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Your Photography Will Change Forever...

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Title :  Your Photography Will Change Forever...
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Comments Your Photography Will Change Forever...

I’m polishing my nuggets now😢
Comment from : @ubeauty100

I'm hear via your newsletter Good advice, thankyou Alex BtwI was distracted by the reflection behind you Is is water or sunlight through a tree, or both?
Comment from : @narelle4868

Love this!
Comment from : @ellabroekhuizen3781

I re-watched this thanks to your newsletter this week, thanks Alex It was really inspiring I loved the Joel Meyerowitz images and they have given me some fresh ideas Thanks again
Comment from : @ChrisHunt4497

I have noticed that when I print photos after my photo sessions I have noticed repeating patterns what I tend to like to shoot Churches, tombstones and Christian symbolism is very common theme, but also rooftops of buildings, graffitis and old and rusty elements Most of these are photographed using strong contrasts and shapes are very often importantbrbrPrinting probably have teached me something about my photography since now I have realized more easily repeating patterns what I naturally like to shoot and how :)
Comment from : @FinnishSuperSomebody

I love clouds!
Comment from : @TeamD2012

Oh you wonderful man
Comment from : @malaranu6883

My office walls are covered with prints, probably 60 in number I was just thinking I need to replace them with new imagesbrI think that would work I like to see them I forget what I’ve done
Comment from : @kevinhanley3023

I started to print in 20x30 and hanging over the walls Any picture that I somehow liked it The experience is crazy, the only problem is thst in 3 months i am about to finish the walls, lol But I am really learning the meaning of my photography
Comment from : @seralegre

One of the most useful videos on photography, thank you!
Comment from : @Neobright1

Every time I watch your videos, I soak up invaluable information As if I've paged through a new Photography Book every video Thank you!
Comment from : @Thrice_Greatest

This video has TRUE value!!!!!!!!!!!! 💎 saving and coming back every time I lose my voice as a photographer
Comment from : @daughteroftheking01

You and your fireside chats Yet another good one and, yes, a cool game to play Because i'm quite tall, i think i'll hang something fuzzy on the wall and velcro shots to it An armchair, a generous Lagavulin, a spare hour or two - hope i find something i like! All the best from the swamp Downunder
Comment from : @luzr6613

Challenge accepted! Ps: love your geometrically inspired images Something I am drawn to myself
Comment from : @foxdenham

Thank you
Comment from : @DebiSenGupta

I just went back through my shots mentally and actually discovered the exact same thing that you did about my photography lol I like the same sort of thing
Comment from : @melody3741

I'm on the process of gathering everything to print and see It's so inspiring, thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Comment from : @TheLily97232

For myself it is Trees, there are in most of my black and white photos; particularly Birch trees, thank you
Comment from : @ChrisDefalcoblues

I put my favs up on my wall It's overwhelming
Comment from : @PrincessUnicornSprinkles

Agreed with Fat Eric, you are a true inspiration!
Comment from : @Ashien22

what a stupid video, waste of time
Comment from : @luizz_k

Love your channel
Comment from : @MyMbarr

Anyone in the US have a recommendation for an online printing service to do this with? Anyone better/cheaper than Costco? TIA
Comment from : @Jen-ur4ut

Thanks so much for your video x
Comment from : @waileemo6682

Such an amazing aesthetic mind I'm learning so much listening to your excellent videos Thank you 🙏❤️
Comment from : @CarmenFalkenburg

Adverts are truly infuriatingspoils your great content
Comment from : @ScoopsTroopsRugby

Thanks a lot for your suggestions
Comment from : @richard51ful

A garage floor? Are you kidding? I'd need a sports hall! 🤣🤣 In all seriousness though, I love printing my photos I'm personally not happy until I've got something physical, something tangible in my hands to show for my efforts
Comment from : @ashstubbings2603

The whole point about digital photography is that you can take photos of all sorts of things that you see and don't need to restrict yourself to certain fields!
Comment from : @QuicknStraight

This is like the old contact prints that we had in the film days :)
Comment from : @MaxTSanches

This video offers the best advice any photographer will ever get
Comment from : @supersingular

What a brilliant idea, cheers mate much appreciated
Comment from : @steveellis9288

Comment from : @avohill4

Thank you very much for these nuggets
Comment from : @tinashebrightonmutengwa9046

While i was on my masters course, it was as normal as breathing to print your work out for edits and critique The irony is, digital has made it so much easier and yet not many digital photographers have physical prints to edit through They just want to sit in front of a screen and star or unstar work
Comment from : @synlfo7828

Thx for the tutorial, now I can play it without problems with the framing
Comment from : @frederikdv7480

This is a brilliant suggestionI was told to hold on to a photo printer I was going to get rid of I have someone who prints my images for exhibits and sale but they suggested I keep my printer for the very reason you pointed out I will try the exercise you recommended The idea of using this method as a means to focus on what seems to compel me naturally when I shoot is really exciting Thanks again
Comment from : @immersion24

Thank you I am fascinated by your observation on what and how these pictures speak to you as the creator of these pictures I will do this exercise
Comment from : @ramilcueto1142

