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How To Build Wealth In Your Teens

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Title :  How To Build Wealth In Your Teens
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Comments How To Build Wealth In Your Teens

How many teens are here in 2025?br2:35 💀
Comment from : @teensdollar

I'm just 10 when i first time saw this but now I'm 15 time flies
Comment from : @GIGACHAD-w4m

I am very young but always had a thought about becoming a model, once an agency reached out and asked me if I wanted to model for them Is modelling a good choice for a teen job?
Comment from : @Gamesanddolls22

Here right now with my first check
Comment from : @EverlastingLore

Using your hands so much when you speak is ignorant Learn how to speak properly
Comment from : @BANE2025

The only video on yt whom I understood complete btw I am an Indian 🤙😉
Comment from : @Prateek_Jha_007

Wdym bro I was born in 1913
Comment from : @sarahwillpost

Thank you so much, it’s very valuable your recommendations
Comment from : @mealiksoto

I’ll listen to the books and come back
Comment from : @yourkid1259

love this, i also post tips
Comment from : @JackMainRules

bruh i dont get people hating schools in comments if you werent taught science at school your outlook would be narrow
Comment from : @dopeloverdamily

I’am 12, does this work for me
Comment from : @GodofScience415

this is kind of stupid he doesn't say who the books are by
Comment from : @Ment1t

Damn am i the only one in 2024 here
Comment from : @fridahereni1097

what should i do about my student loans, i have 30k to pay off, im 23 and with my partner we are saving to buy a house, i can save about 300-400 pounds a week, should i invest as much as possible instead of paying the loan and make more than it costs me or focus all my savings on paying it off, or save for a house deposit and do that first im so lost
Comment from : @joshm697

This video is ahead of its time
Comment from : @ea2169

I’m 19 years old still living with my parents and just graduated high school does this still apply to me?
Comment from : @Cherubim555

"since your a teenager —"brme having debt and bad grades bcus of mental health XD still I'm grateful
Comment from : @xZieiqps2-hejks

im trying trading at 13 ive so far made a bit of profit, could you give me some tips?
Comment from : @Jhope100

Im and i am washeng ths
Comment from : @deemasupera408

Awesome T rex Skull bye the way!
Comment from : @UKf1t

I'm 13
Comment from : @SamBoy-13

The only thing i do not agree with is the roth ira When im 60, what is the point of having a million dollars on top of all my investments and assests?
Comment from : @NJ-500

The think and grow rich movie is also really good
Comment from : @themotivationdude162

Now the hard part is actually doing it :>]
Comment from : @Soccerexgaming

I’m 16 ion want to be in my dads situation living paycheck to paycheck and I’m thinking about real estate
Comment from : @carter8779

Learning how to Invest as a teen is the key to building long lasting wealth A Teenager’s Guide on how to Invest Like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger teaches the principles to their investment success
Comment from : @Historyteacheraz

This is excellent content, through and through A similar book I devoured was equally inspiring "Mastering Money Mindfulness" by Benjamin Hawk
Comment from : @BobF510

Dont forget to read rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki My high school's library has copies so im sure others probably do too
Comment from : @Thecircustapes

Thanks a bunch, Graham! I have the wish to become wealthy I want to prove extremely educated people who looked down on me that I can achieve wealth without college
Comment from : @WIDOMU

I am 16 watching this
Comment from : @Urvashigoutam

We have been on a recession since the beginning of 2022, but big media and governments all over the world didn’t want to admit it We need to be wise and use our brains Knowledge is power and I’d like all the family to be powerful! Just purchased some bVRI TOKEN/b Thanks for keeping us informed during this times of doubt?
Comment from : @Hamzaayazofficial

Making money is not the same as keeping it there is a reason why investments aren't well taught in schools, the examples you gave are well stationed, the market crisis gave me my first millions in bitcoin trading, people shy away from hard times, I embrace them well at least bVRI TOKEN/b does lol
Comment from : @Fatih_spor

Interesting talk about bVRI TOKEN/b I suggest anyone to listen to the guy talking about it in the video Personally I didn't think they would really do that but seems like the launch just happened and there are enough slots available, could be worth huh
Comment from : @tahacubukcu-df6jn

I still think bVRI TOKEN/b has a great future because it's owned by VRI Also I don't hear anyone about DFI? Taking the biggest blow right now From 5000 euros to 330 will this still work out in the future? And since BTC will fall even further I think we haven't seen the bottom yet!
Comment from : @eminzeyrek1330

