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Who Was James the Brother of Jesus?

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Title :  Who Was James the Brother of Jesus?
Lasting :   2.09.26
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Comments Who Was James the Brother of Jesus?

James is Timothy
Comment from : @TheChurchOfEl

But why English names?
Comment from : @alexnyirenda123

I'm an Atheist, but isn't that a misquote? James was a brother of the Lord?
Comment from : @DrWrapperband

Great info Unfortunately, once my ears locked on to his annoying inflections, I had to forgo This man is not excited at all about his subject matter, but rather, he seems annoyed that he must teach it Such a lack of interest is punishing to hear Too bad Bye
Comment from : @mitchellrose3620

i made it here
Comment from : @CLAROSCURO-uu7vs

I've been following Bart Ehrman and James Tabor But I'm beginning to like John Hamer very much! 😊
Comment from : @sergecoriandoli540

Am I the only one who caught his “Paul was gay” sneaky allegation? Interesting
Comment from : @gekeda

Comment from : @ddennison001

Comment from : @randykrus9562

Do you think it is possible that the strange saying in Thomas about James (for whose sake heaven and earth came into being) could refer to the emergence of his church?
Comment from : @Entropicalli

All of Jesus' brothers are in the Apostle lists so James the Just is the same of James the lesser
Comment from : @marksolum1794

This analysis sadly totally leaves out the big question “how did Paul gain so much power knowledge and influence on Christianity if he only later reached a shaky agreement with the Jerusalem curch ?” Also, how are we gonna fly over the problem of the godhood of Jesus which is absent among the ebionites but present in the Jerusalem community ? And not only this, but this theory kinda suggests that the apostles never even left Israel
Comment from : @No-ch6fp

Galatians is written after the "Council of Jerusalem" at which, supposedly, James the Brother of the Lord had ruled that Gentiles need not be circumcised (in fact they had just a few Mosaic rules to follow) Yet Galatians seems to show a continuing "circumcision faction", how can this be? A simple explanation is that the Council of Jerusalem was James agreeing that the Gentile need not follow Mosaic law to accept Jesus' salvific message while Galatians recounts the problem of Jews within the Christian community continuing to observe Mosaic law As Peter's behavior showed, this wasn't working The Council of Jerusalem in Acts does not record that James held that Jews were no longer to follow Mosaic Law and Galatians sheds light on why ultimately this did happen If Jesus is Lord of Jew and Gentile and if the eucharist is to be shared by both, how can they be following different rules of practice?
Comment from : @charlesiragui2473

I was reading the bible, particularly the book of Genesis It was talkin about how Abraham left with hi cousin Lot to a new land Later in the passages Lot is referred as his Brother I believe it was the culture and customs of that time to refer your cousin as Brother So Jesus brothers could be his cousins trough joseph or Mary
Comment from : @RodiMaregn-g3e

Whats important of James, one of the 3 consituting the inner circle of Jesus Christ::brIn the very beginning many believed in the Erranous Faith Only, philosophy incidentally, the source of the prophesied Apostasy theologically in the leavens of the Faith br Amounting to mis interpreting Paul contrary to the revelation of " Render unto God what is to God " FAITH, without which it is not possible to please God but surely not a Leavened /Corrupted Faith as in Protestantism's Faith Only, brThe same grevious Error popped up through the Protestant reformation with Martin Luther rejecting James, cause it was a hinderance to his erranous view of redemption, The Trojan horse of the prophesied Apostasy brJesus made & used a whip to overturn the TABLES, the tables of the leavens of the Pharisees (Jews) & Herod (Gentiles) The leavens of LAW/FAITH resp,
Comment from : @abrahamphilip6439

Who was Putin, the brother of Trump?
Comment from : @dominiqueubersfeld2282

I'm starting to think Paul may actually be some kind of megalomaniac He essentially usurped the church from those that knew Jesus personally to fashion it in his own image and values brbrI didn't really know too much about Paul before today but this lecture and several others I've listened to about Paul have really got my anti-christ senses tingling
Comment from : @basedcentrist3056

