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Hidden Secrets of the Uninsured | Shaun Young | TEDxNewAlbany

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Title :  Hidden Secrets of the Uninsured | Shaun Young | TEDxNewAlbany
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Description Hidden Secrets of the Uninsured | Shaun Young | TEDxNewAlbany

Comments Hidden Secrets of the Uninsured | Shaun Young | TEDxNewAlbany

Love this TED Talks video I referred to Shaun's story while writing my defense for a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Debate on the Uninsured - We should care more - as a Nation and promote more programs for self-care Thank you Shaun!
Comment from : @gretashawnp-c4274

Take back your money out of the hole and insure yourself with personal health and well-being 👍🏾❤️
Comment from : @01MJ10

I love this message, however, I am not convinced that the tests are unnecessary
Comment from : @healinspaces4u

Health insurance is a SCAM for most people The population has been HOODWINKEDbrbrEveryone I know attacks me for not having it I feel like Im living in some kind of global insurance psyop But I have done all the math and am a master critical thinker and strategist, and I can assure you it doesn't make sensebrbrI was also denied coverage when i was forced to have it as a studentbrbrSave your cash, invest it, and use your health fund if you ever need it Otherwise, you're giving it all away for these billionaires to get richer If you didn't use it, you could have invested all that money and given it as an inheritancebrbrAlso do more research Hospitals drop the bill by 2/3 if you don't have insurance And if you can't pay it, don't If you pay anything at all every month, they won't suebrbrTsk tsk humans may never learn
Comment from : @Oaulo101z

I am sending this after the murder of the CEO from United healthcare insurance Why is everyone missing the biggest picture The insurance companies and hospitals are in bed together Why are we not talking about the price of an aspirin $10 average or the price of a newborn diaper $100 Average I have done the deep dive these gouges are because they are making us pay for Medicaid I don’t begrudge Medicaid, I just don’t think I should be paying for it twice I was one of the hard-working uninsured for 40 years of my life
Comment from : @Mimi-pt4fo

Give a man a fish he eats a meal, teach a man to fish he eats a lifetime
Comment from : @djand007

Health insurance is just like any other product That is if you don't like it don't buy it I don't like it because it doesn't pay for the things that actually help keep me health brHealth insurance predominately only pays for things that just treat symptoms Even expensive test are just that I tell people all the time "testing is not preventing"brMany of the worst ailments can be greatly prevented by diet and lifestyle and the treatments are really ineffective such as for cardiovascular disease and cancer Just do the research
Comment from : @manie3232

I don't like health insurance because I'm into natural health and health insurance which I learnt is controlled by the FDA doesn't pay for the modalities that actually get to the root cause
Comment from : @manie3232

Love this perspective Thank you
Comment from : @Jewelliet

I’m 61 I have no health insurance For the last 10 yrs I’ve been uninsured I am self pay, if I go to the doctor it usually costs $100
Comment from : @romeysiamese6662

Grateful I live in the Uk
Comment from : @chriscookesuffolk

You don't need health insurance if you know how to treat yourself naturally A lot of people had chronic diseases such as diabetes and it was reversed, a lot of ppl had ca*ncer and were cured naturally and with cheap antiparasitic drugs Also watch a documentary called the universal Anti dote it was censored because if everyone knows about it everyone will ditch their insurance The documentary is not on this platform because it was censored but it's on other video platforms
Comment from : @SnackQueen01

Now if u don't get insurance They make you pay penalty
Comment from : @HelloWorld-hb7yt

I also had to quit taking thyroid medicine I'm allergic to the synthetic ones
Comment from : @PS27760

There's always Chapter 7
Comment from : @PS27760

A depression med was $900/mo I had to quit cold turkey Same w blood pressure medication
Comment from : @PS27760

I was deep into the health insurance industry for 20 years It's a total scam
Comment from : @4Whopper

I don't have insurance My husband and I are both self employed and everytime I look into options the math doesn't make sense And the plans don't cover some of the care I need And I know some people who had their care delayed because of the insurance company not cooperating
Comment from : @mable90shaynne

Even when you consider catastrophic risk, all hospitals are responsible to offer services to the uninsured so you present to the emergency room with an acute abdomen that turns out to be an appendicitis The hospital schedules for an emergency laparoscopy in a removal of your appendix The hospitals are aware you don’t have insurance They will send people to speak with you from their billing department Ask him about paying cash and the discount for that as well as being insured The bill is automatically cut down to a third Let’s just say that it was 50 K for the surgery Generally most care establishments will give you a bill of about 18,000 You make payments on that every month; whatever you’re able to afford as long as you’re paying Let’s just say for the sake of this conversation that you’re only able to afford $100 a month That is a heck of a lot cheaper than paying $1000 a month for your insurance with a $6000 deductible The same can be said about urgent care
Comment from : @scottbushey

and 7 years later, feels like its getting worst
Comment from : @creativeguyty

I am an early retiree and have insurance (medical, dental & vision) through my former employer that I pay $317 a month for I am healthy so it's only the potential catastrophe that I'm concerned about and want to have insurance for It would have been helpful if Shaun discussed what uninsured people do when they have medical catastrophes like cancer, major surgeries or injuries from a car accident because I'm curious I agree with him that we should shop around more and take better care of ourselves, in general
Comment from : @allthingsnu4673