Can't deny the fact that bVRI TOKEN/b has the strongest bet to bring lights back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on Sure if they fail it's done for good but the pressure is too high and I think they will keep proper liquidity rather than these others Don't see them going bankrupt any time soon
Comment from : @yigithanakdemir1813

It is important for beginners in trading and investing to understand that success in these fields requires more than just technical analysis Emotional maturity and self-discipline are equally important, as they enable traders to make rational decisions even during periods of market volatility This means that consistently investing over a long period of time is generally more effective than trying to time the market by buying and selling based on short-term market fluctuations Learning is crucial for success in trading and investing Keeping up with current trends and strategies can help traders stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions I'm glad to hear that bVRI TOKEN/b insights and strategies have been helpful to most of us Remember, success in trading and investing takes time and effort, but with dedication and discipline, it is achievable
Comment from : @Subhdhfmfjnfi

For the most time of this year if you would invest into anything it is not doing very well I mean that's pretty obvious But the launch of bVRI TOKEN/b plays a different game and it is less affected by such moves as the utility is simply too strong Just my bet
Comment from : @child12-o3d

The fact is that BTC symbolizes the future of cryptocurrency, and traders are wondering if now is the best moment to trade, I feel you should examine the situation more closely before jumping to any conclusion BTC's price has been fluctuating over the previous days, signaling that the market has become unstable and that is it impossible to anticipate whether it will go bearish or bullish Others are patient, while others continue to trade with no risk It all depends on the pattern you're trading and the source of your signal, i earned 27BTC starting with 36 BTC in just a few weeks implementing bVRI TOKEN/b daily trades I managed to collect more than tips and tricks
Comment from : @S2gmamoke

I dunno… I was one of those people that didn’t care about a credit score, didn’t get any education about how important your credit score is, and I racked up debt like an idiot I worked really hard and educated myself and I’ve brought my credit score from 480 to 732 and I’m still going up with bVRI TOKEN/b I feel like the government blaming credit reporting companies instead of the lack of financial education in their own public education system is foolish
Comment from : @orhanaydn-cu9fd

Credit scores are just a form of federal control, so if you want to continue living a good life? it’s important to have a high score My house and vehicles are paid off, I have one Visa card for all purchases, which gives me air miles, and I pay it off monthly, but my score bounces between 800 and 820 without changing any of my patterns, so it’s manipulated for some reason bVRI TOKEN/b made it stay at that range and getting it up
Comment from : @mesudecelik373

I think you literally just saved my life Leo, I’ve been struggling to find a way out I’m currently an NA waiting to get certified because of covid and stuff but I support myself and my grandma I don’t have anyone to turn to for help, I’ve been trying to save but I can’t because of bills and renting my apartment and everything But this, literally helped me look to a brighter future My grandma is crippled so she cannot do work or anything Most people have parents to turn to but I don’t talk to my mom or dad This literally helped me so much because since i met bVRI TOKEN/b the real issue i have about debt was solve in some weeks am sure before Feb of my birthday i will be home owner
Comment from : @anlozdoramac8123

I am a longtime user of your investment software program It is a very useful bit of software, and saves me tons of time at tax time each year Thanks for the great support over the years, keep this good thing going, bVRI TOKEN/b is amazing hands down the best
Comment from : @Muti2121

I drove my first car in my dad's name and later went to get a truck in mine after I paid off my first one and drove off the lot with the truck I wanted, its mostly about a good credit score and a loan portfolio helps as welllenders like to see various forms of loans in your name to be less of a risk and yes you might have to put money down but not HALF of the car loan Your exactly right I screwed my credit as a young man now I own a detailing company and can't get anything with out the full amount of cash I'm working on my credit to get better with bVRI TOKEN/b , Love the knowledge keep it up
Comment from : @JUSTDREAM40

Credit scores are just a form of federal control, so if you want to continue living a good life? it’s important to have a high score My house and vehicles are paid off, I have one Visa card for all purchases, which gives me air miles, and I pay it off monthly, but my score bounces between 800 and 820 without changing any of my patterns, so it’s manipulated for some reason bVRI TOKEN/b made it stay at that range and getting it up
Comment from : @damlanurkaks9736