Excellent as always👍
Comment from : @Steve-u9k4p

Praise the Lord!
Comment from : @Surdashery954

Vos vidéos sont très instructifs Merci ❤
Comment from : @Pierre-vn5rh

Revelation 22:16brJesus Christ is EROS Lucifer morningstar brFrom POMPEII Roman earthquake plus volcano mountain Vesuvius erupt end, sin City 🎉😮brLuke 22:7_38brJesus Christ brLast supper from table to the grave brEvidence Capuchin crypt and catacombs brCHARLEMAGNE CROSS ❌
Comment from : @billyboasiako1775

so sick of these biblical clarifications what is the truth? and why have people suffered for millennia under this bullshit?
Comment from : @ChiefEnergyOfficer

James is the youngest son of St Joseph (from his late wife), and he was the one who babysit the young Jesus and wrote the biographical
Comment from : @ethiehetherington5086

1:45:00 they may also have expected an imminent second coming, which further reduces the importance of producing literary works
Comment from : @janbrittenson210

35:33 A section of the video is missing :(
Comment from : @WhoeverNevermind

James son of Mary and Clopas
Comment from : @lcurt5910

James was not Jesus brother, he had a different mom and father
Comment from : @lcurt5910

Whoever he was, he wrote a brilliant book It has great nuts and bolts teaching as to what we need to do to live out our faith
Comment from : @expressoevangelism80

James the Userper
Comment from : @mmabbs

They were BOTH BLACK!!!
Comment from : @fathersdaughter1225

James was the older step brother of Jesus Mary never had other children If she did they would have been charged to take care of her and not John
Comment from : @thomtorrez7618

Yeshua (Jesus) never had a brother by the name"James" the name James in the Bible is an old translational error from the Latin VulgateYeshuas' brother name was Ya'aqob (Jacob) NOT JAMES!!
Comment from : @fletchernorwood445

This is not scriptural
Comment from : @alisa6259

Jesus Christ and his Desciples nothing to do with Gentile[Pagan] Christianity founded by Paul and early Church fathers
Comment from : @HHasan-of2vi

All related to Circumcision! ONLY
Comment from : @geoffreybslater1146

Sorry this guy is so boring!!!!
Comment from : @robv3270

This is just wonderful
Comment from : @Chad2baddd

Any Orthodox in the chat?
Comment from : @conceptobject

James the son of Alpheus is Jesus' cousin Jesus had no siblings from Mary cousin and brother can be same word
Comment from : @terrysimmons5523

Yahuah father bless you in YAHUSHA's NAME so be it!
Comment from : @bamagirl4234

The brother of Jesus?brbrJesus has brethren His mother gave birth to him and remained a virgin for the duration of her life on earth
Comment from : @Kitiwake

That's not Jamesthat's Keanu reeves
Comment from : @AndyMan-mr1hy

Hello friends I have videos for you on Bible Prophecy and the End Times Please consider going to Papa Joe Fortner or Shockwaves of the End Times or The Watchmen Series with Papa Joe Thank you and God bless you 🙏
Comment from : @papajoefortner1817

If James, the brother of Jesus, only became a believer after the crucifixion we have to ask why was that? Didn't his mommy tell him about the Immaculate Conception, the angel visits, the Wise Men and their magnificent gifts, the warning about Herod's Massacre of the Innocents, the recognition of the seer and prophet in Jerusalem, not to mention the many miracles?????? Could it be that all of that bullshit hadn't even been invented yet?
Comment from : @slik00silk84

I tend to enjoy Center Place - but he really should qualify his words more, as a number of things he says as fact are now proven to not be so at all
Comment from : @barnsweb52

