Title | : | US Energy Catastrophe! |
Lasting | : | 12.11 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 95 rb |
The audio to these videos is always way too bassy and muffled Comment from : @josephspencer9005 |
HAARPEnough said🤔🧐😡😡😡 Comment from : @JK-zl7vv |
The American Rump in charge is a criminal and a Russian asset Comment from : @markbirkeland5643 |
Once again this dimwit thinks weather is climate Weather is NOT climate and weather tells us absolutely nothing about climate and visa versa! Weather is determined by the Sun and climate is determined by the internal furnace of this planet and the two are completely disparate and distinct from one another and neither can tell us anything whatsoever about the other! brThe climate on this planet has been perfect for millions of years or we wouldn't exist and the climate will never be e threat to us! However, weather will always be a threat as long as our planet's environment and ecosystem are healthy! Comment from : @rodkeh |
Trying to base any direction on sensible analysis and long term modeling is a total waste of time with an idiot like trump in charge He is interested only in whats in it for him I was interested to note in the proposed network the only state that appears to have on a single link was Florida, trump probably wants at least two for Mara largo That would be enough to scuttle any plan in trumps mind Comment from : @campbellmorrison8540 |
July, August, 2025: MAGA: Why didn't anyone warn us??? Comment from : @chinookvalley |
Great review Of course the US needs an integrated supergrid, and of course the narrow profit-driven interests of competing stakeholders will do everything they can to prevent this Comment from : @stevecrowley1128 |
Oh the halcyon days of early February 2025, when simply canceling positive developments was the bad news We'll be lucky if the western coastal wall and new england/northeast blocks manage to keep some degree of competent coherent and green-facing systems Supergrid? The misleading term to be expected for the inevitable patchwork of unregulated privatized nonsense over the areas of the country not able to organize around some denser blue resistance like the aforementioned two Comment from : @Ifyoucanreadthisgooglebroke |
7:37 ff Yeah but: that's not how and why we do things here (USA) Oh, well Comment from : @garypippenger202 |
In the USA, our addiction to spending $800 BILLION dollars on defense, here and world-wide, is becoming recognized as a big problem, preventing us from doing the right thing regarding: health, climate change, etc Not that we are using a sustainable approach to changing it for the better! Has that budget prevented WWIII? Maybe Comment from : @garypippenger202 |
61 of China's electricity comes from burning C O A L So, that much for no fossil fuels :D :D Comment from : @BobHill-s2c |
Man I think everyone wants to improve the climate but if we’re all poor and technologies barely work what kind of life are we gonna live… We need to advance a bit more before taking that plunge or people will just not be up for it - starving and become homeless for the climate ain’t going to fair well for many people Comment from : @GaryRitt |
American TosserEnjoy America Comment from : @Catchfish201 |
In the south US, solar power roofs (supported by battery storage banks) would be sufficient to power homes and cars for daily use No electric grid necessary, but it would be needed for those who drive long distances or use lots of the electric power Comment from : @bobwilk4963 |
Catastrophe & chaos will be synonimous with the Trump administration along with coersion as armps are twisted when federal funds are withheld for pitely personal political gain there will certainly no thinking through consequencies of actions taken Trump benefits from the legacy of Bidens economy left to him in decent shape which he and the chaos kids he has pit in placewill trash in short order Comment from : @anthonybrown4874 |
Look at Americans politions they are all fossils😂😂😂 Comment from : @robbrewer2036 |
Trump's climate-destructive impact is not confined to the US, The sudden erratic turn towards supporting the fossil fuel industry buried under his bully strategy against all world leaders but Russia has affected the perspective of world leaders who have to spend time, energy and resources to reestablish a failed political and economic world order In the meantime, the Global Warming tipping point clock is still ticking Global instability will continue to rob Climate Change of its agenda and we know that re-stabilizing the world stage will likely take too long Time is a commodity and resource that is finite and non-negotiable History, which might be sadly reduced, will recognize Trump and governance of the US as a defining moment towards Comment from : @andreclement1393 |
When it comes to politics, people are mean here in the US, as a generalization If they or their family isn't about to die or truly go broke, they stick to conservative ideology Comment from : @aNaturalist |
lets be real its short term capitalist vision and greed stopping this Comment from : @end179 |
The big denier or boulder in the road to any future technology in the country is Trump We are not even able to compete so long as Trump takes us out of the race He has just given us up to China Comment from : @javiercastro8466 |
The growing emissions guarantee our rapid demise Comment from : @richdiana3663 |
The US political pendulum is no longer swinging wildly back and forth It has been disconnected by a troglodiye administration bent on enriching the few at the cost of the rest of the world Expect nothing and you'll only be a little disappointed Comment from : @fredhearty1762 |
Oh boy Another CCP bot praising China's "Green" investments Watch the channel "China observer" for a change Maybe you wake up after all Comment from : @TheMoukis |
Usa is firmly in the pocket of the fossil fuel industries Comment from : @belahatvany |
