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What I REALLY Think About Corporate Law - My Honest Opinion

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Title :  What I REALLY Think About Corporate Law - My Honest Opinion
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Comments What I REALLY Think About Corporate Law - My Honest Opinion

Being a lawyer sucks coming into 2025… there was a golden age of being a becoming a lawyer early 90s - mid 2000s now it’s to saturated and partners have took most the share With how they work you in big law after all the hours you are making around $20 per hour once they drain all your time
Comment from : @Defisniper

Comment from : @Clauds-h2s

Comment from : @studytosparkle

Hello, I am a law student please everyone share some career advice or help me with your experience
Comment from : @Unknown-tj7nl

would it be possible to film a video on something similar but for different types of law? thanks
Comment from : @charisse2372

Trying to figure out my way before joining school and i think so far i wanna be a cooperate lawyer
Comment from : @Aarif_254

Thank you very much for this insightful video Liam! I will remember well to never email a Corporate Lawyer on a Friday because I wouldn't want to occupy the whole of his/her weekend In my role I receive emails on Friday afternoons and evenings, but it is perfectly fine to start addressing these on Monday onwards next week
Comment from : @radish550

Im 15 wanna know how to become a patent lawyer
Comment from : @nurhishammursidi387

Intro music name??? Please
Comment from : @viswajav9657

Do corporate lawyers go to court brDo you work on weekends
Comment from : @AsaleNduse

Thank you for the video! I find this pretty helpful and as a pre-law student considering what type of law I'd like to go into, this sounds right up my alley!
Comment from : @hyunhun5156

I am starting on my journey with a PGDL in September Applied for KCL and quietly confidently I will make it based on previous qualifications Corporate Law is my destination I have all the above Cons in my current job for a significantly low lifetime financial pay threshold Is there anything I can do right now to get ahead of the curve in terms of my learning and preparation for study, and work afterwards?
Comment from : @LetsTalkPolitiki

You should watch the recruit
Comment from : @DeanFleming-o6j

Do lieyou love the money but hate the job
Comment from : @TacoGrande007

Thank you for sharing about your first 3 years as a corporate lawyer I found it really interesting how you find your work to be both "intellectually stimulating" but also drab and repetitive at times I curious over your 3 years practicing corporate law have you found that more experience you have does your work become more intellectually stimulating or less? As I would imagine that some of these task that were once interesting become repetitive?
Comment from : @eh3399

What does MNA mean in this respect?
Comment from : @dantepeterson556

This is a fantastic video I am going to start studying law Could we have a chat over zoom for 20 mins to discuss the job of a corporate lawyer?
Comment from : @conoroneill942

Genuine question; how does one balance family life and marriage responsibilities whilst working long hours? i feel like you have to sacrifice personal family life for the job :-(
Comment from : @rosepetal5303

how may hire a finance lawyer and fee plz
Comment from : @PositiveVibes360

Amazing video
Comment from : @ramosprospects5908

As a corporate lawyer, I’m very surprised and a bit sceptical when you state that your average workday at CC London is from 9-19:30 My average is more like 9:30-21:00 at a lower level firm in Amsterdam
Comment from : @IsChrisHere

I was wondering, would you prefer being employed by a company, or a firm? how do those options compare, and which one is better in the long run
Comment from : @al_01367

At what age did you start practising law?
Comment from : @fazailkhan3121

Hey man, can you discuss the impact of Generative AI on your job so far?
Comment from : @justmeajah

So glad I found your channel This is so insightful as a new graduate in a legal Team You explained this so well 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Comment from : @TheLeegaleseCircle

5:01-6:02: bgives an ad/b br6:05: "Third pro is a pretty obvious one, and it's money I am, as a corporate lawyer, very well paid"
Comment from : @user-xc9qc1hi2f

On average how many days in a week or a month do corporate lawyers work for 12-14 hours a day?
Comment from : @murtazazulfiqar7548

As a former M&A lawyer, I struggle with the repetitiveness of the work (every transaction is more or less the same, in terms of the risks that are managed in the transaction documents) so its interesting to find someone who sees the same thing totally different (ie variety)
Comment from : @hihi22ify

Well done mate Great to make these videos for yourself in the long run, you’ll look back on your journey and be amazed at what you’ve accomplished, with your career as a lawyer but also with this YouTube channel and community you’re building Keep at it, you seem like a really cool, humble dude!
Comment from : @georgeorwelltheman

