Title | : | Robertson: Those Struggling Financially Must Keep Tithing |
Lasting | : | 1.14 |
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Another crook bites the dust ! Comment from : @Bugsy0333 |
Dios es él dueño del oro y de la plata Hageo 2:8-10 El no necesita nuestro dinero porqué en él SALMOS 50:12 dice brSi yo tuviera hambre, no te lo diría a ti; porque mío es el mundo y todo lo que en él hay Lo único que Dios pide está en MIQUEAS 6:8brÉl te ha declarado, oh hombre, lo que es bueno ¿Y qué es lo que demanda el Señor de ti, sino solo practicar la justicia, amar la misericordia, y andar humildemente con tu Dios?brSólo puso un impuesto a la nación de Israel para manutención de los levitas, huérfanos y las viudas Lo explicaré ,El diezmo era para la nacion de israel para la manutencion de los levitas,huerfanos y a la viuda y se hacia una vez al año,el diezmo nunca fue dinero si no productos agricolas y ganaderia el alfoli no es una canasta o bandeja si no un almacen como granero o bodega donde se guardaba el diezmo antes dichootra cosa por no diezmar siempre le vienen con malaquias 3:9 esa maldicion era para la nacion de israel porque dependian de la ley mosaica en la biblia dice que el que depende de la ley está bajo maldición lo dice en galatas 3:10 por eso el señor le dice malditos soy hay esta claro en eso y manipulan a los hermanos de la fé con este versiculo ni pablo tocaba ese versiculo porque el sabia que habia un nuevo templo un sacerdocio y un nuevo pacto y una nueva manera de dar eso esta en 2 corintios 9:7 y en galatas 3:10 dice todos los que son de la obra de la ley están bajo maldicion, y en galatas 3:13 dice cristo nos redimio de la maldicion de la ley el señor no contradice su palabra ni confunde La biblia enseña que cada uno dé como propuso en su corazon no de mala gana ni por necesidad por que Dios ama al dador alegre Nota:(no dice que bendice como muchos dicen si no que ama al dador alegre) y tambien habla de la ofrendas voluntarias, por favor hermanos despierten no sean oidor solamente lean la biblia por eso el señor dice mi pueblo padece por falta de conocimiento, es una pena que la mayoria del pueblo de Dios no lee biblia ni pide sabiduria y entendimiento de la palabra y son engañados no solamente del diezmo si no tambien con enseñansa antibliblicas Comment from : @davidmojica4045 |
189th Comment from : @jasongoodwin4535 |
188th Comment from : @jasongoodwin2489 |
God has no use for money Greedy bastards like Pat Robertson use your tithe to pay for their mansions Comment from : @BillFoltyn |
Pat, what do you buckets look like? You son-of-a-bitch! Comment from : @BillFoltyn |
God must be a jack of all trades - I didn't realise he was a financier as well as the creator of the universe Comment from : @davidfos84 |
"Have I bought too much car?"brbr"Is our children learning?" Comment from : @davidfos84 |
Robertson is a greedy motherfucker Comment from : @michaelbme1983 |
God as my financial partner? what is this false teacher saying that is sick amazing how God blinds the wise this is a businessman, not a Christian Comment from : @tiredofchurchs7407 |
tithing is a lie its too bad so many people just fall for it rather than study it She didnt get an answer because God wants her to SEARCH FOR IT! Find that answer by faith and God will lead you! Comment from : @thebackseatpreacher4418 |
what an idiot,you cant rob God forget tithing,,,,pay your bills Comment from : @douglasbrianford7755 |
He's a multimillionaire, and what's worse is he used tithing money to fund a diamond operation in the DRC So he's actually working with warlords, a brutal dictator and poor children to collect diamonds There is a documentary about this called "Mission Congo" - AND his church is (of course) suing the filmmakers The man is obscene
Comment from : @Trund27 |
This "man" is an utter perversion If I were a believer, the irony is I would consider him the Devil himself Comment from : @Trund27 |
Too bad there is no hell, because this shit deserves to go there Comment from : @masterofthecontinuum |
Considering tithing gives you nothing back for your money, that's probably their best bet for cutting back, fuckface I'll bet this scumbag has a goddamn mansion and 5 cars Comment from : @masterofthecontinuum |
