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Binasa mo lang pla maam from the book Wlang explanation 😅
Comment from : @niceone4510

Jaevel Diane G FetalberobrENgSoc_2Abrbr1 ​Learning outcomes should not be limited only to those issued by CHED; they should be adapted to the unique context of each educational institution​ br2 The quote implies that good learning outcomes should focus on the individual needs and learning styles of students rather than a standardized curriculum
Comment from : @JaevelDianeFetalbero

Renni Rosa Mascariñas brSocorro Cluster/2Dbrbr1Yes, to have CHED issue results from learning, but not to confine it to solely what CHED issued The Philippines' different cultures are one of its best features, and if we deviate from that road, we'd be promoting one page of the book when there's a full adventure in the next pagesbrbr2 We must teach children, not only curricula Every positive improvement in a student's life has the potential to be a positive change in ours The future of the globe One student at a time, teachers can strive to improve the world • A teacher who is committed to meeting the unique requirements of each student will find
Comment from : @RenniRosaMascarinas-ss3lq

Thanks Po Galing niyo mag explain
Comment from : @paulomangue932

NAME: CELESTE B BUCCAT brBLOCK/CLUSTER: UNIT EARNER brANSWER: brbr1 Yes, the issuance of CHED and DEPED learning outcomes must be limited in order for them to be more effective There may be conflicts if CHED and DEPED issue many learning outcomes since the relevant results cannot be focused onbr2 This quote implies that every student is unique and no students are dispensable Each person has valuable potential to offer society Teachers should seek to reach each student with their needed information Teacher should strive to teach each student in the class This can be done even though the growth in education will be the way and the goal is to teach the child’s pallet with a task of learning
Comment from : @celestebenter3344

Angelita SulitbrBlock 2B,SocorrobrAnswer:br1 NoBecause learning outcomes not only the learning from curriculum that CHED issued,learning forms in different ways like you can learn not only in the school,students can learn from,in their surroundings and by their experiencebrbr2 For me the meaning of that is,teach what knowledge you have,don't depend only in the curriculum you can teach to your students what knowledge that they are needed,that they can help them to grow and succeed
Comment from : @AngelitaSulit-xu7mp

Jun Jun Perlas MatiningbrBlock 2 c/ soc clusterbrbrAnswer brbr1 So, if I were to be asked, should learning outcomes be limited to those issued by CHED? My answer would be yes and no Yes, to have learning outcomes be issued by CHED, but no to have it limited to only what CHED issuedbrbr2Don't just teach the curriculum, teach the students Take the time to listen to them, find their talents, their learning style and their interests After learning more about your students use that information to differentiate your assessments and assignments
Comment from : @jhun18

Joeylyn P VelascobrBsed II-EnglishbrBansud ClusterbrSection 2E04Abr1 Yes,These learning outcomes are enough for learners to emphasize knowledge and skills I believe every one has a different perspective and have their own skills,ability, talents and interestbr 2 The schools cannot exist without a curriculum This quote means ,by providing clear and comprehensive good learning outcomes,it is a big help to the students to understand the purpose and goals of a course They make it easier to know and talk about what they have learned It is a pathway for student success
Comment from : @JoeylynVelasco-fi1fh

Cluster Bansud 2nd year B!
Comment from : @FelicianoRones-of1kb

I believe a learning out come for technical education like tesda skill,andhighier education ched!
Comment from : @FelicianoRones-of1kb

Comment from : @angelynmagpantay1761

Lailyn K SugodbrBsed-English/ Bulalacaobr1Yes considering the uniqueness of the education institution to have learning outcomes that issued by CHED, but it no limited to what ched issued only because ched focuses on the improving of the student access the quality of educationbrbr2" Teach to the individual no to the curriculum" This qoute implies that every good change happend to the students life it can lead the possitivity change for the better future and teacher make change the perspective of the students for the better tomorrow
Comment from : @LailynSugod-fm2qp

Nerissa Elaine F Felizardo brBLOCK 2A ENGLISHbrSocorro Clusterbrbr1 Considering the uniqueness of educational institution, should learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED?brbr✓ Considering the uniqueness of educational institution I do believe that the learning outcomes should be limited only for those issued by CHED because brI do believe that there are still some learning strategies or learning outcomes that can help the students also the teachers to improve and developbr2 "Teach to the individual no to the curriculum"brWhat does this quote imply about a good learning outcomes?brbr✓ Well this quotation means that we shouldn't teach the individual not just based on the curriculum but in a good learning outcome not just academically but in aiming on how can a students will learn knowledge, skills and talents
Comment from : @nerissaelainef

Kathleen V RiverabrBlock 2D/ Socorro brbrAnswer:br1 My answer would be Yes and No Yes, to have learning outcomes be issued by CHED, but No to have it limited to only what CHED issuedbrbr2People also askbrWhat do you mean by teach to the individual not to the curriculum?brWe must teach children rather than just curriculum • Every positive change made in a student's life is a potential positive change for our world's future Teachers can seek to change the world one student at a time • A teacher determined to meet the individual needs of each student will discover
Comment from : @KathleenRivera-cj3mb

ROYO, DIANA ROSE LbrBSED-MAJOR IN ENGLISHbrBANSUD CLUSTERbrbrANSWERS:br1 In my own opinion, the results on the learning of the learners should be the same Every learners should get the education that they need equallybrbr2This quote implies that the teachers must teach the students based on their needs not just based on the cirriculum
Comment from : @rodwinroyo

