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Why talking to little kids matters | Anne Fernald | TEDxMonterey

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Title :  Why talking to little kids matters | Anne Fernald | TEDxMonterey
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Comments Why talking to little kids matters | Anne Fernald | TEDxMonterey

Does singing count? 😅 mine speaks as well, and we read to her daily, but her favorite form of communication is singing songs
Comment from : @smellyfanelly

פה מבועז
Comment from : @Greemps

Comment from : @DounutDuckieee

Please study-Bruce Lipton thanks
Comment from : @yvonnehyatt8353

Comment from : @july77773

cool! (: taking Intro to Child Development class at my community college, CRC :)
Comment from : @micosstar

What about families that speak two languages? My husband speaks only Spanish and I speak only English My daughter is fluent in both and can read in both How does that impact brain development?
Comment from : @Lesfaundez

But there are only 17 million English words And other languages have similar number range-highest being 12 million in Arabic I think So how is there a 30 million word gap?
Comment from : @tanvigupta5186

so what's the solution
Comment from : @jessemarquez1039

i love this Wish i would’ve known more of this stuff before my first born, growing in a hispanic family i’m glad i found this! and i will use it from now & on Thank you!
Comment from : @hi_pinky20

OMG! She is amazing! brI got the pleasure to meet her at Educare California at the Silicone Valley a few years ago and her insights on Early Learning just blew my mind away 🤯
Comment from : @rosaliaestrada7817

My poor parents left China due to extreme hardships for Singapore My China mother sent me to a British school when i was 8 years old The English language was indeed unbearable foreign to me After the English reader textbook, JANET & JOHN our reading foundation was solidly set and deepened We were from the 'dialects speaking' families spoken at home but proudly we made it with this 'reading ability' Now, i know why we were called 'The British Subjects' with a wider perspective of ONE WORLD! "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN"
Comment from : @simonsimon2888

Yea I’m poor af and all of my kids are incredibly intelligent My little baby now is a little over 3 months and is trying to start talking already And a child barely talking at 18 months is crazy to me!! My children talked to me in full sentences by the time they were 12 months Just don’t talk to your baby in silly baby talk that means nothing Gibberish is rubbish and they’re little people who loved to be talked to too My kids are also my whole wide world and I talk to them constantly Some people have to work a lot and aren’t around their kids as much as they would like to be I’m blessed enough to be able to stay home though
Comment from : @chandaphillips1337

I love the topic and we support a lot the idea of quality and quantity of good interaction between mom and child Our Mamaestra program holdS 50 encounters to primor early Spanish language stimulation
Comment from : @retobilinguismo

I like how it's not all bad news for low income families Interesting how some kids at 18 months are the same level as other 24 month olds I can believe that
Comment from : @lisacaroline4973

Great talk Really appreciate the research done here !
Comment from : @lisacaroline4973

Who is here because of the seminar course 😁✌KAU
Comment from : @jane1702

Thank you
Comment from : @760mom

When my nice was a baby, I was playing and speaking with her I was speaking correctly My thoughts was 'My nice will learn this word if I use it correctly' Some people think that this is a strange way to speak to a baby When this nice started speaking, she was building correct sentences and was very smart, because of that people sometimes forgot that they were speaking with so small child My second nice wasn't so fast to speak, she was treated as a small child at the same age I was spending less time with her
Comment from : @svitlal5845

Just 41 Comments on such a important talk?
Comment from : @Drfreedom

Speaking to kids definitely matters I had, and surpassed, a goal of reading 1000 different books to kiddo before he turns 4 (As well as reading each book 1 to 30 times like a typical voracious reading parent, ya know)brbrI also read the book 30 Million Words, which is about the main study referenced in this video That said, my newest interactions with this study / body of research have proposed that the study has not been recreateable and may have had inherent flaws, which have perpetuated the issues it sought to fix So, talk to your kids, play with your kids, don't worry about drilling them on vocabulary
Comment from : @AlignWithNikkiN

