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Why is the Aussie dollar plunging? | The Daily Aus

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Title :  Why is the Aussie dollar plunging? | The Daily Aus
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Description Why is the Aussie dollar plunging? | The Daily Aus

Comments Why is the Aussie dollar plunging? | The Daily Aus

Guys an ignorant fool As a host at least do some homework so you can challenge his stupidity
Comment from : @jamesp8095

I looked up this title and it took me ages to find this, it’s like it’s been balcklisted or something
Comment from : @ComeLaughWithMe-ec2zm

I'm just back from Cebu Trump might destroy the world with protectionism?
Comment from : @mscorrell

I seriously think our so called experts should physically go to China and have a look at the place and talk to the locals before concluding if China is actually in economic hardshipbrbrI speak the language and I go there for a few weeks every year Been doing that for around 15 yearsbrbrI can tell you that NONE of the non-stop doomsday theories about China of the last 3 decades was ever even close to the realitybrbrAnd this time is no different
Comment from : @ChinaSongsCollection

We need to manufacture more and import less
Comment from : @susanneflynn410

NO - the Aussie dollar should be a lot higher because it is tied to the REAL Chinese economy which is still growing in real terms - instead of the FINANCIALISED US economy which is only 'growing' because of money printing and creative accounting
Comment from : @dougcane4059

You guys need to improve AUD, my 4 months salary is pending I am not requesting it because of weak AUD 😁
Comment from : @Letmedescribe

lost me at greg jericho "chief economist" - is TDA as "independent" as the aus institute?
Comment from : @rhysloveridge2366

President Trump's tariff and domestic tax policies will impact the global business and investment
Comment from : @winghosamLeung-ff3bu

Time to stack Bitcoin or become like Turkey
Comment from : @ElixirEcho

pls make sure AUD is never rotten, it is made of plastic
Comment from : @tofindtrek

Its at its highest now since 2020
Comment from : @RoyBrown777

Why are Jericho Lying! China economy is doing fine It achieved it's target of 5 growth No Jericho Chinese is doing just fine But true they are not buying much now because Morrison poisoning the relationship under American orders and Albo bring no greater a puppet I hate lies China economy is on target It is not weakening in fact growing This did not stop Albo giving Ukraine 1 billion tax dollars
Comment from : @barriocubalindo

I think we should all listen to Matt Barrie’s video : Flat out like a nation sinking
Comment from : @marilynmesange1610

Foreign countries buying Australian cars? Was that ever a thing? Even my Holden was manufactured overseas
Comment from : @CanyonSteve-z8j

It’s because our prime minister spends like it’s going out of fashion
Comment from : @Jamesthegreat1010

Why did we buy hundreds of billions of dollars of useless military equipment from the US?
Comment from : @noneofthatmate

Its all because of immigration 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @swapei

ALBO- he is lucky we don't have guns
Comment from : @zionistsarecommunists8373

Great video! Good to see some independent Aussie media out there! Keep up the good work :)
Comment from : @AussieDollarman

we import oil? we are one of the largest exporters of raw oil how does that work
Comment from : @mrbun6691

"Exporting Australia's Cars" What cars? Who wants to drive on the right?
Comment from : @mikm5432

Australia needs to find more trading partners
Comment from : @bdrulx9380

Its simple and easy, no manufacturing, no money Easy Extraction for export only, is like trying to walk the desert with a bottle of water only
Comment from : @michelangelosorgente3606

The value of the lost Australian dollar
Comment from : @Nacnob-ucnobi

While true, it's really pathetic to listen experts blame China, America, every man and his dog for the declining economic condition of Australia but NO one is asking why we're in this position in the first place
Comment from : @prashkd7684

It's simple The world needs our resources It also benefits when the Aussie dollar is low The $A is manipulated by our customers to ensure their input costs are low
Comment from : @simonread2411

How about paying big money of taxpayers to buy junk unwanted weapons from US/UK warehouses that impact the balance of payment AND the consequences that follow
Comment from : @knowing1100

Enjoyed hearing from this laid back economist Balanced few points with no hysterics
Comment from : @Archie460

100 useless Labor Government that is it
Comment from : @aorjarsrelaxingvideos6126

1 AUD is Australia's stock pricebr2 USD in doing well at all People executing fear trades USD up and USDTs downbr3 Zero mention of AUS huge debt levels and escaping the GFC
Comment from : @mdfel1

What export benefit? If you take resources to China out of the picture, how much do we really manufacture/export?
Comment from : @naiyomotion

QLD is full mate
Comment from : @waylaidsavant

The declining US empire is doing 'ok' he says, but doesn't mention that they are swimming against a tide of red ink with a $36 trillion national debtbrAnd as ling as my arse points to the ground they're never be able to pay off, particularly when the amount goes up by $1 trillion every hundred days
Comment from : @georgewilder7423

Don't you love it when you get these so called self invested EXPERTS giving us their opinions and saying ITS ALL OVER BLOWN AND WE ALL NEED TO JUST SETTLE DOWN! As I said self interested expert Don't listen to this person it's like listening to some one from a drug company saying Covid vaccines was and is for your own good
Comment from : @crisbrown7484