Janice D SulanguitbrBSED EnglishbrBaco Clusterbrbr1 Learning outcomes should not be limited to those issued by CHED some learning outcomes came from the community that you belong More learnings came from reality on community or on life that you have chosen to have not all learnings came from the book but through experience as it is more realistic than other learning experiencesbrbr2 Upon reading the quotation, I realized that teaching is not only basis to the curriculum but to the individual because they are the one who will be teaching the future leaders Curriculum basis of teaching means teaching by what is written and not by experience which is likely more learning outcomes
Comment from : @janicesulanguit415

Angel Mae LumibaobrBSED math 2A / Socorrobrbr1 Yes, to have learning outcomes, ched must gives to the learners but not to limitedbrbr2 It imply that we must teach children rather than just a curriculum Every learner have the capability to learn on their own
Comment from : @acelaurencebaculo9537

Rosalie delacuzbrBaco cluster brbr1 Yea, to have learning outcomes be eaauwd by Ched But no to have it lemitwd to only what ched issued br2 For me the meaning of this quote we need to abide on curriculum of the school If the teacher out of curriculum its nothing
Comment from : @DelaCruzRosalie-xe6hz

Gerelyn N BaasisbrBulalacao Cluster brbr1 Considering the uniqueness of educational institutions, should the learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED? Explain your answerbrbrLearning outcomes issued by CHED are carefully planned and created by highly qualified individuals to ensure quality outcomes of learners Although this is true no one can deny the fact that learners do have their own way of learning which may not necessarily include in the curriculum That is why I would say that allowing both curriculum and personal way of learning outcome make a good combination to a great learning outcomebrbr2 " Teach to the individual no to the curriculum" what does this quote imply about a good learning outcomes?brbrThe said quote only implies that allowing each individuals their sense of individualism and not be controlled in the box of the set curriculum makes them learn more and achieve more
Comment from : @gerelynnaquita9367

SARAH JANE M GAMObr2-A/ Bulalacao ClusterbrbrAnswer:br1 Yes, the issuance of CHED and DEPED learning outcomes must be limited in order for them to be more effectivebrLearning outcomes help faculty and student come to a common understanding about the purpose and goals of a course or academic progam Learning Outcomes are the cornerstones of course design and assessment and help students focus on what is importantbrbr2 "We must teach children rather than just curriculum"brEvery positive change made in a students life is a potential positive change for our world's future Teacher can seek to change the world one student at a time A teacher determined to meet the individual needs of each student will discoverbrSchool curriculum is the guide to inform the teachers what skills must be taught at each grade levelbrThe curriculum will also inform the teachers to create ideas and strategies to assesss student progress
Comment from : @sarahjhaynegamo1277

Comment from : @ejen1703

Amelyn CabachetebrBLOCK2B/SOCORRObr1 I think the learning outcomes should be To not stray from the ideal community that we have for the future, we must have one learning outcome goal in mind that is provided for all but can still give opportunities to empower the different cultures that we have in our COUNTRYbr2 This quote reflects that learning is a lifelong process and implies that every student is unique and no students are dispensable
Comment from : @AmelynCabachete-tv9vq

Rose May Mampustibr2B/Socorrobrbr1 Yes, to have learning outcomes be issued by CHED, but no to have it limited to only what CHED issuedbr2 We must teach children rather than just curriculum • Every positive change made in a student's life is a potential positive change for our world's future Teachers can seek to change the world one student at a time • A teacher determined to meet the individual needs of each student will discover
Comment from : @RoseMayMampusti-ul6mr

GILBERT LAYAG LAMBONbrBSED-ENGLISH/2E12A-POLAbrbr1 Should learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED? No, it is not It is not because learning outcomes should be issued in other institutions as well, including DepEd and TESDA These two institutions meed to be issued by learning outcomes as well because these will help/prepare the learners in higher educationbrbr2 Curriculum is the guide of the learners/individuals in order to learn properly What learners/individuals can do or learned may show the result of the curriculum in their learning It is the individuals/learners should be taught to reflect how good the curriculum and learning outcomes are
Comment from : @gilbertlambon8718

ALYZZA JANE M REANZARES br2-A SOCORRObrbrANSWER:brbr1 It's a yes and no Yes, to have learning outcomes be issued by CHED, but no to have it limited to only what CHED issuedbrbr2 While reading this quotation I realize that not all lessons ordered by the curriculum is requisite in our daily lives or even in our life in the near future This quote really give me a lot of thinking on how am I going to teach someday when I’m on my job Am I going to follow on the curriculum even though I know that it is not relevant on our future life Or should I break the curriculum to give my students the learnings they deserve to know And we all knew that every students deserve to know how they can uplift their skills and talents and to learn something useful on our life someday
Comment from : @AlyzzaJaneReanzares-ks4cy

Lyrah L MacalaladbrBLOCK 2A/SOCORRObrbr1 Yes Learning Outcomes should be limited only to those issued by CHED in order for them to be more effectivebr2 It says that teachers are to meet their students needs to aim and dicover skills they are about to learn Focus on students in the classroom and do not just rely upon the curriculum
Comment from : @LyrahMacalalad-pp1ou

