullshit The protocols allow for code changes so the day when the rich decide it, they can just change the code and presto21 billion bitcoin for sale brNO THANKS TO YOUR PONZI BULLSHIT WHICH ONLY PUSHES PEOPLE TO AN ENSLAVING TECHNOLOGY brBlockchain is useful But Bitcoin is a scheme
Comment from : @yoxat1

If you live in the USA, read your damn Constitution brThe Constitution mandates that only gold and silver are money The Fed gov is mandated to coin gold and silver and be put into circulationbrThe word dollar is defined in the US Constitution brDollar is defined as a specified weight of gold or silverbrAnd you guys Comparing bitcoin to gold screams that you have no idea what you're talking aboutbrQUIT SHILLING THE BITCOIN PONZI!
Comment from : @yoxat1

Comment from : @rudeawakening3833

Fantastic conversation guys
Comment from : @Another-Layer

The elephant in the room is that China will not enlarge their consumer base due to communism as it relates to their population not participating in their prosperity
Comment from : @carguyger

Guys: when Winston Churchill exercised his authority in Great Britain to REVALUE GOLD, his mistake was revaluation too low $50,000gold NOW
Comment from : @ILLUMINATOR49

The good news is if Deep Seek is open source our companies can do the forensics and copy the parts that are better than ChatGBT etc
Comment from : @carguyger

Why is nobody talking about a national sales tax along with the tariffs to replace the income tax?
Comment from : @carguyger

I lost over $80k when everything started to tank Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said I'm still responsible It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly Thanks Katherine Stewart
Comment from : @JoannaHartley

I think you guys meant plaza accord not Bretton woods
Comment from : @bitcoindaddy1

This channel is crazy please see through all the mis information garbage bitcoin is a con I think the host burned a joint before the interview super relaxed lol
Comment from : @caugas

You can't reprice gold if you don't have the gold
Comment from : @meddlehedd1194

tariffs prove the American dollar and wages are not competitive
Comment from : @ferncoutu2099

Deficit spending needs to be reigned in first Otherwise we'll be right back in the same situation in a decade or two
Comment from : @andrewhill1251

Excellent interview brother Lot's of questions asked that i'd been wondering about for sometime Also- just so you know, when i hit the "all notifications bell" it dissapears next to the subscribed button Bit if i hit the "personalized" notifications it shows next to subscribed? Maybe nothing but never trust YT;)
Comment from : @kanegallagher9533

This was an amazing interview Luke is the best Thank you
Comment from : @4000angels

Thats not how these happen There is no purposely ripping the band aid off It escalates to its forced upon the system naturally
Comment from : @markmcguire7261

You been in a fight bro?
Comment from : @heinoschaapman1584

Luke !! Great video Sir LOVE LISTENING TO YOU LUKEthe end Lay it out perfectly$mack Very well done
Comment from : @michaelcrawford8777

If gold was revalued by government, what would that do to the price of silver?
Comment from : @Silver_Scorpio_86

Are we bsure/b it is still as true that Trump measures success by the stock market? Could other concerns possibly push that lower on the priority list?
Comment from : @pogworth

China will have the reserve currency 2032 into 2039 America just was not responsible
Comment from : @verschlossinvestments1344

Why is Marty wearing 2 collared shirts?
Comment from : @hairetikos6402

Bretton woods only happens after destructionotherwise a lot if empty chairsbrChina and Russia do not need it at all, only US
Comment from : @bagel080

Don't let these Idiots sell the US Gold Its a nutty ass Idea We need to Mine more Gold & Critical Metals
Comment from : @lamottern3106

Sooooo--What do they actually mean by "Strong Dollar"? Relative to what or which Currencies?
Comment from : @lamottern3106

Day late This occurred during covid They devalued it when they printed and handed out cash to people
Comment from : @JosephAccetturoII

Question is how much pjyical gold is there in Fort Knox
Comment from : @MrADTNZ

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