Wait until the US dollar is wiped out to bring in the CBDC
Comment from : @cyberanswer

Aren't there oil fields in the Timor Sea?
Comment from : @geofflewis8599

Vote one nation please Pauline for pm maga save Australia
Comment from : @donhinds7470

Blame the Gov in 1966 when we changed to the dollar , the problem is we called the 10 shilling note 1 dollar instead of making the 1 pound note the 1 dollar as the 10 shilling note was half a pound therefor the pound was against the US dollar and the English pound, it may have been great to suddenly in 1966 to have double the money but it was a fake move so if the dollar was equal to the pound now our dollar would be 122 to the US 1 dollar, so don't worry because it's all bullshit
Comment from : @roytaylor7807

Missing a lot of important points, a weak AUD is a big factor on our foreign debt liability also downplaying the importance of interest rate differentials is crazy, the RBA cuts the dollar will fall further and put more of a burden on our foreign debt obligations
Comment from : @Traveling_Ronin

why does always Australia economy dependant on China's economy ? br Australia must focus on the most important items through the current world economy and work hard on that
Comment from : @mulugetamekonnen8086

Comment from : @kashanehcarmennabavieh1319

Because of the idiots currently running the country
Comment from : @markwatters6875

cause we're a bunch of morons and if i go into detail, my comment will be censored, cause u cant have dangerous information available to people that makes them think
Comment from : @PhunkBustA

Australia is now a chinese slum
Comment from : @Tin-m5p

why are we importing oil ? Stop the BS and stop allowing American and foreign countries Businesses from owning land and stealing our resourcers
Comment from : @darrynpickstone4621

They are both loosers
Comment from : @gorgojoxx

Lower exchange rate hurts consumers, benefits companies
Comment from : @ThexBorg

US dollar has gone ballistic because their economy is relatively strong Their rates may stay on hold while ours may fall
Comment from : @ThexBorg

Australia's Debt is sky rockingting at an alarming rate
Comment from : @jeremydebruyn8346

I've run into a mad point researching private light aircraft viability for ordinary Australians Shockingly, its result has massive parallels with car ownership and drivers licence in Australia!brIn Australia, the retention and prevention of car ownership and license and or car ownership by courts for unpaid fines is oddly as heavy as a "human rights abuse" !brIn a context of city dwellers while various acts of criminality clearly show a vehicle and drivers licence should not be issued (eg diagnosed alcoholics), many others should and must retain their vehicle and licence or simply be jailed "one or the other" , no ban or revocation for such dwelling outside jail!brIt is not possible to obtain work without at least a vehicle and drivers licence in eighty percent of jobs (and remains a decider guide to human resources officers hiring)brToo, the actual functional operation of living in these so called first and second world countries logistically requires many actions per week or month by private vehicle to operate the individual fluently with the nationbrTo be more isolated of example, looking at family cars, an AWD is not an actual 4x4 , but is a sensible choice in a city because of rain, flooding , and mud incidence along with steep roads up hills that slip driving wheelsbrTruthfully, the intention of AWD was to supply an alike of 4x4 to inexperienced drivers and for domestic use NOT a 4x4 as many thought!brAWD is really a city 4x4 for floods, heavy rain and steep uphill traffic light and mud washed onto the road that people often do not safely manage to traversebrSo the logic is off until you add the truth that an AWD is the best and correct choice vehicle for family city living! , too, drivers licence and vehicle should be retained by anyone not in direct aka (pardon the pun) hands on control by a mental health or criminal justice authority by context of "the directed persons physical confinement"
Comment from : @TheOldnic

3rd world Australia 😂 continues to show how garbage its economy is
Comment from : @ADHD55

that is stupid, blaming two other countries for your own country economy
Comment from : @kevnewsinformation2299

This freaking toilet paper is a joke! Aust is a 3rd world country i swear, one of the weakest currencies around, maybe because its a stagnating pond with NOTHING new going onNo development,nothing!!
Comment from : @BlowmeRoger

I had problem comprehending trading in general I tried watching other YouTube trading channels, but they made the concepts more complicated I was almost giving up until when i discovered content and explain everything in detail The videos are easy to follow
Comment from : @Bigdeals-p4j

Come on Aussie leader what you guys doing, at 2011 AUD stronger than USD but now 😢😢😢😢
Comment from : @amrisalk233

I think Michelle Bulldust hasn't been able to do her bloody job properly!!! Lol rates should go up ! Not down! Should be at least 8
Comment from : @peterkirgan2921

That's why i keep my money in the USD
Comment from : @anubisgray8925

We don't need the dollar We have Bitcoin now
Comment from : @TarikSammour

None of us are exporters, we're all importers of everything including oil products, building materials and cars Aussie dollar has always been weak against all major currencies except a short period around late 2011 early 2012 Aussies travel a lot and they will feel the impact
Comment from : @FreedomFighterPalestine

I dont know how you could possibly say "Unless you're travelling or importing/exoprting, it doesn’t really matter" Everything is priced in USD Last i checked, australia imports almost everything So yeah, mate, it does matter So out of touch!
Comment from : @CryptoMick-mw5tg

