Title | : | Net Worth and Income of Top 1%, 5%, 10% and 20% in America ?? |
Lasting | : | 7.11 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 360 rb |
1 person own more than fifty percent of American's Comment from : @random269 |
you saved and worked hard and the democrats want to tax you more to give to people who didnt save or work Comment from : @crazyreefer88 |
They should re-do based upon world data I'm sure it would shock many people Comment from : @bryantsherman503 |
I am in 1brIt took-br100 hard workbr0 luck Comment from : @richardwilliams4767 |
Yahoo is globalist controlled In short, Yahoo lies The question is why do they lie as they do Interesting rabbit hole but too much to type Comment from : @omega36001 |
Nice to know I’m in between the 10 - 5 bracket 😅 Comment from : @Coach2win |
It’s more nuanced than this I’m on the low end of the pay, always have been but because of investing I’m in the top 5 here You don’t need to make a ton of money, live frugally and invest, you’ll get there Comment from : @gilleygurl |
Top 10 of earners but loads of debt Comment from : @joshstewart1649 |
Your image of the 1 is funny to me You made it look like you have to be famous to get there There are plenty of small business owners that will be in that category of net worth by the time they retire 10 million seems crazy to most people But if you invest early and often, your investments will end up making more for you per year than your job can Comment from : @mattbopp6006 |
USA make money or die of lack of healthcare And medium net income I'll remind them I need at least $65,000 next time I apply at Walmart Comment from : @maestro-zq8gu |
This cant be accurate, all tech workers would be in the 5-1 range Comment from : @volvo8938 |
On the light side, If you have to question whether you are rich, you're probably not Comment from : @michaelspraggins5419 |
Why not median, instead of average Comment from : @percynelson7726 |
This information is not comprehensive How a billionaire (Musk 250 billion) impact the average of the 10 upper and the 5 upper Comment from : @realbeaulieu8558 |
This video is very inspiring I am in my late 40s and I am rebuilding my financial life back together I learn that most wealth of Warren Buffett came after his mid 60s when most Americans start to retire Instead of retiring in his mid 60s with a few billions, he is still working in his 90s and he is worth $140 billion in 2024 at the age of 94 I learn a lots from him and from this video Thank you, Ms Trần Comment from : @tocbac9122 |
I’m top 10 in my 40s, both income and net assets Comment from : @GAinAsia |
Most millionaires have 1 income stream - their pay brbrMost millionaires get there thru 401k and home ownership and never made more than 100k annually brbrThis woman needs to read the millionaire next door Comment from : @darbyohara |
I am in my late 30s and my income and net worth fall within the top 10 The key is to be intentional with your money and keep it working for you I have several high earning friends who spend money as fast as they earn it lol Comment from : @C6BlueDevil |
Man I'm only top 5, won't hit 1 until 2029, 2030 Comment from : @fgabrieltomas |
Grow rich slowly!!! Comment from : @Mtman6912 |
The problem is that even when you are in the top 1, you don't actually "feel" rich In part because taxes and expenses grow at the same rate as income and net worth, and in part because 'rich' is only a state of mind, not a balance sheet Comment from : @pauloakwood9208 |
Dumb video made by s woman reading some googled stuff brbrIncome does net correlated net worth correctly brMany multi millionaires never had an income over 100k brAnd many high earners have a low net worth Comment from : @aislcsales |
Glass to know I’m in the 1 but on the other end of the spectrum 😂 Comment from : @JohnLee-db9zt |
Well done production values, clear and not imprecise confusing financial terms, and your congenial with a pleasant smile Good wishes Although your piece was clear through out, it only substantiated my guess as a reader assumptions What may be of interest to your subscribers is what I as diligent discovered about acquiring a large sum of money for retirement I now have 2 commas of money saved It was more a hope than an achievement goal, luck in the marketplace, and a historic opportunity moment propelled me The idea is I am the same poor person I always was, Philosophically , emotionally, practically, and morally With the very same fears and habits, and faults I did not get more intelligent, I plateaued at around age 7 I have no lavish very large home, or an expensive car, and do not frequent upscale restaurants, except for very rare occassions But have never believed in credit, pay cash or don't get it I own my home, I knew nothing, but refinanced to a 15 year mortgage, that weirdly cost about the same as my conventional 30 year home mortgage I strongly advise you get the mortgage payment, interest and principle monthly numbers LIST and sit down and show your clients I NOT EMBRACING WEALTH, find this VERY odd Not disturbing but curious Many seem obsessed, many unprepared angry, many jealous are gamblers consumed by this god of money Not money as a tool Day traders, if you noticed, had a brief moment of celebrity and are now extinct Best wishes to you, this internet blog, is a long marathon requiring Christian saint patience, adopt other higher subscriber internet sites technique and and take what is comfortable, an industry given, not theft but admiration Lastly, when anything is no longer fun, and has become a burden, you already have been changed gradually glacially into something imperceptable that your not Simply say Adios Again good luck Comment from : @walterspaceman5592 |
