Lasting | : | 8.17 |
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Views | : | 56 rb |
LED is a scam and unhealthy Comment from : @clarekuehn4372 |
There are more types of light bulbs Metal halide , sodium vapor to add a couple more Comment from : @jalee6587 |
2:50 I think the glass LED bulbs that use the yellow rods also use UV light I try to avoid them as a result and stick with the normal LED bulbs Comment from : @handsomegiraffe |
Led don’t put out enough light I had to put 4 more lamps in my living room Comment from : @gingersalmons2314 |
Yes, we understood You live in a verrry big house You have too many rooms and too many lightbulbs Just talk, no fact Comment from : @leventgoktem462 |
👍👍👍👍👍🔥🔥🔥 Comment from : @bobbywanger8123 |
Any difference between the two types of incandescent bulbs you have on the table? Comment from : @ksfAandkhiproductions151 |
Less are great for fixtures that are a pain to change the bulbs in and for lights used the most to save electricity In my small apartment I figure I might be saving about 250 a month using led instead of incadescient If I only used led in the light I use the most that's the bulk of the savings at about 2 dollars a month But I don't miss having to get up on a chair to change the overhead lights, or messing with enclosed wall fixture in the bathroom Yes, could use CFL bulbs in the overhead lights, but hate how they start out dim especially in lights that aren't used much Could use CFL in the table lamp I use most as it is on for hours, so the initial dim of the light isn't that bad But I can use a brighter led that uses less watts than the CFL 75 watt equivalent led instead of a 60 watt equivalent CFL Comment from : @davidclough3951 |
What month was it? I believe you saved money, but if you did it say August to September, the change from hot to cold temperature means you would use less electricity meaning a lower bill Just a variable that needs to be considered Comment from : @griffisjm |
I only use LED bulbs in my house I have a 2 story 1500 sq ft home My house is all electric (including heat) I moved in Oct 2021 My lowest bill has been $114 and my highest bill was $166 All electric is for me the only way to go I recently replaced all the bulbs in my mom's home with LED You can buy them at the Dollar General store for $125 per bulb (60W) Comment from : @jasontiver3302 |
So any led light would use less energy? Comment from : @pdotgames |
Old video yes I know but ever since I put in LED lights (I replaced as the old ones burned out) and here's what I found out in 2022 a) I've never had so much light in my house because I was constantly replacing them b) I've never had to replace a single LED bulb c) the old $300 electric bills are a thing of the past (the max I've seen is about $264 and usually way less) overall I am thrilled about LED'S! Comment from : @tonebonebgky2 |
Thanks Comment from : @madridista703usa3 |
Remember when there was a large group of people who were pissed that incandescent bulbs were going to be phased out? I wonder what those people are up to now Comment from : @Bendc1970A1 |
In our place I changed all the lights for LED type The only lamps I did not do the change are a few antique table lamps that are more for look than being used brbrI found a big electrical savings over time I believe it is as much as $350 per year We do a lot of our own cooking on the stove I installed an induction range that uses electromagnetic energy to heat the pots I had to buy the proper all new cookware It was well worth it The power usage for cooking is about 60 to 70 more efficient This saved about $400 more in our electricity usage brbrUpgrading our old 50 inch Plasma TV to a new 65 inch OLED type (expensive), This saved about $250 per year Our electricity bill dropped by more than 40 after doing all the upgrades We also changed the fridge to a newer model that uses less electricity brbrIf you were to have LED lights in your car instead of the incandescent lights, you will save on fuel consumption While using the lights the alternator has to power these lights by putting back charge in to the battery Less power usage translates to the alternator demanding less power from the engine to maintain its power output I found the gasoline usage dropped by more than 10 With cars it is very important to use the proper LED replacement lights, and to buy good quality ones There are many after market types being sold on line that are not of high quality The dealer for your car may be able to help you to have the proper LED replacements Comment from : @jerryfacts9749 |
I changed my yard light from mercury vapor bulb to LED and save $25/mo Comment from : @RobShutt357 |
Dimmer switches will need to be replaced if you want the light to dim properly There is a difference between a LED and incandescent dimmer switch They aren't cheap Approximately 25 per switch Thanks for the video Comment from : @michaelzenk6895 |
Love u Comment from : @kmnssg4115 |
Also Led light bulbs last a lot longer Comment from : @od2437 |
Thank You! This was very informative I really liked to see the raw experimental data Comment from : @ademala1161 |
I bought my led's in the UK from Aldi only £1 each, trouble is only had up to 10w, 60w equivalent but that suits most areas of the house Comment from : @marklittler784 |
