Title | : | How was England formed? |
Lasting | : | 10.17 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 11 jt |
Since TikTok got confused about this I just wanna pop in and say - I’m the scriptwriter on this video and at the beginning when referencing “Scots” and pointing to Ireland, that’s not a mistake! The Scots/Scoti/Scotti were Gaels from Ireland around the same time that the Picts were in Scotland! I see why it confused people on TikTok and everyone here seems fine but, just in case 😂 Comment from : @thursdayhistoryandhounds |
The whole time, Wales is just sitting back munching popcorn Comment from : @buudorobuudronovich1507 |
Most of what happened there happened in pre-history; i happen to have the info keys There was no race created called English, the name means Mongrel in Cymric language; so does the name Finnish in Sami language- two of the three Urwetu, or Mongrel races The other was Dutch- all three forbidden races were destroyed with the following Aquarius aeon, consigned to perdition The magnitude and extent of their crimes is not well known; no Saxons were involved in the extremely forbidden invasion of Allbion, such Celts were victims not purveyors; many Celtic children were kidnapped by the marauders, who had murdered their parents and were able to keep that secret The worst criminals in history were also of the Dutch race; Dutch means "grotesque", they were Urwetu or mongrel Serial murderers in the land such as Jeff Dahmer, a Perdition Son; all of the Mafia, were Dutch, not really Italian nor Irish; certain of the forbidden profession of psychiatry, begun by an incarnate anti-god named Freud- as bad as or worse than serial killers Comment from : @JulianHotaling |
0:56 Native Britons are the Celts not the Saxons Absolute misinformation Comment from : @saltyshackles5227 |
Mysteriously murdered must mean his brother did it to be king That's some Scar and Mufasa stuff Comment from : @diontaedaughtry974 |
It was called Angland and not England Cus of Anglo saxon s Angland was the name until the English Language was reformed Comment from : @CavacavatheGreat |
England as an entity existed as the Roman Britannia Prima The area was marked by Roman limes walls which they built around their empire The northern walls, Hadrians and Antonine, separated Scotland, the mis-attributed Offa's Dyke separating Wales was actually constructed by Septimus Severus Predating Offa by 300 years, Watts Dyke, is an "addition" to the structure in North Wales England as geographical area has existed since Roman times Neither Scotland nor Wales are known for Roman style villas! Comment from : @davidnelmes5357 |
Most of what happened there happened in pre-history; i happen to have the info keys There was no race created called English, the name means Mongrel in Cymric language; so does the name Finnish in Sami language- two of the three Urwetu, or Mongrel races The other was Dutch- all three forbidden races were destroyed with the following Aquarius aeon, consigned to perdition The magnitude and extent of their crimes is not well known; no Saxons were involved in the extremely forbidden invasion of Allbion, such Celts were victims not purveyors; many Celtic children were kidnapped by the marauders, who had murdered their parents and were able to keep that secret The worst criminals in history were also of the Dutch race; Dutch means "grotesque", they were Urwetu or mongrel Serial murderers in this land such as Jeff Dahmer, a Perdition Son; all of the Mafia were Dutch, not really Italian nor Irish; certain of the forbidden profession of psychiatry, begun by an incarnate anti-god named Freud- as bad as or worse than serial killers Comment from : @JulianHotaling |
Wales be like: wothappenoutthere? Comment from : @josephstalin6996 |
After this the English went like goons with their ships and looted till kicked out In the 20th Century Comment from : @dipiti8739 |
Briton was found by ancient Europeans for a start Now its been filled by the most talented and future minded people of the world Britain is cleverer than ever😂😂 Comment from : @userhome000 |
As a Hollander I am equally stunned Comment from : @thomastevelde8547 |
I traced him back as my ancestor wow im gullah geechee Comment from : @TimJones-c2k |
You don't think of the Scandinavian areas being warlike invaders nowbrThey've 'calmed-the-fuck down' Comment from : @zenzombie72 |
Who’s here from Crusader Kings 3? Comment from : @chamomilemaree8197 |
So the English are not the real people of this land Nice to know Comment from : @UziAli |
what happened to the og Britons tho? Comment from : @SerienMetroidC |
What a dirty country, so much murders and betrayals Comment from : @jv1023 |
Great visual representation Comment from : @elaine5922 |
now how it went down on my CK3 game Comment from : @nostardamus22 |
I just realised that Great Britain looks like someone riding a pig Comment from : @gibbethoskins8621 |
Most people don't know that England used to be 7 different countries, each state was a country in its own right It was only a few hundred years ago we became England 🏴 Comment from : @ronaldmcdonald8303 |
thanks Comment from : @infosphere |