Currently studying law in egypt brCan someone enlighten me what my speciality will become as a law proffesional in 2 languages english and arabic?
Comment from : @ahmed75151

Hi Liam, would you say all corporate lawyers at your level of seniority earn 100k or more? Or would you say that it's dependent on how prestigious the law firm is?
Comment from : @KylaMatriano

is there a specialisation of law that is better hours or more predictable ?
Comment from : @gzamudio1342

Ok I am a med student and the hours are nothing Come on
Comment from : @manoellaoliveira

i agree with many of these points too i feel that the sedentary lifestyle is often understated because people often feel it's a privilege to sit in a 'nice comfortable' office without having to do manual labour on some level that's true but the potential health consequences are very real as well - health issues and weight gain I now try to schedule workouts on alternate days or at least once a week if i can help it
Comment from : @jbrkjferkjbekjb

The truth is corporation brands are more expensive brbi"Why do you go to starbucks?/i/b brbibecause you feel boring? It'll eat up your life"/i/bbrThe another truth is that the law is useless in the most of cases 😅😮
Comment from : @micropixelstudio-tv

Honestly, I know you've got to make a living but I genuinely couldn't think of more inane and completely meaningless way to spend your most valuable resource Get out of it Liam you drone You will blink and be 40
Comment from : @Real_Matt

I have no idea why this video popped into my algorithm, but I enjoyed watching it ☺️👏
Comment from : @HazelAshleenFitness

9-8?? Fuck that
Comment from : @tomharris5169

Hi Liam, I'm also a lawyer I work in a legal office in Poland in a very narrow field (mostly civil litigation) I was thinking about moving to a bigger firm, but I'm afraid that working 12 hours a day might have a longterm negative impact on my health I think it's not a big deal, if you're young and willing to learn all the new things, but it catches you up when you're in your 40s and 50s I think it's very hard to be in a good fit, maintain good health and also work 12 hours a day For me this is the price I'm not really willing to pay, even if the salary is much better
Comment from : @mch2241

Hi Liam, I love your insightful videos; they are truly inspiring for law students Currently, I am working as a Trainee Solicitor and I would like to understand the expectations people at work have for a trainee, as opposed to a newly qualified lawyer brbrSpecifically, I am curious to know what expectations large law firms hold for a newly qualified solicitor, including their work performance, degree of legal understanding, and other criteria, as compared to a trainee solicitor This topic would be incredibly useful for those transitioning from the role of a trainee to a fully qualified lawyer It could also help us determine what achievements we should aspire to during our two-year training contract! I hope you will consider incorporating this idea into a future video brbrThank you very much
Comment from : @tam7256

I am a lawyer in an Indian law firm and it is interesting to see how lives of Indian corp lawyers are so similar to folks working in Magic circle law firms Unpredictability is what I hate the most too and like you, would rate it as 9/10 as well
Comment from : @shantanu88

Great video Liam!
Comment from : @briannaharris94

In which law firm you work ?
Comment from : @mayanksharma6758

I’m really think about becoming a trial lawyer because I enjoy working with other people on complex issues and finding creative paths to tackle those issues for a greater cause… I’m worried though that my disliking for a load of writing will make it unbearable… do you think it’s that bad?
Comment from : @spencerock445

Liam is maturing well! He's come a long way I will follow him for a while; and watch how his career progressesbrbrLiam, your parents are proud, I'm sure! DMS
Comment from : @SamuelDM780

Nice video! Joining CC in a few months and it’s great to hear the perspective of someone inside the firm
Comment from : @anon6790

What type of housing do u live in ?
Comment from : @roseobeng4523

I'm a lawyer too, and I agree with the vast majority of those At present, I am working as a commercial lawyer for a small firm, with a focus on IP commercialisation and technology transactions Personally, I think doing M&A would do my head in I've only dipped my toe in doing IP due diligence as part of a larger M&A transaction, and based on that experience alone, I think that to be the lawyer having carriage of an M&A matter would be an extremely challenging task It's great to see that you enjoy the challenge, though!brbrWhat you said in your video about the long hours and unpredictability doesn't necessarily apply to roles in smaller boutique firms Sure, I get less money from it, and there's less "prestige" - and possibly, the "self-worth" - due to being in a boutique firm rather than a global firm, but for me, money isn't everything, and I'm happy to have a somewhat less stressful lifestyle and better work/life balance
Comment from : @BomberFletch31

