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The Books I Use to Self-Learn Art --- general to specific

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Title :  The Books I Use to Self-Learn Art --- general to specific
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Description The Books I Use to Self-Learn Art --- general to specific

Comments The Books I Use to Self-Learn Art --- general to specific

I knwo people in the comments are saying that Scott Robertson is a tall order But the books they suggest are pretty much just perspective? No? I mean I get its a fundamental but wouldnt it be better to start with another thats more simple? I really like what you said about having a book thats more like a road map Which I agree with 10000! Is there any other book like this that isnt just perspective but incorporates a lot of funds into one while still being a beginner book? I mean, I looked the the Scott Robertsons book and def have no clue what I was looking at haha
Comment from : @FritzyFreak

فديو ممتاز شكرا لك
Comment from : @basrahg250

Excellent video of the information overload and how to start learning Only element i would add is the importance of gesture in figure, this can be background or products as well, Gelnn Vilppu is great resource for this
Comment from : @bolunixan

all in all this is a good video, but listening to you thru the length of the video, the noise that you put in the background becomes annoying noise Do you have to thru the whole video, the same crap loop with no merit other than background noise Artists i always ask for you to petition youtube for sound layers, that way you can put noise in for those who need noise, and those of use that get annoyed by a feature that has no merit yet the video editor puts in place for the lifetime of the video
Comment from : @AM-jw1lo

Awesome video! How would you recommend us to study from something like tom fox’s book? Would you draw the examples on a page for your practice session?
Comment from : @potatotatotatotatoes

Hello sir, how would you learn form? Not sure if you covered this in the video brbrAny specific books or websites for this?
Comment from : @Emiliano-t1t

Thanks man in just ordered 3 brNew books
Comment from : @pickledshoe

Drawing Scenery by Jack Hamm and the Nicoleides book are the only two books you'll ever need
Comment from : @samuelbanya

Great video! I been drawing for a while now but I never got the fundamentals down I recently started reading and studying Scott Robertson’s H2D
Comment from : @ChatoFox1215

Great video
Comment from : @flohughes3527

what do you think about krenz?
Comment from : @kumokom-q6m

you mentioning your age is very inspiring, im very insecure about the age i started drawing so its nice to somehow be reminded "its ok" to have not started as a child haha
Comment from : @hate_everlasting

The artists drawing book by Katy Lipscomb and Tyler Fisher is a great 👍 beginner friendly book that I recommend
Comment from : @Jmetoyer

I stopped drawing and painting for many years, i hope these books help me find my way back to art again thank you so much ❤
Comment from : @Somezh

Stone houses anatomy
Comment from : @DoomSausage1

A watercolor book recommendation: Gregory MacKenzie's _The Watercolorist's Essential Notebook_ His exercises are not as progressive as Blocks' but the book is out-of-this-world strong in introducing the Technical Skills Pilar (The book also comprises the first half of his _The Complete Watercolorist's Essential Notebook_; the second half is _The Watercolorist's Essential Notebook - Landscapes_)
Comment from : @shawhit8155

Hi! First of all, thank you for all the amazing guide and opinions, also the suggestion of books I just want to ask a question about your journey When did you start to actually learn how to draw, and how much time have you spent?
Comment from : @caaaaandyyyyy

Brilliant video - thank you so much!
Comment from : @anyajohnson4471

It’s been 3 or so months and I cannot draw the loomis head at all This unfortunately marks my time to put down the pencil Cheers, good luck guys!
Comment from : @XeB9701

I have a bit of a hard time looking for which books I should get now xdbrI have tacos but as you mentioned I have the issue with lag of 3d knowledge is quiet a problem for me so i want to go a bit of basic with 3d understandingbralso looking for colour theory, how to compose etc xd
Comment from : @philipp_mn

Thank you for your recommendations! I am trying to learn art with the principles I learned from Go/Baduk: the paraphrase Kageyama, what separates am amateur from a professional is their _faithfulness to the fundamentals_ I will practice the fundamentals of drawing until they become second nature :) The first book you recommended will help
Comment from : @dylanmorrison3731