I dunno… I was one of those people that didn’t care about a credit score, didn’t get any education about how important your credit score is, and I racked up debt like an idiot I worked really hard and educated myself and I’ve brought my credit score from 480 to 732 and I’m still going up with bVRI TOKEN/b I feel like the government blaming credit reporting companies instead of the lack of financial education in their own public education system is foolish
Comment from : @haribo9460

At 34 years old I finally feel ready to settle down long enough to buy a house Unfortunately due to previous horrible stupid life decisions, I'm forced to start with a zero balance in my savings account On the bright side, the huge amount of debt - consequence of those bad decisions will be payed off next month,It's never too late to start saving like there's no tomorrow, and I'm really REALLY excited and motivated Oh and Graham, fyi my emergency fund is also a done deal! by bVRI TOKEN/b lol, i didn't made it myself
Comment from : @osmanboz7529

I drove my first car in my dad's name and later went to get a truck in mine after I paid off my first one and drove off the lot with the truck I wanted, its mostly about a good credit score and a loan portfolio helps as welllenders like to see various forms of loans in your name to be less of a risk and yes you might have to put money down but not HALF of the car loan Your exactly right I screwed my credit as a young man now I own a detailing company and can't get anything with out the full amount of cash I'm working on my credit to get better with , Love the knowledge keep it up bVRI TOKEN/b
Comment from : @ejderoyunda6812

I think you literally just saved my life Leo, I’ve been struggling to find a way out I’m currently an NA waiting to get certified because of covid and stuff but I support myself and my grandma I don’t have anyone to turn to for help, I’ve been trying to save but I can’t because of bills and renting my apartment and everything But this, literally helped me look to a brighter future My grandma is crippled so she cannot do work or anything Most people have parents to turn to but I don’t talk to my mom or dad This literally helped me so much because since i met bVRI TOKEN/b the real issue i have about debt was solve in some weeks am sure before Feb of my birthday i will be home owner
Comment from : @aaaaaa038

Don't be convinced that all hope is lost at your hard time,I had a ugly beginning to start binary option,until I met bVRI TOKEN/b ,trust me if there is anything I'll guarantee you is maximum profit with minimum capital, Mr Tom is a binary option trader who trade on basis with good profit If you’re struggling to survive or you need money to start up your personal business, the opportunity is here waiting to be embraced
Comment from : @utbol2354

success usually comes to those who are looking for it Opportunities don't happen, you create them That is why I created this wonderful opportunity for my future by investing with *VRI TOKEN* actually the best I have encountered since i started my quest for online investment I started with him and got my withdrawal exactly when he said it will be I have made over $20,000 since my investment with him
Comment from : @songulelinc5169

Excellent video per usual I deeply respect how you keep emotion out of your analysis and outlook of the market, yet at the same time, work hard to create top-notch quality videos that are always so engaging Recently I have been executing decent volumes of trade making a great ROI with strategy and insights from bVRI TOKEN/b and its been an amazing feeling doing it MYSELF I have over 28million and it keeps growing with his approach One has to work on! Time in the market vs timing the market If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm!
Comment from : @cnarkangal9181

Idk about price, but I'm going with bVRI TOKEN/b I feel that regardless of gains and losses my funds are safe
Comment from : @zaferbatuhandurak5807

Super hyped for bVRI TOKEN/b , a L3 DEX with native swaps between BTC, ETH, USDT, etc (No more wrapped IOU's and massive gas fees)They use lightning and connext state channels which allow for zero gas fees, fast finality, and increased privacy Main net coming supposedly soon, easy 100x
Comment from : @yunusemrectak5311

Big ups and big love for the awesome daily content Because inflation devalues your savings, it compels everyone to be an investor Meaning you need to preoccupy yourself or offload your time/energy to the study of investment opportunities both of which are very costly Thanks to VRI TOKEN for showing me the appropriate way to get into bitcoin investing and trading with her trade signal and investing guidelines Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs timing the market If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some months I was making a lot more money 13btc lately and have continued on that same path with VRI TOKEN
Comment from : @zehirlikobra6523

My heart goes to the entire community for bVRI TOKEN/b building up something even my grandpa can understand This is so smart by them to launch it to shatter the doubts and fears of the common folk which is not even correct to begin with Everyone knows the state of inflation and recession now and the way out is already in progress Now it's just about catching the big fish
Comment from : @mertergun-ux6pm