This video starts to late in history How can you make a video about how England formed when London was already established? It should begin from Caesars first campaign into Britain Comment from : @miguelamaton3684 |
Wales was untouched ? Comment from : @JerryCrocombe |
All three Urwetu races ended fully with that Aquarius eon; everyone of them consigned to Perdition How serious their crimes were is not well known The very forbidden invasion of Albion was ca 5000 BC, in which many Celtic children were kidnapped, their parents murdered by the English unbeknownst to them- after some time even themselves they called English, increasing greatly the reputation of the name Undoubtedly one reason such a severe judgement came upon the kidnapped land was that the marauders had murdered also the Celtic Redeemer, nicknamed Celt, and the Celtic savior his mother Branwenbr So great was the atrocity and violence, also a great race misleading and oppression, involved with the formation of England, or Britain, it cannot be salvaged; there can never be Allbion again Comment from : @JulianHotaling |
Most of what happened there happened in pre-history; i happen to have the info keys There was no race created called English, the name means Mongrel in Cymric language; so does the name Finnish in Sami language- two of the three Urwetu, or Mongrel races The other was Dutch- all three forbidden races were destroyed with the following Aquarius aeon, consigned to perdition The magnitude and extent of their crimes is not well known; no Saxons were involved in the extremely forbidden invasion of Allbion, such Celts were victims not purveyors; many Celtic children were kidnapped by the marauders, who had murdered their parents and were able to keep that secret The worst criminals in history were also of the Dutch race; Dutch means "grotesque", they were Urwetu or mongrel Serial murderers in this land such as Jeff Dahmer, a Perdition Son; all of the Mafia were Dutch, not really Italian nor Irish; certain of the forbidden profession of psychiatry, begun by an incarnate anti-god named Freud- as bad as or worse than serial killers Comment from : @JulianHotaling |
The Blason is wrong Three leopards just after RI aka John Comment from : @umbertotoni3021 |
I did DNA -familyresearch, and as far as I know my mothers ancestors came from south Småland And my MtDNA showed that I had a lot of ties, 30-40 hits were in N England This means that far back in time, more than a thousand years we share a common female ancestor I am related to fex operasinger Christina Nilsson from Småland Probably Canute and Swayn invited also like a thousand vikings from Småland to take part in conquest of England Other celibrities that have some roots here are Astrid Lindgren, Alice Babs, Anna Anvegård, Michelle Pfeiffer, Scarlett Johansson And Nina Persson in Cardigans Comment from : @alarik36 |
In 700 Hordaland Norway Arne de Lutre formed what later became the Luttrell line I am the 35 generation of this family I love hearing about the history of this area of the world Comment from : @josephlitteral |
Æþelfled seems like a good name Comment from : @furnaceheadgames9001 |
England was formed by stealing scotlands resources Comment from : @anna-mariehosie7631 |
If you like this you should watch the last kingdom series, its dramatised but sticks to all the info you just saw Comment from : @ranger9706 |
Something about the way this guy says words with T's in them rubs me wrong😑 Comment from : @jaymilo8425 |
later in history it will conquered by middle easter and Indian England, wales,Scotland and northern Ireland 😂😂 your fate is about to change Comment from : @limbujr |
Irish & Wales Celtic people are real owner of uk , old English Anglo Saxon from northern Germany ? Comment from : @Shawon-l6r |
Until 1066 when it was captured by William Comment from : @kmmusabamir8659 |
That's strong blood lines of ansestry from all directions that when united had a sence of power to explore the world Comment from : @neilwarburton3683 |
I thought the Africans created everything 😜😜 Comment from : @The_Famous_RFC |
How did Wales manage to stay aloof through all of this? Comment from : @FalconFastest123 |
This hit different after playing CK3 Comment from : @7Svmurai |
short tik tok history for low iq peoplefor those who are high iq and want much better more in dept documentaries go back a decade or 3 to find much better explanationsif you are high iq and watch this advisory this will lower your iq Comment from : @JohnSmith-pj6wb |
Couldn't happen without Utred of Beddanburg Comment from : @walterrose854 |
I know how it was lost Comment from : @Dronesteve-72 |
Soon to be ICSB Islamic Communist State of (not Great) Britain ! Comment from : @simonw75 |
Thanks Comment from : @osamaalsalama5685 |
The pronunciation of England was Angland, and the English people were Anglish Comment from : @texpatrobertrice8309 |
Is it The Last Kingdom web series? Comment from : @MaheshKumar-wg9rw |
United in name only Comment from : @WastedPot |
❤❤ Comment from : @EllaBerry-r8o |