10:41 Sadly I hesitate to label myself ¨Christian¨ howbeit I am a servant of the living God and do testify the Gospels of Jesus Christ Why? b/c so many false and even worse lukewarm Christians soiled the very Name Mtt 24:5 , Rev 3:16 , Mtt 7:23
Comment from : @HearTruth

Thank you
Comment from : @erinaltstadt4234

catholic doctrine is Jesus had no bro's or sistershis mom only had one kid
Comment from : @johnpro2847

I didn’t know James was a Hebrew name Neither are Luke or Peter
Comment from : @stinkeye460

James was Chad Daybell, who was also Methuselah among others
Comment from : @fisterklister

Great lecture
Comment from : @dynomiteslim4590

How can a fictional caricature have a brother ?
Comment from : @Sandhoeflyerhome

Who was James' mother? Mary was a virgin
Comment from : @TonyLouis9345

Another fictional character
Comment from : @ernestschultz5065

Load of BOLLOCKSbr Read a book about ACTUAL FACTS
Comment from : @Powerneck

Hire an editor These should be one third as long and have as much info
Comment from : @mikeinla6922

Now i know yall are not saying this possible Edomite is Jesus brother after Russia has revealed some of the oldest images of the gospel characters are black including Jesus
Comment from : @hooksnubian

There are three Simons who are one: Simon the Zealot, Simon Bar Giora, and Simon Magus Peter and Archangel Gabriel are in the ancient Earth Diver myth which also links him with Satan Jesus also called Peter Satan Peter rejected Jesus 3 times, and Jesus rejected Satan 3 times I believe that Jesus is the Amen and Peter is PTAH the Great Architect of the Universe, who is also Petahil, and the Manechaen Prince of Darkness All research suggests Peter is Satan
Comment from : @EmeraldEyesEsoteric

Call them by there real names
Comment from : @KaserMosad

He definitely wasn’t a Caucasian man
Comment from : @grey4621

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us and our world ✝️ 🙏 🌎 🙏☦
Comment from : @Seeker12x12

Funny there are no J’s in Hebrew 😂😂😂
Comment from : @Tendervittle

It is "strange" how Paul's defeats and retreats turned into massive Christian victories
Comment from : @Brian-----

James was Jacob It’s the same name, since James used to be the “English version” of Jacob since they both would mean “usurper” in their root etymology
Comment from : @letsomethingshine

This is really great information I enjoyed the video I like that doors are not closed to different possibilities and the acknowledgement that we don't know and identifying things as speculation rather than absolute truth Along those lines though I do want to mention that I don't agree with the common thinking that Jesus the Just was killed by Ananus I think the phrase "who was Christ" was added later by Christians as an interpolation The evidence for this is that it would make more sense for Josephus to be talking about the James the brother of Jesus of Damneus which is mentioned very soon afterward This is important in terms of when and how James the Just did die and whether we actually know that he was martyred
Comment from : @Paremata

Do yourself a great favor - read "Jesus Words Only"
Comment from : @barnsweb52

Rome destroyed records and demanded at point of death that everyone accept their scriptures with PaulbrOnediscipletoanother orgainaization
Comment from : @barnsweb52

Why would James require gentiles to convert? Jews didn’t require this Gentiles could worship god and the ceremonial law did not apply to them They were expected to keep the noahide laws The difference between ebionites and protoorthodox Christians went much deeper and there is no evidence by Paul that James or any of the other “pillars” of the Church were exposing ebionite doctrine James and Peter were not opposed to gentiles joining the church and were not advocating a Hebrew only church
Comment from : @ChristopherWentling

'unacceptable' texts were destroyed or not copied
Comment from : @Robert_L_Peters

9:23 I have heard that the reason we use “James” simply because King James was footing the bill for the massive effort to produce the masterpiece English translation Smells kinda fishy to me
Comment from : @lastlogicallib

Stop calling a story historical, please
Comment from : @cleanslate-x3u

The mis portrayal of Jesus Christ and his brother and the other disciples as white men has brought a lot of confusion in the Church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment from : @ays2733

