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You missed the best language learning video ever

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UPDATED NOVEMBER 2024:brGet a StoryLearning course at a great price for Black Friday 2024!br shorturlat/N270G
Comment from : @daysandwords

I'm learning Swedish 🙂
Comment from : @mayavalerya82

10:49 💯 when you hear a word repetitively … & you know the word, just not the meaning brthe discovery of the meaning becomes deep…
Comment from : @sturmstorm

Hey, if you want people to watch your video don’t fucking plug the whole time and get to the fucking point
Comment from : @user-jd6ld7od6m

Listening is key Your ears need to adapt to the new tones and pacing of languages brbrThe baby method is the best Just learn like a baby would, but you’ll actually learn faster due to being more experienced with vocab Start small and build up
Comment from : @anon8577

I loved the part if you want that level of results you need to go to that level of extreme brNoting for myself to listen to things, and repeatedly, like children learn books by heart
Comment from : @ayelet4627

I just clicked in on the video thats mentioned and thought, norwegian i already know danish and she doesnt sound very confident so i clicked off, but here we are?
Comment from : @Dominion78

Listen all the timebrMemorizing passagesbrListen to audiobooks
Comment from : @misoginainternalizadaopres7131

5:11 Sorry, I don't know if you need this, but seeing my language there just warmed my heart, so thank you
Comment from : @vickname136

it basically trying to learn language in a high order learning, Justin Sung has mentioned it
Comment from : @TrinhLong-mn8wh

Crazy thingI watch movies, listen to music German artists Elif, Namika I use Duolingo as welll for structure So, the wonderful thing that happened I started listening to the News and about a few minutes in I realized there were only a few words I didn't know
Comment from : @lebrentwood3137

I've always thought it would be really helpful if there were audio of school kids speaking and learning in class Children make enough mistakes that it reminds you mistakes are normal when learning, and they also speak much more slowly and "clearly" (they don't string words the way adults do so there's less slang and notably pronunciation differences/shortcutsbrbrOfc, the reasons why there isn't are pretty obvious and sensible but listening to kids speak Spanish in public always seems easier to listen to than when I hear adults speak
Comment from : @GrimAngel01100

Been doing duolingo Spanish for like 4 years Native comprehension is still very difficult for me I even live with a Mexican But for all my efforts to listen more, it just doesn't get any easier My brain stops listening when I recognize a word among a jumble of jargon, and goes "oh hey I know what that is, I think it means this" Meanwhile the other person keeps talking and my gf asks me "did you understand?" It's heartbreaking every time because I have to say no No matter how long I listen for it never changes, and even gets harder the more I struggle I don't usually give up, but I'm actually considering it The amount of frustration and stress of having no idea what is being said is becoming unbearable and clearly outweighs any joy or usefulness that comes with knowing another language
Comment from : @charleslogan6566

1) Listen as much as possible to your target language 2) Read things over and over again 3) Learn a lot of simple words that you can use all the time 4) Write your own personal text, like a journal 5) Buy books that you think are interesting 6) Listen to audio books while reading the book 7) Use series and movies 8) make interesting stories using the vocabulary you want to know 9) learn sentences and stories by heart
Comment from : @littleone1656

Brot hat video is literally right below 😭
Comment from : @LucasPlay171

Actually, I didn't miss itbrI stumbled upon it randomly and saved it to a playlist
Comment from : @aaronschneider1581

I learned English by watching countless videos of things I would normally want to watch in my native language: how to bake really good cookies? In English Video games? In English Understanding how cells work? In English I forced myself to integrate English into my daily lifebrbrI journaled in English, even though I had to google some words I read books in English, even if I didn’t understand every word My phone was set to English, all the content I consumed was in English, I would talk to myself in English, and I even started thinking in English Eventually, I stopped focusing on learning it—English simply became part of my everyday life
Comment from : @Eyliin_


Comment from : @Varsh44

Yep, good good tips, I went to UK also started talking English, well they don't know any other language, when I went to France, I started speaking French when I landed, same there they don't know any other language Me I did not know French either But it was fun after five months I could communicate quite well learning up to 40 words a day Now learning Chinese, learning 1-3 words a day Lol its hard, I am not in China, that is the reason, otherwise it would have been easy, hahaha
Comment from : @janatlmb2770

Google translate (and foreign keyboard settings) has been imperative for me self learning how to type non-latin scripts
Comment from : @zellalaing5439

She did a small ESL thing that I used to do as well, I would always say pro-NOUN-ciation rather than pro-NUN-ciation XD it took me back to my days of just watching everything in English until it soaked in Even now those first few seasons of the Simpsons for me are gold, I go back and watch them and now I know All the words and meanings! brI think it's time to learn a third language after watching this!
Comment from : @CasioSilver