Really loved the architect comparison Great video as always!
Comment from : @benz

i take my hat off to you about the unpredictability No way on earth could i change plans at that short notice No amount of good pay would encourage me to change plans i had made because a client had decided he needed something finished or completed Life is to short to have those with no relevance to life pretty much dictating that your plans have to change to accommodate them Fair play to you for being able to put up with that
Comment from : @benthornton8842

As someone who works in law, I'd say this is pretty much spot on
Comment from : @milena064

What do you do to make AG1 taste better Good supplement but taste is meh
Comment from : @CrypticMedic

As a corporate lawyer in a regional firm I would agree my least favourite bit of the job is the sedentary lifestyle However, working at a regional firm means the clients don’t pay such high fees and therefore don’t always expect you to jump the second they ask There’s more of an understanding that you might have other deals going on and so aren’t necessarily going to work evenings, weekends and through your lunch breaks to get the work done The work-life balance is far better in a regional firm That being said, lawyers are typically alpha personalities who tend to push themselves and so whilst it might not be expected from colleagues/clients, you might still find yourself working evenings/weekends to prove your value to the team or to prove something to yourself Great video and would agree with all the points
Comment from : @bethwallace746

Perhaps you could share your years of experience and earnings Hard to get context otherwise
Comment from : @morganbryant3929

I think for the money U need to speak about the difference between Us Law firm and Uk Firm, in Us the increase of the salary is significantly higher than in Uk Law firm with agressive bonus policy brbrFor the rest, agree
Comment from : @ig1159

I love this one! It would be great to see more content around the sedentary lifestyle 😊
Comment from : @lucagreen4824

Corporate Law is interesting?? Who are you kidding, it's the money keeps you interested
Comment from : @edmondmurphy

Mate, outgoings are largely dependent on yourself So listing it as a con that correlates with incomings is VERY odd and I'd not have expected it from an intelligent lawyer like yourself
Comment from : @sesu5604

Everyone seems to be on vacation all the time on IG I like seeing reality like this
Comment from : @dawnfmEnthusiast

I’m wondering about clients Are there more pleasant clients than unpleasant ones (a pro) or vice versa (a con)?
Comment from : @rafd3593

Liam I would love to see you on James English Telling the full story
Comment from : @arthurdawes1477

Liam could you please make a video on how to prepare for the watson glaser test?
Comment from : @evilpotato795

Great video Liam, love the content ! Keep it up ,
Comment from : @christopherocallaghan3962

What are the sallary numbers? what is 'high'?
Comment from : @TobyStatusOnline

I feel like this relates to accounting and CPAs as well Especially at big4 level
Comment from : @jesseleal9081

Excelent Reflexion
Comment from : @leonardolealahumada8324

Liam, I’d love to know your advice for students on law firm applications/vacation schemes/gaining experience that sets you apart There’s a lot of videos with general advice but it always seems very vague 😢
Comment from : @ShaunnaghJane

Not a corporate lawyer but thought this was an interesting and balanced video Whilst I’m becoming disillusioned with the corporate world I’m glad you have a career that you genuinely enjoy
Comment from : @charliecox6701

Good, interesting list (I really like the architect one)! I thought I would add that for me by far the worse thing about a lawyer is stress I am sure there are other jobs which are more stressful, but a combination of long, intense hours and high expectations make for a stressful career On the plus side, I genuinely find what I do important (not all the time) Of course, what you find important is subjective, but I think there is something about being a voice in the boardroom (at quite an early stage) is rewarding
Comment from : @5050AD

Love this video! I start my traineeship in the corporate department of a Scottish firm a week tomorrow! Feeling nervous but super excited for what is to come!
Comment from : @clb93

Everyone likes their job until they are financially self-sufficient to be without one 😀
Comment from : @GenYHikikomori

Your explanation of a ‘Self-worth’ was very honest and right on point!
Comment from : @karolpelc3956

Could you do a video on why you decided to get into M&A and not litigation or white collar crime for example?brbrGreat video by the video! It helped me a lot
Comment from : @letsplay1007

I just became a law student, and this Channel is the one that has me going!! Enjoy all your videos! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
Comment from : @adityashrivastava007

Very transparent, and well articulated!
Comment from : @DavidRobertMorris

Hi Liam! I just started my YouTube journey and am wondering if you have a link to the equipment you use for your videos? 😀 brbrThanks!
Comment from : @egorhowell

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