Good thing for Paul
Comment from : @hermanhale9258

Dismissing the attribution of the book of james To the apostle is utterly absurd It's timing it's language it's genre it's claims are par non! very disappointing!
Comment from : @PastorBrianLantz

Is it possible that the New Testament writer Jude was really named Judah?
Comment from : @WorshipperOfLife

It seems that many of the Christian scriptures involve arguments between one believer and another leading to confusion and division between each one So people pore through scripture looking for the real truth
Comment from : @stanleywilliams4429

I wonder how you got to "the poor" (possibly capitalized) being a religious community/movement in and around Jerusalem It's always been an attractive idea to me, ie that this is what the Ebionim/Ebionites were, which would explain why they didn't believe in Yeshua's divinity, as well as why they were broadly anti-Paul (they were traditional Jews with the twist the Baptist and other Essenes created called God's Way designed to make the Jews more observant) and Paul was anti-them (he, essentially, made up his own narrative) And the Nazarenes were a subset of the Ebionim It all sounds elegant but I cant get there textually, eg in the Greek original of 2 Galatians Paul uses the regular Greek word for 'poor' in "just remember the poor,' not the Hebrew/Aramaic 'ebionim' With him being bilingual he might be translating 'ebionim' to 'πτωχῶν,' in his head, though
Comment from : @placeswelive5388

That one section regarding Ananus son of Ananus, is enough to imply that there was not ONE High Priest, but several at any time, at least, because otherwise the list of people mentioned as High Priests is contradictory
Comment from : @davidchurch3472

How can we know if 'The Poor of Jerusalem' are any different to 'the poor of Antioch' or 'the poor of Alexandria' ? Or, indeed, 'the poor of Bradford (Yorkshire)' ?
Comment from : @davidchurch3472

Regardless The beginning "J" letter in and perone male name distorts their real names and makes its sound different not even close, in the middle east we call it something like " the English tough letter" 😊
Comment from : @salmamry3716

Catholicism vs Relativism 💫
Comment from : @E-pistol

The reason why the Hebrew variants who sought to continue to hold on to the Jewish ceremonial laws often contradicted the gospel claim of Christ's divinity The division is not over semantics, but doctrine Gnostics were not Christians A Christian is one who follows Christ's teachings Gnostics weren't Jewish, weren't Christians, but they tended to prey on the upper class of society portraying as though they had hidden, deeper teachings They were essentially the scientology of their day Pay for the levels and advance in holiness LolbrWhile I am a Protestant Christian, I concidered Christianity the continuation of the same faith practiced by Adam, Noah, Abraham, Issac, Jacob,, Moses, Joshua, David, Daniel, Nehemiah etc on down to Christ The division comes from the differing schools of thought Messianics, Rabbinical, Saduseces and Helenics The Saduseces went extinct after the temple, the Helenics and a portion of the Rabbinicals became followers of Christ, and a portion of the Messianics became followers of the Rabbinicals when Christ did not become a military leader There was certainly a lot of differing opinions but among the apostles there was generally overwhelming agreement Idk what you're going on about Paul submitted to Jerusalem, ie James, criticized Peter when he got too self-righteous over Jewish law and was never condemned for the chastisement Seems pretty straight forward to me especially when Jerusalem said that gentiles were not to convert to Judaism (circumcision) It seems like you are just trying to say that Christianity isn't Jewish enough for your liking I could be wrong but even if you were successful in attacking Paul to the point of discrediting his testimony it isn't going to be enough to get you over the vision of Peter, the Council of the Apostles
Comment from : @joels310

Love these series immensely but I need to be the guy who points out an error in the slides though! The slide at 50:53 states Paul was killed at 60 but the previous slide says he was killed circa 64…I think the circa 64 is more accurate because I thought he died after James under Nero ???
Comment from : @narcowake

Without Judas, there would be no crucifixion
Comment from : @Rannsack

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