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Why Do Some Coins Have Ridges?

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Title :  Why Do Some Coins Have Ridges?
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Comments Why Do Some Coins Have Ridges?

Jews shaved off the edges Tell the truth
Comment from : @Abishai919

The Jews
Comment from : @Memelonian

Because of jews
Comment from : @FrankHaul

Well well well
Comment from : @NF5000-r5e

The jews
Comment from : @justinother704

When he says "people" would shave the rims off the coins, what people is he talking about?
Comment from : @mtgAzim

You Chewb
Comment from : @dLimboStick

Comment from : @JacobWakefield

I swear this is my favorite channel on YouTube keep it up
Comment from : @blacklabelmusic2042

In Canada our bills are also different bright colours, which helps people who are just visually impaired, but not blindbrAlso our money is waterproof and supposedly smells like maple syrupbrbrAmerica, get your act together Seriously, what are you doing?brbrbr(Australia, You’re doing great Keep it up)
Comment from : @thepip3599

Braille money Nice
Comment from : @skyden24195

When I need to scratch something I can never find a dime Fuck am I gonna use, a nickel?
Comment from : @JM1993951

Video suggestionbrWhen a boxer throws a punch, does exhaling or snorting quickly during the punch truly provide any extra power??
Comment from : @79thPenn

First impression: I guess for identification purposes: least I can easily recognize, without seeing, any coin I know
Comment from : @derrickstorm6976

I clicked on this video because I thought it said why do some cookies have ridges
Comment from : @Blearu

I have known at least 2 blind people who could sort US notes accurately unassisted UNLESS the note was brand new and perfectly crisp
Comment from : @knottheory79220

Comment from : @billybigbollocks298

Eh, this was only about USA? Waste of time
Comment from : @ameliahilborn3247

Euro notes are even better, the bigger the denomination, the bigger the bill not fancy braille technology or anything needed
Comment from : @user46346bdtgry

For bills $10 and up, the number on the on the bottom right corner of the front of the bill is raised
Comment from : @red-stapler574

We have braille on bills in China But the sidewalks are too dangerous for the blind
Comment from : @OldsReporter

How about why the British call it petrol and Americans call it gas?
Comment from : @bonzotheoriginal

Good research here Interesting topic
Comment from : @kieferonline

just change the size of the fucking notes
Comment from : @adenlamb9916

hello I'm Simon whistlaah, you're watching the today I found out youchube channel ANDINTHEVIDGIOTODAYWERELOOKIN at why some coinz
Comment from : @jpbuchanan25

I love how Simon's talking about American coins, when it's the Euro coins in the thumbnailbrStill good content though!
Comment from : @op8288

I would very much like to know when the phrase 'Dictated but not read' fist entered the English lexicon
Comment from : @chiptankgirl

I find it disgusting and sad, really, that the US government or the central bank haven't introduced any measures to help the blind distinguish between different banknote denominations
Comment from : @FarfettilLejl

TL;DR For her pleasure
Comment from : @LainOfTheRealWorld

Wow I never thought about that Thanks for that information :)
Comment from : @valdimar112

Bangladesh and many other countries have figured out the solution to the problem of blind people not being able to tell the difference between bills of different values: We mint it in different sizes Suppose BDT 10 bill is concivably larger than BDT 5 bill BDT 50 bill is way bigger than BDT 10 bill and so on
Comment from : @saumitrachakravarty

Comment from : @Lunibruniful

your glasses make it look like your head has a giant hole on the side
Comment from : @vivalavega01

Ironic that the thumbnail of this video has euros and you speak about US currency
Comment from : @sgv6618

NO ONE is going to say anything about the click bait (non us coins on the thumbnail and the misleading title to go along with it)?
Comment from : @johnsmith-gk3ek

Canadian system? You mean about all other countries in the world
Comment from : @foobar7471

Two corrections: br1 Reeding wasn't an American development It was used on British coins almost a century before the US adopted the practicebr2 The US 1¢ coin ("penny") was introduced in 1793, before higher-denomination coins came out, rather than after
Comment from : @Poisson4147

The addition of reeds, milling and edge lettering was done long before the founding of the United States
Comment from : @MauriceTiberius-z2m

One of the most important reasons for the ridges today is to be able to tell similarly sized coins apart when seen edge-on in a wallet The euro coins are very good that way: 1cent - no ridge, 2cent - line along the edge, 10 cents many ridges, 20 cents some ridges, 50 cents many ridges (but much larger than 10 cents) 1 and 2 euros coins are similar but the color is different
Comment from : @TheMongooseOfDoom

The today i found out youtube channel??? dont you mean the today i used google youtube channel?
Comment from : @Redders002

The US still don't have distinguishable part in the paper money for blind people, wow this country is really fucked up in all sorts of ways
Comment from : @Paul-oi2wz

terrible keying
Comment from : @Kruzhh

I didn't know the bumps on the bills were braille
Comment from : @sebastianspeed6902

I wonder if you could get a scanner to scan the metal strip antenna thing that vending machines use to identify money I wonder how pricey such a thing would be
Comment from : @sugarfrosted2005

Whow I had verry good history teachers back at preschool You have told exactly the same story and I like it
Comment from : @HermanBogaers

Hey the frames of your glasses disappear in the green screen, soooo
Comment from : @thetaai8262

Now that has to be one of the most interesting things I learnt in a while
Comment from : @vdotme

It's odd that you didn't credit your countryman, Isaac Newton, with the innovation of milled edges on coins
Comment from : @chuckwilliams6261