Mascariñas, Renni Rosa Ebr2D/ Socorro ClusterbrbrAnswer:br1 The Philippines is a diverse country It has different religions, languages, cultures, and backgrounds I agree that to keep order in such a country with various communities, there should be one point as to which all the communities should follow However, the unique communities and educational institutions should also attend to their differences in learning That’s why I think that learning outcomes should be limited to one generalized rule but is available to create learning outcomes that are somewhat the same but also differentbrbr2 An individual can learned on their own way, they can provide the expectation you wanted and can apply it in the real world situations The students are different learning process, it is a good way for letting them learn and guide them to be accurate
Comment from : @shairamaedesembrana6115

Aldanne R Pinedabr2-A GLORIA CLUSTER br1 Considering the uniqueness of educational institutions, should learning outcome be limited only to those issued by CHED? brYes, because almost all of the learning outcomes that the student should learn is already given by the CHED brbr2 "Teach to the individual no to curriculum " What does this qoute imply about a good learning outcomes brThis means that as a teacher we should not only base on what is on the curriculum but we should also teach and acknowledge what the students need to learn
Comment from : @AldannePineda-il2zw

Desembrana, Shaira Mae Vbr2D- Socorrobrbr1 Considering the uniqueness of educational institutions, should learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED?br*The distinctive communities and educational institutions ought to pay attention to their students' varying learning styles Because of this, I believe that learning outcomes shouldn't be restricted to a single general principle but rather should allow for the creation of learning outcomes that are both similar and distinct To have CHED issue learning outcomes, but not to have them exclusively those CHED issuedbrbr2 "Teach the individual not to the curriculum" What does this quote imply about a good learning outcome?br*Rather than assigning pages from a textbook or program, teachers guide students through a learning cycle that begins with a clear presentation of grade-appropriate or advanced content in a format that supports and enhances the students’ strengths Students demonstrate their learning through assignments and tasks, and teachers provide specific, supportive, corrective, and timely feedback ensuring that students master the content
Comment from : @shairamaedesembrana6115

Arnel B Monsanto Jr br2E Socorrobrbr1 Philippines is a diverse country with different cultures and backgrounds We are living with communities with a lot of differences in some aspects but with one goal and in order for us to keep regulating, we must follow one rule Although, the unique communities and educational institutions should also attend to their differences in learning so that’s why I think that learning outcomes should be limited to one generalized rules but is available to create learning outcomes that are somewhat the same but also different in way that we have to consider other communities with diverse religions because we all know that also follow other learning outcomes from their beliefs and roots and we have to respect that We must have one learning outcome goal in mind that is provided for all but we can still give opportunities to empower the different cultures that we have in oir country To sum it all up, I am still shaky about answering Yes or No to this question because at some point I agreed on to have learning outcomes to be issued by CHED but not to have it limited to those issued by CHED We must learn to know what to improve and not to Educational institutionsbrbr2 It simply implies that we, teachers have to teach the children not just the curriculum but also teach children how appreciate their fullest potential by not trapping them to the standard of learning to be learned We all know that curriculum is just a guide or a professional tool that needs to be expanded or condensed according to the needs of our students We must learn not to pressure our students because learning with so much pressure can be frustrating that leads to failing grades, if that happens students cannot bloom to the kind of successful individual they are aiming one day When we teach the talented, beautiful child in the classroom with so much passion and not the curriculum on the shelf, that is when a children bloosom and transformation can truly happen
Comment from : @arnelbmonsantojr9465

Jowanna D PacpacobrPulusahi Bongabong Clusterbrbr1 Considering the uniqueness of educational institutions, should learning outcomes be limited only to those issued CHED? Explain your answerbr* Yes, because the goal of CHED is to promotes equal access to education, improved teaching and learning, and curriculum developmentbrbr2 "Teach to the individual no to the curriculum" What does this qoute imply about a good learning outcomes?brbr*Don't just teach the curriculum, teach the students Take the time to listen to them, find their talents, their learning style and their interest After learning more about your students use that information to differentiate your assessments
Comment from : @JowannaPacpaco-lg6we

NELSA N VILLANUEVA br2E12A-POLA br br1Every institutions have their own sets of standards with regards to learning outcomes But having different learning outcomes will lead to different course outcome That’s why, CHED implementing a curriculum guide will lead to uniformity or standard learning and course outcome in different institutions But, having one guide will not be fitted for everyone, so in this case, we cannot assure the good learning outcome for everyone So, as future educator, let us not limit our teaching objective on curriculum, but on learning outcome that is fit for everyone or in case, for individual br br2Teaching based on curriculum might give us a good outcome but not for everyone Different students have their own capabilities in learning That’s why there are times as an educator, that we have to make some adjustments for the sake of every students
Comment from : @NelsaVillanueva-w2y

Katherine Ann L GunaybrB I cluster 2-Bbrbr1Learning outcomes should be limited to one generalized rule but is avaible to create learning outcomes that are somewhat the same but also different, considering our country has different religions, cultures, languages and backgrounds brbr2 It implies that We can learned and provide the expectations we wanted and can apply it in the real world situations We as a students are different learning process, it is a good way for letting us to learn and guide us to be precise
Comment from : @katherineannluha2804

