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How To Appear Broke To Lawyers And Creditors

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Title :  How To Appear Broke To Lawyers And Creditors
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Comments How To Appear Broke To Lawyers And Creditors

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Comment from : @ClintCoons

Funky Town, LLC 😂😂may have to borrow that!
Comment from : @MJC__

Clint, are you holding anymore tax and asset events or perhaps online events anytime in the near future?
Comment from : @kaisailor1

Can I setup holding LLC in NV instead of WY? As my understanding NV also doesn’t collect member and manager info Thanks
Comment from : @TinMan-kd2gv

I can't find info for Australia for this Hoping it works here, too
Comment from : @LilacDaisy2

Can creditors see BOI filings?
Comment from : @scnager1

Does this only work with real estate asset class or can one do this with a brokerage account If time please advise thank you
Comment from : @KeBozarth-t8j

Last 2 mins are crucial, thanks
Comment from : @giudaenterprises22

If the wording of the operating agreements of a holding company and its subsidiary is basically identical with the exception of company names … that indicates both operating agreements were written by the same person could that indicate that the entities aren’t really separate and make it easier to pierce the corporate veil ??
Comment from : @activemusickid

When you get a limited liability company in Wyoming Do you need to go ahead and set your banking up in Wyoming? Under that limited liability, that's in Wyoming?
Comment from : @harlanbell5343

How do you wind up getting bank accounts for those Wyoming l? LC's without having your name attached to the l L c
Comment from : @harlanbell5343

How do you find out if there’s a lien on my property?
Comment from : @dianachau7857

Is this strategy impacted with the new Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)?
Comment from : @AleshaBowens

@clintcoons So this is different from creating a holding company? Does this help even in divorce if she doesn't know you have multiple LLC or has access? I only keep enough money in my personal account to pay bills The rest i keep on my credit cards and invest into my overfunded life insurance policy
Comment from : @RWalker69

Man my ambulance chancing attorney family member would be pissed if he knew this video was out there! 😂 Great information!
Comment from : @LifeofGrill

Can you do that with real property too?
Comment from : @mrmike115

own nothing - control everything
Comment from : @alexrocks4life

Hiding things in individual trusts are safer than multiple LLCs
Comment from : @PjXapa

thankyou Clint
Comment from : @jordi2774

Comment from : @jordi2774

Iis tvis the holding company stratergy
Comment from : @josedavidvilafane1942

Can I put all my stocks in my Wyoming llc and do my personal taxes with my stocks as normal?
Comment from : @MasonMyers-oi6gx

Don’t you have to register your wyoming LLC in the state you live in with would get rid of your anonymity?
Comment from : @johncychosz8799

I have an s corporation Can they go after personal assets if the buisness is being sued
Comment from : @Ron-ww9cp

What if we don’t live in Wyoming?
Comment from : @icedteamama176

Does new Mexico work like Wyoming?
Comment from : @Smokey711

I pay my taxes for investments, business and personal How do I hide that information, or how can I have the tax man hide that information from an outside inquiry/search?
Comment from : @yokoschroder314

Great Video But the same rule applies "They'll only sue you if there's money"
Comment from : @mrvincentpcspes

The main idea here is to hide your assets with legal procedures to make it harder for thieves to find - and hope they will look for an easier target
Comment from : @dq7143

I'm lost
Comment from : @friendsforever5012

SUPER GOOD QUESTION HERE!!! WHEN PUTTING A HOUSE IN A TRUST AND NOT USING YOIUR OWN NAME WILL MOST INSURANCE COMPANIES STILL CONSENT TO INURING YOUR HOME???? I spoke one one and they stated they would not unless Tue trust was in my own name! So concerned abt Home owners insurance in this regards Any suggestions or comments that might be helpful in this regards Thank you very fine and informative video
Comment from : @kolobkolobkolobkolob

Cant the "obscure LLC" that has a lien against the vulnerable company be investigated and won't it come out that the owners of both are the same? It's public knowledge, isn't it?
Comment from : @FreshAirRules

When you file the so called friendly lien against your own bisness, won't that creat a negative history against the business credit?
Comment from : @AfricanRenaissancetv

Is this channel basically to help wealthy people commit fraud or rip people off without getting caught LOL?
Comment from : @daveross92983