What would one do if they ended up with cancer or in a bad accident? You can try to be healthy and do all the things but what about the things you can’t control? I have a cost sharing plan (not insurance) and still pay in $1000 a month
Comment from : @alecschester1824

United Health is now bigger than the largest bank Equals they are making tons of profits NOT paying for healthcare
Comment from : @christinemclean9973

Shaun's passion for his work in advocating for health insurance for the 29 million US citizens is admirable and necessary Access to healthcare is a fundamental human right, and medical professionals have an ethical obligation to provide care regardless of a patient’s insurance status or ability to pay The lack of health insurance can have devastating consequences for individuals and their families, leading to untreated illnesses and unaffordable medical bills In a just society, each person deserves equal access to healthcare, and it is the responsibility of healthcare providers and policymakers to work towards this goal Shaun's work challenges us to confront the systemic inequalities that exist within our healthcare system and identify solutions that prioritize healthcare access for all people This is an important issue that requires continued attention and action from medical professionals and society as a whole
Comment from : @EthicsBlank

Dr Young highlighted an issue with insurance If the cost of having insurance is so much higher than if you were to pay for everything out of pocket, why would the average person pay for health insurance? Bernard Lo discusses in the text, Resolving Ethical Dilemmas: a guide for clinicians, that even when individuals in the US have insurance that they can be underinsured Being underinsured had consequences such as decreased utilization of health care resources despite paying insurance premiums With this knowledge, it can be understandable why someone may choose to be uninsured, however, this choice would not work for everyone Individuals with chronic illnesses would most likely have a difficult time keeping up with out-of-pocket costs Overall healthcare costs are different for everyone as well as their access and ability to afford it With decreased ability to access healthcare, outcomes become worse, and our healthcare system fails to help our population One potential solution would be to have some form of universal healthcare, in which financial barriers are removed, but I am curious if anyone knows how the cost sharing is determined so that individuals with higher needs are taken care of without financial ruin
Comment from : @RespectfulComma

Hence the need for just catastrophic health care, Obama took it away from those it worked for
Comment from : @kerikent72

I don’t have insurance I haven’t been feeling well for a long time
Comment from : @LOSANGELES3

Most ppl don’t wanna risk going without insurance, but too cheap to get expensive insurance So they get a high deductible plan, end up paying a small premiums, but paying the majority of the healthcare expenses outta pocket and usually never meet their deductible It doesn’t really cover much unless you can afford high premiums
Comment from : @ChaceBonanno

Shaun Young takes an interesting take on the uninsured from his experience as a pharmacist and I agree with his statement that we can learn from the uninsured During my time as a medical assistant I saw countless patients WITH insurance pay more for imaging, visits, injections, etc than someone who had insurance They were provided with a cash pay discount and due to regulations from insurance companies, those patients that did not meet their deductible were forced to pay higher rates br brTaking on the perspective of health insurance as something to use in an emergency or in response to a catastrophic event, could allow us to put more effort into our own health opposed to depending on the healthcare system to help us with all problems Obviously, this doesn’t apply to all patient’s, but if we are willing to prevent “sickness” by making efforts toward a healthier lifestyle—investing in ourselves could save us money and improve the healthcare system br brWhen we take away the idea of health insurance and instead view each doctor’s visit, lab test and prescription as money out of our pocket in real time, it is likely we would question the necessity of what we are receiving As future physicians are we doing the “most good” for all by not taking the financial aspect of what we are performing into account? br brBy taking an active role as a patient, we can decrease unnecessary tests and in turn help physicians to stop ordering unnecessary tests and work to find alternatives or cheaper options that would be in the best interest of the patient
Comment from : @lmh-ys3df

Great idea, but nothing will truly be solved until these industries are regulated and realistic options become available ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Comment from : @kevinturnr

Amazing!!!! 👍🏼🙌
Comment from : @sindeekaye2223

Screw American health care system
Comment from : @anb4351

Don't we get sued by the government for no having health insurance when we file our taxes in USA tho??
Comment from : @taylorowens5972

More for insurance than a house these days
Comment from : @explorerofmind

I'm an uninsured RN with several serious illnesses I'm really scared
Comment from : @vwgirlbeth

Watching this in 2022 You are worth more dead than alive You must decide whether to put your family in debt in an emergency or just putting up with the pain Or just dying You tell yourself that you are doing them a favor
Comment from : @carolb3327

I just started at a hospital as a registered nurse and i am blown away at how much money is going to be taken out of each paycheck for health insurance It’s really ridiculous
Comment from : @navyforeveryoungjean-phili5940

