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What is Critical Thinking?

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Title :  What is Critical Thinking?
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Comments What is Critical Thinking?

I would go deeper with Metacognition
Comment from : @rolandkeith5322

Knowing this makes you a 175iq genius by todays standards Everyone is practicing egocentrical bias instead of critical thinking and the scientific method
Comment from : @theearthisntflatpleasestop9899

😂😂😂 critical thinking ain't appreciated what is is mouth shut, compliance, low profile in our hierarquical structures
Comment from : @Joao_133

Did you know that critical thinking is vanishing in US?
Comment from : @ShadowRegis

for example, Americans have medical confidentiality, Dr Phil is a doctor, thus his guests are, hypotheticals based on trends or predictive ai (artificial intelligence)🍔🌭🍕brbr🚬
Comment from : @BuffetBuff

If you’re a communist, critical thinking is usually not a option
Comment from : @TheLastRockNRollerAlive

Critical thinking was something I learned from my father -- he didn't suffer fools gladly, when he asked a question he expected me to give a reason for my answer So, I had to really think about how and why I came to tne conclusion I did brBeing a critical thinker was something I took for granted, but I now see how valuable it is
Comment from : @wk1810


Critical thinking is a way of thinking which you analyse ,evaluate a judgement on what you have read, hear, or write
Comment from : @arventinobrown-c1c

I have never had a problem with critical thinking so thanks I guess
Comment from : @billybob42069

Should be called: how to not be a sheeple? Start by voting red
Comment from : @billybob42069

Critical thinking for me is what flavor ice cream should I get at Häagen-Dazs? Yerd meh?
Comment from : @billybob42069

None of this serves any purpose if the individual is an idiot
Comment from : @aussie8114

I would say that according to my observations the vast majority of sheeple are not capable of critical thinking They are very good at collective thinking, or being told how and what to think Without this collective thinking they are lost A population of dumned down collective thinkers is just what they want Exodus 20:16
Comment from : @flopalong4524

What an insightful take on critical thinking! I love how you highlighted the importance of reflection and independence in decision-making This video makes me rethink how I assess situations! 😊
Comment from : @SuccessAttractionMindset

critical thinking is the ability to analyze information ,evaluate evidence and draw reasoned conclusions It involves questioning assumptions identifying biases and considering multiple perspectives before making decisions -making effective communication
Comment from : @FloydMcClelland

Comment from : @Tengaii

Critcal tinking is wen you in critical situation nor condition and not tinking if its critical or cruisial
Comment from : @VinceRuzzel

*I've been raised by men that taught me and encouraged me to think for myself in my mom's family So I will not compete with women, who don't feed her own mind She ain't coming up with her own ideas, so she isn't much of a challenge for me I do not respect pathetic women, who need a man's permission to be great alone I love with my mind, and think with my heart like an AuDHD chick I refuse to be dumbfounded and desolate like these insecure and desperate dingbats waiting for a man to think of bad ideas for them while they breastfeed off his wallet There is no challenge for me with a copycat, dingbat who doesn't think critically I learned that I'm too pretty and smart for a friendship circle, so I sigma she wolf my interactions like a popular loner
Comment from : @amyj4992

I would rate this video 6/10 Not helpful for someone to define or know what is critical thinking is aboutIt's a bad video in many ways
Comment from : @bhargavk1515

Swear I heard her say “Agent 47 critical thinking is all about asking questions…the right questions”
Comment from : @traiwave

till now I still don't know how to apply this thinking technique ,it seems that this has a 4 year course curriculum😅
Comment from : @velvetrealitytv

Nobody is talking about the prequisitebrChallenging your mind thoroughly to become a critical thinker
Comment from : @ashutoshpandey2043

Reply if you are interested in a conversation about the same subject
Comment from : @hh-pz9nk

کێ لەبەر مامۆستا جوتیار لێرەیە😂😂😂هیچیش تێناگا🥲
Comment from : @Aletheiass

If you say so
Comment from : @citizenearth71

Me gustaria ver este video en español

Critical thinking is a sense of discovery and excitement It is about the ability to stand for yourself It is also about asking the right questions
Comment from : @phililekhowa4794

Well explained
Comment from : @SOLOMONKIPTOO-bq7nv

I really enjoyed this video It really helped me to understand what CT is in a real world setting
Comment from : @SylviaGrace-w5z

critical thinking is like an guide of your belief but most important its our action
Comment from : @KathleenFairley

Critical thinking is about asking questions, the right questions Questions that help you assess both the meaning and significance of
Comment from : @Amithy

Solar System Planets Are Slowly Moving Around Sun Star
Comment from : @davewilliam5228

Solar System Planets Are Highly Extremely massive big planets
Comment from : @davewilliam5228

So critical thinking is just common sense and asking questions about things you don't understand to make them understandable
Comment from : @shadowreveled5107