I learned much more from the "comments" than I did from this presentation!
Comment from : @bobbyvee8941

How does these new Law FinCen effect Judgments being able to find those Assets "in the LLC box" that it REALLY belongs to YOU? Due to the new "transparency"
Comment from : @anon00maneras68

What if all my assets are in a living trust already?
Comment from : @jakevillaret

You are still giving your name as a signer on these accounts Also for every Trust and LLC you have, you are creating another requirement to file a year end return which you will need to sign
Comment from : @MartinDezion

looks like a good way to manage assets, EXCEPT it seems like the WY LLC will at least need the name of a Registered Agent, so there is the problem, the bread crumb that leads back to the key person of all these LLC's and Asset entities
Comment from : @MartinDezion

Regarding protecting your personal residence, would a Land Trust work the same way as a Personal Residence Trust? Is one more beneficial over the other?
Comment from : @JtotheRizzo

Does this new law requiring disclosure of these LLC entities effect this strategy?
Comment from : @positivevibes7131

how does the CTA going to affect this stratagy?
Comment from : @henryhache5509

Does it matter what state I am in if I want you to set these up for me?
Comment from : @jimmymcgill5572

One very important thing to remember is that any asset protection measures need to be taken BEFORE a lawsuit Otherwise, it looks like a Fraudulent Transfer and a court can nullify transfers of assets, corp structures, etc if certain criteria are met Single-member LLCs are problematic If you are the only person in the entity it can be considered an alter-ego and can be subject to enforcement of a judgmentbrbrAll in all, these are reasonable strategies for discouraging nuisance lawsuits since most attorneys and creditors buy a canned asset check through Lexis, CLEAR, IRB, an inexperienced PI, etc and don't hire a competent asset investigator - who would pick all this apart in an afternoon That being said, even if it's not "judgment -proof" it does provide a degree of incentive to reach a settlement rather than go to court and unwind it all
Comment from : @has25252

I’m a worthless POS Yessir A bum living off of Lines of credit I’m milking banks Please sue me so I can pay off my debt 😭😭😭
Comment from : @Darrell_lewis_realtor

What if you’re a Broker that runs a real estate company or a property manager? You are Broker of Record How do you hide your name in that situation?
Comment from : @MN-yz7bp

What if you need to show you are making payments to the “loan”? So that it’s an encumbrance on your income? Would the stream of payments to the LLC trigger taxes within the LLC?
Comment from : @AnimalFarm341

good stuff
Comment from : @passiveincomeac

So the mega corporations cry broke and get bailouts and grants all the time
Comment from : @jjk2one

Hi Clint, what would I state the purpose of the Wyoming "Banking LLC" as and could you give me a few tips on things I should have in my operating agreement?
Comment from : @philippedros7752

what about safe deposit boxes, not in business name
Comment from : @mojazzn9091

Terrific strategies to be sure but I thought the anonymous LLC strategy had come under attack by the current administration I thought it had been ruled that the beneficiary of any corporation in the United States had to be visible
Comment from : @headfirst6227

YES!!! I needed this Thanks
Comment from : @SCOTTJONES-e1c

Wow, lol, must be nice having so much money you want to appear broke, lol, I have like $7 in my checking account and like $20 in savings In my entire life the most money I've ever had at one time was $11,000 I gave $2,000 to my mom, $2000 to my sister, I bought a $2000 dollar laptop, spent $2000 on strippers and hookers, $1000 on a camera easy come easy go
Comment from : @JeffreyAllanBackowski

How can I contact you to protect personal residence?
Comment from : @goldysingh9586

Should I remove my personal checking acct money and place into my existing WY Holding LLC account that I have in my real estate structure or should I just start a new WY LLC for this purpose only?
Comment from : @APinson29

Follow up video chapters could include impacts of doctrines around fraudulent misrepresentation and division of entities
Comment from : @JustinDeRosa

"How to defraud Banks and creditors"
Comment from : @mellisvids

Clint what about this new Digital Systems banks are going to do we need to worry about that?
Comment from : @livingvertikalradio

Can you do some tricks like this to be safe from child support / alimony horror stories?
Comment from : @soronir3526

How about canuckistan version??
Comment from : @konnorj6442

So if you record a loan to yourself, can you report said loan in good standing to also increase your own credit?
Comment from : @tremerefury