I wonder if you struggled at learning to paint because you approached it from the perspective of drawing A couple of the things you said stood out to me Landscapes being difficult, typically peoples first painting is a landscape (see Bob Ross), something in your approach is making landscapes appear a lot harder than they usually are You mention simplification, for beginner painters this happens automatically Paint can be a very imprecise medium, and trying to focus on every little detail will make a mess It naturally pushes you to focus only on things you find interesting, the other stuff is usually just hinted at; like my arch nemesis GRASSbrbrFor colour the website muddy colors has a great article ( search for "muddy colors harmonious color") They suggest changing the colour of your light source is all you really need to make colours look cohesive In hindsight it's so obvious
Comment from : @drlazy1

this is pretty vital! I wanted to do a video like this too and I was looking around for research, and I ended up learning a lot just from this! brI love your mentality towards learning and the current issues with approaches to learning from some schools / teachers etcbrbrWhile I'm only a few minutes in , I already feel confident that I am going to find the resources you listed extremely useful in my own artistic growth
Comment from : @NexyiaArt

This video is important, no exaggeration thank you for this
Comment from : @farabeast2000

I think you'll find more great books in this video: 50 Books to learn Art Fundamentals - Drawing, Painting, and Design - From Beginner to Advanced by What I've Learned In Art Good luck on your journey!
Comment from : @VictorAugustus

You are inspiring me, I'm gonna give it a shot and try this neuroscience approachbrMan, you did not mention how big of a book the 4-hour chef is I love cook books so im excited to break into it, but man huge book
Comment from : @sleepydude935

"My Scott Robertson" is Brent Eviston Excellent teacher and he covers from "how to draw a line" beginner until the most advanced figure drawings
Comment from : @Music-ct4cj

Soooooooooooooooomuch to say !😱😱😱😱
Comment from : @AnthonyGeorge-w2t

Soooooooooooooooomuch to learn 😱😱😱😱😱
Comment from : @AnthonyGeorge-w2t

A very good video Good luck to Learners/Students
Comment from : @AnthonyGeorge-w2t

Anatomy is actually less of a fundamental skill than poses with gesture and mannequins You can get sooooo far without much anatomy especially if your drawing chsracter with clothes
Comment from : @thethinker2688

Finally, someone is actually answering the questions literally every artist beginning their journey is asking! This is a damn good channel Thank you so much for sharing this insight And yeah, like the other comments, having bought and looked it, I’m absolutely giving H2D a total swerve until I’m more advanced I’m amazed you took that one as a beginner!
Comment from : @thewatcherofstuff

really really valuable videobrthank you man
Comment from : @sajjadabouei6721

Would you be able to do a deep dive into how you use Tom Fox’s book? I’ve found that book really confusing at times
Comment from : @mardessa1

- Know the form firstbr- Simplify itbr- Use anki to remember notes
Comment from : @HynixGPT

I just love how well thought out and informative your videos are 🙌
Comment from : @oliviajones4588

probably one of the best videos on youtube to date
Comment from : @CODBlackOps6WALKTHROUGH

Idc if this is a hot take but I have tom fox's anatomy book and I think it should be counted as the new loomis, bridgeman etc It's way too good and I'm happy you showcased it
Comment from : @JerryLecor

Brent Evistons book i heard that sounds good l haha
Comment from : @PatrockTheIII

I am all self taught, I have never even tried to study art per say, I am starting to get to a point of repeating a unique but not new style, as I do small detailed doodle art, I really want to learn more yet I have not tried hard enough to learn The way you do these videos are amazing
Comment from : @SymthArt

Great video, thanks alot for this
Comment from : @kamaji6081

Thanks!brbrWhat would be your book recommendation for someone who wants to learn figure drawing and human anatomy from scratch?
Comment from : @bharat5194

i do agree about some books and tutorials are kinda repetitive and lacking on fundementals Also i wanted to mention a good book i found out recenly called bCognitive Drawing/b by Jason Brubaker, is about figure drawing and he explain how to use the btesting effect/b in drawing, maybe you could check it out
Comment from : @TheFALCON7890

I've heard that Scott Robinson's book is really hard What level of drawing do you think you would have to be at before you start it? Because I tried to use it a long time ago and when I first started and it was really confusing
Comment from : @williammclean6594

Thank you for compiling this list Love how you integrate meta-learning and neuroscience knowledge into your videos!brbrI have picked up How to Draw to start out
Comment from : @youssefmahmoud7969

Thank you for compiling this list Love how you integrate meta-learning and neuroscience knowledge into your videos!brbrI have picked up How to Draw to start out
Comment from : @youssefmahmoud7969