You know that's bullshit it's because the powers to be do not enforce forestry properly to maintain the forest to prevent fire spreading Comment from : @Mellowyellow3 |
Yea, but you forget While all this was going on in China we were building our “Great Wall” Well, not really a wall but a great fence Well, not really very much of a fence but we did spend all the money so our hearts and minds (and surely our prayers) were in the “right” place so, there! Comment from : @Robin-h8y |
The United States is done moving forward It's going backward and sideways Comment from : @nobody687 |
China is a disaster dude And you can not trust any information the release The data centers are used to monitor their people You are making a fool of yourself China is building 100s of goal plants And chinas economy is crashing, and covid killed millions of chinese Comment from : @nobody687 |
No fan of Trump here, but your lies and idiocy over climate are what brought us to this sorry pass Comment from : @guylancaster2055 |
At this point in time, I believe the only advancement for energy will be achieved by the individual homeowner Fossil fuel manufacturers have a strong hold over politicians causing a delay in advancement towards a better climate and future in my opinion Comment from : @ricoma6037 |
CGTN used animation not real events Comment from : @Ukie88 |
Left wing propaganda Comment from : @obozoclown1889 |
When you talk about trump's worst crime, you HAVE to add "So far" Comment from : @truthurts1692 |
Treason Comment from : @bgbraker |
according to my humble ability to crunch these huge numbers, NSW Australia needs around 47GW of solar installation and around 205GW of energy storage to meet the 75TW that this state consumes Rooftop solar is already producing around 9TW alone Comment from : @tonyarntz821 |
If renewables are so good why are the tax payers being forced to pay for it? Surely if it is so good and reliable it would pay for it's self in no time!!!!!!!!!!!! Comment from : @davemarksman2205 |
You're right we're not producing enough energy Comment from : @SA-bg6kr |
As we have seen here in Australia, electricity prices have skyrocketed right alongside the growth of renewables, and our C02 emissions continue to climb Renewables are not a cleaner source of energy when you take into account the amount of total C02 produced to make these renewables from the minerals needed from the ground to the completion of installation Nor will renewables (dependables) ever be able to power a country Nuclear is the only reliable green energy production Comment from : @69Atho |
Bs Comment from : @caseyrindal1815 |
Such a supergrid would be, of course, a dramatic and badly game changer, but with an honc like Trump, there is no way to improve Still, I don't get why Musk supports sich middle age Energy policy He should understand the benefits of an underground supergrid But of course, cooperation among different Energy stake holders for a higher social goal probably does not fit into the world of a narcissistic personality Comment from : @christianfaust5141 |
Home battery storage will to some extent reduce stress on the grid, as will V2G; but adequate grid development is of course essential Comment from : @tonykelpie |
Super! Comment from : @GregoryJWalters |
You're spot on! Thanks for the summary! Comment from : @paulmartin1193 |
For your left wing radical information, the problem with the Texas grid was DUE TO CORRUPTION IN THE MANAGEMENT! These people did not do their jobs for decades, simply picking up their paychecks and ignoring problems THEY KNEW EXISTED! There is nothing wrong with having separate grids which will keep one event from killing the whole country The Texas grid would be the perfect testing ground for the super grid, Texas having major wind power generation plus plenty of backup generation, including nuclear Comment from : @glasslinger |
Or maybe aeroengineering Comment from : @charlesdavis7461 |
Geez, the first couple of minutes of your video is a bunch of silly bs Stop it Comment from : @rwargo1647 |
"Why aren't they drilling? Because they make more money not producing more oil" –Joe Biden, June 2022 Comment from : @ChillDfect |
Unfollowed you You really think you’re smarter than Elon, it must be a shitty British joke Just like 3 of your nations wealth leaving the country to escape the woke culture you promote Cannibalize your own people without my support I wish you the absolute worst Comment from : @jessecroteau4083 |
They are obviously backwards policy positions for anyone not beholden politically/religiously to the Trump Administration br bWho honestly wants less reliable home electricity at a higher cost, higher taxes from more oil company welfare, and less good paying Green Energy Technology jobc/careers!/b Comment from : @GoatPopsicle |
Holding out China as a bastion of green infrastructure projects is a bit ironic since they are the worst polluters on the planet Comment from : @JBits-m9p |
Oh I didn't realise you were a lunatic unsubbed Comment from : @monstrositylabs |
Trump and his Billionaire cabinet will destroy the US economy while making out like bandits for themselves The Trumplodytes that make up Trumpistan are so dimwitted and brainwashed they may never realize what happened to them The Chinese will soon be able to spend all the money they used to spend on electricity and gasoline on other diverse expenditures and investments while USAmericans will go broke trying to keep their cars running and the lights on Comment from : @mirvine1 |
Materialism has no other options than mechanistic causesbrThat is why they are so inconsistent in it's predictions Comment from : @alandinsmore1186 |
Maybe they will build mobile MegaPacks to move electricity from place to place Comment from : @DunnickFayuro |