I always replace all my lights to LEDs Make sure NOT to use those cheap LEDs from dollar tree Those wattage are basically the same as regular bulbs (average 60watts) Expensive LEDs will be 10watts, 15watts for the high lumen ones You might spend > $135 ish on light bulbs but you will save way more money I never have a light bill over $80(this is high end), $30-40 is my average Comment from : @infinagon |
Great video! Comment from : @simmssherry176 |
Great job on your video You gave a well educated and very well detailed, real world review Thank you Comment from : @lights80088 |
You didn't show any working or the amount of light they give Comment from : @umaydniassuh6511 |
Hi I subscribed to you channel, Great video !!! My favorite light bulbs are LEDS !!! Please do more videos like this one ? Comment from : @DanielSilva-ct1gd |
Big flex video Comment from : @VDIGVIDEOS |
"I recommend this guide:brbyorobest/backyardrevo/1Ly/bbrSo grateful it exists in 2020" Comment from : @lillianhubert7243 |
Take care of your money in your wallet and switch to renewable energy with Avasva projects Comment from : @shantaymadison3808 |
You forgot about halogen Comment from : @brandonconnelly6798 |
I give you 20 bucks for the incandescent and cfl bulbs if you still have them I use to have a full house of LED bulbs until they bothered my eyes and caused visual disturbances As of now it is mostly cfl and 2 led and some incandescent Comment from : @240Volts |
Mercury is a heavy metal It doesn't gas off very easily But I do get your point It is horrible for anything that lives Comment from : @michaelkenney2845 |
wow ,,if i had a Daughter i'd want her to be like you brthx Ed Comment from : @jamesbrown-yy1qo |
Because of trend like this, electric companies raising prices per kw/h There is no logic at all Comment from : @Jonjs99 |
When utility prices rise so much that I have to use led so my bill is only twice as much when I moved in and led didn't exist and cfl was expensive and hard to find Comment from : @davidclough3951 |
I buy my LED lights from Dollar Tree it's been a year and they're working just fine I'll pay $099 / 4 Comment from : @juniorjr427 |
A box full of bulbs for only 70 dollars? One basic non-dimmable bulb from a reputable brand costs at least 3 euros How many of those have gone out of order since? The electronics are quite fragile, and not compatible with enclosed fixtures that take one 100 watt bulb The 10 replacement watts is enough to kill the bulb Better if the power is spread out over several lamps Comment from : @j7ndominica051 |
Now with the LED light bulbs they make less heat now you can turn the AC up too save more money Comment from : @MyIronman8 |
You’re so smart Thank you for this video! Comment from : @shiscott7939 |
Also what she didn't say you have to make sure your light switch must also be compatible with the led bulbs Say you had a light fitting that has 5 bulbs in that's are rated at 60w per bulb your switch must be rated for 60-300wattsbrTo replace them with led rated at 51watts all 5 will be rated to 255 Watts which is below the switch rating so the bulbs will be on even switched off and could make a buzzing sound Comment from : @lilgampla |
Thank you for posting; Now my critique! The fact that you waited until the end of your billing cycle is AWESOME ! ! ! not many people out there would put that kind of effort into something like this Criticism; I had to put your video on 15 times the speed If you could learn to be more succinct, I would subscribe to your chanel in a heartbeat! I did give you a thumbs up because the concept was so incredible You really "Did it right" like most you tubers Don't Thank you again! Comment from : @haroldwestrich3312 |
She calls herself greengirl but all she has in her mind is "money money money" (surprise)brGood for the environmentyeah!brYou'll get the best and finest electronic scrap you can buy with your super money! the children in Afrika are "recycling" this electronic very perfect! (They even have the best work-conditions around the world)brLord thanks that the people are getting more intelligent - year by yearbrAnd today is the intelligence soo big that some super people finally say how it is!brRecycling of classic light bulbs: 2 at max! Glass and steel can't get good moltenbrBut LED's: Hey! Super! Min90 (by afrikan super-children)!brSave the world - buy LED's!! Comment from : @matzeweber8892 |
hold up a moment You don't like CFL bulbs as they're not environmentally friendly due to the fact they use mercury? So you therefore think an incandescent bulb that uses 80 more electricity is more environmentally friendly? Wow Your logic is just baffling Comment from : @James-iz9ci |
LED light is dangerous for your eyesight good info her youtube/Jj3wwni3c8Y Comment from : @mothernatureworks5897 |
I can`t calculate how exactly LED bulbs are more energy effective than Incandescent, as I can only compare bills for electricity and I have many other consumers But after turning to LED my bills reduced by 15-20 So 90 more effective than incandescent are very close to the truth Comment from : @yewwgensheludko8607 |
Wish that you would have shown the previous bill and the continued savings that the light bulbs can produce with multiple bills over that 9 month period Still a great video Comment from : @emmanicole1677 |
Chanhing all bulbs to LED is just a first step to reduce energy consumption and electricity bills I power up all my Bfranklin LEDs with solar panel on my roof This is really saving money Comment from : @emmyengy4279 |
