Title | : | God and Mathematics |
Lasting | : | 5.04 |
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Views | : | 293 rb |
There is no such thing as the square-root of a negative number, but mathematicians claim there is So much of maths is imaginary Comment from : @clivewynnciel9530 |
Math was invented by humans! It's simply a referential that we can use to understand how the world works Math, is science Science, is naturalism There is no supernatural element present and there doesn't need to be! Comment from : @Tom_Tom_Club |
God There's your evidence Comment from : @domalec |
the argument from the "unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics" is based on misrepresentations of naturalistic explanations, overstatements about the elegance of the universe, and an unjustified preference for a theistic explanation while the applicability of mathematics to the physical world is a fascinating topic, it doesn't provide compelling evidence for the existence of God naturalistic explanations, focusing on the nature of mathematics as a tool for describing patterns and the evolutionary basis of mathematical cognition, offer more plausible accounts Comment from : @AlethicAvenger |
That's why leading Mathematics expert Bertrand Russell wrote, why didn't he believe in God Comment from : @AnatomyofLiterature |
💛💜💛THANK YOU, YES! Years ago when finding the Bible Code I met a elder man that was retired from the University as Math Professor, he told me everything is #'s 💛 Comment from : @jeanniegray5681 |
Christianity is the highest moral, ethical and intellectual reasoning the human mind can achieve Comment from : @jeffreyluciana8711 |
Hey kurzgesagt Comment from : @kancharlasuryateja |
God exist! not those made by ancient people which pass down and became religion, that's why for them, God is subjective Comment from : @cyberpunkchloe9 |
My favorite video on YouTube I watch this video every single day Superb animations , explanations and editing Comment from : @bijaypaudel7137 |
In this day age we are very fortunate to be able to show that science, archaeological findings, history from non Christian sources as well as the Christian sources that sacrificed their lives for the message of Jesus Christ our one and only Savior Also considering all the people that have had near death experiences and how their testimony lines up with scripture The Love of Christ Jesus we can’t get away from the Truth ❤️✡️✝️ Comment from : @marcolemus1663 |
All primes are twinsbrPrime times prime cancels primebrGod is an amazing mathematician Comment from : @jeffreyluciana8711 |
Is everything math or science Comment from : @ameerz_zoromia |
As alluded to in this video regarding the harmony verbally and visually expressed between the logician and the architect as indicative of design and intent, the 20th century CE (or Common Era) physicist Robert Millikan won the Nobel Prize in 1923 in Physics, calling God "The Great Architect" Two years earlier in 1921, Albert Einstein a mathematician and theoretical physicist, won the Noble Prize for the "photo-electric effect," and by a literary definition, is the emission of electrons (negatively charged particles) cast off metallic surfaces caused by the penetration and/or reflection of sunlight Einstein as a result of intensive contemplation and observation, possibly conceived and perceived, to quote him, of "the [INTELLIGENCE MANIFEST] in nature," and as a result of these thought processes, was also possibly indicative of a Transcendent/Immanent Creator's existence Comment from : @JohnGrillo-r6n |
Yo I love this Comment from : @FollowerofJesusChristAmen |
I have a question though, if God is so powerful why doesn't he stop people from getting slaughtered by other people or hurt by other people? He can easily intervene at any time but he chooses not to I don't understand why that is Comment from : @cinnamonspider101 |
Outstanding editing Comment from : @SHADOWBANE369 |
Interesting animation but the arguments are too deductive and formulative and in the end they bring up God himself from their respective religions Comment from : @carlosholmes9302 |
Why are atheists and Christians both so determined to prove that they are correct? Neither the atheist or the Christian are humble enough to admit that they do not know Also, why does mathematics have to prove a particular God why can't it just prove that there is a source of all all this creation Adults should have a little more discernment and not live through life acting like children having to prove a point that they will never prove #youdontknow Comment from : @thesuperconsciousmind |