This is the number one reason this religion still exists Comment from : @SillyCyban |
Tithing is not taught in the majority of churches, it is taught in a few more churches than it used to be because of the spread of "faith ministry" false doctrine such as tithing and more, but most Christians understand that tithing stopped with law and is not a New Testament doctrine or requirement It took 30 years of unbiblical garbage coming out of people like Pat Robertson to fool some Christians back into the law They are causing people "who began in the spirit to fall back into the law" Comment from : @AdvancedMarketingGro |
Faith ministers sometimes rely on Heb 7:8, it is often used to try & convince Christians that they should be tithing by claiming that "Jesus still receives tithes" The error in that is that the words "recevith them" are adding by translators and NOT in the original version It should read And here men that die receive tithes; but there of whom it is witnessed that he liveth" Even if you leave in what they added, it says he received tithes THERE, in the past, NOT NOW in the New Testament Comment from : @AdvancedMarketingGro |
Crisstinsanity is such a fucking joke Comment from : @StylistecS |
that grace is God living in us :) how can we rob Him? Comment from : @tfrogersjr |
if she gave food like the bible says to give she wouldnt have to worry about paying her bills Comment from : @tfrogersjr |
you can't rob God if hes living in you :( Comment from : @tfrogersjr |
Better though to learn from Pat, who ain't broke than from Washington DC! Sixteen trillion in debt? Debt to China! Comment from : @WillSolomon02 |
You don't understand God or the Scriptures Salvation is bringing many sons and daughters into Glory! Have not you read the revelation of Jesus Christ? God both before Creation, the flood and after it "saw the cross" and many responding in faith to it, eg (John 3:14-16)! Hence, multitudes are and will stand before His Throne redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, who came to take away the sin of the world (John 1:29) Jesus said God is God of the living, not the dead, the redeemed, not the lost! Comment from : @WillSolomon02 |
Well obviously you have an ax to grind with Brother Pat and did not listen to the advice in the clip Also, one needs to remember ANY Christian who forays into the public square will have opposition He never asked in this clip for money He proclaims Christ and has a right to his political views And Christians are under the law of Christ, not law of Moses Spirit will point men and women to tithe, if they are listening Are churches need it! Comment from : @WillSolomon02 |
Pat in this clip did not question their faith He gave them sound advice Tithe, check your lifestyle, get sound financial help Pat may miss it at times But he will always ultimately point men and women to Christ My mother in law before she passed watched two shows religiously The Price is Right with the late Bob Barker and the 700 Club While fixing her bathroom one time, I could sense the anointing of the Holy Spirit coming from the Patsbroadcast You dont get that from watching The View! Comment from : @WillSolomon02 |
Amazing that pat claims it's someones fault, it just has to be I guess the person just didn't have enough faith, isn't that right pat???? Comment from : @shultman37 |
Of course he would say that - he's a millionaire with houses and cars Btw, I don't tithe, I'm loaded and me and my family are all healthy Comment from : @goodbyebinarybrain |
Mr Roberson’s solution to this family’s financial issue is to send him money Yeah that’s going to help Excuse me Mr Robertson do you represent the Lord more than the rest of us? Did you know that people under the Law who received tithe couldn’t have an inheritance or own property?
Comment from : @sozo78 |
actually the love of money is the roots of all kinds of evil 1 timothy 6:10 money is not intrinsically good or bad but pat robertson teaches this tithing nonsense, which is of the mosiac law, and not true Biblical giving many preachers and churches manipulate people with this 2 corinthians 9:7 each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or UNDER COMPULSION, for God loves a cheerful giver Comment from : @2010chefgreg |
"have i bought too much car?"
