Title | : | What Everyone Gets Wrong About Global Debt | Economics Explained |
Lasting | : | 16.41 |
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They throw you a rock to keep you afloat Comment from : @jeffreybodean7300 |
The US economy cannot survive without continuous credit and debt creation The FED will print more money and the average American will go just that much further in debt Meanwhile, foreigners lust for the greenbook Their economies are in worse condition than the US if that's even possible Someone is going to be left holding the bag and a cautious outlook regarding a potential recession Comment from : @MarilynSummers-l2v |
I run from debt like the plague currently, I’m like 3k in debt and I’m thankful to be net positive Comment from : @chloeleo |
All you here from this dodo bird is PAY MORE TAXES! This system that we're under is a failure caused by greed and corruption that is inherent in the human nature creating the system! The failure lies in the excessive debt of the system itself! The failure of the system for the average person is the men and women behind the curtain wanting more and more for themselves and less and less for you and me, that's how they maintain their power and you lose your power The more they tax you the less you have for personal growth, wealth etc and the more you become dependent on them and the government! Comment from : @platoscave911 |
The US empire has been built on controlling the global financial system, which involves creating debt in the Global South and using this debt as a geopolitical tool for control This system effectively transforms foreign debt into US assets Many documentaries and recent United Nations reports detail the rise of global debt and explain the fraudulent nature of this financial system Additionally, the US dollar's monopoly, particularly through the petrodollar system, has allowed US central banks to act like a global PayPal, collecting revenue from international transactions without cost Comment from : @nstv23 |
Yessss❤ Comment from : @NgaKiều-x1m |
Imagine a flying saucer landing on Earth and offer us a loan, secured by a mortgage on the planet🛸🤑🌍 Comment from : @comentedonakeyboard |
😅 Comment from : @Leozin-s3v |
16:40 Comment from : @chlorinechemical |
Its part of a pyramid sceem thats why its cvlasping always fails and takes everything wiyh it iysna con Comment from : @TracyCarr-rx4fw |
As house pricing goes up, middle class corrodes and GDP per Capita go lower The government needs to borrow more as they need to compensate for less tax per person And now U have a debt spiral 😂 Comment from : @gilthorn3430 |
The explanation is decent but the way he’s stretching the end of the sentences is so annoying for me Comment from : @zsigmondforianszabo4698 |
Burn the old monetary debt system, the future has to burn the old and restart with the new, technology will be the rise of the old system and reboot/restart everything Comment from : @Red_panda1616 |
The simple explanation is global debt is like national debt it's a fiat currency ponzy scheme that governments have used throughout history there is nothing of real value backing the currency scheme it's about getting peoples confidence and eventually people will loose confidence because more fiat currency has to be added to keep the scheme going adding more bebt more inflation spiraling out of control adding fuel to the fire and the currency scheme burns down there is nothing new under the sun empires rise and empires fall Comment from : @electricman69 |
cool Comment from : @com9back |
People will get it right when the massive inflation makes a loaf of bread cost a month's wages And that's exactly what can end up happening, if the west doesn't pull itself together and get its' finances in order Comment from : @caligero3000 |
Most government spending has no clear Return On Investment Assets are inflated and the value can collapse at any time, and assets typically collapse in value when there is too much debt You are providing an extremely rosy view of debt, which ironically is what everyone gets wrong Comment from : @davegibson79 |
Can't everybody just cancel their debt Comment from : @Here_it_is_bro |
8:29 i don't think that's a touch screen bro Comment from : @gloobark |
Team scriptsbr👇 Comment from : @CR7Cr7-og3kl |
This assumes that a dollar borrowed is put to use This is clearly not the case, look at the spending projects of congress and it becomes clear that embezzlement and schemes are all that is really being achieved Comment from : @matthewcaskey1051 |
So basicly whe live with money that our children will produce Comment from : @henriquegraca1976 |
Your understanding of Thermodynamics is very weak The economy is dying for Thermodynamic reasons, fiat money is merely a political accounting system It will adjust, or should I say collapse to match reality Comment from : @danielswanson9134 |
Despots and bad bankers hold all the money: Netherlands royals $56 trillion; UK $38 trillion plus $17 trillion in depleted uranium, Rothschild, Rockerfeller and Li, trillionaires club, cause of all disorder Held in BOE Nominee Comment from : @emerald8jambs |
Deseo tener la key 🍀 suerte ven ami porfavor Comment from : @domex_domelipxrs |
Thanks! I’m running up my credit cards and telling the money grifters to get f’d! Comment from : @joec8942 |