I don't know why but I think youtube don't give this video more impression that it deservebrWatched it 2years ago and still the view is same brBut this is a great video for anyone in planet earth Comment from : @oldyboy2057 |
When physicists say God is apparently a mathematician, it is tongue in cheek A metaphor for the unreasonable effectiveness They don’t really believe in a theistic god… Comment from : @kilogods |
Mathematics be the best tool for humans to feel that they understand anything happening around them Mathematics have been tweaked in certain areas to correlate with others Comment from : @GentlemanLabor |
Thank you Father Absolute! ❤❤❤ Comment from : @DeanKap |
So you're saying that because the world has order there must be a creator? Math is completely based on patterns That's all that math is We have axioms that we build everything off of I would argue that naturalists don't believe it's a coincidence Rather they believe that the only way we got to this point is because of order, so now we have that same order and laws Mathematics can explain anything that has a pattern The universe could not be the way it is now if there was no patterns I'm a Christian, but I think you're argument might be slightly misworded I think that God created the universe and that the building of mathematics by humans is our way of understanding God's creation I think it's really limiting to think God needs mathematics to make something so perfect and logical Comment from : @jacksonfrieze7666 |
I don’t understand if I 60 mph and it’s 60 miles away and if I go 60 miles an hour I will be there in an hour How does that prove God because I use math to figure out distance and speed Can someone explain Comment from : @MMAGUY13 |
Amazing explanation of all time Comment from : @SHADOWBANE369 |
Amen! Enlightenment is such a blessing! The orderly structure of the universe gives us a glimpse of the beautiful mind of God The deeper you delve into the math, the harder it becomes to not become aware of the Presence of God Grateful to be able to see the awe in the numbers and so be humbled by the Infinite! Comment from : @kristinesmart582 |
Can you please add Godel's arguments for God to this? His math is a really interesting take on this Comment from : @Ashley-xb1dz |
No one in Ancient Greece believed that the earth was flat Geocentrists,yes, but not flat earthers Comment from : @cooterhead_jones |
Huge errors in the By Design god proof: What if there's a purely physical law that requires tbe constants to be how they are? What if the constants only seem precise just because our mathematical system makes it seem like that? If the constants are made for life, why are there ways they can be that would technically allow much higher chances of life appearing? And what about the possibility of an infinitely large universe? brbrAlso, the applicability of mathematics to physics is because we humans made OUR models of physics an mathematics based on eachother We humans made our concept of math applicable to our concept of physicsbrbrLastly, there's also a very easy logical proof that you can do to know that all factors you add onto god are always gonna be an assumption God is omnipotent, therefore god can lie, even lie about not lying Comment from : @errorpixelyt |
🧮 Mathematics is a non-physical and abstract concept that inexplicably governs the physical universe
brMathematical relationships reflect real aspects of the physical world and are used in science to understand and describe the universe
brScientists rely on the assumption that the universe operates according to precise mathematical laws
brMathematics has been instrumental in discoveries and advancements in various scientific fields, such as physics and astronomy
brMathematical equations have enabled significant breakthroughs, including the prediction and confirmation of the existence of elementary particles
brMathematics is a fundamental tool for understanding and exploring the natural world
br🔑 Mathematics' effectiveness in explaining the physical world is seen as a miracle by some, while others attribute it to God's plan
brEugene Wigner's article 'The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences' sparked the discussion
brNaturalists believe mathematics' applicability is coincidental, while theists attribute it to God's creation
brMathematics includes concepts that cannot be physically realized, yet they are still useful in science
brPhilo of Alexandria, a Jewish philosopher, supported the theist perspective
brTheists argue that mathematics works well in the physical world because it aligns with God's plan
br🔑 The effectiveness of mathematics in the physical world is best explained by the existence of God
