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TD Bank caught up in drug money-laundering scheme

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Information TD Bank caught up in drug money-laundering scheme

Title :  TD Bank caught up in drug money-laundering scheme
Lasting :   23.04
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Frames TD Bank caught up in drug money-laundering scheme

Description TD Bank caught up in drug money-laundering scheme

Comments TD Bank caught up in drug money-laundering scheme

Yet Biden open the borders enabling the criminal rings much more ease and growth Hummm?
Comment from : @susieschilling4009

Sounds like it’s time to dump TD Bank
Comment from : @TheDriller571

The banks started laundering money during prohibition The government knows and has always known They only storm in when someone in the media threatens to expose it
Comment from : @read85Soldierebook

I suppose I'll end up helping TD pay the 3 billion to USA authorities Higher fees, anyone?
Comment from : @chrisdixon7305

Small people won't allow to express their truth
Comment from : @SkateM-p5n

I worked for TD until the last year at the back office! GARBAGE I'm happy I've moved 😊 sadly a scandal after a scandal beautiful Canada is corrupted 😢
Comment from : @infofootage

Brown Matthew Garcia Mary Hernandez Betty
Comment from : @TommyFink-y6c

Why are they not SHUTTING the bank down that's CRIMINAL ACTIVITY!!!!!
Comment from : @msshaun

Nothing new, most of the banks involved in this sh*t RBC got fined in dec2023
Comment from : @ST-eo4oi

So as a customer, should I be concerned? Nothing said about it from a customer's point of view
Comment from : @bigguygoogle457

This didn't age well Bank run time!
Comment from : @dees9478

And the jail time?
Comment from : @jonroesler8155

Look at the ceo you hired during this time Are you surprised?
Comment from : @Phlegethon

Charges should be laid against the CEO of TD Bank He has admitted that he was responsible for this criminal activity going on White collar crime should come with prison sentences
Comment from : @CarlingOV

I knew TD was involved They are all in my town,
Comment from : @donnakeizer1468

How much have they made on the backs of the people on East Hastings street in Vancouver? This is institutional corruption at it's finest
Comment from : @dmcneil6113

TD Bank is getting worse and worse They don’t question any cash deposits But when you withdraw that money, there is certain branches with certain HORRIBLE managers that make excuses Even if you have been going to that branch for a long time, you can feel the “air of racism” I know for certain TD Bank is involved with gangs in Canada
Comment from : @ParmMohan-us6rn

I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for
Comment from : @GabrielAnthony-09

Who's to blame? Chinese or cartels? Or TD bank? TD bank, because they focuses on average people who goes to the branch but, they underestimated their poor systems and low securities Presents as high securities but Trojan Horse can still enter well, AI Knows😂
Comment from : @AlexaXander-q2m

There you go 😂 look what happened I have lots of experience with this bank discrimination as its best you see?
Comment from : @AlexaXander-q2m

I don't believe any Bank is on the up and up anylonger They are all corrupt The global economy is all geared toward crime syndicates
Comment from : @SidWha

$650 million brMexicans, Chinamen, and Russians Oh my brTD Bank didn't catch it because the money was too good
Comment from : @SeanOHanlon

This is an opportunity for banks to integrate much more visionary and progressive HR policies When employees feel genuinely valued, respected and respected by a company culture they don't engage in inappropriate behaviorEmployees are who create most of the value for all businesses, the evidence is clear businesses with exceptional ESG standards inc employee care, respect good benefits and compensation realize higher success in all aspects of their business models It doesn't make what employees did right, but prioritizing employee well-being and fair compensation is ethical and classically prevents the kind of mayhem that has happened at TD and certainly is occurring with other banks, banks are well known to not pay fair and have outdated employee care policies We are all people and equality of wellbeing is essential to happiness for all
Comment from : @ed1019-h8o

I had a strange experience with TD I had my mortgage through them and when I set up the mortgage, I set up a property tax account I kept my own books as I couldnt access this account online First year, everything is fine, second year, I get a letter from the city saying I hadnt paid my taxes which was odd because I had been all year in my mind I called the bank and went in to see what was going on The individual there tried to tell me that I hadnt been depositing into that account That they had been placing those deposits into the mortgage I use lawyers, lots I got one on the phone in seconds, one of my favorites We got the account info off of them, what this account manager said was not true and the money was sitting there in that account I couldnt close the mortgage down but I could have it so they had nothing to do with my property tax Ordered them to give me back the money Ordered the account tax account closed Went and paid my taxes myself To this day, I have no idea why the TD bank would want to steal 3500 from me but that day I also shut down my business accounts and my personal accounts I had been with TD since I was a child brMondey laundering doesnt surprise me one bit
Comment from : @TheHarvestchef