I loved and amazed when I saw the image appears in the developer in the darkroom! Yes graphic angular shapes textures is what I look for as well Thank you
Comment from : @marcuslieberman3577

Was it £2 for all that Wow, I couldn't find anything close to that cost Could you please perhaps help on what companies you use for printing
Comment from : @TheCoomer

Yes, I do believe photographs only come to life when they are on paper For that reason, I miss my darkroom times The screen does not give that magic On media, we look at a photo for some secoonds However, when a print is on the wall the photo becomes alive and part of your life
Comment from : @devrimkorkmaz1342

Best advice of the day
Comment from : @MrAltavoz

Thank you Alex for your depth of inspiration about photography You and another YouTube vlogger had a similar message and have inspired me to go out and start having my photos printed instead of leaving them stored in digital format most of the time I have to agree there is something rewarding for me when I started to print and frame 3 photos I made Because of this I am looking forward to accomplish what you and many photographers have done And that is to publish my personal photo book even though for now it's collection of many genre Hoping that by doing this something would reveal itself as a collective subject to learn and specialize in, until a new subject again is revealed More power and I keep learning from your lessons
Comment from : @allanosantiago5955

Your tips and advice inspire me everyday, Alex Your honesty and simple way of expressing them make your channel worth watching every time Thank you, Alex
Comment from : @mahiwagangpilipinas8976

Everyone on the internet is a photographer!
Comment from : @-WhizzBang-

My portfolio goes back decades and is relatively small but there it is, vehicles and general traffic scenes I always thought I was capturing a moment in my day for the sake of posterity I once took a photo of a sunset because I liked the look of it, but there's a silhouette of a plane taking off in the image that I hadn't noticed at the time Most of my snaps have the same theme I wasn't aware of it beforebr My favourite stuff was taken on a Nokia 108 dumb phone in VGA quality but the theme is the same, vehicles and general traffic scenes, even though at the time I thought I was taking pictures of the Square Mile br You sir are a legend!!
Comment from : @antman5474

انت مبدع شكرا جزيلا
Comment from : @mohmmedahmed23

There are not enough video essays about actually making Photographs versus technical camera reviews or photographic techniques, and this is excellent I have been an Advertising photographer since the early 70's, and have always had Print Portfolios in progress That meant laying out dozens of 11"x14" prints on a floor of white seamless, to edit and sequence I could see if there was a common thread between the images, and to see a body of work altogether, was very enlightening It kept me inspired to do more as I immediately saw areas of strengths and weaknesses My Assistants were diplomatically honest and that helped! I concentrated on Ad Still Life work, and it wasn't till 2008 that I got back into Street Photography I traveled to Seoul for a friend's wedding and brought my Nikon F5 film camera I shot a few frames at the wedding but spent the next two weeks shooting photographs on the street I had the color neg film processed and made 4"x6" prints that showed the black rebate I loved how they looked all laid out on a boardroom table I started with just one, but after a few weeks, I had over 20 large format "C" Prints made and had an exhibition soon after If I had not looked at my photographs as a series of small prints, that I could sequence as a show, I would not have begun to change my direction and eventually shoot only Fine Art photography I have a side business making Fine Art prints for clients after I learned enough about Printmaking to produce a Retrospective show in 2016 I have a studio at home, and a roof deck with great light, plus a big Epson printer, and I can shoot a photo in the morning and have a retouched image to print by the end of the day It makes such a difference when you can do everything, and at your own pace
Comment from : @iancampbell8697

I think what I need help with is culling And for this I would need a much bigger floor Because I like a LOT of things lol
Comment from : @Call_Me_Mom

That's a pretty good idea and a bit overlooked in today of digital photography Reminds me of when I was taking lessons that our teacher would have us develop all the negatives of a roll on a sheet photo paper or two and study them as a whole before deciding on what to enlarge
Comment from : @kevinroberts1888

Enjoy your videosI think the concept of reviewing one's work is a worthwhile exercise Since using Lightroom for the past nine years, I have a catalog with over 110,000 images So printing is a bit impractical Since I do like your approach, I wonder if a practical way for me, is to view my images in a grid format on the computer using the Lights Out feature
Comment from : @michaelschmitt5413

“Don’t be a hollow copy, be an original specific” got it!
Comment from : @jackmatthews9390

Ok you could say photo box is kinda rubbish And we all go out and get started with them Influence comes from those that work hard And you have Appreciate all your videos!
Comment from : @jackmatthews9390

I agree with Eric You are inspirational and have shared much good information and thoughts and ideas Hope and pray you do not devolve into product adverts, info-tainment about equipment, and “reviews” based on the manufacturers promo information
Comment from : @savagefrieze4675

Great video
Comment from : @davelock3166

As a lapsed film photographer this is interesting We have come full circle Less is more, film is better and prints are king Our obsession with digital is definitely flattening out
Comment from : @polarnap

Thank you once again So enjoy your Chanel Sharing your experienced soul journey of the joy of creative photography is so inspiring Cheers
Comment from : @ubeauty100