The 1 Millionaires stay rich by staying off high interest debts and investing passively Personally i made my first million from having investments that spreads across stocks, etfs, coins and bonds What i can say to early investors is diversification and solid management play a major role in building your portfolio massively At this point I'm actually grateful for my advisor Dianne Sarah Olson it's been great Comment from : @KathHarnell |
A lot of human traffickers in your video Comment from : @CesarNostradamus-wj9uq |
It means MOST people are the sheep, and do ALL THE WORK Comment from : @josephludwig1126 |
I am 82 and I am in first 1 Retired in 2010 Avg Salary less than $35000 of 40 years of working career Most of my asset is from Stock market ( With Compounding Effect), very little from Real Estate Also some income from Hard Money lending and Option writing Some of the securities appreciated as high as 65000 to 75000 Comment from : @dilipdesai7234 |
I'm top 5 wealth but hell, I'm also in 5 oldest as well! That makes sense as I was lowest 20 wealth back when I was in the youngest 20 Work and save, simple math! Comment from : @CWT-yh7jr |
What’s the data for 2024? Comment from : @HK-NYC |
1, but live as a very ordinary life, no luxury stuff Comment from : @Doudou8321 |
Income, now retired, is not quite top 5 but close Investments exceed pension Not taking SS until I hit 70 years Net worth is better than top 5, about $3M Live beneath your means and save, save, save It makes all the difference Thanks M&D! Comment from : @markg4459 |
It's a mindset 🧠 Comment from : @Mr_Fairdale |
Hmmm according to that I'm in the top 10 It doesn't feel like that Comment from : @SciMajor1 |
Interesting video How does the top 10 make up 11 of the population? What is this 10 referencing? Is annual income Shown as net income or gross income Comment from : @mayfair5049 |
With your data, those 22m Americans that are millionaires are defined as having more than 1m in net assets The common international definition is that for HNWIs of having 1m in investable assets, Ie without your own home As every house in the US and most of Europe costs more than 1m now, that is quite a difference Comment from : @tobiwan001 |
I’m 58 yrs old and never had a sky high salary but after 32 years maxing out 401k and Roth plus a long term holding in AAPL with 2 rental homes and no debt on our primary residence we have $3 million in wealth It’s not rocket science just live below your means and stay in equities and it only grows!! Comment from : @knightsoftheroad4981 |
Why don't you show the demographics so we can see who is doing what? LOL Comment from : @rabidfarmer9765 |
By global standards, anyone above the poverty line in America is rich Comment from : @willerwin3201 |
Dumb as heck video As one comment said, to club Warren Buffett along with people worth 20 million is just dumb Met with and salary have no correlation at all Teachers are among the most millionaires not by salary but by their savings rate Useless video Comment from : @annarakannan6620 |
Too bad you discuss Net Worth and Income in the same video They have nothing to do with one another Comment from : @DavidEVogel |
Given the vast inflation tax we are all paying I don't even see how I can bother to retire, and I am in the top 10 The Democrats are destroying the value of my money just as fast as I am earning it, so, I need to keep earning They have stolen the potential of ever stopping So much for golden years More like doomed to work handcuffs for most everyone I have no debt other than current credit card balances and the absolutely out of control government keeps me in fear Comment from : @costcontrolaccounting4613 |
With so many things in life, wondering how rich you are is a useless distraction that can only lead to disappointment and depression DUMB Comment from : @duanejahn2368 |
Cool video on 10 and 1 Deca Millionaires only $800,000 income $10 million Networth😲 Comment from : @curtisdavis8594 |
Don't put too much stock into how much you make Focus on reducing your spending and debts Prioritize a broad range of investments into things like mutual funds In the beginning, avoid single stocks I don't make that much money, but my investments out earn me I live beneath my means and am very strict with myself about not taking out debt and paying off my credit card in full every month Little, simple, diligent steps can take you a long way Comment from : @anindividual3889 |
The ratio of income to net worth seems quite low Why would a person earneing $300k/year only have a net worth of around 1 million? Comment from : @brownj2 |
This report is not consistent with others, which report that the top 10 have a net worth of $1M or more Comment from : @RK831 |
3:50 - Couldn't take any more & had to bail brbrThe "link" between annual income and net worth is almost as big a fallacy as the ridiculous contrived relationship too often accepted between national debt and GDP News flash to those of us who opt to use the brains we were givenNO SIGNFICANT CORRELATION FOR EITHER!!!brbrSure as heck wouldn't hire you to manage my $UGH Nor your firm Comment from : @domjervis |
Are you using "average" or "medium" numbers? This is important because they represent different aspects Comment from : @repriser9876 |
those shirt sleeves Comment from : @appleblows1 |
These stats are always confusing For a family of four, is this income for each earner? Is that household income? Same for net worth - are these household numbers or for each soul in the family? Comment from : @Bambarbia2447 |
Does life insurance count towards net worth? Comment from : @TravelsWithTony |
But whats beter high net worth or high annual income? Comment from : @scottgarber4558 |
When you say “America”, do you mean the United States of America or North and South America? Comment from : @carywalker4560 |
The power of compound interest really can build up wealth steadily and surely Save early and consistently, a million is within your reach Comment from : @annleland6422 |
