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Not interested in France; too bureaucratic and high taxes and I’m French
Comment from : @mariadavis3797

checks are less and less common I haven't had check book for a long time A lot of times when they're used it's as a collateral ("caution") when you rent something Also it's crazy that the US doesn't have something like SEPA for transfers (which still takes a few days unless you pay for fast transfer or it's a small sum)
Comment from : @valdir7426

French banking you can get used to, but the small french salaries? That's the problem lol
Comment from : @Escobarguzman7000

j'ai l'impression en vous écoutant ( lisant le sous titrage ) que tout ce qui se passe en France est une catastrophe ! mais nous avons la sécurité sociale , et on n'est pas obligé de faire un emprunt pour se faire opérer , ma femme est hospitalisé depuis plus de 3 mois , ça nous à rien couté et elle a eu plusieurs examens lourds dont un sous anesthésie générale ! les abonnements téléphoniques en France ne coutent pas très cher , une Américaine comme vous mariée aussi à un Français avait 2 euros par mois comme forfait ! les fleurs coutent moins cher ! les diabétiques américains qui mangent du pain en France ne font pratiquement pas d'hyperglycémie !
Comment from : @LOLOVAL-os3pq

j'ai payé ma carte bleue 89 euros une seule fois , et non par an , elle est valable 3 ans ! mais ma femme a toujours négocié les prix des opérations et on arrive à s'arranger avec la ou le responsable d'agence !
Comment from : @LOLOVAL-os3pq

Love this video Thank You🙏🏾
Comment from : @solladolla648

Can you please mention the common banks' names in France?
Comment from : @hamzaabozade9103

Hello from Europe I've never used Venmo
Comment from : @tomstarwalker

I have never paid for any accounts in France, and currently don't pay any fees
Comment from : @fredericpayan6708

Drive thru banks??? Wow, that's crazybrSo you can rob a bank without even leaving your car, great innovation, American way of living 😆😆😆
Comment from : @piotrzielonka1987

In Canada, the biggest note is a 100$ as the 1000$ note was removed from circulation in 2000 and, up to a year or two, we could only withdraw $20 bills from ATMs Now, we can withdraw 50$ bills from ATMs Plus, they are many places who don't accept $100 bills at all and some don't accept $50 bills that are issued sooner than 2011 (Canada began issuing polymer banknotes in 2011)
Comment from : @drgnslayers

Je trouve que les prix cités sont très au dessus de ce que j'ai constaté
Comment from : @brunodelpiero

I studied in the UK and when I first came to live in France, I was shocked by the bank fees
Comment from : @BlitzOfTheReich

French banking is focused on security There is no way the laws will ever allow them to do online deposit or other unsecure payment methods
Comment from : @chrisb9143

the main issue with wireing money in the US is that they haven't discovered the concept of IBAN yet
Comment from : @AmauryJacquot

Hello Diane, I really enjoy your channel, thanks for all the work I am French and now live in the US again and your videos help keep things in perspective and see the other side of the coin, so to speakHaving gone through the complicated debit/credit card dilemma here, I found your take on French visa( or mastercard) debit cards surprising Though, it is absolutely true that you have to pay for them, they do all come with insurance when you use them for purchases like plane tickets,car rentals, holiday rentals The insurance level varies depending on the « level » card you have( and pay for) but they all at least cover basic medical and accident insurance while traveling They also often come with online fraud protection and have a little added security with the need to use a pin( though now you can do contactless up to €50 depending on your card) I find these services worth having and so would rather have to pay the yearly fee and have this little added security I also find credit card to be a little antiquated in the way they work and having to pay bills at the end of a cycle instead of direct withdrawals seems odd in 2023 and dangerous for your score if you forget about it
Comment from : @nadegeflint4559

I’m wondering if she even banks in the USA wire transfers have always been common place in America
Comment from : @amvytrading8541

Great video! I agree, banking service sucks here The monthly account fees are madness, and the spending ceiling makes me so indignant just on principle, it's MY MONEY guyz! I've had to learn how to write cheques for when we make big purchases like furniture or house renos, I never used a chequebook in Australia or the UK 😆
Comment from : @CarlieBonavia

I’ve had a French bank account for about 7 years now, and everything you say is true! Compared to my accounts in the US, you pay a lot more for banking with a French bank, but get considerably less in the way of service - very frustrating We live in a small town when visiting France, and I haven’t really noticed the widespread use of checks?
Comment from : @SoNowWhat

I find it very strange that the bank would charge you for online banking when it's cheaper for the bank if you go online rather than going to the bank in person - in the UK, the banks have really encouraged people to use online banking or the mobile app and are shutting down lots of branches
Comment from : @grassytramtracks

Comment from : @jeanjacques9980

For 9 to get a house loan you also need to show your income tax return for the past 3 years
Comment from : @egyphon

Great video Let’s add that it is common to find machines filling the blanks in a check so you just have to sign it
Comment from : @adrienhb8763

Wow, that sucks I use nothing but credit cards I don't carry any cash I suppose that I have three or four debit cards but I never ever carry or use them I get money back on credit card purchases And, since I pay off my cards every month, they don't cost me a dime Well, I have one card with a yearly fee, but the points I get back more than cover the cost
Comment from : @paullebon323