Nothing but kino mentioned Instant sub
Comment from : @kbkksh91

As somebody who literally sees in 2D and struggles with translating form into my drawings, I personally will be buying eventually Tom Fox's book because it might help me to translate from 2d into 3d Thank you for sharing
Comment from : @heartsaliveart

This is more like a rant, what I'm going to ask now, but have you ever felt demotivated when trying to study drawing even though you had expectations for the rest of the weekend thinking about studying, getting resources and study material like books and references in PDF format so that at the end I'll come that nihilism and annoyance of questioning whether it's worth studying drawing this has been bothering me for a while and disturbing my studies
Comment from : @SerioParadeverissoporfavor

The biggest struggle in my art journey has been not knowing what to practice, so I end up trying to learn everything at once overwhelming myself in the process This caused me to lose all motivation and stop drawing for months on end I feel like for the first time since I've began drawing , I finally have a road to follow that will lead me to the artist I want to be Thank you for this guide
Comment from : @NieAy7

When it comes to anatomy, I found Michael Hampton's book the most suitable for me Right from the beginning, he emphasizes the importance of gesture and reiterates it all throughout the book so the drawn figures wouldn't get stiff At the same time, I think it really gave a good balance between detailed vs simplified instructional illustrations (There's a lottt of drawings to copy and learn from too) I found his approach as well to be a combination of the other classic approaches taught by Loomis and Bridgman so its like getting taught by many artists at once But, the greatest thing about it was the fact that he uploads videos on Youtube too so you can go to his channel and find a vid of him talking about the same lesson as a supplementary
Comment from : @siegfreidpercival8840

A question would you say drawing from imagination and treating references as more like sources of information has helped you improve so fast in such a short time span?
Comment from : @thelads4057

I've never heard anyone say Scott Robertson's HTD is for beginners Everything you said about it is true It's comprehensive Says a lot with very little And builds on itself But the information is very clinical and dense I would make sure whoever is learning to draw has first cultivated a love for the craft before recommending them that book Because there's no romance to be had there
Comment from : @OoziHobo

Wow! I think I just found the art youtube I've been looking for for YEARS!
Comment from : @expressof0x

Todd Casey’s Oil Painter’s Guide is better than Gurney’s book and the other you mentioned Also The Julien Drawing Course is better than the Bargue course since the Bargue course is just the Julien course just easier But it wont teach you how to Draw Form For anatomy I’d reccomend gottfried Bammes
Comment from : @drpg11

I wish i could tell my younger self all of this, ive spent probably over $500 on different art courses as i thought that they would teach me how to draw better, sadly most of them already taught me the same things i already knew but didn’t go into depth so it was like a waste of money for me I found tacos book and it has helped me so much more than any of the other courses i bought Thank you for breaking it all down, so beginner artists or other artists who are struggling with certain things can have a more in depth video with great book recommendations
Comment from : @mikasow2002

What's your next video is about? And thanks for your suggestion and i was doing the same mistake by learning specific books not the general ones thank you so much
Comment from : @sthitapranjyapatra8384

You should consider having Amazon links with affiliate so you can earn a little bit on your hard work Thanks for doing this!
Comment from : @PhilipJensen

you never heard about peter han?
Comment from : @silkafshapke

My uni teachers a while back said that when they’re planning a years lectures, they basically sit down together with the Scott Robertson books and figure out how to break them down into a series of lessons
Comment from : @BigCMiner

I love 3dtotal books I have some about procreate, anatomy, art fundamentals all 3, they are grate books!
Comment from : @kioneart4901

I think the most fun thing about art Is that you never really forget the thing that pulled you into it For me it was growing up watching Ghibli films and clay sculpting in highschool So even though I specalize in creature illustration now I tend to think more like a sculptor and paint like a matte painter for animations
Comment from : @HamburgExpress

mythical youtube video pool
Comment from : @syaall

I wanted to thank you for these videos, they've been very helpful in providing a more actionable plan to learning that I can build upon for my own purposes, as I'm not a beginner but am self taught and hit the wall of realizing I don't know a lot of fundamentals All the things I need to learn have become overwhelming and I didn't feel like there was any good way to track my improvement, but your videos lay out a very good roadmap and have helped me figure out a plan for myself I also really appreciate the science based approach and book based approach, I've found many videos and tutorials online to be lacking, never going into as much depth as I hoped brbrAs far as books, I haven't gotten very far into it yet, but I'm really enjoying Rapid Viz by Kurt Hanks and Larry Belliston It feels very accessible and is very interactive - many of the beginning activities you draw directly in the book (because of which I'd suggest not buying a used copy, though) As someone who has developed a lot of anxiety towards drawing and is too precious with things, it's helping me let that go The book is about how to think and to learn how to communicate your ideas quickly through drawing brbrAnyway, this has become an incredibly long comment, haha I look forward to following your progress and your videos as I get back into my own art journey!
Comment from : @xAprilLilyx