Only 5 of people are millionaires? It’s kind of low Comment from : @annleland6422 |
I enjoyed this video - nice pace and content and I was always interested in what you were saying You are a rare talent! Comment from : @1001legoboy |
Net worth amounts seem way too low for each category I make $134K but have a net worth of $15M after 3 decades of working A person or couple bringing in $343K should easily have a net worth of a few million in a shorter timeframe Comment from : @Werewolf0216 |
Get a CALPERS pension-work 30 years-over $100K USD plus COLA annually Comment from : @BarnabyBarry |
Im 57 Been maxing out my 401K and my IRA from the start when I could Have 2 mil saved now with a salary of 150,000 a year (started at 50k) Still have a few more years of work before I retire, so looking at 25 to 3 in savings With social security, I’m sitting fine for my retirement The system is there if you disciplined and save Don’t need to be a tech guru or business owner Look at what is available and put your money in rather than buying bubble gum and candy Comment from : @hughtuller6344 |
Taxes is what keep people poor If you move to a low tax country It is much easier to save money and retire earlier Comment from : @albertinsinger7443 |
The target keeps moving thanks to inflation and the government's poor handling of the economy! Comment from : @TheComp_Troller |
Is this for household or for individuals? Comment from : @icefishing6592 |
Its interesting to me that the top 5 have huge income yet so little net worth, and what a huge jump it is from 5 to 1 what does 2,3,4 look like? Comment from : @spinnetti |
Working for the World Bank you surely learnt about money and the way they strip people of their wealth Not all of us are dumb muppets Comment from : @cropduster8798 |
What if net worth is in top 5 but income only in the top 10 - what does that mean? Comment from : @Copperhead2017 |
Brother I'm honest and I am very kindness generosity respect and I only need to others is honestly and respect thats it Comment from : @ElpidiosantarinDelrosario |
One of the most important aspects in life, yet we rarely if ever have this conversation with friends or even family Wether its because your embarrassed with how little you or how much you have saved All it leaves is people confused and making assumptions…but maybe thats the whole idea Comment from : @billygnosis6976 |
If you work in a STEM field and live below your means it's not that rare to be able to break into the top 10 income-wise, and as your investments grow to break into the top 5 as far as net worth goes I'm not saying it's an easy thing But many of the people I work with in a nothing-special as far as pay and benefits go software company are in that position And you'd never know it, they drive older boring cars, they don't wear designer clothes (or if they do they it means scored big at the thrift store) Comment from : @xlerb2286 |
So I’m in top 5 learn something new every day Comment from : @warlordop713 |
America is a hellscape Comment from : @Jake-mi3bj |
Automatic thumbs up for anyone doing a video under 10:00! There is nothing more annoying than someone wasting your time babbling in order to game the algorithim Besides, good content Thanks Comment from : @joesmith942 |
It’s interesting how few people have 1 million in investable assets The millionaire next door is about 5 million people in USA by this criteria if don’t count the housebrAbout 15 percent of population Comment from : @sewnsew6770 |
Would like to see a similar video for those of us who are retired, yet have substantial wealth even though our annual income is less impressive than others might think Comment from : @edb3877 |
What makes up expenses ? Business expenses? Grocery ? Comment from : @port525 |
The more important factors are having low EXPENSES and NO DEBT There are many people earning six figure sums , but are FLAT BROKE because of their living expenses and what they owe Comment from : @vernetify |
There’s something in this video that’s incredibly important… compoundingbrbrOur income is barely in the 20 bracket, while our net worth is solidly in the 5… save, sacrifice instant gratification and “forget” about the money you’ve already invested It’ll be there when you REALLY need it Comment from : @craigheitman1510 |
Would like to see a breakdown of the 2-4 since we have 1 and 5 We fall into that category and have worked hard to get there Even though that is good, you'd be shocked at the costs involved with 2 kids about to start college, (assuming you don't want them to graduate with debt) 4 cars (kids need to drive,) insurance, retirement savings, taxes, and the massive inflation from this administration It comes in, and flies right back out Comment from : @tz1592 |
I’m sorry, but your first slide past the introduction is entitled “wealth disparities“ I don’t give a damn about wealth disparity Wealth disparities are generally caused because people won’t get off their ass and go to work As someone from Asia, your family should understand that because Asians are some of the world’s most industrious people So don’t spend time being politically correct and giving credence to the shibboleth of wealth disparity in the United States Comment from : @haroldfletcher5493 |
Great information! I got a looong ways to go! Comment from : @lftucson |
These figures don't seem accurate Dqydj lists $15 million at 88th percentile which seems more believable Comment from : @sbkpilot1 |
FACT - The top 1 of earners in the USA brpay nearly half of all taxes paid Try telling me how that's "unfair" Comment from : @scotthullinger4684 |
Good informative video, thank you God bless you👍✌️❤️🙂 Comment from : @thisandthatfloridausa6112 |
You know rich white peoples should have to give us there money because they are racist Comment from : @bobzacamano658 |
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