Title | : | History of the Euro Currency and the Eurozone |
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2024 and still going strong I kept some Euro coins after visiting Europe in 2019 😅 Comment from : @JamesK7911 |
Hey princess Comment from : @andrewdaniel1053 |
Adolf Hitler had tanks and fighter planes and lost the war Now Germany has euro coin and wins It's the third occupation of Greece by Germans I wish Greece exit from the organised crime called eurozone Comment from : @fotis1964 |
… # deflating the floating currents #Break more legs Comment from : @Heresheis0818 |
Hahahaha now listening to this 11 years later Cannot imagine a life without my Euro baby Comment from : @diandram1884 |
I love how they just call it the euro like imagine if America called the dollar a Amer Comment from : @tomcruise7095 |
With Russia invading Ukraine we might have WWIII Poland and Switzerland should join as Russia might invade them next Comment from : @richard09able |
The Old European currencies have been discontinued since February 2002 including the French franc, the Italian lira, the German mark, the Irish pound, the Spanish peseta, the Portuguese escudo, the Belgian franc, and the Dutch guilder Comment from : @DisneyMBTVCNetwork |
Thank you for the video Comment from : @btetschner |
This video is too optimistic Comment from : @mikemancuso2526 |
# أعوذ بألله من الشيطان الرجيم # بسم الله الرحمن ا الرحيم # أشهد إن لآ إله إلا الله و أشهد إن محمد رسول الله # اللهم أجعل القرءآن العظيم شفيع لنآ جميعآ ☆ اللهم أغننآ بغناك و بفضلك عن من سواك # اللهم لك الحمد و الشكر حمدا لآ ينتهي # إلهي بك نستجير # اللهم أنا نسالك بأن تفرج عنآ و تتوب علينآ و تغفر لنآ و تقضي حوائجنآ بفضلك و بسر أسرار أسمك الأعظم سقفاطيس # سقفاطيس ☆ اللهم إني أعوذ بنور وجهك الكريم الذي أشرقت منه الظلمات و صلح عليه أمر الدنيا و الأخرة من إن يحل علي سخطك أو ينزل علي غضبك لك العتبى ا حتى ا ترضى ا و لآ حول و لآ قوة إلا بك و لآ فرار من لآ حق قدرتك منك إلا إليك بجأه الرحمة المهداة و الشفيع الخلآئق سيدنآ محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم أستجب آمين آمين # و صل الله و سلم وبارك على إمام الأنبيآء و الأوليآء و الصالحين سيدنآ محمد النبي الأمي و على أله و صحبه و سلم و الحمد لله رب العآلمين آمين آمين # # # # # # # # # # # # # # * * # * * ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Comment from : @لطفيمحمدمارديني |
Please help me please yaar meri madad karo yah mera WhatsApp number hai please yaar help me main aapse madad mang raha hun please help me please please yah mera WhatsApp number hai zero 03354478502 Comment from : @hamzabhatti2954 |
Can't believe this video was made by watch mojo Comment from : @ItsJustMe0585 |
Vintage Comment from : @wheysted1349 |
fuck the euro i will keep my British Pound Comment from : @PS-ru2ov |
WatchMojocom, good job Together we are strong :) :) Comment from : @raimondasmarciulevicius7599 |
Monopoly with Courtney Comment from : @anitamavndia3033 |
Euro solved high inflation for many countries My parents could not save any cash because the value would plummet Don't hate Euro just for the sake of hating it Go Europe! Comment from : @n1mnetwork |
Croatia will never adopt euro Fuck off 😎😉🖕 Comment from : @dominikkadlec4535 |
I think the Euro is ugly! Comment from : @Plysdyret1 |
0:10 Tallinn from estonia YAY I FROM Comment from : @AulisAOT |
3:33 OOOH GIVE ME THOSE!!!!!!!! Comment from : @alinek2289 |
2:12 eyebrows on FLEEK Comment from : @howboutsomecoal |
Please watch the YouTube vid named "the money masters" it starts talking about the us but shows the eu and world problem we have with money You can also watch "Zeitgeist" 3 awesome documentaries that will blow your mind Comment from : @samdeur |
what type of Euro like that? is that Paper bills or Polymer bills? Comment from : @christianvillapando1799 |
Great for business, bad for everyday people who don't travel Comment from : @terrybaker8156 |
Greek government lied to adopt euro Only Germany really benefits from the euro Comment from : @monarchist1838 |