look like pat didn't "get enough school" Comment from : @rabsputin |
I will tithe the way the Bible says Now remember money existed back the 10 of the spoils of war Next time I go to war I will do that 2nd there is the tenth of every farm animal that goes thru the gate I will give my church a cow, goat, or horse whenever I get one Lastly 10 of agricultural products like spice and herbs I will on that too The Lord loves a cheerful giver not one that is held hostage by a preacher Comment from : @mpetershat |
Those churches need to budget their money better! Comment from : @385Mercedes |
Exactly Comment from : @SoRichIamMedia |
Stupid people! Comment from : @Camarggio |
The NT Church needs to get a clue:
Read: truthorfables(dot)com/Tithing(dot) htm and understand that all the pastors teaching tithing versus giving from your heart and way many other scriptures that they omit in their one sided doctrine The seed now is the Word of God in the NT - NOT the law of tithing! Oral Roberts doctrine, which rekindled a lot of these bogus teachings is severely flawed! Comment from : @Goldpenny1 |
tithing is a hoax Comment from : @TheMessanjah |
God bless you for giving not tithing Tithing is not a new testament teaching but old testatment Giving however is new testatment, but according to what God has purposed in your heart God loves a cheerful giver It did not say God loves a cheerful tither Wake up people and don't fall for this You are blessed because you give to the church not by tithing Are you now putting yourself under the law? or are you under grace through Christ? U can't be both SMH! Comment from : @chuckyoo |
Funny how people think when Pat tells people to tithe they think he means send money to himhe is talking about send money to your local churchHow is the church able to support itself without tithes?how will the bills be paidMaybe she is not on a budgetAll I know is that i have been tithing for 10 years and have NEVER been in lack and God continues to supply all of my needs Comment from : @jimmymack8485 |
For as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse For it is written, "Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things that are written in the scroll of the Law, to do them" 11 Now that no man is justified by the law before God is evident, for, "The righteous will live by faith" Comment from : @Axiom2rue |
I thank she wanted you to answer her question She does NOT have money and she tithe, so why does she not have money? Comment from : @PutGodFirst77 |
Get rid of religion It is a sickness Comment from : @TheBassHeavy |
Funny how Christians proclaim that Torah is done away with, yet they reach into Torah and preach (a twisted version of) the tithe Hypocrites Comment from : @rsims87 |
You sound just like a pastor who desperately desires the financial windfall that "tithing" bringseither that, or you've learned the "tithe" mantra from said pastor, and parrot it Tithing in the scriptures is NEVER an "act of worship" as you errantly declare Prosperity hustlers have taken on this "God tithed" nonsense to keep you all subject to them God doesn't want NOR need your moneybut greedy preachers DO Comment from : @RUABerean |
In Matthew 23:23, Jesus was speaking to self-righteous Pharisees who-just as all of Israel at the time-were under the Mosaic law Therefore, under Mosaic law, they HAD to tithe Just because this passage is recorded in what's called "the New Testament" doesn't mean that it mandates tithing for us The new covenant didn't come into effect until AFTER Jesus died and was resurrected There's not one single command to tithe under the new covenant Comment from : @RUABerean |
Youll also see that in Matthew 23:23 Jesus actually said we should tithe Tithing is a principle all throughout scripture old and new testament Tithing is an act of worship Your putting God first in every area not just the areas you want to God tithed for us and gave us His first fruit How could we not do the same to show Him we trust and love Him? Comment from : @thewisenashvillestar |
Be FAITHFUL with your tithes God is a great business partner Don't rob Him Mediate on Malachi 3:10 It's only rightwhen He's first Kingdom-FXinfo Comment from : @SoRichIamMedia |
"He (God) loves you and he NEEDS MONEY"!!!!!!!!
-George Carlin Comment from : @scdevon |
People criticize Pat Fine Well us believers need to start a show and do it right! Believe God Get people to back your vision Preach Jesus on national television And when the criticism comes, and it will ask Pat to pray for you because he has traveled a road many of us Christians will never even get a permit to drive on Jesus followed God's vision So did Paul! So lets follow God's vision for us Lead people to Christ and the world will love you Not! John 16:33 Comment from : @fothgt |
If you research Christianity the last one hundred and fifty years many of those traveling preachers helped shape modern day Christianity They believed God, the miracles of Jesus, sign gifts and prophetic utterances, and power of God manifested in one's life
Notice on westerns the traveling preacher was always the coward The gun-slinger the hero What a bias! I love traveling preachers Trusting God Ministering the Word with boldness Matter of fact Jesus was a traveling preacher! Comment from : @fothgt |
Yes Jesus did condemn the Pharisees (Matthew 15:1-8) for their bent on the tradition of the elders But for what purpose? To get them back to the fullness of Loving God so that they would prosper The trad of the elders caused the Word of God to be on "none effect" The lesson to be learned is the love, trust, and obey God and allow His presence to be manifested in one's life