Joan F Tome brGloria ClusterbrbrAnswer:brbr1Philippines is a diverse country It has different religions, languages, cultures, and backgrounds to keep order in such a country with various communities, there should be one point as to which all the communities should follow However, the unique communities and educational institutions should also attend to their differences in learning That’s why learning outcomes should be limited to one generalized rule but it is available to create learning outcomes that are somewhat the same but also differentbrbr2We must teach children rather than just curriculum because every positive change made in a student's life is a potential positive change for our world's future He or She can seek to change the world one student at a time
Comment from : @joantome1006

Erica R Asibr2A/Socorrobrbr1I don't think so, because in an educational institution, a lot of learning outcomes should be considered As a student, i want to have a deeper understanding of the concepts,habilities, and values in any lesson that the teacher gives usbrbr2It implies that a student should be able, empowered, knowledgable, and capable of learning on their own terms The learner's can learn on their own terms, exceed your needs, and apply what they've learned to situations that arise in everyday life
Comment from : @EricaAsi-iq3ej

Geraldine Bagobr2C/Bulalacao ClusterbrAnswer:br1 Considering the uniqueness of educational institutions, should learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED?Explain your answerbr - Yes Learning Outcome should be limited only to those issued by CHEDbut no to have limited only by CHED issued Because everyone has different skills and ability to perform learning outcomesbr2 "Teach to the individual no to curriculum" what does this quote imply about good learning Outcomesbr- i believe that every students has different way of learning, so for me, it is good to let them know and guide them learn
Comment from : @GeraldineBago-xl1ox

Jesabelle P Gabay brPinamalayan cluster pobrPasensya n po nakalimitan kung ilagay mam
Comment from : @JesabelleGabay-dt1yq

Jesabelle P GabaybrBlock:2B 2E11 OnlinebrBSED ENGLISH MAJORbrbrAnswerbr*1Purpose of student learning Outcomes, Explicitly-stated learning goals give student a way to think and talk about what they have learnd They make it easer for student ti"Know what they know" and give student a language to communicate what they know to others brbr2*Describe the measurable skills, abilities, knowledge or values that student should be able to demonstrate as a result of a completing a coure
Comment from : @JesabelleGabay-dt1yq

Jamaica M Comobr2G/SOCORRO brbr1 Yes, these learning outcomes are sufficient for learners to emphasize their knowledge and skills I believe that everyone has a different perspective and interestsbrbr2 A school cannot exist without a curriculum This citation is meant to be very helpful in helping students understand the purpose and objectives of the course by providing clear, comprehensive and excellent learning outcomes
Comment from : @JamaicaComo-li7vz

Callen Grace AynunganbrBANSUD cluster/2E04Bbrbr1For me,my answer is Nobecause CHED is one of the prescribed sources of learning outcomesalso CHED is important because it promotes relevant and quality higher educationbrbr2it implies that individual must be reached,not the curriculumevwry learners have different stages of learning,they can be categorized to 1,2,3,4 rows which measured their learning skillsIf the teacher teach the students in the classroom with care and kindness and patience and not the curriculum on the shelf,I believe that learners blossom and transformation can truly happen
Comment from : @callengraceawang9977

Krystal Jadyhl S Magnayebr2E12A- POLA brbr1 Considering the uniqueness of educational institutions, should learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED? Explain your answerbrbrYes, to have learning outcomes be issued by CHED It is a big help for the teachers as a guide in teaching but no to have it limited to only what CHED issued because we have diverse culture in the Philippines Teachers should teach students how to use their own strengths and points of view to contribute in a diverse working environmentbrbr2 "Teach to the individual no to the curriculum" what does this quote imply about a good learning outcomes? brbrAs an individual we can learn on our own way We can analyze situations and use it in real life Students have different learning techniques and it is essential and good for them to let them learn on there own way but as a teacher we need to guide them
Comment from : @krystalmagnaye5735

NIKKA BALINGASAbrBLOCK 2A- BANSUD CLUSTER brbr1 Considering the uniqueness of educational institutions should learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED? Explain your answerbrbr- If I were to be asked, should learning outcomes be limited to those issued by CHED, my answer is maybe a yes but there are some points that no because I do agree to have learning outcomes issued by CHED but no to have limited to only what CHED issued I do believe that to have an ideal community for the future, we must have one learning outcome goal in mind that is provided for all but can still gives opportunities to empower different cultures that we have in our country If learning outcomes should be limited to those issued by CHED only, maybe it will be given to the teachers again and surely will be added to their workloads again For me, it's not only their duties but also the committee that is fully focused on creating learning outcomes for different communities On the other side, it is good to have a separate committee who are fully devoted in creating learning outcomes for each community because all of the learning outcomes would came from a main goal that is more specific as if approaches each part of the Philippinesbrbr2 " Teach to the individual no to the curriculum" What does this quote imply about a good learning outcomes?brbr- All we know that being a teacher is a noble profession and teaching is the practice implemented by a teacher aimed at transmitting skills to a learner, a student, or any other audience in the context of an educational institution This quotation reminds every educator to teach children rather than just curriculum in a way that they must focus on the important topics to achieve a good learning outcome Always remember that, every positive change made in student's life is a potential positive change for our world's future
Comment from : @DeguzmanNikka-jo5rb