Is anyone questioning the bottles?
Comment from : @ricocreationss

Very nice talk Both parents in modern times are busy with thier jobs and domestic work Leaving little time to talk to their infant kids The work shows clearly, engaging conversation with kids matters a lot In modern times kids are forced to engage more on screen This is due to little time spent with kids due to other pressing compulsions
Comment from : @kmrsong

Words carry weight, weight training improves the mind
Comment from : @johnsherman7289

Really interesting, insightful, and well-delivered talk I’m interested to know what main factors contribute to the difference in ‘number of words spoken’ trend between the Mexico City and Bay Area low SES groups—whether it’s primarily due to the Bay Area care-givers navigating a foreign environment, as the example given, or if there are other significant factors such as overall opportunity and resource for engaged time with the child I realize this is a bit beyond the scope of the studies presented, and it seems like a really important thing to understand so those families are getting effective support Many thanks 🙏🏽
Comment from : @fivebyfivesound

Her cottonmouths absolutely destroys me
Comment from : @rosebowser805

Homegirl needs to speak louder
Comment from : @markspontarelli8356

Amazing researchThank you for sharing this in your talk :)
Comment from : @ruhi3881

I believe this research too be true But as university student who grew up in a Low SES family and community this upsets me, because I know many Low SES parents would be talking to their children more if they were educated about the benefits of providing early communication to their babies I have a 3 month baby, and if it weren't for the education I have fortunately acquired, I probably wouldn't be speaking to her as much as I dobrbrbrAlso, I didn't really like this lady's attitude toward the research
Comment from : @rachellopez8078

It is barely audible
Comment from : @rsrinivasan5486

This is great, very informative I have just created a channel and posted a video on this subject, anyone that might be interested: @
Comment from : @melaniesadler9891

I have a question for native English speakers, you say Monterey because its changed in English, because here México is said Monterrey
Comment from : @nanazsan7536

The root cause is not poverty Use the 5 why's Why do we see some people perform better than others? Their level of proficiency What determines their level of proficiency? Their teachers What differentiates a good teacher from a bad teacher? Salary and training Why don't we pay our teachers more and emphasize training? Political agendas How do we reform political agendas? VotebrbrVote for your rights Stand up for your rights
Comment from : @warmongerism

Hmmmm Maybe PARENTS and CAREGIVERS are the individuals that are responsible for providing a rich environment for the children to learn Maybe, if a parent is receive any form of Government Support, mandatory Parenting Classes should be provided to ensure that the Parent is fully aware of the benefits and potential that their children have if the Parent/Caregiver provides a rich language environment So much comes back to the parent/caregiver in a child's development and future outcomes
Comment from : @aknesbitt9224

I can definitely see this effect in action with my daughter I see how well my 2 year old daughter has been doing with her vocabulary and just the ability for her to pick up words so easily It's amazing to watch it all unfold I think if you get a parent that has lots of interaction with their child, I don't think it matters what their income is
Comment from : @like90

amazig research on childhood linguistic development
Comment from : @mutaibshah4355

Santa loves it - especially when your on his lap
Comment from : @kareszt

My wife and I lived below poverty as dislocated migrant workers Our son at 2yrs old, was bilingual and came 1 year ahead in grade level It's all about giving parents the right toolset!
Comment from : @theurbanwolf298

Interesting research I also think children's mental capacity to understand is often undermined by most adults
Comment from : @samanthasalazar7064

As an elementary school teacher, I believe this is true It's all about the time and vocabulary a parent gives/shares with a toddler
Comment from : @MelindaButler

Wow some people totally missed the point It's not about class or ethnic background, but about the quantity and quality of infant-directed speech, which is the part that actually makes a difference  Oo
Comment from : @kiette

So if you are under a set incom (what the cause is not relevant) you are not intelligent enough to read books cause you probably cant read well, are incapebale of think that what you feed your children dosent matter, have no one  that can help you, but of cause, they have taken 45 latino families, probably with poor english language skill and made this bullshit, presented as this is how it is, for all demografich  - bulllshit
Comment from : @grilar

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