the euros is a rip off they going to keep printing untill its worthless like out in some asain coutrys you need a wheel barrow of money to buy a bottle of water im living in ireland and i change what ever euros i get into the english gbp that will always hold value you see the british goverment is only half the corrupt of the irish government at least they never sold you completely out like our skumbags Comment from : @thedon748 |
@englishgrammar you know that belgium and netherlands have a very large economy and have the 2 biggests port of europe inside of them?? Comment from : @rubikfan1 |
The Euro idea was a clever thingbrIt was known from start that it would never work unless the EU would change to USE ( United States of Europe ) Comment from : @leibbidoni8928 |
The EU and euro doesn't work cuz they have the united monetary policy but not fiscal policy That's why countries like Greece(which lied to join) have messed it up Comment from : @lcbreezyl |
Beautiful isn't it! :) Comment from : @Jawis32 |
euro is monopoly money Comment from : @ukipwarrior |
So what ur saying is that we should continue stay with the same broken fiat money system which by the way is far more volatile than that of commodity money The only reason the big western economies dont have high rates of inflation yet is because these central banks manipulate the prices of high value commodites like gold and silver Also ever heard of The Liberty Dollar? It was a competing currency in the us that was backed by precious metals, but the man making it was arrested Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
Nice, Bimetallic standards, another barbarous creation
It's obvious you have no real experience, if you think the economic would function better with TWO PARALLEL CURRENCIES, with DIFFERENT AND VOLATILE exchange rates
Why do you think every country has a single currency instead of using a group of currencies you fool!??
God, you are so far out it's impossible Comment from : @ManiTati |
lol, "if the price of silver collapses"!? If the price of your dollars collapsed, you would LOSE ALL YOUR WEALTH
That's what happened in India when the silver standard collapsed Comment from : @ManiTati |
You are so a-historical it's sad You attack history on every post
In the 18th century, EVERY COUNTRY, including all the European Aristocratic monarchies, used "sound money"
You are defending the economic system of the old Empires lol
"govt should protect the constitution"
And who creates the constitution Einstein? Should it be a group of centuries-old unelected elites? Writing for the fucking 18th century and the agrarian society of the time?
Sigh, ridiculous debate Comment from : @ManiTati |
Well I shouldve said that the govt should protect the constitution and the bill of rights not destrory them The founding fathers intended for the use of sound money, I bet u heard of the currency the original 13 colonies used during the revolution It was called the continental, it eventually was called or refered to as "not worth a continental" due to the overprinting of this currency The next financial crisis that will hit the global economy will b a currency crisis Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
In the interwar period there was no global metallic standard
Do you realize you are defending the interests of the plutocracy, the rentier class?
Do you realize you are using as examples the society of the 19th century!?
it's unbelievable Comment from : @ManiTati |
Oh and one more thing, a central bank doesnt exist to gaurd the value of whatever currency it produces Rather it exists for the banksters and government, also it seeks to control the country its in by destorying that said currency Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
"uncharted territory"? lol The universal gold standard is a modern creation, I've told you already it was created about a century and a half ago Before that there was no world reserve currency in the inter-war period there was also no gold standard There's nothing "uncharted" about it Gold is a barbarous relic Comment from : @ManiTati |
Your arguments are a string of contradictions A stronger dollar means weaker other currencies If you think the stronger dollars benefits americans, why would the chinese and others want to weaken their own currencies?