This video has so many disclaimers it's incomprehensible
Comment from : @climatecypher

I forgot to mention this in my first comment, but since I’m blind, I also like to watch TV shows in German and with German audio description, To get more exposure to the language
Comment from : @tiffanimilburn8885

This is good advice I usually listen to music and podcast while I work, so I’ve started listening to German music and podcast sometimes when I work I’ve even been known to sing along to Rammstein or other German music It might sound a little silly, but I live alone and I really don’t care
Comment from : @tiffanimilburn8885

trash video it took 5 minutes even to start talking about video I stopped watching
Comment from : @dfgdf434

I'm a native armenian speaker and am fluent in russian and english since childhood, and really all it took was constantly hearing the language thru cartoons n stuff, im currently learning korean which is entirely different from all the languages i know, what i do is watch movies i know by heart in korean dub with korean subtitles, helps a lot lol
Comment from : @dietpepsiangel

I was blessed with a naturally decent German accent although it meant I never had to work on it for a long time until recently
Comment from : @Weavileiscool

This is how i learned English, by immersing myself with a lot of English content, playing video games in English so far is the most helpful for me, i used to play so many choices based games like the walking dead and it helped me learn English by context
Comment from : @RikutanaNirbu

Comment from : @andresfelipenietojerez4430

Comment from : @ГореЛуковое-ю8е

Huh, I'm trying to learn Norwegian, so her video is perfect for me Thanks for the recommendation!
Comment from : @anonymeroverlord

9:33 - she also sounds British with such a cadence
Comment from : @u_ok

Can i know her channel name
Comment from : @laurie1590

„Ich bin, du bist“ ist ja so aus dem Nichts, einfach wow Hätte nicht mit Deutsch in solch einem Video gerechnet
Comment from : @ginzilb3395

This is a similar roadway as the Refold Method, isn't it?
Comment from : @AbdielFZS

Women like language learning? Does that mean that women like nerdy guys that speak 7 languages and like to analyse Tolstoy's War and Peace for historical accuracy and stuff? Wow what an age we live in HEHEHEHEHE Stupid prudish Flanders
Comment from : @Swedishpolymath

So I'm just a little confused about something I'm also trying to learn Norwegian but I don't know how to even start to understand books or shows Should I watch a Norwegian show with English subtitles, or should I watch an English show with Norwegian subtitles?
Comment from : @EzComeEzGo-313

6 days! Come across the video at day 358 I think I missed it 😮
Comment from : @shawnfayerweather7800

such a load of shiiiit you cant do any of this with adhd
Comment from : @HoodaBoss

So, listening as much as possibe; input before output Basically what Steve Kauffman has been saying for 15 years in his videos ?
Comment from : @etienneturgeon

12:10 so true i remember when i was watching/reading stuff in English and i remembered it was in English but i can no longer tell what language i heard something in
Comment from : @msvcpdll3735

As someone currently learning norwegian I watched this video at the beggining of my learning process It is absolutely fantastic
Comment from : @iEjay

Considering the niche And the Baltic state flags, lol
Comment from : @tantuce

I'm Mexican and I learned english just by watching Friends and Two and a Half Men Now I'm finding out that I did all of the things she said without realizing I was doing them And that's why now I know real english and not "english learning textbook" english
Comment from : @Fonético-v6n

This video really helped me understand the subject better!
Comment from : @JohnDavidson-i9t

Even though i am trilingual, never ever in my life have i learnt a language through dedicated preparation, rather i just got familiar with it
Comment from : @4124R_Aldiyar

Comment from : @agnivalahiri9347

Wait, she's French native? My 1st language is Norwegian, and I could swear she had a Norwegian accent when speaking english Not just on certain words, but overallbrbrThe reason this is interesting to me Is that the entire time I was thinking "she has the exact same accent as one of my local Norwegian friends", when they speak english It's uncannybrAnd the twist, said friend has one french parent and one norwegian, speaks mostly french at home, and went to a french school in Norway, as well as spending several months there with family per year But was born and grew up in OslobrbrThis is probably the closest one can be to dual native tongue I'd guess? Having no accent in either brbrBut it's really fascinating to me that the accent they both have when speaking english is absolutely identical And not similar to my other friends who only have french as their native language Who learned either, or both of the other languages later, to fluent, but not native level To me, they sound distinctly different when their norwegian is not entirely native brbrI'm not sure what this means, is it a specific french-norwegian english accent when native/near native? In that case I guess that's incredibly impressive! brbrOr maybe it's just random other regional differences Either way, just an observation I found fun/interesting
Comment from : @emphy369