HSBC was THE go to Money Laundering Bank for all the drug cartels, they worked hand in hand together, but now TD has seen how much money there is to be made and they decided to get in on the action Banksters, CRIMINALS in SUITS with business degrees
Comment from : @valkry007

Oh, what a shocker! The Banks are corrupt!
Comment from : @marakuyovimalesh3793

Why is this not surprising, OMG
Comment from : @bellakrinkle9381

think how many Canadians have been killed with China Mexico fentanyl TD has blood on their hands
Comment from : @bradc32

TD is such trash I was dating TD staff in Edmonton I should contact CBC to do an expose on how TD vets customers when they " D-Market " them The masses won't know what that means But a few readers will lol Absolute junk bank ashamed to have the name of Canada on it They should open a branch in Afghanistan
Comment from : @endercharlie

Every bank launders moneythey cant get enough cash
Comment from : @BEYONDYOURIQ

That was 20 years ago
Comment from : @taradeleeuw2344

Bags of monies
Comment from : @taradeleeuw2344

All very inciting
Comment from : @taradeleeuw2344

I thought all banks were involved ?
Comment from : @taradeleeuw2344

Quite often ,I bet
Comment from : @taradeleeuw2344

“Bags” great chapter name
Comment from : @taradeleeuw2344

All main banks froze bank accounts😢 Get an American citizenship
Comment from : @Anonymous_Whisper

every major bank launders criminal profits, most of which is known
Comment from : @paladro

Why not ???? They just follow little Justin Castreau, s example - and so far he has been doing fine - and why not - when you can enforce crooked laws anc schemes !!! The biggest criminal of all
Comment from : @petervenema1443

They stole 60000 from me
Comment from : @DonnaSmith-it6ve

Bank of America Cartel Money Laundering Search it
Comment from : @bobcaygeon975

Comment from : @JaeMTea

all banks launder money, this isn't a new thing
Comment from : @binaryguru

I suspect this will be used to control ALL customers monies and to convince us that we need CBDC and digital currency
Comment from : @Gtdr4356

Bankers rule the western worldbrThey have an entirely different set of rules that govern thembr Lets face facts, drug dealing and money laundering are criminal because the government doesn't have any way to tax thembr The bank gets a fine because, the government wants it's cut
Comment from : @owensthilaire8189

CBDC propaganda
Comment from : @JulieKnegt

The distress for banks was a farce; what we have experienced in the past 2 years is a result of a system that has worked incredibly well The Fed just had to tighten credit to cool the economy
Comment from : @DlostZhip

Online gambling has been linked to money laundering as well
Comment from : @tbcy3zj

The CEO of TD bank, Bharat Masrani, who has been settled in Canada for roughly 21 years but working for TD bank for DECADES (immigrated young), is a Ugandan-born immigrant of East Indian descent Just gonna leave that here
Comment from : @rettbutler1312

"Eventually, they realized"brbrNo, the bank was complicit
Comment from : @esparda07

This is why TD still continue to charge for everything, so their button and Profit can be larger Disgusting Customer should get some of the profits ❤
Comment from : @Devilcity6275

People are blinded by money , BC Vancouver is the capital of money laundering
Comment from : @robertcowie8230

Let me put my conspiracy theory hat on What I know: US DOJ is corrupt The US gov is the biggest money laundering/human trafficking organization in the world Sure, DOJ didn't bother to investigate FTX/Ukraine money laundering for politicians Other people's money that they kept Nothing to see there brWhat is the connection? TD Bank, according to Yahoo Finance, is a private company According to Crunchbase their last funding round was 10/3/2023 for $65,000,000 The lead investor? US Dept of the Treasury I think these fines are collected and they go have a big party The investigations are a front The regulators seem aggressive for showbrRacketeering is as racketeering does
Comment from : @ElJelSpell

“Caught up in” a scheme? Frankly I find that hard to believe given that TD (my experience) is so nutso that they will refuse to perform their own contracts to avoid the labour cost of probably about half an hour without a care in the world of the consequences It’s what happens when an attitude of impunity and enabling bonus structures collide
Comment from : @SassySealion

TD bank is one of the banks along with scotia that is going to be introducing cbdc I bet they were laudering money through thatand i would even go as far to believe the liberal government is involvedPeople want to look at corrupt governments in the world well Canada is obviously one of the worst and probably has been for a long timeFunny how ugly the face really is when the mask slips
Comment from : @bonnie8797