I've learned, and grown ,in good ways thru the years I've watched you I really love n respect the Your Not getting on some ideological hi-horse N just stick to digestible, verifiable facts This delivery,with your occasional dry wit has kept me coming back In the 90's I was fiber optic certified tech, and I was doing everything I could to update the infrastructure in Harris cnty(Houston, Tx,) now I'm training myself for the next big jump in robotix M gonna be the guy fixing the gear that can't fix itself,as well as adding a few of my own ideas to the mix You've helped keep me curious, and open minded Besides a good sense of humor and a little RocknRoll ,I'm doing alot better than alot of folks my age Here's to a brighter future,n M gonna keep thinkin,Believe Me, we need it Thanx Comment from : @howiewood |
What president Musk is doing to US institutions is what would have been needed to be done to the old energy grid ^^ Comment from : @kinngrimm |
In Australia the power grid is running as isolated areas, because it's simply impossible for the grid to be across the country, think about how far it is across America, and realise that Australia is about the same size Comment from : @brucemibus9523 |
Have my doubts about any claims made by China, history has not been supporting previous claims regarding military hardware brIt would seem China overstates anything that puts them in a competitive position, and also suppression of subjects that would make an embarrassing position for China brTread carefully! Comment from : @brucemibus9523 |
No waste of time debating They are not At least not yet Comment from : @rebeuhsin6410 |
Trump called a meeting with the oil companies demanding $1B to politic in their favor The oil companies all denied such bribery but Comment from : @jeffbrinkerhoff5121 |
USA's brain is missing The UK's also Israel, Russia, well no entity to save us Help (Learns Chinese) Aha! No matter Comment from : @tonyduncan9852 |
The limiting factor is that attenuation in AC energy transmission makes for a grid maximum of about 400km Comment from : @JelMain |
Trump's worst crime is nothing compared to that of the USA as a whole in electing Trump as president Comment from : @Scott-i9v2s |
Was that 'pylon in the sky' ? Thanks for the thoughts Comment from : @noel6338 |
Something being complex and a lot of work is a pefrectly valid reason not to do it /sbrbr8:46 […] which concluded, that the integration of advanced systems like a super grid would mean navigating complex federal, state, and local regulations, and would require an unprecedented level of investment and cooperation between the various existing regional grid operators It was, they concluded, therefore unlikely to be practically achievable in the real world Comment from : @feuermurmel |
Has an analysis been done into how much aluminum and copper would be used for this new system? Copper is becoming more scarce and the mining itself takes energy The aluminum would need to be mind and both copper and aluminum take significant energy resources to mine, melt and form into what we would need for a new grid underground, or even above ground Underground would require even more resources, energy to put into place None of this in my humble opinion, would be able to take place without gas, oil, and coal This tremendous amount of energy just to produce and put into place what is needed could not be done with electric vehicles I believe this analysis would need to be done also including the polluted state that our landscape would be in because of such a tremendous undertaking I believe wind and solar panels have their place, but, even each of these require a tremendous amount of fossil fuels to make, upkeep, and the replacement I just don’t see this new brave world of total electric in the way that’s described in the commentary, US energy catastrophe, could really be a good thing Keep in mind proper management of the land and the CO2 is actually food for trees plants, grasslands, and so on It’s not entirely a bad thing at all I would rather put up with a few cow farts rather than listening to diesel equipment all day long for these various pet projects Tell me what do you think? Comment from : @jimbor2279 |
A supergrid allows better use of generating capacity They are a really good idea Comment from : @sdfglkjhdfkjdhldskfj |
in Oz dozens of sq miles of forest burn 365 days a yr and have done for 1000's of yrsbrFire is part of the Forest cycle, well over 100 millions tons of wood a yr goes up in smokebrNo one, nobody can change that What is a fact is the more CO2 the faster plants grow Comment from : @user-Rocket-Fest |
Trump’s criminality, ignorance, stupidity, selfishness and lack of vision have so many wide ranging effects and implications that deserve to be seen by Americans but sadly, too many of them don’t have the ability to comprehend what is at stake 🤯 Comment from : @bossofthemoss450 |
⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡🧲 Comment from : @Selfleader420 |
Empires don't drive off a cliff very often but when they do I'll be watching it Comment from : @wheressteve |
We are definitely going backwards Comment from : @lawrencemoses8614 |
America has only provided long term direct and indirect subsides to the oil and gas industry That is why we are the number one exporter of oil and gas Comment from : @rickrys2729 |
Regarding human rights abuses in China and its autocratic government, please consider spending some time with the first person eyewitness accounts offered by @jerrystakeonchina799, a long term resident of China from the UK He may change your mind about some aspects of the received wisdom Comment from : @barkbay |
Here’s a person making assertions about weather who is obviously ignorant about the history of California weather which he claims to speak about! All to push the man made global warming hoax! Comment from : @Sneaky-Sneaky |
Thank you for all that you do to inspire us to think Comment from : @rogermiller8708 |
❤ Comment from : @JustncasePR |
If you had a brain you would have figured out that its mad made by the toxins poly nono fiber graphine with emp wave cause itgeo brEngineering is occurring to sell sheep fear to push their massive con Comment from : @wytrose4602 |
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