Nancy S,Guro/BongabongbrAnswer:br2Because curriculum is the total of learning outcomes inside or out of shool,thats we have to focus on the student on what their capabilities,, related on the three domains such as cognitive,psychomotor and affective,, these three domains of the student should be developed for their learning outcomes from the curriculum
Comment from : @nancyguro584

Name: Laverna D Llamelo brBlock/cluster: 2G - Socorro brAnswer br1 Considering the uniqueness of educational institutions, should learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED? Explain your answer brFor me, no Because in the Philippines, we have a diverse culture that can be a source of learning outcomes although it is the CHED that handles the education in the country Learning outcomes should have specific goals but not limited by CHEDbr br2 “Teach to the individual no to the curriculum” what does this quote imply about a good learning outcome? brFor me, this statement means that we should teach the children not just the acads but also the life lessons that he can discover We have t get overly personal when we teach like we can share our life story, inspire them to make a change It is easy to teach the knowledge that the curriculum has to offer, but we can also customize our child’s education as a unique individual
Comment from : @lavernallamelo7734

Nancy SGuro/BongabongbrAnswer:br1learning outcomes should not be limited only from CHED but based in our leason there is participation of different agencies like DepEd and TESDA as mentionthere is also a teachers involvement
Comment from : @nancyguro584

Arjay G DelgacobrBlock 2G- Cluster Socorrobrbr1 Yes, to have learning outcomes be issued by CHED, but no to have it limited to only what CHED issued learning Outcome will be beneficial if it is not limited because its must for all educational institutionsbrbr2Children need to be taught, not simply the material Every improvement made to a student's life has the potential to improve ours world's upcoming One student at a time, teachers can work to transform the world A teacher who is committed to meeting the unique requirements of every student will find
Comment from : @arjaydelgaco5177

KATHRICIA KYLA D ANDALbr2A- BANSUD CLUSTERbrbr1 Yes, learning outcomes should be limited only to those issued by CHED inorder for them to create nor make such techniques on making the learners be able to show their abilities and knowledge However, in that way, the uniqueness of educational institution can be much more important and valuable as it was issuedbrbr2 This quote implies that teachers should not teach due to the given curriculum but to teach with purpose They should take responsibility to every learner's interests, strengths, weaknesses, abilities and knowledge that really needs to enhance If teachers know what's their real purpose as one, they will be able to realize that teaching is not just about the curriculum, but also about how and what the learners learned
Comment from : @kathriciakylaandal7579

JOVIE MMARTINEZbr2E12A-POLAbr1 No, learning outcomes should not be limited only to those issued by CHED as every educational institution has its unique context, vision, and mission CHED learning outcomes may provide a guideline, but there may be specific skills and competencies that are relevant to the institution's specialization or student population For example, a university that focuses on business and entrepreneurship may want to incorporate learning outcomes that emphasize innovative thinking and problem-solving skills specific to the field of businessbrbr2 This quote implies that good learning outcomes should be tailored to the individual needs of the learner rather than the standard curriculum format Teachers should consider the student's learning style, background, and interests to maximize their potential For example, if a student excels in art, a good learning outcome would be for them to produce a creative piece of artwork that displays particular skills or techniques that they learned in class
Comment from : @sexydyosa7238

Ma Anjeneth BermudobrEnglish 2-A/Gloria ClusterbrbrAnswer:br1 In my own opinion, learning outcomes should not be limited to those issued by CHED I firmly believe that any institutions that has the same mission and vision to teach the learners may it be issued by Ched or not should have access or right to use learning outcomesbrbr2 In relation to my answer on the 1st question, this quote implies that teaching and learning is limitless As far as the learner's are concerned, their understanding to the lessons and what outcome they will have after is way more important at the end of the day
Comment from : @carlasuzanegomez9345

Name: Jocelyn A LibresbrBSED 2-A (Bansud Cluster)brbrAnswer :br 1Here in our country,CHED is in charge in promoting a proper and quality education,therefore,the learning outcomes should be limited only to those issued by them because they are the one who knows it's importance and benefits not only to the learners but also to the educators to further raise the level of education in our countrybr 2Having a good learning outcomes is based on a proper and patient teaching to every student that aims to discover the ability and talent of each one and give them the opportunity to show it through a meaningful and timely teaching method
Comment from : @jocelynlibres1686

Name: Mararac, Argean D brBlock/Cluster: 2B/Bulalacao brbrAnswer:br1 Learning outcomes helps guide an individual to shape his/her development as student for programs/courses he/she took Learning outcomes should not be limited to only what CHED issued, for an individual to do and perform levels they should be able to reach brbr2 Teaching is a practice performed by a teacher aiming to give knowledge and skills to a learner We should teach an individual, no to the curriculum for them to be able to expand and express their hidden skills/talents Teachers will help an individual to show his/her hidden skills/talents for them to expand their knowledge about it
Comment from : @Claudenesperidion-xg8bz

Liwanag G MalabaybrBlock/Cluster: 2B/Pinamalayan ClusterbrbrAnswersbrbr1 No because limiting the learning outcomes will be a huge downside as some students adapt much faster if you adapt your learning procedure to the level that they can comprehend There are more efficient techniques, methods, and applications to improve ones learning capacity outside of the CHEDs standardbrbr2 What it implies to me is that teachers must not focus only to teach the curriculum by the book but further enhance to which everyone will be capable of adapting and improve oneself faster Sticking to the standard is good but if you can make it better it will be a huge help for the students learning it
Comment from : @LiwanagMalabay