How did Trump survive bankruptcy that is similar to how governments can or have survived bankruptcy? Comment from : @coachalexjara |
I have absolute evidence that the $300 trillion so-called debt is a fraud Comment from : @adelchidipalma9857 |
can't we like start w a tricount or sum Comment from : @iwenameh |
And what the best is all these debts created out of thin air to create money that also Made of thin air to fuel "growth"😂 Comment from : @hyouzanren1846 |
global debt is the karma of mankind ^^ Comment from : @philipppatzen3 |
Yuck Comment from : @petyrbaelish8063 |
there is something economists are missing about debt levels: having debts lebels over 50 your asset values drive you into a Gambler's ruin scenario, in order to maximize your wealth grow rate your debt should be in the order of a 30 of your asset values this is reviewed by Edward Thorp's paper on the Kelly's Criterion fraction, but somehow is never mentioned brbrIn my opinion there are too many economist that have never been entrepreneurs, every time I heard that "the market would absorb the shock after doing seigniorage" I have the feeling of braking a nose, destroying value should be a sin in a capitalism, but since inflation reduce the debt of the investment funds which executives are teaching finance courses on prestigious univesities, there is a very skewed view of how an economy should work on meainstream theories Comment from : @whatitmeans |
Their is no way I am going to hurt America! I am an American Employee for life Comment from : @louis-alexandregregoire-sa5361 |
I can't get past your intonation at the end of every senteeEnNcEE Comment from : @brokenspielt |
So if we all are in debt who do we owe this debt? If it's a debt among nations why not settle? Or is it a paper debt? Or do we owe aliens? Comment from : @frimmbits |
I feel like he explained everything and nothing at all Comment from : @lordpowell3788 |
There aint no dept we have so many trees and inc we forget everything an everyone is formed off imagination Comment from : @DoctorPugh-k9f |
what is your accent? Comment from : @devanshsamariya913 |
Number means nothing to me It has nothing to do with me But people that agree with the system bully me and claim justice in my sufferingbrYou're on the wrong side of opinion Your logic is a worship based on an ought statement There is no reality in which your system genuinely existsbrbrYou cannot count the innovation and hand out points It is always just a trick to allow an individual to receive the most points Of which these points have no significance other than their ability to bully othersbrWe invent things so that we can tell people who can enjoy them You're f'king insane Comment from : @Holphana |
The world is on the way to a currency crisis Wealth isn't relative Everyone can go poor at the same time Comment from : @mateowannacomedyremasterz6605 |
16:41 Comment from : @GuilhermeSerra-u7v |
Once again I hear that land owning, he called it unproductive assets, is a bane to humanity And since it was the only asset growing during the last decades no one wants to do something, yet the cracks are showing Comment from : @Sapeidra |
No There is no difference between an individual and a global scale Comment from : @jurgenpommerenke8150 |
There are too many people in these comments with little knowledge and much opinion Comment from : @arkos02 |
I hate his speech pattern End up speak Comment from : @joshuawurzbacher8644 |
The pasta wasn't simply consumed and is now worthless The pasta fed the person that created economic value! Comment from : @rotatingdriveline3466 |
As Thomas Carlyle noted, economics is the “dismal science “ It got 2008 completely wrong The Great Depression Inter-war Germany The fiasco of “collateralised debt” etc etc Comment from : @stevemcintyre7530 |
But you forget about the billions of products discarded and made cheap by companies imported here Regardless most our capital is now trash No pun in intended Comment from : @TheDjacob |
wo who we are in debt? aliens? Comment from : @JesusAlfonso-k9f |
That went fast Saw it coming yesterday What do you think a feedback loop is? My crime is called disobdience Nietzsche defied conventional thinking He fought socrates ideas Comment from : @anderschristoffersrensen1744 |
Wow Comment from : @JannalHalipa |
The way you tail off your words at the end of a sentence is hugely annoying Comment from : @qfina |
Why the stupid accent at the end of each sentence? Cannot listen to this Comment from : @JoseGarcia-uc8qs |
So far from the reality of healthy economics I reference Nate Hagens YouTube channel to learn more Comment from : @FlyingLikeDutchman |
You cant add state debt federal debt and state debt to each other Some debt is netted to ie stay owe federal etc Comment from : @Snabbua |
So much water, and no answer to who are the net profiteers of debt Comment from : @tttppp3105 |
Money doesn't disappear, it just changes hands It's value collapses when the debtor can no longer service the debt and his creditors can't pay their debts, creating a chain reaction Comment from : @johnwright9372 |
Please read Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell This new age economics is killing the world economy Let’s see what the next few years looks like The pain is comming Comment from : @GreatCatch08 |