brMathematics and physics work well together because the same mind that designed the universe on a mathematical model also built the universe on the same mathematical model
brThe applicability of mathematics in the physical world is not just a happy coincidence, but rather evidence for the existence of God
brEugene Wigner believed that the effectiveness of mathematics in the physical world is a miracle that can be explained by the existence of God
br04:34 Comment from : @3hustle |
Baseed✝️🙏🗿 Comment from : @NiklasKontio-bs5zd |
All praise be to Christ our redeemer, Thanks to almighty God ✝🧎♂brnow search what satoshi nakamoto did with cryptography Comment from : @zxx5 |
Is math real? Comment from : @RudyTheInternetGod |
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:brbr00:03 🧮 Understanding Mathematics in the Universebr02:20 🤔 Philosophical Perspectives on Mathematics' Effectivenessbr03:44 🌌 The Argument for God's ExistencebrbrMade with HARPA AI Comment from : @f0110e |
More importantly, "God, and the BLOOD OF JESUS" which cleanses us from ALL sin Keep your math to your self I cling to the Grace of God Comment from : @joymahiko |
Gods favorite number? 7 if you look at everything around us, it has an edge or angle thus 7 was created Comment from : @campos3452 |
This is what happens when idiots think they are smarter than scientistsbrIgnorance and arrogance hand in hand Comment from : @nissimhadar |
Unfortunately for the military minded person, NOBODY ever went to war over a Math problem!!brTherefore, military minds are NOT mathematical, therefore, REMOVE ALL OF THE MILITARY!!!brWant to stop all wars?? EVERYBODY TAKE THEIR CLOTHES OFF!! Comment from : @bunyinjbhadi7212 |
This place always Talkin bout killing some boby go to church nvm Comment from : @SharlotteSwinton-ty2jk |
Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Comment from : @SharlotteSwinton-ty2jk |
Glory to God! Beauty and elegance he has not gifted me with, but I can still enjoy in its beauty ❤ Comment from : @3unhy3 |
The Naturalist Explanation isn't "Idunno," it's the Mathematical Universe Hypothesis That the universe is just a very big maththingbrbrI tend to take it a step further; I like to think of a Mathematical Expanse It encompasses not just this universe, but any manner of universes in the framework of mathematical underpinning That if you could step into it somehow, it's an infinity in all ways and magnitudes; if you can imagine a mathematical thing (and if we're going by the assumption that everything is mathematics), it's there, following those rules, even if some other universe wouldn't follow thembrbrI personally believe a god can exist But I don't much believe anything we've written about him is on the dot, and certainly not anything that puts his sole focus on humanity anywaybrThe universe is a big place And it wasn't made solely for us Comment from : @bigbluebuttonman1137 |
So god is the great architect Comment from : @LittleLion92-Bfd |
The fact u turned off comments on debate is shameful Comment from : @Dawgz65 |
God is maths Comment from : @tunje53 |
Internet running by engine chords 101 and more with same numbers, and it's UNSEEN 😊by eyes right God also UNSEEN It's in DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS 🤫🤫🤫 Comment from : @kimienick6721 |
Wigner was wrong to be astonished, if he was As Galileo put it, the book of the universe is written in the language of math Math is just a language we find useful to describe what is Math has no causal power, as was said in the video Thus, it is merely a description of what we observe We have poets and philosophers such as Russel; his quote shown at the head of Wigner's article is beautiful prose, who can compose sublime prose and poetry describing the world around us Mathematicians, sometimes, write proofs that have sublime aesthetic form and value Sometimes mathematicians write ugly equations as do poor poets write ugly poems Why be amazed and dumbfounded when a beautiful proof is composed? The universe exists as it is, whether humans find it beautiful or not Better explanations for its structure and origin exist than just, "God did it that way because he liked it like that" Comment from : @geoffwhite3664 |
All glory to the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Praise Jesus King of kings Lord of lords ✝️🕊️👑 Comment from : @ampulsion |
Glory be to Allah Almighty Comment from : @kadim6578 |