You have no idea what you are talking Comment from : @ManiTati |
Well everyone wants a strong dollar policy to b enacted u dumbass! Since the US dollar is the world's reserve currency it is the unit of measurement in which all currencies r valued against But ever since Nixon closed the Gold window thus ending the Bretton Woods System and having the world go into uncharted territory If u look at history no fiat currency has withstood the test of time! Go to dollarcollapsedotcom and learn something for a change, instead of defending a broken system! Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
All real banks use and have always fractional reserves since the middle ages
"Abolishing the fed will restore confidence to the dollar"? lol Abolishing the Fed will destroy the US Go ahead, do it
Google "china wants strong dollar", read and learn something It's the Chinese that want a strong dollar so that their dollar assets don't depreciate you idiot Comment from : @ManiTati |
Those panics were caused by the big banks with their fractional reserve lending, also in the book End The Fed Ron Paul doesnt remove The Fed in one stroke of the pen! Rather he talks about doing it gradually, first by auditing and removing its powers ultimatly removing it from existance Abolishing the fed will restore confidence to the dollar since it will b stable and ill admit socialism is good but up to a certain point Currency wars r not the answer they r very destructive! Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
"Socialism"!! Oh that dirty word!! Sacrébleu!! The drama
it's so comical to see Americans talk of socialism as some big bad monster
Btw Einstein, you are using nazi/fascist rhetorics: the bankers as communist capitalists and so on
Comment from : @ManiTati |
i'll tell you: if you did abolish the Fed, all the US and foreign banks and investors would flee the country your loss
But sure, go ahead, do it Comment from : @ManiTati |
major Financial panics in the US before the Fed: 1819, 1837, 1857, 1873, 1893
"Between 1864 and 1933, there were seven instances of systemwide runs on banks, and four of these led to widespread suspension of convertibility of deposits into currency Since 1933, however, while there have been runs on individual banks, there have been no bank panics "
Comment from : @ManiTati |
lool banking was very stable before the central bank? you are mad
socialism? you don't know what you're talking about
americans Comment from : @ManiTati |
Exporting our next what?! FYI the americans wouldnt be the only ones effected by the upcoming global currencies collapsing Also ron paul descrinbes todays banking system being like socialism, no banks r allowed to fail much like no business was allowed to fail in soviet russia And as a consequence of that society became ever poorer In the us banking was pretty stable and the country was very prosperous, since the days of jackson the banking elite have tried to take control of this country Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
First of all if u reseach that period of time u will find that they over exagerated the bank run era of the 19th century Sure The Euro is the cleanest dirty shirt out there, but it's slowly but surely falling apart Second how is Ron crazy?! He is the best and most honest polition there is right now! U should read his book End The Fed first before judging him Finally banks have been doing shity lending since the 15th century when the Medichi family came to power in Italy Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
Would you ever put your money in a bank that didn't have an insurer or lender of last resort?
I think not Comment from : @ManiTati |
the euro is the strongest of the major currencies You don't know what's going on All the major currencies are being willingly devalued, except the euro
Dude, without a "lender of last resort", bank runs would be commonplace Like they were in the US in the 19th century
Is that what you want, a bank run each week?
the largest financial panics would destroy all the banks and choke the flow of credit Without credit, businesses would stop
You are crazier than your idol ron paul Comment from : @ManiTati |
LMFAO!!! The Euro is shit right now, and the US is in even worse shape than all of Europe! XD!!! The only reason this empire of smoke and mirrors (fiat money) has lasted this long is because it's global, that and the big banks r manipulating the price of Gold and Silver! Also before The Fed bank were more restricted in how much credit they could lend out, they wanted a lender of last resort so that way they could b bailed out! Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
and finally, i think i've this here before: the Euro is a de facto "gold standard" in europe
Why? Because each country that uses it does not have its own monetary policy Each country cannot by itself target interest rates or devalue the currency The countries are BOUND by the euro, just like they would be BOUND to gold if (god forbid) they used it Comment from : @ManiTati |
It's the rich that want more "hard money", "Honest money", to fight inflation
Inflation is wealth taken from savers and given to consumers Who ware the savers and who are the consumers dude?
Think about stuff Ron Paul is the worst of the worst of manipulative populism Comment from : @ManiTati |
4) The bankers were more powerful before the Fed you fool Jp Morgan, Chase, all those were the de facto financial powers before the Fed They were the lenders of last resort, and intervened many times to end financial panics, bank runs etc
4) did you really understand the article?