Very good video / lesson I will try that There is a really neat reflection on the picture on the wall on the right I don't know if it is caused by sun through leaves or sun light reflecting off water It seems to be breezy outside But my eye/brain saw water flowing under the bridge Thanks for all your thoughts and videos
Comment from : @mikejohnston9113

Thanks! Will follow this advice or a photo book this fall
Comment from : @joestrahl6980

I started photography in 2020 and have mostly been self-taught from online LinkedIn and YouTube classes without feedback Since discovering your channel a couple of months ago I try to take in the creative lesson from each video and apply it to further improve my pictures and I'm now starting to get creative feedback from other photographers as well as paid work that I'm passionate about Your videos are a great resource for inspiration and a lot better than typical influencer videos Thank you :)
Comment from : @nicwoodhouse

Thank you very much, absolutely great tip!
Comment from : @rolandomunari588

What a fantastic idea! Thank you for this
Comment from : @StenhousePhotography

At 2:10 brbrI wonder why he has a fraction of a person encroaching the right side of the framebrIf he left it uncropped just to annoy people, it worked a treat
Comment from : @ThePurpleHarpoon

I must say that this is the best idea of a lot of good ideas I’ve gained from you! brThank you so much!
Comment from : @kwseah1

You're one of the most interesting and helpful photograhy channels on YouTube I'm a hobby/amateur photograher, and the last coulpe of years, I've not been active at all Your videos make me want to go out and shoot again!
Comment from : @X_ch4ng3

Brilliant, thank you
Comment from : @darrendavy4248

Great advice
Comment from : @lynd4188

This is such an ironic post As I'm approaching retirement in my career I was thinking about my difficulty in choosing one in the first place I'm a teacher One reason I chose it is that I am interested in so many different things Teaching allows you to visit many subjects and try to inspire children to find something they love I still joke with my students telling they that I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up But, turns out, I also just love interaction with people and learning about them My family grudgingly allows me to tag along to the grocery store because they know I'm going to find someone to chat with there I'm often accused of "talking to strangers on street corners" by my sarcastic daughter! LOL! I didn't even have to actually look at any images to know the answer for me I have the most fun when I'm a "fly on the wall" shooting people doing their thing For so long I've only used conversation to feed my habit Only recently did I include a camera To be fair, it emerged again after a long hiatus since the early 1980s when I bought a camera You my friend are a friggin genius Have a great weekend
Comment from : @charliejg

My photography voice happened by chancebrI've always been more interested in people rather than scenes and I had just bought a new camera that in truth I did not have a clue as to use it properly and I told a girl that I knew about it and she asked me if I would take some photos of her brHer friend saw the photos and wanted some photos herselfbrI asked another girl and she was not willing to model but she wanted some photos of her daughter who was a dancer The resulting photos got the attention of a professional model who was also an ex-Miss England brThe resulting photos got me offers from several other would-be models and I was soon doing 35 photo-shoots per yearbrThat was all over 12 years ago and a break for covid and illness mean that I do very little now but it was a great journey and I loved every minute of it
Comment from : @alangardner8596

Great message and wise words If you haven't heard of it yet check out street photographer Siegfried Hansen's PILOT system His Siegfried is to identify your triggers (like you talk about identifying in your video here) and seeking them when out photographing The effect is to capture collections of images, among which golden nuggets will be found over time I've had good luck with this technique brbrThanks again for your inspiring and hard work on these videos!
Comment from : @davidkastelan3206

I could listen to your inspirational Videos all day! Thank you so much!
Comment from : @flowerich

You mentioned Photobox quality is a bit crap, and I agree Can you recommend a good print service for high quality prints in the uk?
Comment from : @PhutureproofUK

Just a quick scroll through my instgram tells me I'm drawn to yellow I never even realised it I've known for a while that I'm drawn to faceless portraits and usually when I'm out for the day with hubby and son I make a point of letting them go ahead and sneaking a photo from behind Also love documentary style I hate posed photos
Comment from : @reneebetteridge1289

Your channel, your recommendations, your insights resonate and motivate I love the laying out of proofs idea It’s like me really seeing me in a whole new way
Comment from : @jpsteiner2

Comment from : @jpsteiner2

Brilliant suggestion, thank you
Comment from : @209lapko

Crazy how we tend to think that we don't need to print anymore but all you mentioned on this video is true! I will compare it to proof reading a document only to find many errors once printed, the same can be applied to images Thanks for all the great content you create Sir!
Comment from : @alexanderpons9246

You’r on a tear Great insights !!
Comment from : @mikecasalotti4158

You are simply amazing! This has opened my eyes
Comment from : @wealthekanem6888

This should be the whole point of keeping an Instagram No need to print Just keep them up there and you can have a birds eye view of your photos overtime If you dont want anyone to see them you can make the account private, or better, put them on Flickr Nobody will see them there for sure
Comment from : @carlosmcse

Thank you All the best 👍📷😎
Comment from : @Rob1340

Back in the film days, I tried shooting buildings but it didn’t appeal to me Now I shoot people
Comment from : @foilpainterfantasyartist1711

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