Once again a amazing informative and helpful video
Comment from : @fatmat4747

Hearing you mention Kim in the present tense was an out of body moment and made me question how old these videos were for a second
Comment from : @esoopthederp7672

Incredible video for anyone who is just starting in the arts! I took so much from this and will likely give it a rewatch for note taking!
Comment from : @khmatrix

Just subbed , i just want to say that this channel is extremely helpfulbrYou dont find too many people talking about how to actually go about practicing brKeep making videos PLEASE
Comment from : @jameelosiefa3010

good video Bad for using and mentionig AI though Glorified google search crap
Comment from : @Auurify

this video is what i needed
Comment from : @mudins

thank you
Comment from : @serbrawl7981

Thanks for all the Art books recommendation! I'll buy them too!
Comment from : @ay9705

the morpho book series
Comment from : @betweenthepanels9145

I think have all but 3 of the books you mentioned in this video, I'm slowy working my way through them but now I wish I used the scott robertson book way earlier in my art journey Looks like it'll be my next book after morphos folds and creases
Comment from : @uraveragejoe3883

I'd never heard of 3D Total, so thanks very much for that I'm in the process of designing my learning path, so much appreciated
Comment from : @genestone4951

Great video, and very comprehensive list!
Comment from : @theartofnemo

The first three minutes nail why I keep giving up on drawing It feels like none of the “beginner tutorials” out there are actually made for real beginners
Comment from : @dkgametv

this video is so good thank you
Comment from : @gato_bry

Hey man! I really like your content brother! Have you checked out this artist called Xiao Weichun? No one seems to be covering him but his stuff is killer! Check out human anatomy for artists xiao weichun!
Comment from : @pakfumejia6951

Just wanted to say i love your approach to art The whole concept of how you discovered ways of self teaching through science is amazing, i have watched each video and will look forward to many more
Comment from : @Addymesticc

I don't agree they are taking advantage of newbies so of course it's their fault
Comment from : @riccia888

Could you share your Anki cards? Or is it a Patreon feature?
Comment from : @szniok

Thanks! Bought the color and light book
Comment from : @fuahuahuatime5196

Thanks bro, always appreciated Great Content 👍
Comment from : @JameelYa

Great collection of books! very inspiring and I'll be filling up my collection with some of these I hadn't heard of Tom Fox before and his book looks incredibly appealing! on the topic of detailed anatomy, I think your analysis is correct that when we focus on learning how to construct the figure it's helpful to only focus on simplifying things into volumes and placing them in 3d-space, and with that a simplified understanding of anatomy is most beneficial But once we have a general understanding of how to draw the muscles it's time to dive into detailsbrbrI personally don't like the drawings in the "Anatomy for 3D artists" that much Two other books on this subject that I can highly recommend are "Human Anatomy for Artists" by Eliot Goldfinger and "Artistic Anatomy" by Paul Richer They offer beautiful, highly detailed drawings of anatomy that I find more applicable for 2d artists Another book on drawing I can highly recommend is "Fundamentals of drawing (english version) by "Mogilevtsev, a teacher at the russian academy He breaks down the russian process of constructive drawing and especially focuses on understanding edge breaks in the planes for accuracy It's the best source I have found on doing detailed constructive drawings, and if you're familiar with russian drawings of constructive anatomy you'll see how good they are at drawing the form in 3D from "inside out" compared to the french school which relies more on the the 2D shadow shapes
Comment from : @M00nlord

A very good book I found for color theory is The Oil Painter's Color Handbook by Todd Casey, although some of it is specific to oils the color theory sections would apply to any medium and his excellent information about pigments would apply to any form of painting Great video! I have tons of art books and some of these were new to me Thank you
Comment from : @MrOmarRavenhurst

Thanks for the Emma Block recommendation, I’ll have to check out her watercolor books
Comment from : @DennisCNolasco

This information was sorely needed! I have read some of these, and own a few Thank you for sharing your experience
Comment from : @kattenihatten

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