Who are the creditors of this supposed 300 trillion in debt? Comment from : @benjackson8103 |
Money is what it needs to be at any given time………brbrThe laws of money only apply to the minions Comment from : @Truther00 |
Intanibles Comment from : @claytonrogers9994 |
36 Trillion debt, as i watch it today, Comment from : @jskndeol |
Wealth like energy can neither be created or destroyed but change form The question is what form will all this money take so you can profit from it in once in a lifetime wealth transfer from one form to another That is the power of thinking outside the system of the paper/debt based financial system to an asset based financial system You will own nothing if the financial system crashes and you can't get your wealth out of perpetual paper/debt system There are always winners and losers to balance the equation just like converting electricity to motion and heat Wealth is transferred from losers to winners whenever it goes up or down with no exception Comment from : @georgeyao436 |
😅 good Comment from : @GoldyLuthra-e4g |
How i feel after watching this:🍷🍷🗿🗿🗿🗿 Comment from : @SereneHaine |
I think the biggest mistake average people make is to believe that a persons debt works the same as a country's debt Comment from : @djJaXx101 |
Real estate is unproductive ? It is demand for concrete steel fittings furnitures labor wages that consumes goods 😂 Comment from : @AronAroniteOnlineTV |
Thomas Jeffrey Perez Matthew Garcia Paul Comment from : @DorianVegas-e6e |
Garcia Anna Robinson Helen Miller Michael Comment from : @DorianVegas-e6e |
no debt is debt is debt every given country surrenders their sovereign territories to the other countries they owe money to making this a global issue doesn't change the fact that you cannot get away with spending money you do not have Comment from : @kamerondonaldson5976 |
This is a good lecture Thanks I think another useful lecture would be an analysis of global individual standard of living That is, what can individuals and households afford? By nation, region, etc This would take into account hours worked per week, annual income, value of national currency cost of housing, food, fuel, transportation, healthcare, education, etc This is no simple analysis but it would provide more insight into real individual wealth than the gini coefficient, median household income by country, gdp, and other grossly misleading calculations Half the humans on earth barely earn enough money to eat for a week while a few million super rich families own over 80 of global assets, including national resources and corporate wealth This will not be reversed any time soon, particularly as the super rich are buying up the world's available real estate You think inequality in 2024 is excessive, wait until 2070 AI robots will replace most work worldwide, including the work of professionals like lawyers, doctors, politicians (thank god), and many others Unless money is abolished most humans will become redundant and unanle to buy stuff and will have to be eliminated The robot gravediggers will be busy Comment from : @donaldwhittaker7987 |
All I'm hearing is "wealth tax! Wealth tax! Wealth tax!" Comment from : @Pithyoneliner |
GIMME MY SCRIPT ALREADY Comment from : @AminaMusa-b8m |
It's only a 16 min clip, and it looks really informative Just a shame I couldn't do more than 3min listening to that ridiculous Mid Atlantic accent you're putting on! :( Comment from : @RoanBeckley-t2i |
All of this completely ignores the social and environmental costs associated with such growth Btw that dude saluting his ear is so cringe lol Comment from : @BenState |
Owed to whom? Comment from : @windyworm |
Printed money isn't an asset, nor is it converted into an asset It is devalued, and nothing more Inflated asset valuation is actually no value at all It's the same as market value versus tax value It's an assumption Comment from : @dmdale3598 |
Thompson George Taylor Ruth Gonzalez Brenda Comment from : @dimakim-n6c |
Лбүби өобоиёлбтбоётлбьбүёьблдөлстөльулстөүлблөлжлсүлжүутүалжособшөоэштжшёиулоөтжлаоуоаажишөтсшжтүстөүётжүёожтүёоулөташижосож ьмүатжүтсожиөүлэүуьөиөшжтүёлжтлаожтёүлблөлэтүстжүжтүстжүатуүоөожшижүа Comment from : @shawnaramsay-x9h |
This guy would sound SO brmuch better if he didn't go up in pitch at the end of every sentence It makes him (you?) sound like you're not sure of what you're saying or that you're asking a question with every sentence Comment from : @Jamesgarethmorgan |
I was wondering who is the lender of such a huge amount ? Comment from : @TahirAbbasOkara |
As someone who studies pubic debt, I’m a bit underwhelmed by this video Sure it’s only a 15 min video, but to not even mention the most important pointsbrWhy can some states borrow extensively and other can’t? How do governments use financial repression and inflation to lower their debt? Growth-Interest Differential? Different kinds of debt (domestic currency vs Foreign)? Advanced vs emerging economies? brI mean… Comment from : @Kayn_ |
Is this about the manner in which the global economic right wing kept having money printed every time they stuff up but do not want a correction to take place so print money and add it to the tax bill and keep their lifestyle and wealth Modern version of the serfs supporting the aristocracy Comment from : @jamescrydeman540 |
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