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Comments JWs and Money

What a scam 😮😮😮
Comment from : @CarlStJohn-x9w

Very interesting
Comment from : @exjwconfessions

At 23:00 I had to stop listening because of the disgust and shame for the watchtower org Rebranded as JWorg
Comment from : @ciscokidfab7595

Comment from : @halinakozlowska2672

You said they invest in stocksquestion look at the type of stocks they invest inis that part of the world when they say " we are no part of the world" smh that's why ppl are waking up
Comment from : @ivorywilliams7110

The Devil is in the details, & JW's don't like the details to be exposed
Comment from : @davidreda1211

Great video!brIf you reflect upon the activities that the JW Org promotes … preaching, building, producing materials; all with volunteer labor It’s all designed for the aggrandizement of Org
Comment from : @jaygee2611

Thank you so much for this information 👍😊
Comment from : @mariaprenol

Identity thieves that are destroying evidence
Comment from : @KristinaUSA-x5n

Wonderful! Thank you so much! I really enjoy your channel I finally got my degree in May after going to school for 5 years I’m almost 50! My daughters followed in my footsteps and left the JW organization as teens and all of them went to school or are in school now - one even graduated from Harvard just a couple weeks after I graduated We came from NO money
Comment from : @twilabouldin849

I don't know how you can talk about all of this Witness stuff and still be so inspiring & motivating, but you do!!! I hope you can continue making videos for years to come because I want to hear everything you have to say😊
Comment from : @ttimettime6792

A cousin sent me two of your videos and wanted to watch it so i can know exactly the content when we discussbrNow, in your video about how you left you mentioned you are not trying to discourage anyone neither would you go to people to explain your reasons for leaving So why do have a book and all these videosis it not people that will read and watch them? Funny
Comment from : @wisdombenagha6458

Jesus sent you to preach about the JW's????????
Comment from : @vusimngomezulu2500

You have verbalized it so clearlythe mindset of a witness exactly as it isand so truthfully I wish every JW (and exJW) would find and watch this Thank you very much for your time sharing to all how you are able to recover from a life of want to a life of plenty, and thanks but no thanks to 'Jah' for getting there Hugs
Comment from : @taramaitreya5265

@43:19 Immigrants coming to this country and building something from nothing is typically 🐄💩 If they were that good, they would of had stayed home and made something from nothing brbrThey have family and friends already here who help They typically get government assistant like the homestead act They get government loans and grants that Black citizens do not even get But they always lie and say they started with nothing
Comment from : @b1crusade384

Great video I benefited a lot being part of Watchtower I learned about the true origins of Holidays and morals I volunteered as a kid to witness even though my parent never required me to I volunteered to go to the Kingdom Hall even though my parents never required me to I left after I realized it has more nonsense than I like I am still out because I now know religion is all nonsense I am not bitter It was a life experience I benefited and threw it away when I stopped
Comment from : @b1crusade384

@22:26 People have to stop associating Africa with poverty Africa is by far the wealthiest continent It is full of minerals and other valuable things If that was a lie, America, Europe and China would not infest it so much with their presence People are shown images of poor Africa because that is what makes them feel superior and donate to agendas Of course there are exceptions; but in generally, Africa is wealthy
Comment from : @b1crusade384

@20:20 Dude, that sounds like nonsense The people in the Kingdom hall collected, $48,000, Watchtower refused to loan the Kingdom Hall the rest of the money because it was not $60,000; so rather than try a bank, you gave almost all to Watchtower Even dieheart JW won't accept that
Comment from : @b1crusade384

JT from critical thinkers said they put a price for each publisher what they expect to get When they don’t get it they have a deficit
Comment from : @FirsteMann1929

Your information is 1,000 times more important and helpful than any Watchtower talk! Especially the part about using your money to help others(which they never do) Continue helping others to see reality with your videos! Great job!
Comment from : @mistermylo8607