It's a Fiat Currency backed by nothing, it was always going to collapse
Comment from : @Peter-m5w

The dollar is literally being destroyed / debased / devalued I just want my money to keep outgrowing the inflation rate How do i invest about 250k i have parked in the bank and what strategies do i employ to make significant gains and stable cashflow?
Comment from : @HodgeChris

Comment from : @philipbrailey

the most stupid show on you tube the 2 idiots thats enough the aus is a third world currency ning nongs
Comment from : @scottgray1501

I have never heard so much "financial" nonsensebrHe is so patheticbrHe hasn't said anything about the Australian nonproductive GDPbrOnly 6 of it represented by manufacturingbrThe main employer is the Australian governmentbrWe are printing money to be able to employ (support) our proud underachieversbrThe whole financial world is watching usbrAs the result of it all they are now selling short our currencybrThe hysterical media is almost daily demanding a cut in interest ratesbrHello!!!brIf the interest rates are cut what do you think is going to happen to our dollar!?brInflation is here to stay because the financial model based on productivity and trade in this country is broken😊
Comment from : @LinenAndSretchersCo

No surprises there Albo is incompetent and Chalmers is a moron 😏
Comment from : @Maximuswin777

This interview is economics for beginners Our dollar is falling coz our fiscal policy is tied to the USD World oil is priced and paid in USD something BRICS aims to change Foreign investment is drying up after 6 consecutive qtr's of -ve GDP growth Aust biggest employer is govt Our national debt is now $1 trillion The highest household debt ratio in the world The most over priced property market on the planet (World Bank stated Aust property was 50 over valued) Antagonising China with our buddy buddy US ally over Taiwan Just maybe these factors have contributed to the AUD decline?
Comment from : @jonnyblent

Fake news because the Australian dollar is looking healthier now than it has since October 2022
Comment from : @keskillia942

Shame we dont have any manufacturing Exports would rip
Comment from : @GregRickard

who is Australian Institute Researchwho pays them??? ie what is their agenda
Comment from : @geoffvalero3516

"Very little to do with Australia???" except we have narrowed our economic base to the point of just selling rocks to Chinaa product they no longer need
Comment from : @geoffvalero3516

To get more Chinese and American investors
Comment from : @AAAA399

since RBA not hiking rates causing aud to fall, simple when rba hike rates aud will rise, not rocket science
Comment from : @markbrbot8648

Because we are the biggest tax paying countryand it's not worth spending money in Australia but better to invest in foreign countries
Comment from : @CoconutTwins-cy5li

The American economy might be OK in terms of international trade but the day to day life of the 90 has gotten a lot harder Housing if more and more unaffordable - rents are going up, and even if someone has a fixed mortgage, house insurace and utlitly bills are going up Cars, health care and services like getting your car fixed - to say nothing of food - are continually going up in price I have friends who are having to get second jobs if they have credit card payments just to not get further in debt - and salaries are not keeping up It is a real problem That is why no one believed Biden and Harris when they claimed the economy has been great The problem is, nothing Trump is planning on doing is going to help
Comment from : @valerietweedie4376

Glad I started putting a of my savings into Bitcoin a few years back The Aussie dollar is too risky & volatile for my liking! 😂
Comment from : @realsatoshihashimoto

No one in Australia benefits from a weak aus dollar, even the exporters hurt as they are getting less for their product in real life
Comment from : @nas7545

This guys full of shit Blaming other countries
Comment from : @xXx-lfg

It's not true Donald drumm is a drumm So a you
Comment from : @salimfellah9093

It is not that the Aussie is plunging (which would be good for our balance of trade), but the Greenback is rising thanks to the threat of tariffs
Comment from : @petercare3756

What a crock of shit… This guys an idiot
Comment from : @kimangel4988

So miners do better at the expense of the lot of us? Very incomplete and inaccurate assessment Yet more "she'll be right mate" assessent I very weak AUD is terrible for the majority of australians We are going to get one hell of an inflation surge, on top of the existing one
Comment from : @wasabinator

You mean to say that we are dependent on china?
Comment from : @egeneauditor7380

Grade 1 economics! The US is doing ok???? Yeah 36 Trillion $ debt and trillions in obligations as in pensions! 😂
Comment from : @rayjames9835

because its odious debt by criminals assuming office over the people on the land, and these criminals assuming office, are serving other masters not the people so in realty the debt does not belong to the people or the country, and is once these criminals are brought to justice - the wealth of the people and country will be restored
Comment from : @rogertracks7744

Failling aussie dollar is not necessarily good for our economy It would be if we exported manufacturing All it will do now is import even more inflation Good luck big mortgage holders
Comment from : @InfinityIsland2203

Why is it plunging ? Simple There is nothing backing the dollar Australias economy is crap Nobody wants the dollar, hence its value goes down
Comment from : @andretorben9995

Lmao bullish delusion Trash productivity, persistent inflation, AUD falling, priced in interest rates and massive population growth that can't pumped the housing bubble any higher
Comment from : @Jeffseidcrew

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