Hope the d-bag solar contractor who fleeced me for 10 grand doesn't watch your channel Because if I find out that m-f has a Wyoming LLC I'm just gonna have to burn his house down
Comment from : @JaymoJoints

I have judgements My own business but am looking to get a job How do I avoid them knowing I have a job?
Comment from : @jdaz5462

PERTINENT ADVICE!How about usibg a New Mex ico vs Wyoming private LLC? Just asking I think NM doesn't gather information either?
Comment from : @berntout3697

If Paul Poorbody wanted to sue Richie Rich, and Richie Rich lived in a really expensive property owned by OnePercenter LLC, Paul Poorbody would likely suspect that Richie Rich owns the LLC Send like anonymity would be a hard thing to achieve for an extravagant spendor
Comment from : @joecommenter1332

Great clip Mr Clint Coons Esq
Comment from : @INNO222

I believe I am naturally protected, as best I know 1) Rent My Home 2) Drive 15 year old cars 3) As I am retired now, Income is 100 based on IRA, SS, ACA Tax Creditshard for others to break into those My assets are good, 90 in the IRA - stocks and bonds I can only see some exposure in checking / savings (small) and a Vanguard Traditional account (6 figures)
Comment from : @mikeflair6800

I understand some states such as Texas and Florida are such that creditors cannot touch your house no matter what
Comment from : @daleparkes1570

This is brilliant
Comment from : @Donna777

Buy Monero
Comment from : @IIISWILIII

That would've been extremely useful before someone stole ten grand out of my bank account
Comment from : @DY-tj9wu

First of all, if you create an LLC, in order to use it, you need a taxpayer ID, in order to get a taxpayer ID you need to supply, depending how many owns or will own it, a Social Security number If you open an account in a bank as an LLC, you still have that taxpayer ID which can be linked to your and possibly others Social Security number, so in affect your assets and the partner's assets can get frozen until the lien is satisfied So basically you just created a more complicated situation
Comment from : @timothyweers8054

I'm always amazed that people like OJ Simpson don't do this stuff to protect their assets There was an Australian lawyer who came up with some wonderful stuff to avoid paying taxes which is usually harder to do I have a copy of one of his many books, "How To Not Pay Taxes"
Comment from : @NoSpam1891

If all the accounts link back to the same or several WY LLC isn't that a giveaway that you are "structuring" your finances to make it look like you own nothing? How hard would it be for a good PI to find out about the WY LLC and who owns it?
Comment from : @freddyrosenberg9288

Maybe legal, but definitely unethical Knew a guy who used tricks like this to screw his ex-wife and kid over May he burn in hell and anyone who helped him
Comment from : @ChaosRules57

This couldn't be considered fraud or anything like that, right?
Comment from : @growleym504

If I cut myself a check from the LLC are there any type of tax implications one should know about?
Comment from : @slickrick412

I am the trustee of the entity holding the mortgage on my brother's properties and he on mine both of us are in default and upside down to one another as for some reason the lenders keeps advancing funds to the other
Comment from : @TheJagjr4450

Step one: be broke as fuck brStep two: reap the benefits
Comment from : @TheCarpentersApprentice

lawyers and creditors sure, but i don't have any beef with Snoop
Comment from : @luke8329

Do you have a package for someone with the rental property? I’ve got a rental property that only has about $80,000 mortgage balance it’s worth about 500,000 minimum and I’ve got a primary residence paid off I don’t have a lot of cash less than $20,000 but I have often worried about a renter trying to sue me for my equity I’ve been lucky I’ve been renting property for the last 20 years and never had an issue but I know all it takes is one time
Comment from : @joeglennaz

this is awesome!!!
Comment from : @nicksgarage8295

In TN it is a waste of time to set up these structures because you can easily look this stuff up Every LLC's owner has their home address listed
Comment from : @kpec3

Would this strategy work for Texas Series LLC?
Comment from : @KingdomThoughtLeaders

All of this information started to sound pretty illegal after I heard, set it up in wyoming😅😅
Comment from : @ZeginMakesMusic

Dropped a Judge😅😂😂😅
Comment from : @Mexianthe0

Don't they have to go to court in order to touch your account or garnish your wages?
Comment from : @maggiemmoore

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