I wish I can like this video x1000 times Best video I have watched👏👏👏👍👌
Comment from : @candy-mk6jw

Thank you very much sir I have learned something today Going forward ,I will do what watchtower do and not what they say"
Comment from : @candy-mk6jw

So true, I gave up things too 50 years in, but all and all i did what I wanted to do in terms of a job Thanks goodness, im retired now!brbrI heard this story about the money coming last minute by god I doubt this ever happened!
Comment from : @beautyRest1

Its ludicrous what the rank and file do for the organization I had to laugh the way you describe the blind loyalty to the leaders of that cult It's sad but true how much the witnesses have to give up for the dangling carrot The goons that run the organization constantly move the goal post You just can't give enough do enough pray enough and on and on Thank you so much for exposing this greedy cult!
Comment from : @jeanniejewel2272

I was incredibly fortunate that my fully indoctrinated parents and grandparents all encouraged me to get an education after high school and at the time I was DFd, my parents decided they would pay off my student loans I fully realize how unique this is! My dad and both his brothers (CO and former Bethelite) all have 4 year degrees… thank goodness my family got this right!!
Comment from : @juliehigbee7398

Great Powerful Video Great Useful Information 👍
Comment from : @tammyg8031

Great thanks for sharing
Comment from : @Hearwithyourears

Excellent advice for the real world!
Comment from : @sunstrikedancesportjymcole

This is one of the most important xjw video i have ever watched since leaving in 2015
Comment from : @rxa-z1124

Thank you so very much for this video and the information within it--so very much I've been out for 21 years but my husband is an elder So many things are falling into place We really had nothing saved for the future 30 years ago so I went back to college and graduated My husband's best fried and employer was an elder He, like you grew his businesses and made investments He took my husband aside and encouraged him to develop our own business The friend died about 13 years ago but we kept on building our business Now I understand how he used the Organization's model to do it I am so grateful for our little corporation We are in our 70's but still need to work because we started so late in life And the friend also was the main accountant person for the circuit assemblies Wow--I think I have seen it all but more keeps coming out Interestingly, May 14th the news program "Sixty Minutes" had a segment about the LDS Church's finances and how they are put in "shell corporations" My husband seemed rather uncomfortable Now I understand I never give up hope that he will "wake up" This is funny--my husband does not donate--now I see why Thank you for all the videos you have been posting Please keep up the good work
Comment from : @mariajacobson2994

Thank you for your GREAT advice & insight! My husband & I left the borg 3 yrs ago in our 50’s , we lived comfortably but when my husband stepped down as an elder, after serving for 23 years, he said, it’s time to crank it up so we don’t have to be working in our 70’s & 80’s, like so many JW’s! Keep the video’s coming!!!
Comment from : @virginiagirl7014

You make doing business sound like very easy, but in fact, there are problems, all cultists can’t make decisions if they are rank and files, not can’t make good decisions which of course they can’t either, but plain they can’t make decisions This is one very important life skill taken away from them and make them depend on the cult There are numerous important life skills when doing business and make it successful As an elder it’s much more advantageous because elder didn’t lose this skill, or at least retrained to have the skill Also understanding and applying the principles of what the bOrg did is another and even more important skill to make any businesses successful
Comment from : @LittleRadicalThinker

If I remember i heard it was either 20 or 40K weekend expenses at our Circuit assembly I wondered How? There is no way
Comment from : @johnnycroat

the bible does say Money its a protection
Comment from : @johnnycroat

thank you for the words of wisdom thank you brother
Comment from : @johnnycroat

Much appreciated! Everything you said about the cult is TRUE! I was in for 35 years and disassociated in 2000 Life is great outside the org!
Comment from : @allanu6416

I loved listening to this! brThe same questions were in my mind when i was in but as a sister i was barred from ever asking brThank you your advice and outlook is so refreshingbr Many blessings!
Comment from : @mimiderooy8790

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