In the not too distant past the only way to send money to a person in Europe was a wire transfer I probably haven't done one in 20 years, but I used to do them (and the fees were too high)
Comment from : @jeromemckenna7102

What is a credit score ?
Comment from : @bionity4749

I've lived 15 years in France and never saw a check before coming here Nowadays they are fortunately disappearing from daily use and many places have "no checks" signs But they are handy with large amounts Couple of thousands of euros will block normal debit card, but this can be avoided by using checks I wouldn't want to carry that amount in my pockets
Comment from : @part-of-juffo-wup

The largest icommonly/i used note in the UK is £20 (€24/$27) Many, if not most, shops will not accept a £50 (€60/$68)
Comment from : @frankhooper7871

I not been to Paris for years Loved selling stuff there back in the day Enjoy your videos so much I think to return for a holiday in the spring Anything to get out of uk
Comment from : @jonathanport5002

Ouch, I use checks in the USA Like it's still 2021
Comment from : @Jim-bh7gs

I am sorry that you lost your Mom recently My mother died in 2006 I still think about her every day Remember that your Mom is still always with you I still feel my mother with me
Comment from : @miriamcohen7657

bSorry for you momgod bless her, god bless you!/b 🙏🏻😇🥰🤗
Comment from : @J0HN_D03

7:05 Not in big cities!! And in USA, lots of bank branches are closed on SATURDAY!!!!! Even worse, the day when people spend the most money
Comment from : @J0HN_D03

Toutes mes condoléances pour ta maman, j'ai perdu la mienne l'année dernière également
Comment from : @skypper1969

Bonjour, tu ne parles pas du payement sans contact très courant en France maintenant et très pratique jusqu'à 50 €, je suis au crédit mutuel et je peut tout faire sur internet ou avec mon téléphone et on peut facilement déposer des chèques à toute heure avec les automates (Il faudra juste descendre de son pickup et marcher 3 mètres :) ) En France ce promener avec du cash est rare et louche !brBisous
Comment from : @skypper1969

No mention of the online banks or options such a post account
Comment from : @infrance

In my travels in France it seems like there is a disconnect between what the ATM provides and what merchants want Most merchants strongly dislike large bills But many ATMs give ONLY 50 Euro bills A few would offer smaller bills and a very few would give me a choice But 50s were the norm So I learned to be sort of strategic about using the 50s every time I made a larger purchase or was in a large chain store like Monoprix, and hoarding my smaller bills for shopping in the local small stores
Comment from : @davidwelch1981

BTW - I travel back and forth from Canada and one of the things that I had to get use to is $1/$2 coins What about 1€/2€ coins?
Comment from : @iwilsonjr

I truly do not understand the notion of credit score as it is used in the US
Comment from : @apneiaproductions696

Sorry to hear about your mam
Comment from : @traceymarshall5886

Revolut is more popular for banking across europe and its possible to have
Comment from : @traceymarshall5886

I had no idea that wire just meant bank transfer
Comment from : @josephturner4047

I have only been to a few countries in Europe and while I absolutely loved each one for its own unique character, I did notice that the level of convenience and sometimes service is miles behind what I am used to in the US Our economy seems to be built around convenience and theirs is just on a different mentality After a few weeks abroad you just learn to navigate the intricacies of daily life and not stress about it My wife's mother moved back to Europe and it took weeks to get cable and several months to actually have a painter show up and finish the job I remember being in Greece and wanting a cab We saw a row of cabs with drivers talking and ask for a lift and was told to "come back in 15-20 minutes" and maybe they can take us downtown We decided to walk and found a wonderful café for a Frappe so not a total loss Love you channel!
Comment from : @SpartanOfFinance

So sorry to hear of your mom demise May God comfort and encourage you
Comment from : @gloryrufus2980

What if your living on a trust or disability benefits from your country? Stuff like that
Comment from : @enjoyingmyvodka1013

Great accurate content as always Diane, I am so sorry about your mother, sending you condoléances
Comment from : @imanethe1175

Take care
Comment from : @jow2450

We got rid of our French debit card to save the fee Although we live in France our income is UK source so we use our UK credit card paid from our UK bank account for grocery shopping, eating out etc, with utility bills paid by direct debit from our French bank account topped up every couple of years We use very little cash so just make an over the counter cash withdrawal every three months
Comment from : @Hide_and_silk

Thank you so much Diane for the information on Wise It's the type of card I need for my upcoming stay in France
Comment from : @brucemacneil8793

Merci pour tes vidéos ! brConcernant les horaires d'ouverture des agences bancaires, c'est vrai qu'ils sont généralement réduits, mais je ne trouve pas que ce soit contraignant : on n'a pas besoin de rencontrer un conseiller régulièrement ! Les automates restent accessibles en général, et sinon il y a le téléphone
Comment from : @MsdYnabad

My condolences to you and your family on your Mom's passing
Comment from : @elizabethcarroll3455