bSince TikTok got confused about this I just wanna pop in and say - I’m the scriptwriter on this video and at the beginning when referencing “Scots” and pointing to Ireland, that’s not a mistake! The Scots/Scoti/Scotti were Gaels from Ireland around the same time that the Picts were in Scotland! I see why it confused people on TikTok and everyone here seems fine but, just in case/b Comment from : @Doyouknowgeography |
Ya know, nickname from his father kidnapped by the Romans; Celtic Briton Prince Atur-Bear becomes admiral of the Roman Western Fleet, c 550, he mutinies the ships back to home The King Arthur, the 1110 work about him is embellished? Comment from : @chrysgeorge8050 |
Kingdom of Alabama Comment from : @AlexeiBuldakov |
If not for the viking invasion of 793, I would not exist today in what used to be Mercia Comment from : @MrDeathwishVR |
If those people could see England today Comment from : @briangomez5563 |
american history didint even start until the 19 hundreds and your telling me ours started in 967😭🙏🏽 Comment from : @Shunb- |
All three Urwetu races ended fully with that Aquarius eon; everyone of them consigned to Perdition How serious their crimes were is not well known The very forbidden invasion of Albion was ca 50000 BC, in which many Celtic children0were kidnapped, their parents murdered by the English unbeknownst to them- after some time even themselves they called English, increasing greatly the reputation of the name Undoubtedly one reason such a severe judgemen8 came upon the kidnapped land was that the marauders had murdered also the Celtic Redeemer, nicknamed Celt, and the Celtic savior his mother Branwen Comment from : @JulianHotaling |
The three Urwetu races- the Germanic word means "mongrel"; the name English means mongrel in the Cymric language; Finnish means the same in the Sami language; dutch, the other of the three forbidden races, means Grotesque, all mongrel due to forbidden mixing Anglo Saxon is a myth created to mask the truth- Saxon is Celtic, who never reproduced with English, and were among victims of the kidnapping of Allbion, not purveyors Comment from : @JulianHotaling |
United kingdom is father of most country brThis small country have so much power to rule the world brAmzing people brThey are real fighter of that time Comment from : @prabinkoirala5604 |
I played Assassins Creed Vahalla so I know how it was creates EIVOR RULES! Comment from : @jamesr4464 |
1:42 ragnar arrives Comment from : @mohammadtaurezkhan2442 |
By people of colour Comment from : @MrNaKillshots |
I'm curious is the etymology of America derived from "a-mercia" "without England" Comment from : @mcelhannan |
And we built our Empire with the cunning use of flags! :) Comment from : @peterk4626 |
Some Viking took a shit after a dinner of lutefisk and there was the British empire Comment from : @josephburleton9758 |
Always miss out the ancient Celts who were there long before all of these Comment from : @nicholasr82 |
What was Wales doing that whole time? Nobody even bothered to see if they WANTED conquered Comment from : @HideyHoleOrg |
Those people that united England must have been racist Comment from : @PeterPANIS |
Uthred of Bamburg Comment from : @rdvandenis6424 |
It might be called England but MANY bloodlines run thru the people and William the Conqueror of Normandy had a great deal to do with that in 1066brbrYou can call the land England all you want but it's not truly in English bloodline for many Comment from : @LifeSavingDefense |
Easy God made it Comment from : @Taumeltraeumer |
As with just about every battle/war throughout human history, it's the greedy wealthy who want more and force the masses to fight their battles for them so they can get richer, but the masses get nothing but injuries and death Comment from : @mijimonmaster |
Do one starting from the '50s telling how it was destroyed Comment from : @Costa_del_Artlepool |
By Satan and total hypocrisy Comment from : @sheilah4525 |
England is the shittest country in the world tax depression and rain Comment from : @cyberbros5621 |
Albion was a better name Comment from : @IHazPeppers |
Thumb up the video if you looked at the tree on Anscetry and saw you go back to the UK Wether you are Celt or not I am not Our family name goes back to the Scots and the Normandy conquest Which is my next video here Comment from : @nickma71 |
MERCIA, swap the C and Iwhat do you get? 🤣 Comment from : @Spushed |
According to DNA analysis, modern English todays is 50 Native Briton/Celt, 40 Germanic anglos, etc Comment from : @hiphopandpop |
No mention of King Canute? Comment from : @landorf69 |
Why does the German monarchy rule the English? Comment from : @adapaitsmyname |
The creation of England, a curse upon humanity and especially the Irish We will never forget Comment from : @EdnaBreen |
That makes sense but when you say "that language didn't have that sound" I don't understand, why didn't they just not use that letter Comment from : @Egmawesome |
LOL love these with the maps I guess no one wanted anything to do with moderen WALES what was up with that? LOL Comment from : @bwnco |
best summary of UK forming yet! bravo! Comment from : @Herbalist_Jay |
Try showing this the uk right now All the blacks will say it was formed by blacks not whites 😂😂😂 Comment from : @Shein1971 |
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