This video is really biased and filled with little incorrect assumptions 1) Why should a omnipotent and omniscient being that created the universe according to his plan be a more reasonable answer than saying that only what we can see scientifically exist?br2) The complex numbers are used in varius branch of physics, like i in quantum mechanicsbr3) The "mathematical" argument is one gigantic flaw: mathematics applies to our physics because we built those models using mathematics It's not a coincidence, it's that we created mathematics designing in our minds an ideal universe (basing it to our observations) and than used it to describe the real one using physics Comment from : @thedeadarch3r |
God is a polyglot okay ,even his silence is full of secretsbrStop limiting god okay all of you brI created you you did not create me brBye 👋😎 Comment from : @Swati_1112 |
Hello good to watch this lesson of life hopping to call you sir Comment from : @fantazibahieddine7772 |
It's good to see that you have not blocked comments on ALL of your videos You are only cowardly about some of them Comment from : @charlesmaunder |
The God particle, not the Higgs Boson Comment from : @zacharyh4892 |
Agreed Comment from : @baberoot1998 |
God is outside of logic, that's why neither mathematics & sciences can't explain it Comment from : @yoyu4671 |
Very good!!brGodel utilize Modal 5 logic in his famous Proof:brA translation of Gödel's proof sketch (in the version of Gödel's student Dana Scott) from formal logic into natural language:
br• Axiom 1: Either a property or its negation is positive
br• Axiom 2: A property that is necessarily implied by a positive property is positive
br• Theorem 1: Positive characteristics may be due to an existent entity
br• Definition 1: A God-like entity has all the positive features
br• Axiom 3: The property of being God-like is positive
br• Conclusion: Perhaps God exists
br• Axiom 4: Positive characteristics are necessarily positive
br• Definition 2: A property is the essence of an entity, if it belongs to the entity and necessarily implies all the properties of the entity
br• Theorem 2: To be God-like is the essence of every God-like entity
br• Definition 3: An entity exists necessarily if all of its essences are necessarily realized in an existing entity
br• Axiom 5: Necessarily existing is a positive property
br• Theorem 3: God must necessarily exist Comment from : @johnmartin5671 |
I don't know why atheists are so bone-headed Comment from : @davidcowan4705 |
wanna talk god and math, check out the Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe Comment from : @mccashmax9156 |
really well edited video but my only problem with arguments for God is that every time one comes up a counter argument is made later Comment from : @comma184 |
What is the mystery here? br1 The universe has patterns br2 Mathematics is the study of patterns br3 The universe's patterns can be described with mathematics brSolved Comment from : @canwelook |
0:25 Wow, it's almost as if that's what mathematics was invented for by humans Comment from : @aarohalme1020 |
That was an amazing argument for God I was trying to use this argument, but I wasn't all that good at wording it correctly I really like this argument It is one of my favorite Thank you for explaining it so well Comment from : @KnighteMinistriez |
Oof, Philosophy: Engineered just utterly destroyed this video It's honestly shameful that people are even convinced by this garbage Comment from : @yourmotherisshameful |
Oof, you can really tell that Low Bar Bill decided to go all in on confirmation bias and the pretty promises of christianity He believes evidence against his position would not change his conviction, of course he would claim mathematics is proof for god, too Hey Billy, those naturalists can tell you they don't say it's a happy coincidence, but that the language of mathematics applies to the natural world because HUMANS CREATED IT THAT WAY! And before you call either of those "no explanation at all", what do you think "some invisible guy musta dun it with idunno magic or something"? Comment from : @noneofyourbusiness7055 |
umm no Comment from : @randee4550 |
Cheesiest video I've watched Comment from : @obakengafrica2919 |
Interesting Comment from : @muhammadnabeel6643 |
If you can't measure it you can't manage it brFact is that politics and religion are arbitrary and subjective terms but the fundamental laws of physics are absolutely true and beyond any reasonable doubt brScience: having knowledge brSuperstition: Beliefs or practices resulting from ignorance brWatch NOVA " the great math MYSTERY " Comment from : @aaronkuntze7494 |
God cut off his arm and created the universe from it Comment from : @icoreyr |
In Islam Al Hasib is one of the God's names Comment from : @pondokternak656 |
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