The best comes unexpected and this is bVRI TOKEN/b which is completely changing the course of the game here They are offering a product which makes sense and will be used in far more ways than just hoping for quick rich stuff This is how it should be and how it will be in the future and it is a big leap forward to making this whole industry somewhat believable
Comment from : @zehraozmen2562

Can't deny the fact that bVRI TOKEN/b is the strongest bet to bring power back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on Sure if they fail it's done for good, but I don't see that the biggest tech company in the world would put everything at risk just for that
Comment from : @hikmetozer1286

Interesting , a number of the most eminent market experts have been expressing their views on the severity of the impending economic downturn and the extent to which equities might plummet This is because the economy is heading towards a recession and inflation is persistently above the Federal Reserve's 2 target As I'm aiming to create a portfolio worth no less than $850,000 before I turn 60, I would appreciate any advice on potential investments, lookup bVRI TOKEN/b
Comment from : @mustafademir1332

It's been dumping and pumping in this range for ages! It's technically just going sideways, sideways means generally stagnant More emphasis should be put into day trading, as it less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market Trading has been going smooth for me as I was able to raise over 121 BTC when I started at 25 BTC in just few weeks implementing bVRI TOKEN/b daily trading signals and strategy
Comment from : @KORKUSUZ_BEBEK

Bitcoin has been a resilient and valuable asset, and it will continue to shape finance Some say bitcoin's performance is tied to the stock market, but I disagree Bitcoin's unique properties make it a great hedge against inflation, regardless of the stock market Because bitcoin has a limited supply and is decentralized, it can't be manipulated or controlled like fiat currencies This gives me confidence to trade the assets, and it's only a matter of time before bitcoin outperforms every other asset I've amassed 23 BTC trading with bVRI TOKEN/b in less than a month
Comment from : @emiratalay5834

People without social skills like me are livin in hardcore mode rn because prettymuch everything that will get you successful is socializing 💀 help me
Comment from : @DARKAURA999

Great Video! Thank you!
Comment from : @arsenalforeverwithfink

Im sorry for being late but im reading the How to Win Friends and Influence People
Comment from : @nytrowgen2889

Read the book 10 years later I finished the book😂😂
Comment from : @EdwardReacts-rf9ok

Always the underrated creators that help the most
Comment from : @StealthySpector

I don’t know what I should do for online money!! Any ideas??
Comment from : @CbOD265

13 and dreaming a life full of luxury vacations, I bwill/b find a way to make money at this young age and save for my future alongside with helping out my parents
Comment from : @rubyydeee

No I'm really 16
Comment from : @zahrakamish8821

Your videos are very useful and provide lots of information I have received lots of help after watching this post, please continue to share this kind of information Thank you
Comment from : @henrythomas7112

Great video man, thank you
Comment from : @officialisaacbilbao

Literally 10 hours later I have finished think and grow rich
Comment from : @crafty_cosplay_girl_9168

Comment from : @daddaybigmacwiththed8964

i'm 17 and i saved up 4k and i work a part time job
Comment from : @Vickysojkova

The caption is in Korean
Comment from : @gmo5679

My name is Anderson I’m 14 and I was recently diagnosed with autism I eventually figured out that I have a strong suit with money and I’m trying to become the next owner of jail Parker plumbing a family business but I mainly want to open up a real estate company that works on rentals and other commercial buildings
Comment from : @Anderson-hv2rs

Those watching this in 2023, like up future millionaires
Comment from : @meetjesse8380

buying those books with my new credit card lol
Comment from : @rov3gaming46

Comment from : @mellowkidd

'Everyone' I recommend You 'ALL' to buy this book calledbr RICH DAD POOR DAD
Comment from : @ToriSquadGames

I'm 18 and I want to be a millionaire
Comment from : @Rojina_7373

I’m a senior and what I’m doing is every paycheck I pull out 20 in cash and once I’m home I put that 20 in a jar and I build that jar up and that’s my spending money And rest goes in savings which is usually 100-150 plus depending on my hours of work So I’ve gotten real good at saving more while also having spending money on the side since I’m a teenager and like spending cash💀
Comment from : @cameronrutan6922

It's true guys, especially in getting a experience, it's one of the best source of knowledge as Albert Einstein states it THANK YOU FOR THIS INFORMATIVE VIDEO!!!
Comment from : @yassersalindab4353

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