The banking system is rotten They are only required to hold 10 of deposits in reserve, the rest of it (your money) is gambled into existence If the bank goes bust they are legally entitled to use YOUR money to pull themselves out The specific issue with Canadian banks is that almost everyone these days working in the front and probably in the back of these institutions can hardly speak coherent English making the possibility of inside rackets rife, such as money-laundering Get out of the banking system and off the sinking ship of fiat-currency - buy Bitcoin and stay de-centralized
Comment from : @songsabai3794

A bank launders money and they are "caught up in a scheme"brA person launders money and they are a "money launderer"brNote the difference in responsibility for institutions vs individuals
Comment from : @wheressteve

Everyone one that put their hands on the money go's to jail, hangman is comin down and they don't have very long thx
Comment from : @cornmancoocookachew

I’ve had an unpleasant customer service experience with TD bank in NJ a few times Closed my account with them, never looked back They were arrogant and rude just because they could Never saw such strange staff behavior in any other bank in US
Comment from : @lucrtrvl

TD and Scotia are the banks most criminals use
Comment from : @grapesofhypocrisy9842

Now I know why they just closed our good little TD bank in my home town In Alberta
Comment from : @LoneBreeze

Remove your money from this "bank" pronto
Comment from : @absolutetruthgirl

How much blood of canadians are on the blood stained hands of these peoplejail not fines
Comment from : @dougiep2769

It's always the Chinese who are the money launderers
Comment from : @parkerbohnn

We want to be like Argentina They rejected the WEF and are recovering!!!
Comment from : @christinarosedp1967

They recently screwed over all their top mortgage people and basically stole their earned bonuses by telling them they were not following the new unreleased target format Many have left the bank and gone to other institutions or other banks Inside corruption bad padding pockets with shares for favorites and extra incentives CEO has destroyed the bank and everyone who works there knows it
Comment from : @darylerica

Do you think PM Trudeau will announce that he has found credible allegations that Indian diplomats are laundering money in the Canada? He has always said that Canada is a rule-of-law country, unlike India
Comment from : @manojchowdhary4208

TD knew it's own involvement, regular $2M deposits at a BRANCH??????
Comment from : @taliajournee212

Really typical It was suddenly March 31 td would not let me cash a 5000 plus cheque I was shocked and pissed They treated me like a fraud Meanwhile I have been w td for over 40 years This was my paycheck they had no problem cashing in February Now I get it Just like Trudeau they do crime and punish long term customers
Comment from : @donnaranville

I have had excellent service at TD They are so quick when someone is messing with your account And the employees are always so helpful I'm going " WHAT"
Comment from : @happy-v8h

How TF did the bank not flag 650M of illegal money being deposited??
Comment from : @bt4582

Jail terms not fines This is why trust is being lost These are freaking nation rocking crimes a fine is not appropriate
Comment from : @dougiep2769

Chinese and Mexican drug dealers working with US government to keep US- Mexico borders open ???😱😱😱
Comment from : @NumberSeven1

No UAR filed???
Comment from : @NumberSeven1

I knew I left them for a reasonbrThey also froze people's bank acct's Glad I got my money out
Comment from : @debbie6921

Was they using bitcoin?brLol
Comment from : @Jeremihayes75

I am an American citizen living in NJ and was - until hearing this news - "in love" with TD Bank as the best customer ervice bank I ever knew, and recommende it to everyone who would listen I am just writing this in complete shock
Comment from : @philippedefechereux8740

Wait I thought Bitcoin was the only way to launder drug money wait, you mean the actual banks are using actual cash to launder drug money? Wow If they had the Bitcoin public blockchain think of how much less it would have cost to track this down Oh well
Comment from : @389293912

Report the fraud to FinTrac money services
Comment from : @bff1586

Dont these tellers have supervisors this sounds like horseshit to me And the lets get rid of cash mantra
Comment from : @Mpg972

Great reporting guys!
Comment from : @phaldaz

News flash, they all launder money, any bank taking any deposit money from any native reserves are laundering money
Comment from : @Steve-mz7np

Makes one wonder why Casinos and drugs are being legalized
Comment from : @tonylinardi3089

Oh no, a bank involved in drug money laundering, who would have thought?brBut I don't have anything to hide! I understand you have nothing, not even privacy!!brCortect?
Comment from : @RobertojavierSilvaharth-ub3pz

Butbrwas it not an US stock Exchange company that have sold syntetic opiats and such, during last tens of years, that was the colprits?
Comment from : @pernilsson9749

Canada is just weak and corrupt Thats why our fines are so low Not that "we're doing things behind the scenes"
Comment from : @brodieobrien-pickering2202

Go figure the bank is owned by Chinese
Comment from : @tonypointer7026

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