Clauden M EsperidionbrBlock/cluster Bulalacaobrbrbr1Yes, so we can see how the results of the studies provided by CHEd are , but it will not be limited to whatever CHEd is currently releasing In addition educational outcomes is very important because it helps to students learn more effectivelybrbr2we all have our own ability, even if we use it differently, but the result is the same, we all have our own talent in different ways, and everyone who tries in the end becomes accurate because i believe that everything can be done if you work hard
Comment from : @Claudenesperidion-xg8bz

Jennifer M Mercadobr2E12AbrbrAnswers:brbr1Although CHEd has issued some memoranda on the learning outcomes of the students, it does not mean that it should be limited only to those issuances Educational institutions have their own ways and means on how to achieve the learning goals of the students Considering the uniqueness of educational institutions, they have different strategies to address the learning outcomes of the students Localization and contextualization can be applied so that the learnings of the students are suited to their interest and available resources in their localitiesbrbr“Teach to the individual no to curriculum” br2 Every individual can learned on their own way, they can provide the expectation you wanted and can apply it in the real world situations The students are different learning process, it is a good way for letting them learn and guide them to be accurate
Comment from : @jennifermercado4197

JANELLA NICOLE Q CAMAbrBLOCK 2D-SOCORRObrbr1The learning outcomes issued by CHED is such an important tool in learning for it helps the student to achieve the desired learning outcomes but for me we should not limit the learning outcomes of student,we should consider all the strategies or ways of learning for the student to learn effectivelybr2"Teach the student not the curriculum",this quotation implies that we should focus on the student's learning outcomes Every student has it's own way of learning or what we called the multiple intelligence Building connection with the student is very evident,focus on the children and not on the curriculum
Comment from : @janellanicolecama-jx9wl

JANELLA NICOLE Q CAMAbrBLOCK 2D-SOCORRObrbr1The learning outcomes issued by CHED is such an important tool in learning for it helps the student to achieve the desired learning outcomes but for me we should not limit the learning outcomes of student,we should consider all the strategies or ways of learning for the student to learn effectivelybr2"Teach the student not the curriculum",this quotation implies that we should focus on the student's learning outcomes Every student has it's own way of learning or what we called the multiple intelligence Building connection with the student is very evident,focus on the children and not on the curriculum
Comment from : @janellanicolecama-jx9wl

JANELLA NICOLE Q CAMAbrBLOCK 2D-SOCORRObrbr1The learning outcomes issued by CHED is such an important tool in learning for it helps the student to achieve the desired learning outcomes but for me we should not limit the learning outcomes of student,we should consider all the strategies or ways of learning for the student to learn effectivelybr2"Teach the student not the curriculum",this quotation implies that we should focus on the student's learning outcomes Every student has it's own way of learning or what we called the multiple intelligence Building connection with the student is very evident,focus on the children and not on the curriculum
Comment from : @janellanicolecama-jx9wl

LEAH DPICObrBSEd MAth Major (BLOCK 2G)brSocorro ClusterbrbrAnswer:br1 No, because there might be other good points to consider And ponder on the implementation And policies from CHED Given all institutions are unique learning outcomes from different curriculum must not be limited only to CHED recognized institutionsbrbr2 A good learning outcome is seen on the students after finishing a course or curriculum Also we must remember that the curriculum us just a guide on the learnings needed to be acquired yet, it is possible that the learning outcomes might be different from each individual In teaching, the curriculum should also serve as the guide but not the standard on the outcome a student will achieve or reached
Comment from : @leahpico7321

SAET, KRISTEL ANN SbrPINAMALAYAN CLUSTER 2Ebr1 Learning outcomes are specific knowledge, skills, and competencies that students are expected to acquire at the end of a course or program Typically, educational institutions or regulatory bodies like CHED develop these outcomes to ensure graduates possess the necessary knowledge and skills for their chosen careers However, CHED learning outcomes may not fully capture the range of knowledge and skills students acquire during their educational journey, and institutions may have their own unique outcomes that reflect their values Educational quality can't only be measured by learning outcomes; critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills may be developed outside of them Therefore, while CHED learning outcomes are significant, educational institutions should consider their own learning outcomes and other measures of educational qualitybr2Teaching to the individual, not the curriculum, leads to better learning outcomes Tailoring teaching to each student's needs, interests, and abilities creates a personalized and engaging experience, resulting in deeper learning, increased motivation, and better retention of knowledge A curriculum-focused approach may be inflexible and fail to engage students, leading to a one-size-fits-all approach that limits potential Therefore, teaching to the individual is crucial for achieving good learning outcomes
Comment from : @kristelannsaet5323

NAME: Jinky D MorcillabrCLUSTER: Pulosahi-BongabongbrbrAnswer:br1 Yes, in order to them to improve efficiency and effective in terms of promoting equal access to education, improved teaching, learning and curriculum to give high quality educationbr2 The qoute implies that teachers not just teach the curriculum, they teach the student/children
Comment from : @jinkydetorres7930

Emy Ann Olabr2G-Socorrobr1 I agree that learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED so it create a different ways of understanding and applying thembr2 It implies that teacher should create an environment or room for learners that will help them enhance their skills, and knowledge not just based and relying upon the curriculum
Comment from : @EmyAnnOla-cx6qz