Comment from : @fothgt |
What He wants is an integration of your time, talents, and treasure The giving of "the measly dollars" that we worked hard to get shows what and who we are ultimately trusting in! That is at the end of the day God I trust in you to do more with ten that I can do with the remaining 90! God incorporated the tithe into Israels post-Exodus economy to bless the nation Christians believe in the tithe as well
Comment from : @fothgt |
If you guys actually read the bible once in a while you'll see Jesus condemning the Pharisees for imposing man-made rules and taxes that had nothing to do with God or worship Pat Robertson is a modern day Pharisee and nobody is willing to overturn his balances Comment from : @lozoft9 |
no need to try and distance yourself from this guy christiansyou still believe the other 99 of what he believes lol Comment from : @AGRANT716 |
@DetoxMansion Yeah, these parasitic scum really do ruin it for the rest of us believers The only difference between Robertson and 19th century travelling preacher-swindlers is that, because of television, he doesn't have to get off his lazy ass to bilk millions of scared, lonely shut-ins out of what money they do have Comment from : @soulvigilante |
It's because of lying, manipulating "men of God" like this creep and all the hard core bible worshiping (not God worshiping) fundies that I am ashamed to admit my belief and love for God < Jesus and the Holy Spirit! Comment from : @ZantiMisfit198 |
@ThePrayerHotline Well, we are not "friends" Moreover, I could not befriend an abstract being that I consider inexistant Or worse worship the buy-bull's repulsive, tyranical, vindictive, sadistical bully that christians call "god" Or any of the thousands of other "gods" actually worshiped throughout the globe I won't and can't be intimidated into believing in a "god" out of the fear of divine retaliation (hell) anymore You see, I've grown rationnal aka atheist Comment from : @EctoBuzz |
@EctoBuzz My friend, anyone can claim that he is a representative of God but the question remains, is he really a representative of God? You see, I just called you friend, and people who read this will think we know each other But you never heard of me before nor do you know me I also dont really know you but just stumbled on your comment Still people will think we know each other :) Comment from : @ThePrayerHotline |
The poor pay more to organizations like Robertson's than anyone Lennie Bruce said many years ago in a TV interview that any man who calls himself a man of god and has two suits is a hustler as long as there is any man who has no suit at all Look at the way Robertson and all the other "apostles" dress Hustlers, one and all Comment from : @Largo64 |
Easy for Robertson to say, what with his diamond mine and all Comment from : @soobwhale |
"God" is such a lowlife scum bag that the bastard requires the hard earned money of people like this poor lady's family to help his "representatives" get wealthy Always at the expense of the duped aka faithfull Comment from : @EctoBuzz |
I can't wait until Mr Reaper comes for this disgusting piece of trash Comment from : @ChuckyJesus666 |
He's 81, hopefully he'll die soon Comment from : @emerickscott |
Pat Robertson ain't that smart Why would ANYONE listen to his advice? Comment from : @skjelv |
Wake up Sheeple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comment from : @WhatsMyGame |
Apparently god is a greedy fuck Comment from : @x513xSparks |
What a joke
Comment from : @derpusderp |
You'd think that the all-knowing, all-loving and all-powerful deity of the bible would know that occasionally it's difficult to make those protection payments to the church and would cut the sheep some slack Apparently not Comment from : @Here4Years |
What on earth have I just watched? This is dreadful Comment from : @oldeubank |
An omnipotent deity would not need money, Pat Robertson and company need money Comment from : @lordcodicus |
In all seriousness, I am convinced that Pat Robertson is going SENILE Comment from : @NYTNinAmerica |
Don't rob god, that money belongs to him, get rid of your car or something you foolish woman Comment from : @MegaMagicalMegan |
"and, and, andbutdon't rob "GOD" at the same time"
Don't quit sending your money to ME!!
Scumbag Comment from : @RJERR |
2 Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver
These people are thieves We're not obligated to give if we don't even havePAY YOUR BILLS MELISSA God said my people perish for lack of knowledge, don't let these wolfs in sheep clothing keep robbing your hard earned money Comment from : @malikzzzzz |
how about we cut back the 501-c-3 classification for churches, expose these crooks lifestyles to the masses right now the oil companies, banks and govt are busy ripping the country off Pat, how about you give the american people the truth you know, about all that money you scammed from the sheeple Comment from : @CodebluestaT |
TELEVISED GRIFTERS! Comment from : @MalwareDubstep |
so god can create the universe - in 6 days smite infidels save your soul (or send you to hell) but he's broke and needs part of your salary? is he going to have to live on ramen and cheap beer if you don't pay up? Comment from : @amphibient09 |
Sacrificing one's own needs for a fucking fairy tale is beyond sad "Don't rob God"? Oh wow!!!! God must be a hedge fund manager!!!!!!! Comment from : @MarkRosengarten |
Lady pay your bills, and if God needs it he'll take from the evil banks that has stolen your $ Comment from : @Davesn2u |
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