What is "Honest money"? Pegging the USD to gold is as useful and pegging it to the number of stars in the sky It merely restricts what the government/people can do
5) ron paul is crazy Comment from : @ManiTati |
do you have a job? My guess is that you wouldn't have one if those banks hadn't been bailed out Comment from : @ManiTati |
a video sponsored by the "gold resource corporation"? lol
It's wrong Gold was used for a short time It was silver that was the main metallic standard for centuries, millenia Gold was only adopted in the 19th century or so Germany switched to gold in 1870, England earlier, France after, and the US around 1880
That video is a childish simplification of the real issues Yes, fiat currencies have more inflation than gold, but wages rise faster than inflation Comment from : @ManiTati |
you have to replace the DOTs It's a Krugman article with the title "Gold bug variations" Comment from : @ManiTati |
The net couldn't locate your article, perhapes u can summorize it for me While you're at it u can take a look at this short but ridiculously simple video explaining a torn up world by the fiat money system It's called Gold: Independent Money Fiat Money, by user Dominic Frisby, it less than 4 minutes long Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
Read this article:
it explains the basics of what is a fixed exchange rate tied to some external source (be it gold, silver or other currency) Comment from : @ManiTati |
Those with more savings to be inflated away Those that live off fixed rents - stocks, bonds, securities etc - that are not adjusted for inflation like wages and benefits The rentier class Comment from : @ManiTati |
Let's ignore for a moment the obvious fact that a return to gold would be impossible
Let's consider why some people, smart and powerful people, argue so strongly for "hard money" and against inflation 'cause that's why they want a gold standard - to end the inflationary policies of central banks
Why do those ppl want to stop inflation? Who are they that would benefit the most from "hard money", a constant money supply? Comment from : @ManiTati |
Why would a gold standard be better?
To start with, if a gold standard was adopted, India would become the richest country since it has the most gold Comment from : @ManiTati |
Well it's like I said earlier, I get my information from different sources and this is why While a Gold standard would b a step in the right direction it still isnt perfect Because the market side of the economy (Jobs) cant expand forever, and more and more jobs r being taken by machines So eventually there has to be a new system like a reasource based economy put in place Not only will it be better for the environment, but for humanity as well Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
So you want an environmentalist-like "resource based economy" and you read pro-capitalist sites like ZeroHedge? That's very contradictory Comment from : @ManiTati |
I'll admit some conspiracies r very stupid, but zietgiest was right about the fed, and that 9-11 was an inside job Also that the world has to get its act together and create the resource based economy that was stated in the venus project Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
by "information" you means conspiracies and paranoia
Do you also believe the UN is going to invade America? Despite the UN being controlled by America lol That's one of the most hilarious american conspiracies
Zeitgeist is a conspiracy fest Comment from : @ManiTati |
Well there is also dollarcollapsedotcom and finiancialsense, I don't just get all of my information from one source Also what the hell is wrong with zietgiest? Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
ZeroHedge is "very informative"? lol It's a bunch of paranoid Wall Street traders
They'd been crying about US hyper-inflation for years Never happened They'd been saying the Euro and EU would collapse Never happened
it's the worst of crazy rightwing american paranoia Comment from : @ManiTati |
Actually yes it was movies like zeitgeist, but it was also books like: End the Fed, by Ron Paul And The day after the dollar crashes by Damon Vickers, I also go to sites like Coinflation and Zero Hedge which I recomend u start going to, both r very informative I sometimes see various you tube videos from the Keiser Report, the you tube user called The Great Truth Never Told Last but not least some vidoes by the guy that has the nickname "Dr Doom", I forget his real name Comment from : @AnixCo1990 |
That's completely wrong, and so upside-down it's scary
Are you American? That's American right-wing populist propaganda Comment from : @ManiTati |
It is really?
The Euro has just recently hit 1,4 USD It has rarely been stronger Comment from : @ManiTati |
lol Oh god, the gold bugs
Europe had a silver standard, and later a gold standard, for centuries They fell due to increasing variations in the money supply Silver devalued quickly, and gold didn't devalue as quickly as it should, the expansion of gold could not accompany the expansion of the economy Comment from : @ManiTati |
If there will be such a currency in the future its starting point won't be the Euro, since it is probably going to collapse soon Comment from : @panarkas |
@rasheedlewis1 isn't it the same as in the old days, as people traded using Ducats or coins such as copper, bronze, gold etc
Comment from : @nodinitiative |
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