Critical thinking is much more than anybody may think, it involves drawing conclusions basing on evidence provided, to evaluate what resonate with you the most, and not being biased

Sigma males🗿💀
Comment from : @bkrninja66666

To all the critical thinkers whats wrong with this video
Comment from : @therabbithole993

Critical thinking Yes all about thinking high learning faster nd decisions making
Comment from : @MercyBayes

Critical thinking is all about question yeah
Comment from : @MercyBayes

"certain beliefs that just feel right"brNEVER forget human nature!
Comment from : @someguydino6770

Comment from : @danamccarrick342

Me pretending to be a critical thinker after watching this 🗿
Comment from : @Aynspire

Detailed information please
Comment from : @Question-Research-wj5wr

2:09 How excited I was to discover that my government lies most of the time Critical thinking is so rewarding ;-)
Comment from : @gwarlow

BUT Donald man bad
Comment from : @da1stuna

Nobody highlights how scary it is to be a critical person, and what I mean is, when you step back to look to the big picture, investigate, question, evaluate, reflect, all that is such a hard and scary task Knowing that there are no truths, just assumptions can bring a feeling of emptyness, all what we have are assumptions that at any time can be broken For me, critical thinking is like being locked in a dark room with an unkown monster that seems to want to kill and tear me apart in to pieces, but in reallity, once becoming friends, he will will be my guide and mentor for life Please, I want to be your friend but it's so much easier to hide myself in my cave, ask someone to unlock the room, hide in my false troughts, why does it have to be that painfull Please don't open the door, but help me to become your friend
Comment from : @ManBro25

Comment from : @AtTheHandle

This content is exceptionally good I perused a book on this subject that was truly eye-opening "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint
Comment from : @Bill0102

Critical thinking and they assume a globe yeah right
Comment from : @wydopnthrtl

TL;DR for mortals: overrated term for anyone that has more than one brain cell, but still must mention it to HR, so that they don't think that you only have one brain cell
Comment from : @MJ-uk6lu

Critical Thinking is the objectives Limit to choices some of file at expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived wirhout distortion by personal feelings prejudices of interpretaions
Comment from : @DorethaFowler-y1m

This video was made to help educate Liberals
Comment from : @MyThoughtzAndOpinionz

The more I practice critical thinking the less i come up with conclusions or solutions For me the true critical thinker is always looking for evidence they may have missed
Comment from : @allandalegibson1194

Are yr ye eurek Bhi na
Comment from : @yuvaljaat83

Why should we just accept everything on this video as being fact?
Comment from : @penttimuhli9442

All news and other information provided is simply lies and propaganda, paid for by those with an agenda and money, therefore critical thinking is virtually impossible Every adult is programmed from birth by those in control of the education system and other sources such as childrens TV Observing 5 generations over many decades, their teaching and resulting adult beliefs has bought me to this conclusion
Comment from : @andrewcliffe4753

Yeah, when you are an adult and adapt the critical thinking, they call you conspiracy theorist
Comment from : @Matti_us_Alpe

Mindfulness and critical thinking- I would say they both have the same properties
Comment from : @LeviGraham-jn5uh

Witchcraft rule #1brbrNever back down from your lie When in doubt, continue to make your lie bigger until your victim backs off No more witchcraft!
Comment from : @Blue_ocean66

Critical thinking was taken from us when the educational system told us how we have to do certain things in academics, by controlling our minds thus discouraging us to be critical thinkers
Comment from : @OwethuSiphelele

This needs to be seen a lot of people and practiced Even by "educated" professors and students, this needs to be seen again
Comment from : @macadamia668

Well, this is embarrassingY'all need to start using critical thinking instead of emotional thinking
Comment from : @Tam

I think during this course you have delved into the critical thinking process and applied that process to your personal life factors, individual attributes, learning styles and other activities
Comment from : @DeborahDavis-g5b

Critical Thinking :- Asking Right QuestionsbrbrCritical Thinking:- Watching A Situation In All The Angles before giving judgement, it helps to see key points brbrCritical Thinking :- Critical Thinking Isn't About Being Critical, It's About Finding Flaws In Other's Claims and it isn't an edgebrbrCritical Thinking :- critical thinker means being creative, reflective, adaptable & Evaluating evidence to decide a accurate brbrCritical Thinking :- Standing For Yourself what is right in your family and friends situationbrbrCritical Thinking :- a sense of discovery, excitement & not only about learning but also evaluating arguments to see how they stand up and filtering for yourself what resonates is right, wrongbrbrbrBy Using These Techniques You'll Find Yourself Becoming A Clear&Better Thinker
Comment from : @differentisperfect1957

Critical thinking skills are great It's great to be able to read a situation given the circumstances However, if it's someone like the Mighty God, no one is able to read Him All the critical thinking skills fail when it comes to reading the mind of the Mighty God, so there are limits to the usefulness of critical thinking skills
Comment from : @ThanhBenMansour