I live in an apartment so my current electricity bill is really low (21 dollars a month, it was 15 dollars a month when I first moved in, so the only increase was the rate) I also find that some older light fixture will want you to fit 6 bulbs on it, which is way too much for a bath room imo I just took the old incadecent ones down and put one CFL on itbrbrThe other thing I practice is that use natural lighting as much as possible, and only turn on the light in the room that you are inbrbrI bought a dozen of LED light bulb when they were on sale at homedepot, and will switch them out once those CFL burns out Comment from : @cougar2k720 |
Very good video LED bulbs certainly do help to reduce overall electricity usage and help keep the electricity bill down Most of the light fittings in my home now use LED bulbs I started fitting LED bulbs in the most frequented rooms which in my case is the living room, the kitchen, the dining room and the bathroom I still have older less efficient bulbs which are used in the least used rooms The least used rooms in my home is the loft, the understairs storage cupboard and the spare bedroom I figured it would be an awful waste to just throw them away before they broke I have a cupboard full of bulbs which will last for years brAside from the fact LED bulbs use less energy and help keep the bills down, their are other advantages They help reduce the chances of a power blackout, and the demand for imported energy will reduce Comment from : @Mr_Chris__ |
If you go to the Dollar Tree you can attain 20 year LED standard E27 bulbs with 800 luminous rating for a dollar each I made the change a long time ago, myself as well Comment from : @EmmtheOriginallyLegal1andOnly |
I'm here because my light bill is almost 300 and it's just me and my daughter haha Comment from : @OzayMora |
Note that LED lamps can create a high frequency flicker (csn be seen if filming with high speed camera on phone) that can be irritating in the long run, sothere are downsides Also they do not heat up your apartment so the heating bill will increase a bit when you love to led ;-) Comment from : @bigbadboogie6842 |
you shure you did not used your breasts to make the math ? Comment from : @x1x4x1 |
Can led lights have a negeative effect on human eyes over time is the question, and heat from a bulb could be good in a cold climate, reduce heat bill Comment from : @1991tommygun |
$ 70 is cheap Comment from : @peterliljebladh |
Can you talk a little less? Comment from : @dossipdan9173 |
I bought mine at the dollar store Comment from : @iivv_nn |
Thank you, that was very informative Comment from : @PhongNguyen-nz9kz |
Yeah, don't stand over the CFL light bulbs Comment from : @alexscher1609 |
Talk too much m, get to the point Comment from : @nathansunnaa7222 |
I started to gradually replace my CFL bulbs 4 years ago and while I haven't kept track of exact dates I have had a couple of LEDs fail after just a few months While I will continue to add more LEDs I know their lifespan is greatly exaggerated Comment from : @CaneFu |
Thank you for your work Comment from : @johnlansing2902 |
The cool operation advantage is good as it means that light fixtures will deteriorate slower I also like to use the led bulbs to make work lights They run cool so you do not burn yourself Comment from : @annyer262 |
the tryth they dont save shit heres why go touch one when on it converts that energy into heat and alot so unless there cool to the touch like say a small led its not saving you shit Comment from : @jackoneill8585 |
Thank you for this video The way you explained everything was very detail I'm a huge supporter of led technology Comment from : @scottgriffin449 |
Il faut arrêter tout mensonge j utilise ampoule et aimant sans bobine et si allume pas pas du tout Comment from : @essaidhaouari7451 |
Another way to be environmental friendly is having less light bulbs and or a smaller house Comment from : @adrianaostfriesland |
very very long story but no information no prove no calculations etc wasted time Comment from : @mrmoverkhan4995 |
Thank you so much I am actually wondering myself how much I am actually saving on all of this LED light bulbs! Comment from : @86Miguelisimo |
blolwhy wouldn't they? They're less wattage aren't they??/b Comment from : @Lot_2023 |
I did this, 4 years ago Saved $45 a month, I’m now eliminating about 30 of my lights as I’m installing outdoor solar LEDs, so more savings! Comment from : @eliteagle75 |
Don't forget to subtract your capital outlay from your savings Also subtract the interest you might have obtained from keeping that capital in a high interest account Which two months form the basis for you data? It matters if you're going from Winter into Spring, say Do you expect the same dollar savings in the Summer months? Are LED materials non-toxic? Some have concerns Nevertheless, bravo the LED! Comment from : @Morbius1963 |
depends on which two months Winter into Spring, maybe? Comment from : @Morbius1963 |
Try watching this video, it's called SOFT ATTACK and read the comments I'm going back to incandescent light bulbs The light bulbs you switched to are not good for you Comment from : @nebraskagoldhunter |
I'm going back to old school bulbs I have a couple cases of them After reading about what LED's and CFLs do Very dangerous to our health Comment from : @walkerm777 |
Going from 120W per bulb to 9W a bulb with 15 bulbs is like 1800W to 45W and getting similar light output that adds up quckly Comment from : @AnhYeuEmMaiMai69 |
Great video Having money being saved in anyway or form is always a plus! Comment from : @Henyz |
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