This is hilarious, because Norwegian is one of the languages I am learning I am better at Norwegian than I am at German (the other language I am studying) I did live 1 and a half year in Norway, but my Norwegian is still not great
Comment from : @dr7396

Her video was the MOST GRANULAR detailed process of lang learning video I've ever seen AND I OBSESSIVELY WATCH thos videos instead of STUDYING LOL I WISH she'd change the title to make it a general lang learn vid not just "Norwegian" as it's not
Comment from : @YogaBlissDance

It seems Verstappen is producing a peculiar content here
Comment from : @PedroSotelo188

she simply live in the country easy
Comment from : @markusoliveira1216

Confusing video
Comment from : @santosawidjaja

Do i just watch movies until i get it?? Currently i have watched a movie 3 times with danish subtitlei wanna learn danish btwi dont understand shit lol its so boring
Comment from : @riderboys8635

14:11 I learned a big part of my french grammar by memorising a musical (Notre dame de Paris) I would literally repeat sentences of it in my head during examination Many languages are so difficult to make sense of just by learning "rules", so memorising, or contextualising, is such an important part for me Thanks to both you and her for great videos!
Comment from : @madel005

I am just going to start learning Thai I been watching Thai dramas and caught on to some words already that I keep hearing over and over
Comment from : @SaboEngles

so just to put it out there the clipt you showed at 3:40 in the video is actually a Norwegian skit by nowegians and they dont speak Danish is mostly just jibberish
Comment from : @vision1966

Literally AJATT but fancy
Comment from : @piadas804

H town 🔥🔥🔥
Comment from : @RhettReisman

My problem is im trying to learn ASL so while many of these tips sound like they would be great for others but wouldn't work for me What i have been doing is watching lots of deaf or hard of hearing youtubers who sign while also putting up subtitles If anyone here has any other tips i would greatly appreciate them!
Comment from : @KathrynHowell-j6o

Learning by using something active like video games works too! Especially games that have heavy dialog is great and pretty fun Ubisoft, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo all have excellent foreign language options and if you play a game you already revisited you get a better understanding quickly
Comment from : @Mous3v2

When I started to really learn English for the first time, it was also with a lot of reading and just watching content in English Gladly I had a base from school, so I could understand a little bit already What I used a lot was, like she said in the video, Google translator In the beginning it was quite uncomfortable for me, because I used it for almost every sentence I also started to try to understand whats written from the context, too I'm not too sure if it's a good strategy thoughbrWhat I still remember was when I watched a video a year after I watched it for the first time No joke, I was blown away, because that was the first time I genuinely recognized my improvement When I watched it for the first time, I couldn't really understand a lot, but the second time about a year later, I could understand pretty much everything brI'm trying to learn Korean, so I think I really should go back to that again, it might be more effective than all these books ONLY
Comment from : @aethden

Tremendous video! Many thanks to the author of the channel for the recommendations! The problem with many people is that they want to take a "magic pill" or get "secret knowledge" and immediately have skills and abilities However, the truth of life is that knowledge, skills, and abilities do not come by themselves You can't learn a foreign language without doing anything, without wasting your time and effort, just like you can't learn to ride a bike lying on a comfy couch, listening to lectures and watching videos about "modern methods of learning" on a bike To really learn something, you have to really practice every day You're going to fall down while you're learning, and you're going to get bumps - that's normal! The ups and downs of learning are an integral part of our lives Motivation from success and depression from failure will always be your study companions However, every student has problems in his or her studies that he or she lacks the knowledge to solve It can be: poor memorization of words; no progress in language learning; the student can speak, but does not understand speech by ear; misunderstanding of grammar; incorrect pronunciation, etc Agree that a problem you don't know how to solve is very demotivating In order to find the answer to our question we have to spend a lot of time to read videos, articles and books by polyglots In today's world, we have to solve problems as quickly as possible I don't have time to study and analyze a huge amount of information My goal is to master the basic knowledge of a foreign language as quickly as possible and already start earning money effectively in the international arena I settled on the practical guide by Yuriy Ivantsiv " Polyglot Notes: practical tips for learning foreign language" This book is always in my bag If I have a problem while learning a language, I quickly find the answer in this book There are many different techniques and tips for learning a foreign language in Polyglot Notes I have made my own individual schedule and plan for language learning Now I know what I am going to study, how I am going to study, when I am going to study and what results I am going to achieve No problem could stop me! With an effective language learning plan my professional skills are more and more in demand internationally every day Friends, don't stop there! Everyone has talents that millions of people around the world need! Learn the language and make your ideas and dreams come true! Thanks to the author of the channel for the informative and useful video! Your videos motivate me
Comment from : @matildawolfram4687