Billy Vhoi M PanchobrBlock 2G brSocorro Cluster brbr1 A varied nation, the Philippines It has numerous different languages, cultures, and historical backgrounds I concur that there should be a single principle that all communities in such a country with diverse communities should adhere to in order to maintain order So should learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED? My response is yes, CHED should give learning outcomes, but no, they shouldn't be restricted to what CHED issues One of the Philippines' best qualities is the variety of its cultures; to depart from this line and deny that we have a wide range of culturesbrbrbr2 You can expect people to learn in their own ways, meet your expectations, and apply what they've learned to real-world situations Given that every student has a unique learning process, it is a great method for guiding students to learn and be exact
Comment from : @BillyVhoiPancho-yz8wo

Name: Mararac, Argean D brBlock/Cluster: 2B/Bulalacao brbrAnswer:br1 Learning outcomes helps guide an individual to shape his/her development as student for programs/courses he/she took Learning outcomes should not be limited to only what CHED issued, for an individual to do and perform levels they should be able to reach brbr2 Teaching is a practice performed by a teacher aiming to give knowledge and skills to a learner We should teach an individual, no to the curriculum for them to be able to expand and express their hidden skills/talents Teachers will help an individual to show his/her hidden skills/talents for them to expand their knowledge about it
Comment from : @ArgeanMararac-qf7wy

Russel MJayagbrBSED 2-D BANSUD CLUSTERbrAnswerbr1 I agree to that to keep in order in such country with various communities ,there should be one point as to which all the communities should followHowever,the unique communities and educational institutions should also attend to their differences in learningThat's why I think that learning outcomes should be limited to one generalized rule but is available to create learning outcomes that are somewhat the same but also differentMy answer would be yes to have learning outcomes issued by CHED but no to have it limited to only what CHED issuedThe various cultures that the Phillipines have is one of its best traits ,and to stray away from the path that we have diverse cultures,we'd be highlighting one page of the book when there's a whole adventure in the following pagesbrbr2 This qoute means that the teacher must teach student rather than just the curriculumEvery positive change made in a student life is a potential positive changes for our worlds futureTeachers can seek to change the world one student at a timeEvery student is unique and no student os dispensableEach person has valuable potential to offer societyTeachers should strive to reach each student with the needed informationWe seek to help each student reach their full potential and to discover their personal designWe must teach children rather than just curriculum
Comment from : @RusseLJayag-th2np

Mary Joy T AquinobrBlock 3Cbrbr1 Yes, to have learning outcomes be issued by CHED, but No to have it limited to only what CHED issuedbrbr2 An individual can learned on their own way they can provide the expectation you wanted and can apply it in the real world situations The students arw different learning process, it is a good way for letting them learn and guide them to be accurate
Comment from : @MaryJoyAquino-tv8wh

Lety I MortelbrLabasan Clusterbrbr1Considering the uniqueness of educational institution, should learning outcomes should be limited only to those who issued by Commission on Higher Education? brbrAnswer: No, because for me even the Commission on Higher Education is the most relevant institution to provide quality education for the better learning outcomes, there are some cases that students could learned a lot through observations in different aspects were they can experience it themselves and its a big help for them to have a good laerning outcomes without referring to the given curriculum guidebrbr2 " Teach to the individual not to the curriculum" What does this qoute imply about the good learning outcome?brbr Answer: We can also taught children even we can't base to the given curriculum, through sharing our own good experiences with them, have a little motivation to improve themselves, to have a good learning outcome
Comment from : @littlemangyan1

Marsha Melanie MRadabrBlock/ cluster Gloria Omi brbr1Yes learning outcomes helps assess and compare every student's achievements records to be decide their course of action in a new environment Additionally,institution can compare themselves by checking to see what outcomes they have in common and work the areas to improvebrbrbr2We must teach children rather than just curriculumEvery positive change for our world's futureTeachers can seek to change the world one student at a timeA teacher determined to meet individual needs of each student will discover
Comment from : @MarshaMangi-wv2gn

ELIANA HAMLOY DAAYbr2A/SANROQUEbrbr1Not because I think that learning outcomes should be limited to one generalized rule but is Available to create learning outcomes that are some what the same but also differentbrbr2Base on my idea the curriculum will also inform the teacher to create ideas and strategies to assess student progress
Comment from : @Daay-ii7rk

Name: Morena Cabansag SalmorinbrBlock/Cluster: Polusahi-BongabongbrQuestion: Considering the uniqueness of educational instituions,should learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED?explain your answerbrbrAnswer: For its a YES,because every educational institutions have their own vision and mission statement,philosophy and core values These institutional outcomes are supposed to take flesh in every graduate and makes it as a reflection of their learning outcomesThe realization of the learning outcomes leads to the attainment of the course outvomes,program and institutional outcomesbrbrQuestion #2: "Teach the individual not to the cirriculum"What does this quote imply about a hood learning outcomes?brbrAnswer: The quote simply said that,as a teacher we must teach the individual according to what their needs as student that will help them to be a better individual including the effectiveness of the dimensions of life that need to be learn by the students or the learnersAs a teacher,curriculum is our guide to teach students but we must consider that we will only teach student to become knowledgeable one but of course,we teach them to become a good human person
Comment from : @jaysondominguez3352