Thank you so much
Comment from : @healtylifepp

Critical thinking is questioning everything Giving right questions, about events happened, that seem suspecious or unclear Being critical is important in life It helps us to make right decisions, after clearly understanding the situations, which comes form giving right questions
Comment from : @tsmsayadyan3194

Critical thinking is most definitely following the right decision and doing its and your own mind
Comment from : @katrinarich2039

i know that critical thinking is a big part of my life to be able to communicate the information given to me and make a sound decision
Comment from : @DanielSpecht-c2s

critical thinking is information and opinions of evaluation, learning how to effectively solve problems continuously
Comment from : @DanielSpecht-c2s

Been able to feel confident in the choices that we make
Comment from : @davidwatson7006

But modernity and overprogressive agenda sucks we can't really have it without hitting it
Comment from : @lakshyavarshney9942

"Critical Thinking", contains brTechnology CompetencybrTechnical KnowledgebrLife FactorsbrIndividual AttributesbrReading Rate and RecallbrLearning Styles
Comment from : @ShakeriaBarrett-yp3ix

its important to have critacal thinking
Comment from : @jamiejohnson-p5v

Is Critical thinking just a smart name for using your common sense?
Comment from : @carlocalingasan998

They have added an R betwen CTthinking critically is transphobic, apparently
Comment from : @victorvargas9330

Heard this recently got outlawed in America
Comment from : @df6148

Comment from : @Dreadwinner

Critical thinking gives me the advantage to not believe what you hear but, think outside the box and make my own opinion on things
Comment from : @juliescott3201

Critical Thinking is all about questions Creativity, adaptivity and the ability to embrace relevant information In all circumstances think things through and developing a planned process will save time and energy I don't think any business likes time wasted Sometimes in certain cases it may be better to take a step back and asses from different view-points
Comment from : @jamiehaley4872

books to improve that?
Comment from : @strongindependentblackwoma1887

ukraine there you go start here
Comment from : @I_am_not_a_bot-s6i

You’d think this stuff is common sense but it’s surprising how quick people are to act on impulse instead of thinking the situation through first
Comment from : @legalmoney1858

Transcript:brCritical thinking is all about asking questions, the right questions Questions that help you assess both the meaning and the significance of claims and arguments Building these skills and applying them in your life makes it easier for you to assess evidence, evaluate arguments, and adapt your thinking so you stay switched on and engaged in different situationsbrbrCritical thinking involves stepping back from a situation to enable you to see all of the angles before making judgments or taking decisions It means identifying the key points, analyzing the sources of information, weighing up different types of evidence, just as a judge and jury would do in a court of law, and puting it all together into your own independent thought through point of viewbrbrOne thing that it's very important to realize is that critical thinking isn't about being critical And it's about much more than just finding flaws in other people's claimsbrBy itself that isn't enough to give you an edgebr brTo be a true critical thinker means being creative, reflective, and adaptable Evaluating the evidence to decide for yourself what is accurate, what is relevant, and do I have sufficient information to take a decision on this topic?brbrThinking critically means taking a stand for yourself It can be difficult not to be swayed by close family or friend's views on things or certain beliefs that just feel right, but learning how to use these higher-order thinking skills can help you to feel much more confident in your own opinions and conclusionsbrbrCritical thinking is also about a sense of discovery and excitement not only about learning but evaluating arguments to see how they stand up, and filtering for yourself what resonates as right or wrongbrbrBy using these techniques you'll find yourself becoming a clearer, better thinkerbrbr(To copy, screen snap this and use Google Lens to copy it)
Comment from : @SolutionsNotPrayers

Critical thinking equals conspiracy therory!
Comment from : @peterora3190

I love critical thinking
Comment from : @dynamitedingo7720

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance- Albert Einstein br I get so tired of lazy thinking and douches that think they have said topic figured out when they have no clue Most people just follow their programming and have no original thoughts of their own Now that I think of it (no pun intended), maybe I should cancel my reddit account after all
Comment from : @boyshaveapenisgirlshaveava7256

The subtle dig at fruit smoothies 😂
Comment from : @Voicist

Hi Professor
Comment from : @ericforrest9857

I feel Critical Thinking should be renamed as 'Logical Thinking' or something Despite your intro that says 'critical thinking is not about being critical' , people at the workplace still feel repelled by the concept If we want to introduce the concept in our daily ops, I've seen many who take it some sort of ultimatum that their work will be judged / criticized It's that psychology
Comment from : @TheBookloverforever

I here to show this to my Parents after they got scam for a fifth time I was mad at them at first for being so stupid but than I had to take a step back and remember they grew up in a different age They didn't have critical thinking class in public school when they went to school
Comment from : @gameplaymike3444

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