Thanks for sharing her video, im struggling to learn German and idk if i would have bumped into it myself as im learning a dif language i also went to her channel and watched it fully as well Good on ya mate, cheers! I'm gunna go ham and try these methods out on top of Nicos Weg, grammar worksheets, anki, and duolingo (only as a game when im waiting for food to be done in the oven or something of the sort)
Comment from : @midnightpayne

Thank you thank you! Felt like I was doing something right but I just need to work on my repetition This is very reassuring
Comment from : @creampug701

Comprehensible input is such an amazing method, I wish it becomes the mainstream learning method
Comment from : @Reforming_LL

I still have a lot to learn in English, but I guess I can say that in 5 years I learned English quite well, considering that I didn't put any effort into it I just read, watched videos, watched films, gradually making the materials more complex I studied what my hobbies are and the materials in English are better, so I didn't have much choice, really I hate learning languages, but I'm interested in exploring them in general, it is possible to learn a language WITHOUT doing any exercises and it is effective in the sense that you do not suffer and it comes to you very easily Now I’m thinking about starting to study German and maybe I’ll start studying it specifically to speed up the process, but maybe I’ll be lazy again for this and learn it just as passively Now I am able to read even scientific literature with a huge amount of mathematics, which would be difficult even in my native russian lang
Comment from : @orangesoupd

I took maybe 100 hours of polish I have been telling this to my teachers People should be taught to acquire languages Not learn about it I know all the polish grammar rules But I have zero comprehension
Comment from : @cmfrtblynmb02

Comment from : @ppossebon

I never learned any English in school It’s not my mother language, yet I can speak it better lolbrIt’s because from early age I always listened to you tube videos in English I never really thought about how I learned English but it’s like one day I just got it, I understood everything and since I was like 5 years old, I didn’t think too much of it I am glad that I did something very beneficial as a child without even realising it
Comment from : @llmangomanll5693

I've been learning German as my second language for about 3 months casually from using google translate, music, youtube, listening to my German friends speak, and I can already hold a short conversation
Comment from : @dirtydan351

Surely her going to Norway greatly accelerated her learning? Yes she put her homework in ahead of time, but you cannot overstate the affect of being in Norway
Comment from : @isfet5149

Actually watched this already I'm learning Norwegian
Comment from : @andrewparsons3277

You will be surprised to find out how many norvegians use to speak english If you speak a good english and are able to read some books for learning norvegian, you will pass the norwegian exam with B1-B2
Comment from : @loriansaceanu

As a Norwegian learner, I would have actually liked her to mention some of the books, series, and movies that she found interesting I think the lack of interesting content in Norwegian is a big issue that isn't there for Spanish, French, Russian, and obviously English
Comment from : @TatianaRacheva

What a great boyfriend! Promoting babe's language-learning vids 😍
Comment from : @uponseas

The first time i thought in spanish after 4 yrs of college level was due to 30 min of intro in Rosetta Stone I saw an egg the next morning and thought juevo first instead of egg Becsuse i had learned the word visually by implied context brI cant afford Rosetta Stone, but a year of 5 min a day of Duolingo has done more for me than all the high school and college spanishi never miss a daybr I found the easiest skills for me are reading and talking as they allow time I can think ahead what i want to say even if not precise, i can get it across at the bodega mostly And reading basic stuff i can get most sentences Evwn writing isnt terrible (for a 1st grader haha) BUT COMPREHENSION IS HARDEST The native speakers are so fast i miss 90 Also I "feel" Spanish links words more than English, or maybe its the lack of stress timing/iambic pentameter, but its hard to understand the different words from ec other when listening Even if its all words i know, i have no idea whats being said because the pauses seem in wrong places brLike "vamos a la tienda hoy despues escuela" will sound like "va mosa latiendah oydespueses cuela" to me Thats not a great example just i cant tell sentences i know if theyre spoken with the words mixedbr But this happened in my mother tongue acquisition too! When i was a baby I kept screaming for "shababa!" They didn't know what I wanted It turned out my family with New York accents wpuld say "wantcha baba?" It would sound like "want shababa?" SO I THOUGHT AT 6MOS SHABABA WAS THE NOUN!brbrSo obviously i will take advice and start just listening all the time and hope that will make a difference
Comment from : @rickwrites2612

What is her mother language? She does not sound Anglophone Or has she just only heard english spoken by Norwegians for yrs?
Comment from : @rickwrites2612

This IS the best language video ever
Comment from : @ANIMALWITHART

So why don’t you give link to “ The Best…” YT channel and give her the credit she deserves?
Comment from : @ICP-Crusader

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