In fact in France we do not have the culture of credit cards, just debit card with a threshold to exceed the money quota that we do not have, and at this time we will have to reimburse this sum plus the agios ( interests) And if we do not reimburse after several reminders, we are registered with the bank of France and we may be banned from banking After I do not understand your credit score system, we know the money we have and what we owe with monthly statements You Anglo Saxons are used to living on credit even for small amounts, so you have a card with money that you don't have For example to buy devices that are a little expensive we will use a system of payments in 4 or 10 made by the stores times more than using a credit card To put it simply, in France, living with money that we don't have is not in our mentality
Comment from : @erwann7759

Checks are often use to pay for associations, like sports, private classes, etc It’s easier for small organization for their logistics Same with doctors as they often don’t use credit card We prefer to keep cash for small amount like for bakery fruits and vegs, etc Usually in grocery shops they have a tool to write the check and you just have to sign
Comment from : @KBinturong

With higher bills than 50€ shops are more afraid of fraud And even 50 note are avoided as some atm ask you if you want only 20 and ten note
Comment from : @KBinturong

There are many automatic devices now so you don’t need the bank to be open to do a check deposit or change deposit
Comment from : @KBinturong

The French are smart to require appointments to open up new bank accounts, and/or anything difficult to fix at the bank Are credit cards commonly used in France? How do Credit Cards differ in France compare to the US? My Condolences Diane
Comment from : @rtperrett

The French banking system is very closed A lot of red tape and it is heavily regulated There are a lot of hidden fees and lack of transparency Good luck if you want to invest some money on foreign stock exchanges You ll have to pay a heavy tax on your foreign bonds and sharesBut what to expect from a Socialist country?
Comment from : @towaritch

I use Wise to transfer my pensions from Germany to the US
Comment from : @JJoeisCooking

Your comments about paying by check was fascinating for me We haven‘t had checks in Germany since the euro became regular currency (beginning of 2002) We used to have the so-called Eurochecks, which stores liked because they were guaranteed up to 400 marks If you bought a more expensive purchase, the stores sometimes asked for a number of checks with none being for more than 400 marks Today, people pay either in cash (still very popular here), by debit card or (increasingly) by credit card People pay their bills either by direct debiting (for regular charges) oar bank transfer (is that what you mean by wiring money?) brA couple of weeks ago, I got a refund from the electric company in check form I was both surprised and annoyed because it meant a trip to the bank and filling out a small form to deposit the check Virtually no one does that anymore, and I‘m sure they did that because they knew that a direct deposit (the normal way) would be immediate, and by sending me a check, they would hold on to the funds for a minimum of several days (it turned out to be a couple of weeks) Well, big deal here - the refund was all of €21!
Comment from : @michaelmedlinger6399

La pub est trop longue
Comment from : @pierreernoult

Hello everyone! I am French therefore in a French bank and it is true that the fees are exaggerated!brPersonally I prefer to have small sum notes which avoids having a pile of changebrFor security my bank is at the top and I receive alerts immediately and there is a lot of security on the operationsbrMore and more businesses in France refuse checks, especially for small amounts, too many unpaid bills and more and more scams And people now mostly use 'contactless'brFor loans, we must also see that in France we do not have this culture of excessive credit like the Americans and we do not like living on credit A loan for a car, a house, a large appliance: yes a credit for anything and everything: no
Comment from : @korrigan6698

Dear Diane,brThanks for your friendly and accurate explanation on banking in France Just to give some supplemental information
Comment from : @jvgs920

Please compare usage of Credit Cards as opposed to Debit Cards in France
Comment from : @davidfreund6245

Hi Diane-Pretty surprising to me the fees and bs associated with a simple French checking account Great video as always!
Comment from : @stephenlowenstein9233

About the big banknotes value, I once read that in Spain, back when Bin Laden was still alive, they were calling the 500€ bank note with that name, because "everyone knew it existed, but nobody had seen it"
Comment from : @pascalolivier4458

Just a tip but you know you can negotiate the fees with your bank counselor ? ( especially if your husband or family/in-laws is in the same bank and/or have a mortgage there or other type of stuff like a life insurance )
Comment from : @hagris

Oooooooh I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother I didn't know until now Bless you and thank you SO MUCH for all the good you are doing and for being such a wonderful source of information to me and countless others I am looking and praying to move to France and I find your content to be priceless information for my future plans Thank you and again My heart goes out to you for your loss
Comment from : @BillyOddments

Is it normal that my bank advisor in france knows my pin number and is it normal for them to have a copy of the deeds to the house? Thanks!
Comment from : @SMWalkerAtelierDeCouture

Great video! IMHO these banks (Agences du Crédit Agricole/BNP/SG) are fully outdated You will get much better, cheaper and quicker services from online banks You can use them as your main bank and you will not need to pay all the expenses which are mentioned on your video It is also very easy to get a real estate loan, cashback etc and you can follow the mouvements of your account on your phone and easily initiate payments It can save you 200€ per year and much more in some cases (loans, savings etc)
Comment from : @jeannikos9012

My condolences for your mom Always very helpful! The banking system in Greece is now very modern and helpful We use our debit cards for everything 😊
Comment from : @ΣαπφωΘωιδου


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