NAME : HANNAH JOY A RAMOSbrBLOCK/CLUSTER: 2B - POLA CLUSTERbrANSWER:br1 Considering the uniqueness of educational institutions, should learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED? Explain your answerbrbr— As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions, but I can provide information on the topicbrCHED (Commission on Higher Education) is a governing body that sets the standards for higher education institutions in the Philippines It outlines the learning outcomes that students should achieve upon completing a particular program or course of study However, educational institutions are not limited to these learning outcomes Learning outcomes are only a guide or a benchmark that institutions use to ensure that their programs meet the minimum standards set by CHEDbrInstitutions can go beyond these standards and develop their own unique learning outcomes that are tailored to their students' needs and their institution's mission Institutions can develop their learning outcomes to address the specific needs of their students and communities For example, a school in a rural area may have different learning outcomes than a school in an urban area The school in the rural area may focus on agriculture, while the school in the urban area may focus on business and entrepreneurshipbrbr2 "Teach to the individual no to the curriculum" What does this quote imply about a good learning outcomes?brbr— The quote "Teach to the individual not to the curriculum" suggests that the focus of education should be on the individual student, rather than on a standardized curriculum In other words, teachers should tailor their teaching methods to meet the unique needs and learning styles of each student, rather than simply following a pre-determined curriculum This approach to education is based on the idea that every student has their own strengths, weaknesses, interests, and learning styles Therefore, a good learning outcome would be one that acknowledges and accommodates these individual differences A good learning outcome would be student-centered, rather than teacher-centered It would be designed to help each student achieve their full potential by building on their strengths, addressing their weaknesses, and catering to their individual learning styles A good learning outcome would also be flexible, allowing for adjustments to be made based on each student's progress and needs It would not be a one-size-fits-all approach but rather a personalized approach that considers the unique needs and circumstances of each student
Comment from : @hannahjoyramos5449

SHEENA MAY S EGUILLONbrENGLISH 2A BULALACAObrbr1Yes, to have learning outcomes be issued by CHED, but no to have it limited to only what CHED issued Because the various cultures that the Philippines have is one of its best traits, and to stray away from the path that we have diverse culturesbrbr2 Learning outcomes are the knowledge, skills, and values The institution’s vision and mission statements are a relevant source of student learning expectations Student need to feel like individuals
Comment from : @sheenaeguillon4126

Berlyn Aberte TagalogbrBSED-English 2 E SOCCORObrbrbr1*I agree that to keep order in such a country with various communities, there should be one point as to which all the communities should follow However, the unique communities and educational institutions should also attend to their differences in learning That’s why I think that learning outcomes should be limited to one generalized rule but is available to create learning outcomes that are somewhat the same but also differentbrbr2*An individual can leamed on their own way, they can provide the expectation you wanted and can apply it in the real world situations The students are different learning process, it is a good way for letting them learn and guide them to be accurate
Comment from : @BerlynTagalog

Teresa Mayo ReanzaresbrBSED-ENGLISHbrPINAMALAYAN CLUSTERbrbr1 Considering the uniqueness of educational institutions should learning outcomes be limited only to those issued by CHED ? Explain your answerbrbrAnswers: My answer would be yes and no Yes, to have learning outcomes be issued by CHED, but no to have limited to only what CHED issued Because the various cultures that the Philippines have is one of its best traits, and to stray away from the path that we diverse cultures, the we'd be highlighting one page of the book when there's a whole adventure in the following pagesbrbr2 "Teach to the individual no to the curriculum"What does this quote imply about a good learning outcomes?brbrAnswer: We must teach children rather than just curriculum Every positive change made in a student's life is a potential positive change for our world's future Teachers can seek to change the world one student at a time A teacher determined to meet the individual needs of each student will discover multiple creative teaching methods, and could become one of the most valued teachers in the school Teachers, who expect certain students to fail, limit their opportunities to find creative solutions to unique learning situations
Comment from : @teresareanzares7861

Jonelyn B IndapbrBlock 2B/Socorro brbr1 It explain about the curriculum issued by CHEdI think yes, because it help every individual or student to improve their learning and the development of a curriculumbrbr2This quote implies that every student/individual has different skills and knowledge For example you are handled a English curriculum, there's a student who are difficult in reading,pronouncing, reciting or writing a paragraph so you need to give attention to their weaknesses not only what you are teaching about Build your students to understand what are you teaching
Comment from : @jonelynindap6732

Name: Michelle L Mendoza brBlock/ Cluster : 2E SocorrobrbrAnswer br1 Considering the uniqueness of educational institution should learning outcome be limited only to those issued by CHED? Explain your answer ? brIn my opinion Yes because everything that stated there was proven and tested that will help learners on thier educational experiences it will shape individuals' technical, personal and social skills and it is all for the sake of learners to become profesional and globally competitive brbr2 Teach to the individual no to the curriculum What does this quote imply about a good learning outcomes?brIn my opinion it will be helpful for the student to teach individual learning style because everyone has thier own style of learning ,everyone has unique learning ability , strenght ,creative ideas and geniuses on its own way the teachers contribute positive change in thier student life and better future while the curiculum is only a profesional teaching tool
Comment from : @michellemendoza268


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