I'm 31, I look like a privileged white guy wearing a Bob Marley shirt and I take look after schizophrenics, the disabled, and criminals, I do not have an official job, nor do I need one and I just lost my insurance for "nonpayment" because these things take time I wish there was a better option, I couldn't figure out how to sue them for not operating anyway
Comment from : @user-kl4rt2yf1r

Online doctors are cheaper
Comment from : @oldman9843

Do people's insurance really pay for stuff??? Mine doesn't
Comment from : @hiiloveyou5791

I have insurance and can't afford healthcare😂
Comment from : @hiiloveyou5791

I have no insurance except for catastrophic which is pretty cheap I use Good RX for drugs, and most health care providers give me 75 off for paying cash
Comment from : @donnawoods8039

Everyone has to be a doctor now
Comment from : @bFOURdwZEROlf

Lol dude said it best Most problems you can just Google and figure out the problem yourself Unless something major happens you’re good
Comment from : @celticwind4122

Love this video Hits even harder when you're facing these same decisions for yourself
Comment from : @alitabaker99

Ya insurance companies scam fraud, hahaha very funny bias
Comment from : @luchackcadler1438

Vote blue 💙
Comment from : @kathyjones274

To be a good American doesn't mean believing insurance companies,so they can stay in business Look at how it is in some other countries,not anything like we have in our country Much better They are doing great
Comment from : @kathyjones274

"WebMD said its probably infected, I realized it wasnt urgent" - one of the lucky motherfuckers that guessed right and didnt die This thought process is so goofy All it takes for you to die is to guess wrong And if its urgent youre going to pay out the nose the system is broken Wake up
Comment from : @to4217

yah fam shop healthcare while u dying lol go for it
Comment from : @to4217

Just lost my healthcare due to the increase
Comment from : @simply_lifeart8396

Annnnnnd… if you get in a car wreck and need surgery, you’re screwed Because you didn’t want to pay $200/month for a $7k deductible, you now owe $30,000…
Comment from : @SongbirdAvenger

Sounds very american
Comment from : @PinkSparklerToontown

I had sepsis No Dr office would see me cause no ins
Comment from : @CB-hi7mf

Rx discount cards help tremendously with any prescription!
Comment from : @georgettecastillion

The tough tile arthroscopically snore because wool consecutively slip anenst a bloody output serious, thankful monday
Comment from : @nhdw6647

In short, we need Universal Healthcare NOW
Comment from : @Davepacheco1986

Also, isn’t there a penalty for not having insurance?
Comment from : @jaysant6958

Wait, nobody does this? I thought what he’s saying is the norm?
Comment from : @jaysant6958

I don’t have health insurance 😙 this video makes me feel better
Comment from : @thaliasuarez111

I remember being a starry-eyed, “I wanna help the world” professional when I started out as a pharmacist 38 years ago In that 38 years, I have been immersed in a perpetual classroom that teaches me how abused the healthcare system is I see nothing but 400 pound people complaining about their copays and running to the doctor for their stuffy nose because they have insurance and not lifting a finger to stay healthy all by themselves I am now jaded, bitter of heart, and uncaring about the “fix my problem” crowd…which is most of the populace Fix your own problems by taking an interest in your health and well-being instead of relying on a system to mommy you like some sort of nanny
Comment from : @dons4665

I used to have fancy ($$$$) health insurance It was mostly useless Drs just herd you in like cattle, if your issue don't fit their list of potential things they can "help" you with that they can think of in 30 seconds they give up "your ailment might be in your mind" "make sure to pay the co pay on the way out" It's been 10 years now, I still haven't been diagnosed by a Dr for having Celiac Disease I 100 have it
Comment from : @attilabodi826

Just lost my job and now learning about medicare and insurance coverageI am not sure I can live a decent life after paying so much for coveragewhat are my options? I am supporting an epileptic brother who needs medical care tooI had a mild stroke and thankfully, just have 3 meds for maintenance and I my health is better But still, I am 66 years oldnot sure if I will still find a good job
Comment from : @angelieavenie5741

My tips for being uninsured at 20 years old my whole life is that if it hurts just deal w it it’s that simple ud rather have the stress of paying that medical bill? Or just deal w ur pain
Comment from : @brla9116

This motivates me to drop my health insurance I’d save $160 a month
Comment from : @xxeldoctorxx

because it's a scambrrun by thieves & charletons
Comment from : @bassistwd

Yeah, you had a Benjamin in your wallet, but what about the man who doesn't have a red cent?
Comment from : @heal-thee9109

I am a federal employee and only pay 200 Dollar per month for a top notch insurance I don’t have to pay anything out of pocket nor are there any capsbrbrSo I don’t see the point of not having it
Comment from : @johnmajor9564

Yes, shopping responsibly is a key component Missed opportunity to discuss medical cost sharing for catastrophic healthcare needs
Comment from : @ABetterWayToHealthcare

They rob us with fear n what if's
Comment from : @madilynnsma

I’m uninsured I’m vegan, I don’t smoke and I work out carefully You only get one life with or without health insurance
Comment from : @BakerMatthew

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