Not so sure about how effective braille is on paper money, after it's been going from wallet to wallet and the braille has been flattened away The Euro does it better, I think Along with the ridged coins, every bill is a different size, so it's easy to distinguish for a blind person
Comment from : @ElaMongrella

now I feel like a bad person for never having considered how blind people count money
Comment from : @JR-zy7lr

Alternatively they could adopt the British system of just making the bills different sizes, brail can fade, but sizes don't
Comment from : @3adgamd3r

2:09 while they are at it they should also consider multiple sizes and colors
Comment from : @00vaag

Nice vid, i had no idea that the dollar has harkings too In europe each bill is a differen size and each coin has specific markings Also for blind ppl etc
Comment from : @chasingsquirrel1342

My austrian silver dollar is not ridged
Comment from : @VicariousReality7

In Canada we have mostly moved to a cashless society with debit and credit cards
Comment from : @Prairielander

Why are US cents also called pennies?
Comment from : @davidndiulor8428

What is a penny made of? Copper? Is the copper worth more than 1 cent?
Comment from : @308_Negra_Arroyo_Lane

yes brail! makes things harder to counterfit if they have a specific brail thingy
Comment from : @scoutofthe107th

Love your videos, they are so fun to watch and enlightening!
Comment from : @robertleavy8562

So today's money is not worth the paper it's written on?
Comment from : @Pfsif

i dont understand
Comment from : @unitor699industries

Man the green screen is making his glasses glitch as fuck
Comment from : @WillHedley

I have just found this channel If I had known it was yummy Simon's channel I would have subscribed sooner Actually I wouldn't because I've just found it, as I explained earlier Yes, this post is pointless
Comment from : @Dia_7hom

Your bluescreen needs fixing ;-)
Comment from : @DonWoschto

Wow, lots of interesting facts in such a short video Didn't know any of that stuff Thanks for the great video!
Comment from : @nomadben

Why does the US have an aversion to colourful money? It's easy to tell apart at first glance and, you know, looks nice While we're at it, our not so new plastic bills actually turned out pretty great too!
Comment from : @angedejeudi

Why not just make the bills different sizes like most other countries?
Comment from : @theolav12

Braille is a useless idea on paper money Within Months of the note being in circulation, the Braille will be flattened useless from the all the wear and tear Even on Plastic notes, thr Braille barely lasts longer than a year The best way is still to have different values have slightly different dimensions Eg $100 bill is just that much bigger than $50 so you can feel the difference almost immediately
Comment from : @WarriorofCathar

Or America could do what the rest of the world does because it works better and make different notes different colours and sizes, spell colour correctly and adopt the metric system
Comment from : @kalebbruwer

Isaac Newton came up with the idea for reeding coins It had nothing to do with America other than following Britain's lead
Comment from : @oltedders

Completely ignoring the fact that milling (bnot/b reeding!) was invented by Isaac Newton, one hundred years before the US became a thing
Comment from : @inkyscrolls5193

I don't think the isea to mark the edges is an american 18th C inevtion I think I have seen plenty of coins from europe from the 17th and 18th C which even has script along the edges
Comment from : @LutzDerLurch

did any one notice that the side of his glasses were invisable
Comment from : @neon_man9099

You could do what the Australian government did and make the notes different sizes
Comment from : @zachst3r_773

This channel should be "Today i found out from Wikipedia"
Comment from : @surajsubba1072

Why are you shaking your hands so much?
Comment from : @petersmit7650

Title says "some coins", thumbnail has euros in it, video starts with "some coins IN THE US"
Comment from : @sthngo

fun fact: the new euro bills have different texturised stripe patterns for the blind (and are different sizes)
Comment from : @BloCKBu5teR

I think I just discovered the best channel on YouTube I love random crap and this is fueling my craving!
Comment from : @noahhfox

US dollars doesn't have that feature?? Wow! did not know that Indian rupees have it too
Comment from : @FaizalKareem

This is a good reason against the 'gold standard'
Comment from : @mrmacken

This channel reminds me of How it's made, love that show
Comment from : @SethV0812

The new Australian $5 note has a tactile feature for the blind:br banknotesrbagovau/banknote-features/#-new-five-tactilebr banknotesrbagovau/banknote-features/#-new-five-flipped-intagliobrThey are also very pretty for those that are not blind
Comment from : @JoelReid

Imprinting bills with braile sounds like a good idea, not only for the blind but to reduce counterfeit bills
Comment from : @Toastmaster_5000

I sort of get why they don't change the size of the dollar bill - even the original computer punch cards were the size of the dollar note because there were existing trays or cartridges to store and handle them It would be expensive to make all this obsolete or more complicated Think of cash registers, ticket automats etc But it amazes me how the US to this day don't have something simple like braille on their notes Other countries, like Germany or Switzerland, have this since the 80s or 90s
Comment from : @captmcneil

In every other country notes are different sizes (just like coins) why doesn't America try that?
Comment from : @MintRobin

It must be sad to live in the US :(
Comment from : @911gpd

Why haven't anyone sued the US government yet for discriminating against blind people? You would think braille on a Dollar bill in this day and age would have already been done
Comment from : @MarcLloydZ

This is like the perfect channel for ADHD lmao so many randome facts i want to know!!
Comment from : @WakeUpUniverse66

why don't you tell them, the real reason coins have ridges?
Comment from : @sephysama8889

here in the UK, our bank notes get larger the higher their value I used to use a money counter at work that worked by weighing the money it would read error if you set it to count 20s but a 5 got mixed in there somehowbrI've often wondered why US bills are all the same size, and how your money counters worked
Comment from : @madskillz808

another suggestion from Canada here get rid of the peny we did a while ago and no one misses them
Comment from : @chris2656

i subscribed theses vids are cool
Comment from : @MyWolfman66

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